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Republic of the Philippines

Region X
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
Camaman-an National High School
Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City


Technology & Livelihood Education

Name: __________________________________ Section:_____________________ Score:

Teacher: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before each

1. What is a French phrase defined as “everything in place”, as in set up?

A. mise en place B. seiso C. 5’s D. bouillon

2. What process of cooking food by indirect heat or dry heat in a confined space as in heated oven using gas, electricity,
charcoal, wood, or oil at a temperature from 250°F-450°F?
A. baking B. broiling C. sautéing D. frying

3. Which of the following statements describe an Entrepreneur?

I. The people in the marketplace who are selling items or offering services for fee.
II. A person who sees the potential in a product or service and takes the risk selling it.
III. A person who has willingness to take risks
IV. A person lack of self-confidence

A. I & IV B. II only C. I, II, & III D. I, III, & IV

4. The following are positive qualities of a good entrepreneur, which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. self-confidence B. pessimistic C. risk-taker D. innovative

Identify what positive characteristics or traits being describe

5. An entrepreneur is always thinking of new ways of presenting and selling his product.
A. creativity B. self-control C. courage D. high energy level

6. A person succeeds in business because he believes in his products and abilities.

A. self-confidence B. pessimistic C. risk-taker D. innovative

7. Cassie Rogina was working on many orders all at the same time. Due to the volume of her work, different jobs tended to
be confused. She was overwhelmed most of the time, but he did her best to be systematic in her work. What PEC’s
characteristic she possessed?
A. goal setting B. information seeking C. persistence D. commitment to work

8. Which of the following refers to gently combine a heavier mixture with a more delicate substance, such as beaten egg
whites or whipped cream, without causing a loss of air?
A. fold-in B. creaming C. proof D. grease

9. Which of the following flour mixture is thick enough to be rolled and kneaded?
A. batter B. cream C. crust D. dough

10. Which of the following is a mixture of flour, liquid, and other ingredients that is thin enough to pour?
A. batter B. butter C. meringue D. dough
11. What stage of bread baking method allow yeast dough to rise before baking or to dissolve yeast in a warm liquid and set
it in a warm place for 5 to 10 minutes until it expands and becomes bubbly?
A. score B. rest C. proof D. bake
12. What method refers to the procedure of mixing one or two ingredients against a bowl with the tip of a wooden spoon or
electric mixer?
A. shaking B. folding C. stirring D. creaming

13. Which type of mixing technique is done only in baking bread?

A. blending B. creaming C. folding D. kneading

14. What mixing technique used to distribute solid fat throughout the dry ingredients using a pastry blender, fork, or two
knives in a scissors motion?
A. cut in B. beat C. scald D. stir

15. Which of the following is a personal cleanliness practice in baking?

A. combing the hair in the working area B. keeping fingernails long
C. washing the hand after work D. wearing an apron during working hours

16. What is the first step to be successful in baking?
A. keeping oneself clean B. keeping the food and equipment clean
C. keeping the utensils and work area clean D. all of the above

17. What is the best step to have better results in baking?
A. Measure ingredients accurately. B. Memorize the recipe very well.
C. Use modern equipment. D. Use only imported ingredients.

18. If 425-450°F equal to 220-230°C, what is its equivalent temperature?

A. very slow B. moderately hot C. moderate D. hot

19. Kendra Geraldine wants to bake a delicious butter cake for Gleenda Cliffora, when she is about to start preparing the
ingredients she notice that she is out of cake flour, what ingredient can she possibly substitute with the cake flour?
A.1st class B. wheat flour C. APF D. third class

20. What is the basic ingredient in baking that improves the aroma, flavor, and nutrition in baked products?
A. baking powder B. flour C. shortening D. sugar


21. If 1 Tablespoon is equal to 15 ml, then 1 teaspoon is equal to how many grams?
A. 10g B. 5g C. 15g D. 2.5g

22. 8 oz. is equal to 1 cup, how many cups in a one (1) kilo of all purpose flour?
A. 6c B. 10c C. 4c D. 5c

23. 250°F is equal to ________ Celsius.

A. 120°C B. 150°C C. 160°C – 180°C D. 200°C

24. Convert 100 degrees Centigrade to degrees Fahrenheit.

A. 250°F B. 265°F C. 212°F D. 225°F

25. How many tablespoons are there in 2(two) cups of flour?

A. 15 T of flour B. 25 T of flour C. 10 T of flour D. 32 T

26. What is the cheapest liquid ingredient used in baking?

A. water B. milk C. oil D vanilla

27. What mixing method that combines all the ingredients together at one time to make the dough?
A. lean dough B. rich dough C. straight method D. sponge dough method

28. What type of dough is made up into Pan de sal, Pan Amerikano, French bread,and other crusty bread varieties?
A. lean dough B. rich dough C. straight method D. sponge dough method
29. Which kind of flour contains high gluten and less starch?
A. all-purpose flour B. bread flour C. cake flour D. soft flour

30. The following statement are uses of eggs in baking, which of the following does not describe the used of an egg?
A. structural ingredients in baking C. add color, texture, flavor and richness to the batter
B. used as thickening agent D. serves as food for yeast

31. Which type of glazes can be used as a filling alone or in combination with other fillings such as butter cream?
A. jams & jellies B. royal icing C. butter cream D. boiled icing

32. Why there is a need to pre-heat the oven before doing other tasks related to baking?
A. it will make your bake products more nutritious C. it will enhance the color of the crust
B. it will extend the lifespan of the bake products D. it will achieve the exact temperature needed for baking

33. The following are ways to present and display bakery products, which of the does not belong to the group?
A. styrofoam B. trays C. doilies D. cellophane bags

34. What material considered as the easiest way to add a twist on cookie presentation?
A. glass vase B. jar C. boxes D. trays

35. Seth Marky wants to sale his delicious butter cookies in the market, he used cellophane bag as packaging material for
his product , what should be place in his packaging material in order to identify the expiration, labels of ingredients and
name of the manufacturer which served as an advertisement?
A. labels B. sticker C. doilies D. plastic cups

36. Which of the following refers to the process of putting your product into containers for easy distribution?
A. labelling B. packaging C. storing D. wrapping

37. What storing technique is used to draw, fold and cover the bakery product?
A. chilling B. folding C. refrigerate D. wrapping

38. What must appear on the label?

I. List of ingredients
II. Net quantity
III. Nutritional Facts
IV. Name of person who made the product
V. E-mail address and time manufactured


39. Which of the following storing techniques refers to the process of preventing perishable food on a large scale at a low
temperature or above the freezing point (0°C or 32°F).
A. freezing B. chilling C. refrigerator D. cold storage

40. What method of food packaging refers to the oldest and most common method of food packaging?
A. foil packaging B. canned foods C. home canned foods D. glass

PROBLEM SOLVING: Project Planning & Food Costing

Cost of Ingredients

Bread flour – P 45.00/kg. Salt – P8.00/kg.

Instant Yeast – P8.00/pack (1pack=15g) Vanilla – P20/bottle (1bottle=60ml.)
Brown sugar – P 44.00/kl. Lard – P 30/kg.
Oil – P 15.00/ ¼ kg.

Base from the given cost of ingredients solve for the value of total cost, selling price & profit. Use the project plan below.

No. of yield: 35 pcs. Mark-up: 50%

Grade & Section:
Name of Project: SPANISH BREAD
Tools & Equipment Needed:

Ingredients Quantity Unit Cost Total Cost Procedure

Bread flour 1 kl. 1. Mise en place
Instant yeast 2T 2. Dissolve yeast in ¼ c lukewarm water and
Lukewarm water ¼c let it stand for 8-10 mins.
Water 2C 3. Combine water, oil, salt & sugar. Stir until
Brown sugar 100g ingredients are dissolved. Set aside.
Oil 2T 4. In a separate bowl, place bread flour make
Rock salt 2 tsp. a well at the center then add yeast mixture,
Vanilla 1 tsp. followed by the liquid mixture.
Lard 75g 5. Knead it for 20-25 mins. and allow to rise
until double size approximately 1 ½ hours.
6. Punch down & shape it to the desired form.
Total Cost: Mark-up: 50% 7. Allow to rise and bake until done (10-
Selling Price: # of yield: 15mins at 350°F).
Profit: 8. Serve.

41. How much is the total cost?

A. P 105.50 B. P 90.75 C. P 85.25 D. P 75.50

42. Base from the no. of yield, how much is the exact amount of the total sales?
A. P113.00 B. P 113.40 C. P 124.80 D. 150.75

43. How much is the profit obtained from the 50% mark-up?
A. P 30.50 B. P 51.25 C. P 29.50 D. P 61.50

44. How much is the selling price per piece of Spanish Bread?
A. P 5.00 B. P 4.00 C. P 2.75 D. P 3.00

45. If the mark-up is 65%, how much will be the profit?

A. P 64.50 B. P 75.00 C. P 85.75 D. P 55.00

46. If the mark-up is 65%, how much is the selling price per piece?
A. P 5.00 B. P 4.00 C. P 6.00 D. P 7.00

47. What is the total cost of brown sugar base from its recipe requirement?
A. P 3.00 B. P 4.00 C. P 4.40 D. P 5.45

48. If the total cost of oil is P 7.50, how much is the value of its unit cost?
A. P 23.00 B. P 7.50 C. P 28.00 D. P 3.75

49. If there are approximately 4c of bread flour in 1 kg & 4c was only used, how many grams of flour left?
A. 80g B. 40g C. 60g D. 20g

50. If the no. of yield is 30pcs with a mark up of 65%, what will be the amount of its selling price per one piece of Spanish
A. P 2.00 B. P 3.00 C. P 4.00 D. P 5.00

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