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Chapter 6.

Faculties of Education Development Plan

6.1 The Current Situation
1. Background
The Faculty of Education is one of the three original faculties of Souphanouvong University.
Now, there are six faculties. Our vision is "Educating the student with quality instructors and local
The Faculty of Education conducts the bachelor curriculum; The curriculum aims to produce
technicians with all the requirements of a teacher professionally such as the Code of Ethics,
Morals, Diligence of Teaching Profession, producing the researcher and providing academic
service to the community
2. Vision
The Faculty of Education has as its vision for the year 2030 "to become a center of excellence
for education professional development and production for sustainable development" as well as
moving our faculty as a center of excellence in mathematics pedagogy"
3. Mission
The Faculty of Education supports the Academic development and application in real
instruction to achieve the following components of its mission.
1) Providing the degree of bachelor of education in programs
2) Teacher and educational entrepreneur development
3) Professional research and development
4) Academic service for the community
5) Faculty administration development
6) Conservation and support of local culture as a unique nationalist and globalist
7) Preparation for linking with regional and international institute
4. Teaching and Administrative Staff
The Faculty of Education has a totally of 65 lecturers (21 women included), there are 26
lecturer who holding with bachelor's degrees (13 women included), 38 with master's degrees (8
women included), and 1 with a doctoral degree.
Besides this, we also have 2 master and 3 Ph.D. candidate.

80 Lecturer

Female Male Total
The Lecturer degree
20 13
10 0 1 0 3 0 2
Doctoral Master Bachelor Ph.D Master
Cadidate candidat
Female 0 8 13 0 0
Total 1 38 26 3 2

In the academic year of 2021-2022, the total number of students in the faculty was 151 (76
women included). Since establishing the faculty 17 years ago, we have produced 14 cohorts of
graduates to serve the community. The total number of alumni is 3,280, including 1,517 women.

2021 60
2020 58
2019 64
2018 97
2017 138
2016 101
2015 96
2014 139
269 Female
2013 141
314 Total
2012 135
2011 188
2010 162
2009 70
2008 68

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

5. Department and program
The faculty has consisted of 3 pedagogical departments, including language pedagogy,
natural science pedagogy, and social science pedagogy. Instruction is provided to 7 pedagogy
programs, including English, Lao literature, mathematics, physics, chemistry, political science,
and ICT. Our instruction is concentrated on the 3 Principles and 5 Characteristics of Lao education
issued by the ministry. All students should learn 3 fields of knowledge disciplinary, pedagogy, and
environment and then be able to apply them to their daily life, innovating new knowledge, and
being able to think critically.

Faculty of Education

Dept of Natural Science Dept of Social Science

Dept of Languges
Pedagogy Pedagogy

Program of Math Program of English Program of Political


Program of Chemistry Program of Lao and Liturature

Program of Physics

Program of ICT

6. Cooperation and Network

- Cooperation with all stakeholders either public or private sector in local and provincial
- Cooperation with Teacher Training College and other faculty of education of 4
University, Faculty of Social Science for Academic exchange and curriculum
development and scientific research on educational
- Cooperation with Korean National University of Education (KNUE), Konkaen University
and Nakonpathom University (Thailand) for academic exchange, conference and
curriculum development

7. Scientific research and Publication

- 5 Research projects funded by the Lao government for 2020
- 2 Research projects funded by ADB via the Second Strengthen for Higher Education
Project (SSHEP) for 2020
- 4 Research projects funded by the Lao government for 2020
- The number of publications on the international Journal are 15 papers
6.2 Environmental Analysis (SWOT Analyzation)
Strengths Weaknesses
- The faculty has a clarify strategic for - The smaller number of Doctoral degrees
development lecturer
- the faculty has a national outline and - Non modern classroom and Laboratory
enough textbook to support the instruction - Some of program curriculum are generalist
- High professional Lecturer and experts in but not specific concentrate to the practical
disciplinary - Lack of Science Lab, Physics, Chemistry
- Enough of classroom, library, sport and Studio
complex and facility for instruction
Opportunities Threats
- The government recognized and valuing to - The number of students is decreasing
support the human resource development - Some program has to drop its instruction
- The faculty are located in the downtown due to the decreasing of students
and community
- The academic training for the lecture to
improve themselves are often provided
- The grant for scientific research and
scholarship of often opened
- The cooperation with other institute
causing the opportunity for lecturer to their
education degrees

6.3 The Faculty Development Plan

1. Strategic Plan
1) Promoting students' admission
2) Improving instruction quality
3) Supporting scientific research and academic service
4) Developing the administration system
5) Expanding the infrastructure and facility
6) Supporting internal and regional cooperation
2. Staff development Plan
The statistics of the lecturers in the faculty show that the lowest numerous of Doctoral and
Master's Degree that was not responded to the national regulation 1:6:3 (1 Doctoral: 6 Master: 3
There are many of lecturers who want to improve their degrees while the number of the
available scholarship are too less;
As mentioned in the strategic plan, we expect to achieve the staff development pan at the
number of 23 master and 25 doctoral degrees as the following chart:

33 3 33 3 3 3 3

22 2 22 2 2
1 1 1


2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030
Master 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 1
Doctoral 3 1 3 4 2 2 2 2 3 3

No Degrees Scholarship Amount Total Amount

1 Master 23 1.900 43.700
2 Doctoral 25 2.900 72.500
3 Professional Training 2/year 3.500 7.000
Total 123.000

3. Faculty and Curriculum development

 Trend of student
Female Total
2021-2022 76 151
142 282
2019-2020 209 428
258 547
2017-2018 309 737
374 847
2015-2016 407 892
447 975
2013-2014 482 969
485 1018
2011-2012 525 1123
570 1176
2009-2010 731 1453
605 1251
2007-2008 558 1151
426 849
2005-2006 301 618
170 404
2003-2004 100 234
The above statistics show the trend of total students along with the labor needed in the
economic system. The number of new students has been decreasing in the last couple of years due
to the current programs not responding to the needs of a new context; therefore, the faculty are in
the process of researching the labor demands and economic context to create a new curriculum
and transform the faculty;
Now the University has issued the agreement to study of the possibility to transform the
Faculty of Education to become Faculty of Science and Technology, which will involve
developing a new curriculum on the campus as follows
Active Curriculum Planned Curriculum
Faculty of Education Faculty of Science and Technology
 Program of Mathematics  Program of Multimedia Technology
 Program of Physics
 Program of Information Technology
 Program of Chemistry
 Program of ICT  Program of Chemistry / Cosmetics Technology
 Program of English  Program of Physics / Science Ed
 Program of Lao Langues  Program of Biology Technology
 Program of Politics  Program of Microbiology Technology
 Program of Mathematics

4. Facilities Development Plan

The faculty needs more development of infrastructure and facilities, including modern
buildings, a computer room, a chemistry and physics lab as the following table:
No List Unit Budget ($)
1 Classroom restruction 9 18.000
2 Computer Room 2 12.000
3 Chemist Lab 1 10.000
4 Physic Lab 1 10.000
Total 50.000

5. Scientific Research and Publication Plan

The faculty are encouraging its lecturer to work on the Scientific research and publication as
a main role for lecturer at the University; therefore we has to be seeking for a grant to support this
sector as mentioned below
Year 2022- Budget/project Total
No List Unit/year
2025 ($) ($)
1 Research Project 7 35 822 28.770
2 Publication 7 35 18 630
3 Textbook writing 7 35 441 15.435
Total 44.835

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