10 Module (Orange) : (What I Know) Pre-Test Opportunities Challenges

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Media and Information Literacy

Second Semester / Fourth Quarter

S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Name of Self – Learning Kit : Opportunities and Challenges in Media and Information
SLK Number & Module Number : SLK # 3 – Module 10
Weeks Covered : Week 10



Efficient Communication Fake News
Job Opportunities Unreliable Source
Freedom of Expression Cybercrime
Access to Medical Experts Mental Issues
Marketing Illegal Content


1. What is the message of this cartoon?
The message in the cartoon tells how the media is sometimes hesitating to tell the truth
because of the political officials and the power they hold. The media/Internet is
controlled by politics to stop prevailing the truth to the people, it can be called as media

2. Is this situation about media depicted in the cartoon true in the Philippines? Why?
Yes. Politicians here in the Philippines have all the power to what only be revealed because they
are afraid to ruin the position they treasure for years. What the media displays about the
political views here in our nation is not everything.

3. Does the cartoon show a challenge or an opportunity for media and information? Why?
A challenge, because it's a portrait on how the poor media system works, here in the
Philippines in terms of political issues. There are only several people that can tell the
truth and can be trusted on what is really behind in every political matter and has to
courage to broadcast it.
1. Describe how new technologies led to affect change.
Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the
smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and higher-powered than ever
before. With all of these revolutions, technology has also made our lives easier, faster, better,
and more fun.

2. As a student, what do you consider is the biggest challenge and on the other hand, the best
opportunity offered to you by the new media?

The Biggest Challenge of the new media:

More resources yet undetermined legitimacy
Fast access yet also filled with unnecessary information

The Best Opportunity brought from the new media:

Millions of data all over the world presented
Faster productivity
More access to information

3. How media affect change in society nowadays?

Social media can be very influential on society in both positive and negative ways. It
gives people a way to stay in touch with people who live far away. It lets people share
fun, interesting and informative content. It gives businesses a way to engage with
customers. however, is that anybody can share anything, including material that may
not be accurate. In some cases, real harm is done when people spread inflammatory,
unverified or outright false information. This can harm private individuals, as when
someone is bullied online. It can also have a harmful impact on society as a whole.


1. Enumerate the advantage and disadvantages offered by social media today.
The advantages offered today are:
Connectivity - Social media platforms provide you the possibility of connectivity with the
people in the world. Regardless of the location and religion. 
Education - Social media has a lot of benefits for the students and teachers. It is very
easy to educate others who are experts and professionals in a certain field via social
media. Enhance the knowledge and skills more with the help of social media.
Promotion and Advertising – they can share their goods and services because people are
connected with social media. People can connect with the right audience to promote
their products and services to them.
Noble Cause - There are a lot of communities available on social media for social work.
People can join those communities and can discuss their issues with the community. It
can help them by giving the best advice.
Information and Updates – Back then people used to wait for the daily newspaper for
getting the latest information and updates. But after the development of social media
platforms, people can update themselves on the spot.
The disadvantages offered today are:
Cyberbullying – Bullying becomes quite easy by using social media. They create
discomfort for other peoples by negative comments and teasing by another kind of
Hacking – is an illegal activity. The worst disadvantage of social media mostly happened
to people.
Security Issues – One of the most common and security issues found on using social
media platforms is stolen the account’s password.
Fake News - Anyone can create fake news and post it on social media platforms without
any verification.
Addiction - Most people use social media a lot. They get addicted to the usage of social
media, they are always busy scrolling the social media newsfeed and posting to it.

2. Media is changing the world through…

Media has changed the lives of modern society. Nowadays, social media has become a
major part of numerous lives through countless websites and apps, and people have
been able to connect with others and share their thoughts, emotions, experiences, etc.
It’s been able to provide a source of entertainment and shopping, and many businesses
have even found it useful for promotion and marketing. At this point, social media has
had such a huge impact on society that it seems like people couldn’t live without it.
However, with these advantages, social media has also had a number of disadvantages
that have affected our lives. This includes the result of major problems having to do with
mental health issues, insecurities about one’s self, and addiction.  
1. The internet as a tourism support
The internet can empower local tourism through social media sites. It can help develop
tourist spots. However, the internet can also pose issues or problems to local tourism.
Some examples of these problems are dishonesty and bad review. In order to maximize
the power of the internet to promote local tourism, we must strengthen the rules ang

2. Cyber Libel
The internet can empower freedom of speech through providing new means of
expression. It can have positive developments in sexual harassment. However, the
internet can also pose issues or problems to online speech freedom. Some examples of
these problems are false statements, unreliable sources. In order to maximize the
power of the internet to improve online speech freedom, we must let the readers reach
their own conclusions

3. Human Trafficking
The internet can make communications and job applications for internet users. It can
help develop media literacy. However, the internet can also promote human trafficking
by reaching out and emailing potential victims. In order to fight human trafficking. We
must advocate and report your suspicions to law enforcement.

1. Education
2. Social
3. Identity Theft
4. Banks of the Future
5. Health Care
6. Illegal Content
7. Economic
8. Cybercrime
9. Business Strategy
10. Media Power
Media and Information Literacy
Second Semester / Fourth Quarter
S.Y. 2020 – 2021

Name of Self – Learning Kit : Current and Future Trends in Media and Information
SLK Number & Module Number : SLK # 3 - Module 11
Weeks Covered : Week 11


[PRE – TEST] : Let us determine how much you already learned.

Instruction: Read each statement carefully then write True if the statement is correct and False if not.
True 1. MOOC suggests modern system of education
False 2. MOOC always leads to formal qualifications.
False 3. You can access to MOOC even without a computer.
True 4. MOOC offers cheap cost routes to accessing quality courses.
5. MOOC can cater to a limited number of students.
True 6. MOOC’s ae modeled after existing college or university courses.
False 7. Online assessments such as quizzes and exams are not included in the MOOC.
8. MOOC cannot be combined with other study or work.
False 9. MOOC offer open enrolment.
True 10. Courses offered by MOOC are indefinite.


1. Which ones already exist?
All of the advanced technology shown in the picture already existed. From the headphone,
earpads, speaker, laptop, watches, mobile phone, keyboard, mouse, microphone, and even
camera; all of them improved the development every single year especially we’re in the 21st
century where advanced modern technologies are relevant.

2. Which ones do you think might become a reality next year? Explain.
High-tech glasses. The "Smart glasses'' refers to a device that brings with suitable technology a
computer screen/display in front of a person's eyes in order to present data from the
background information system High tech glasses can be a reality next year because it has
similarities on smart watch but instead of watch you can access all in your mobile phone using a
smart eye glasses.

Smart glasses allow you to view information, listen to music, make phone calls and more,
without even taking your phone out of your pocket. You only see this in movies and maybe next
year you might experience these high-tech glasses.

3. Do you think these technological advances can make a communication in life better?
Yes. Communication makes life better and improved by technology. Many modern forms of
electronic communication have emerged as a result of advances in technology, such as social
networking, websites and videoconferences. With the rise of mobile media, time and distance
have become less of a barrier to communication.
4. What problems or issues can they solve?
Based on my own thoughts, for those searching for a solution to their problem using technology,
or better known as YouTube, here you can figure out or study for what you want or need to do
so that you can understand.

5. What possible issues can you foresee with these technologies? Explain.
Too much focus on automation, phishing sites, data privacy, mobile security, fake content, these
are the future problems you can expect with technological advances. We will become more
reliant on technology. If we put too much reliance on technology alone, I worry that it will make
us less human or distort our reality. We don't take things at face value anymore; we are moving
away from making judgements and decisions on our own by using our senses and thoughts. If
we rely too much on technology, it can affect our health. If technology advances too much, a lot
will change in society.

[WHAT’S MORE] ACTIVITY Enumerate the benefits of MOOC as a current trend in media to students,
the education system and society by filling in the matrix below.

Benefits for the students

1. Open variety of courses for free
2. Improve knowledge and skills
3. Learning in a global way
4. MOOC can be a preparation before entering college
5. Study at your own pace

Contribution to Education System

1. Efficient and saves time
2. Learning new skills
3. Advance the quality of learning; various instructors
4. Accessibility and
5. Giving high quality course

Contribution to the Society

1. Learn for free
2. Unemployment will give way to Full employment
3. Can be used for those can’t afford universities and colleges
4. The public get more educated;
5. If they it can be resolve some crisis, we’re facing right now
1. What is MOOC?
Massive Open Online Course the abbreviation of MOOC. MOOC is an open online learning
course that gives various courses and subjects with high quality teachers from all over the world
and you can learn and advance your knowledge by these practices. MOOC is a learning course
for free and quite accessible.

2. How was MOOC made possible today?

MOOC made possible today because of its accessibility. Massive open online courses (MOOCs)
are one of the most prominent trends in higher education in recent years. It represents
open access, global, free, video-based instructional content, problem sets and forums released
through an online platform to high volume of participants aiming to take a course or to be

3. How is it different from taking a course from college or university?

Social interaction. The difference between them is you can’t socialize in person unlike studying
in colleges or universities. You can meet various people, the opportunity to create genuine,
long-lasting, connections with others. You’re not only going to learn from your professors but
also from your school that is not in the same field as yours. This doesn’t really exist in online
course forums unless you really make a concentrated effort to engage others

4. How is it changing or influencing at present?

MOOCs allow us to keep pace with changes in technology enhanced learning and innovative,
meeting the strategic aim to design and deliver the best campus-based and online educational
experience we can.

[WHAT CAN I DO] Based on your observation of the current trend in media, predict one innovation in
the field of education in the near future. Describe it in 3 – 5 sentences.

Student work will move into e-portfolios. We will see more and more student work being created and
distributed outside the LMS. Many students are already using a variety of content creation and
collaboration platforms, such as Google Docs or Microsoft OneDrive.  In addition to these relatively
generic tools, more specialized platforms will be increasingly used, especially for project-based learning.


True 1. MOOC suggest modern system of education.

False – do not 2. MOOC always lead to formal qualifications.
False – required 3. You can access to MOOC even without a computer.
True 4. Films are among the most common media offering that incorporates 3D.
5. MOOC can cater to a limited number of students.
True 6. MOOC’s are modeled after existing college or university courses.
False – are included 7. Online assessments such as quizzes and exams are not included in the MOOC.
True 8. In MOOC, attendance is no longer a determining factor in one’s education.
False – offers university 9. MOOC offers open enrolment.
True 10.MOOC is ideal for independent study.
True 11.The concept of wearable technology is explored to mimic the physical world in media.
True 12.The paperless society is a society where communication is done electronically and all forms of
printed communication have become obsolete.
False – information 13.Ubiquitous learning is common in electronic age.
False – global 14.MOOC allows education to take place on a local scale.
True 15.Managing MOOC is relatively cheaper that running education institutions.

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