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SCMVS is an application software designed for smart cameras. It is compatible with the SC2000 E series, SC2000E (mini)

series, SC3000 Pro series, SC5000 series, and SC7000 Pro series visual sensor and requires the firmware of version 2.0.0 or


After logging in to cameras via the Software, you can manage the cameras' projects, including creating, editing, deleting,

copying, and switching projects. While editing projects, you can configure the camera parameters, base images, tools, and

output parameters. Meanwhile, you can configure the I/O settings, communication settings, time settings, and password of the

camera as well as upgrading its firmware. In addition, the Software supports monitoring the status of multiple cameras


The Software supports conducting visual detection on both the images stored in and imported into cameras.

Key Features
Key features of the Software:

l Easy installation. Requires no additional drivers.

l High compatibility. Compatible with 32/64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system.

l User-oriented UI design. Guides users to edit projects with the Wizard.

l Supports managing multiple cameras and monitoring their working status.

l Mode division. Displays detection results in the running mode, displays function settings in the configuration mode.

l Visual detection. Conducts visual detection on the real-time images from cameras or the images imported into cameras.

System Requirements
Please follow the system requirements to make sure that the Software can be properly installed and run.


l Operating system: 32/64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system

l CPU: Intel i3-8100T

l RAM: 8 GB or more

l Graphics card: a dedicated graphics card with 1366×768 or higher resolution, the integrated graphics card is not


l NIC: Intel Pro1000, I210, and I350 series gigabit network interface card

l Device: MV-VC3301-128G60 vision controller

Minimum system requirements:

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l Operating system: 32/64-bit Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system

l CPU: Intel E3845 1.91GHz

l RAM: 4 GB

l Graphics card: a 1366×768 dedicated graphics card, the integrated graphics card is not supported

l NIC: Intel Pro1000, I210, and I350 series gigabit network interface card

l Device: MV-VB2210-120G vision controller

l The Software has been installed with the drivers required by the hardware. No others drivers are needed.

l Some anti-virus software might recognize the Software as a virus. Hence, it is recommended to add the Software into the

allowlist of the anti-virus software or exit the anti-virus software before running the Software.

Revision History
Version Doc No. Date Updates

Support working with SC2000E series cameras.

V2.0.1 UD27497B 2022/03/07
Added notes about SC2000E series cameras..

Support working with SC5000 series cameras and SC7000 Pro

series cameras.

Optimized Network Settings chapter.

Support logging into multiple cameras and switching to other

cameras to operate. See M-3.2-Log Into Camera.

Added Result Display window. See Tool List.

Added area focus function. See Set Parameters for Cameras.

Updated Configure Base Image chapter.

Added scheduled output function. See Output Settings.

V2.0.0 UD26890B 2022/01/15
Support setting the output content for different module status,

See Output Settings.

Added output hold function. See Output Settings.

Added Camera Monitoring module, which can monitor multiple

cameras' status.

Supports refreshing projects. See Project Settings.

Updated content about Modbus, EthernetIP, Profinet, and FTP.

See Configure Communication Parameters.

Added the content about tools supported by different camera

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models. See Tool Introduction.

Added Exception Detection tool.

Added location tools, including Match Calib and Match Locate。

Added logic tools, including If module, condition judge,

combination judge, string compare, and calculator. See Logic


Added Edge Width Measurement tool.

The OCR tool supports location.

Added Color Recognition tool.

Added deep learning tools,including DL Classify and DL Object

Detection. See Deep Learning.

Added About ROI chapter.

Added Module Results Output chapter introducing output results

of different tools.

This is the first version of SCMVS Software. The following are

the main features of this Software.

1. Supports logging in to the cameras to configure relevant

functions. See Login Page for more details.

2. Supports managing camera projects. See Project

Management for details.

3. Supports configuring the I/0 settings for cameras. See I/O

Settings for more details.

4. Supports setting the camera parameters, base images,

measuring tools, and the contents output by projects when

editing the projects. See Project Management for more details.

V1.1.0 UD24297B 2021/6/3 5. Supports configuring the communication tools used in projects

according to actual needs. See Communication Settings for

more details.

6. Supports various measuring tools with different functions. See

Tool Introduction for more details.

7. Supports searching for camera logs and software logs,

searching for images stored in or imported into cameras, and

performing further operations, such as deleting and exporting the

logs and images to your PC. See Operation Management for

more details.

8. Supports quick settings for cameras. See Quick Settings for


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