Est - Ndares Internacionales y Normas en Project Management

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Las competencias

Facultad, Área
de Conocimiento
Profesor: Daniel Magaña Martinez

Máster Universitario en Dirección y Organización de Proyectos

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Dirección y Organización de Proyectos
International Project
Management Association

The IPMA is the global standard for individual

competence in project, programme and portfolio

The IPMA ICB supports the development of individual International Project Management
competence through the presentation of a complete
inventory of competence elements across proj- ects, Association
programmes and portfolios.

There are many definitions of the term

‘competence’ around the world. The IPMA
Individual Competence Baseline (IPMA ICB®)
presents a plain English definition that is widely
accepted by professionals and is intended to be
recognisable and readily understood. This definition
is not intended to minimise or supersede any other
definition, but rather to provide guidance to the
individual seekingimprovement.
International Project
Management Association

Since the IPMA® started with the Project management interested in a

development and implementation of its personnel universally accepted
universal certification system the main certification system
goal was to certify project management Management of interested in delivering
personnel with a globally accepted organisations and receiving good
project management
fourlevel-certification (4-L-C), that can also services and in personnel
be used in a career development system development
for project management personnel. The Certification assessors interested in a clearly
main interested parties are: understandable
certification content and
Universities, schools, interested in providing a
trainers sound basis for an
accepted qualification
ICBIPMA Competence
BaselineVersion 3.0
There are many definitions of Knowledge Skills Ability
the term ‘competence’ around
the world. The IPMA Individual is the collection of are specific is the effective
Competence Baseline (IPMA information and technical delivery of
ICB®) presents a plain English
definition that is widely accepted experience that an capabilities that knowledge and
by professionals and is intended individual enable an skills in a given
to be recognisable and readily possesses. For individual to context. For
example, perform a task. For example, being
understanding the example, being able to devise and
concept of a Gantt able to build a successfully
chart might be Gantt chart might manage a project
considered be considered a schedule might be
knowledge. skill. considered ability.
Individual competence

The development of competences ▪ Individual

is both an individual journey and a competences address
the knowledge, skills
societal need. IPMA recognises and abilities through
competence today as a function of experience;
the individual, the team and the ▪ Team competences
address the collective
organisation. performance of
individuals joined toward
a purpose;
▪ Organisational
competences address the
strategic capabilities of a
self- sustaining unit of
International Project
Management Association

➢ Self-development helps to gain knowledge, reflect on the application in

practical situations and derive learnings from that.

Learning partners from different disciplines could help

to see a situation from a different angle and apply the
➢ Peer-development development to the benefit of both peers (e.g. one
through the questions asked and the other through
the insights provided).

This could be done through a presentation,

interactions between the participants and the trainer
➢ Education and training as well as using case studies, group exercises and
simulation games.
International Project
Management Association

➢ Coaching and mentoring Typically, a coach, leader or mentor is an experienced

person that does not deliver direct answers, but
challenges theindividual through questions that draw the
attention to certain aspects and requires finding an
adequate answer.

Often simulation games and other forms of game-based

learning are a mix of approaches e.g. enabling self-
development combined with peer-development and
coaching in a training environment. It could also be helpful
➢ Simulation and gaming to combine these approaches based on previous
experiences, the stage of development an individual is at
or the possibilities of the organisation.
International Project
Management Association International Project
Management Association
The project management department or the project management
Competence Teachers, educators office: it defines the strategy and the goals for all project
development and trainers: their role management- related development activities, supports the
stakeholders is primarily to start the development through coaching,mentoring or training and enables
development during the collective and organisational competence development through
school, vocational and joint activities of all individuals involved in projects and programmes.
professional training as
well as during
graduate and Standard-setting bodies, accreditation centres and certification
postgraduate studies. bodies:they set standards for the individual competences, the way in
which competences are assessed against the standards, how
trainers, coaches and assessors shall operate and which
competences they require in order to act in a professional manner.

Top management, Human resource (HR)

senior executives and department: the role Assessors: they assess individuals based on a standard, identifying the
heads of functional of this department is strengths, the gaps to a defined threshold and ways to develop the
departments in to define standards, individualcompetences within defined rules.
organisations: their (e.g. a competence
primary role is to set model and
goals for the competence profiles
development, to for project- related
provide necessary roles).
A clear example of a set of formal, explicit
and present drivers of projects is the strategy of
an organisation. The Strategy (Perspective 1)
generally has clear goals and objectives and,
more often than not, projects contribute to
these goals and objectives, while projects are
prioritised according to these goals and
The Eye of Competence represents the Basic personal attributes are discussed in Self-
universe of competences for project, reflection and self-man- agement (People 1) and
Personal integrity and reliability (People
programme and portfoliomanagement. 2).Communicating with others is described in Personal
Competences are divided into three areas: communication(People 3) and building relations in
Perspective these consist of the personal and Relations and engagement (People 4).Projects
increasingly rely on Leadership (People 5). And two
interpersonal competences required to successfully
specific aspects of leadership are also presented:
participate in or lead a project Teamwork (People 6) and how to handle Conflict and
People these are the specific methods, tools and crisis (People 7).
techniques used in projects, programmes or portfolios to
realise their success The individual prioritises and translates these into a
Project design (Practice 1). The project design is a
Practice under this heading come the methods, tools ‘charcoal sketch’ that defines the high-level choices for
and techniques through which individuals interact with the this project (e.g. make or buy, linear or iterative,
environment, as well as the rationale that leads people, possible funding or resourcing options, how to manage
organisations and societies to start and support projects the project). In the other technical compe- tence
elements, each of these basic decisions will be
specified, implemented andmanaged.
This competence defines
five competence elements
• Governance, structure and
• Compliance, standards and
• Power and interests
• Culture and values

elements Self-reflection and self-management
Personal integrity and reliability
Personal communication
Relationships and engagement

people Leadership
Conflict and crisis
Results orientation

Project design Scope
and objectives

Time and Quality

Finance Resources Procurement PRACTICE

Plan and Risk and
control opportunities

Change and
International Project
Management Association
Focus: as projects are a
temporary organisation
established for just one set of
objectives: to deliver this

International Project
Control: as projects are subject
to predefined constraints, Management Association
including deadlines, budgets,
quality standards.

Specialisation: as project
management has become a
profession, including best
practices, tools, methods and
certification schemes.

IPMA’s vision is “Promoting competence throughout society to enable a world in which all projects succeed”.
Therefore, IPMA has defined a worldwide standard for competences in the areas of Project-, Programme- and
Portfolio Management. For individuals, we have defined the IPMA Individual Competence Baseline®, ICB version 4
We have defined the standard for excellent projects, the IPMA Project Excellence Baseline or PEB and we have
defined the standard for organisations, the IPMA Organisational Competence Baseline® or OCB Based on the
ICB4, we have also defined the IPMA competence baseline for Coaches, Trainers and Consultants in the field of
projects, programs and portfolios, the ICB4CCT.

The ICB4 is the international standard on competence for project, programme and portfolio managers. The
competence needed for each of these domains is defined in the following competence areas:

•“People”: how do you interact with the people around you, and yourself;
•the “Practice” of our work: needed for Projects, Programmes and Portfolios.
•the “Perspective” of the intiatives you’re running: the context within which the initiative is run and the link to
what needs to be achieved.

With the Core Competencies Checklist companies will be able

to determine which project manager has the best mix of
knowledge, experience and personality for a specific project.
By being able to select the right project manager for the
project, companies will minimize project failures and
maximize their project's return on investment.

Different roles in project management will require different

competencies. Since the project management environment is
characterized by change, responsibilities, and hence required
knowledge and skill levels, continuously transform. One of the
key competencies is therefore to be flexible and adaptive in
any situation. Although certification does not qualify a project
manager by itself, it does give an indication of the candidate's
knowledge of concepts and methodologies. It also shows that
the candidate is dedicated to the profession. The kind of
project management certification is not of primary

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