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Fecha: 11/07/2017 Duración de la clase: 4 Horas
Grado: 6º Numero de estudiantes: 36
 Describir a las personas físicamente en forma oral y escrita
haciendo uso del verbo have got, to be

Habilidades: Listening, Reading, Speaking, writing Estructura: to be, to have got

Etapa de la Procedimiento

lección Actividad del estudiante y Profesor

-Vocabulario Hair: long, short, wavy, curly, straight, bald, black, blonde, reddish, brown.
PRE- Eyes: big, small, blue, black, gray, brown 15
ACTIVITY Height: tall, short, medium height
Weight: fat. Slim, thin, chubby
Moustache, beard, glasses,
Nose: Big, small
-Explicación del verbo to have got, to be con 1° y 3° personas con ejemplos y se les enseña la pregunta what do you look 5
like? Para referirnos a aspecto físico.
- Levantar la mano si tiene la descripción mencionada en la fotografía que se le ha dado
- mencionar el nombre del famoso de acuerdo a la descripción hecha 5
- juego del libro azul who’s who pg 47
ACTIVITIES Grammar exercises: 10
Way to go 6º pg 33 ex 1, pg 34 ex 4
Workbook way to go 6º pg 12, 13 15
Label the people according to the physical appearance Enterprise 1 pg 14
Listen and complete the missing words about descriptions enterprise 1 pg 31
Listen to the animal sound and tick the correct enterprise 1 pg 42
Quiz about animals tick the correct answer enterprise 1 pg 42
Listen and fill in the gaps about animals descriptions enterprise 1 pg 45
Listen and read way to go 6º pg 33 ex 2
Listen and complete the descriptions way to go 6º pg 36
POST Listen and complete the description way to go 6º pg 38
ACTIVITY Listen and match the people with the names way to go 6º pg 41
Look at Lyn family tree find the people lyn talks about click on 1 pg 27
Listen and tick the correct boxes click on 1 pg 28
EVALUACIO Listen to the dialogues and then use the prompts click on 1 pg 32
N Y RETRO Listen and tick the correct box clikc on 1 pg 98 describing animals
Listen and tick the noises you hear click on 1 pg 100
Listen and write sentences with adjectives elementary English file pg 29
Reading: A friend in need Enterprise 1 pg 12
People from around the world enterprise 1 pg 14
Like father like son enterprise 1 pg 26
Read the letter enterprise 1 pg 30
Read the letter enterprise 1 pg 33
Birds of a feather enterprise 1 pg 40
Koalas enterprise 1 pg 42
Reading workbook enterprise pg 9, 11, 19
Grey seals need you workbook enterprise 1 pg 26
Golden eagles workbook enterprise 1 pg 27
Family ties targets 1 pg 4
Celebrities targets 1 pg 8
Emma Bunton targets 1 pg 11
Is Man best friend the best pet? Targets 1 pg 36
Pretty polly targets 1 pg 38
New friends targets 2 pg 4
Describing objects targets 2 pg 24, 28
Everyday people targets 3 pg 12
My fictional character targets 3 pg 17
Family life click on 1 pg 32
Can you understand this text beginner English file pg 23
Describing a friend elementary English file pg 49
Do I really look like this? Intermediate English file pg 40
Who do you think is who? Intermediate English file pg 42
Describing yourself preintermediate English file pg 12

-Hacer la descripción oral del famoso de la fotografía por grupos de tres y sustentar.
- Describe someone in your class
- complete the chart and talk about the people of the Reading a friend in need Enterprise 1 pg 13
- Complete the chart and Talk about Tony enterprise 1 pg 27
- act out the dialogue enterprise 1 pg 31
- complete the chart and describe the animals enterprise 1 pg 41
- Ask and answer questions about Kansas school team way to go 6º pg 34
- Describe the british royal family way to go 6º pg 36
-Talk about a person you admire way to go 6º pg 38
- Look at the family tree and find the people click on 1 pg 27
- Practice the dialogues click on 1 pg 27
- Look at the people on pg 26 and describe the people
- Look at the pictures, in pairs ask and answer questions about each person click on 1 pg 28
- In pairs ask and answer questions as in the example click on 1 pg 29
- Look at the file photo section and describe the people
- Make notes under the heading and talk about yourself and your family click on 1 pg 33
- Read the letter and answer the questions click on 1 pg 33
- Practice the dialogues click on 1 pg 99
- Complete the chart and talk about the animals click on 1 pg 99
- Look at the animals and describe them click on 1 pg 100
- Read the descriptions and look at the pictures elementary English file pg 29
- who do you think they are intermediate English file pg 116

Use the pictures from the photo file to make descriptions
Write an internet advertisement for a penfriend enterprise 1 pg 17
According to the model write a letter enterprise 1 pg 30
According to the model write a descrption about animals enterprise 1 pg 43, 45
Describe an animal workbook enterprise 1 pg 27
According to the information in the chart write about the family targets 1 pg 7, 11
According to the model describe a pet targets 1 pg 39
Describe someone in your country way to go 6º pg 35
Write a letter introducing yourself and your family click on 1 pg 33
Think of a person you know well and write about him preintermediate English file pg 7

HOMEWORK hacer la descripción física de cada uno con ayuda de los papitos

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