Every Woman Who Doesn't Thread by Tellyoursonthis Jul 20, 22 From Rattibha

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7 Tweets • 2022-07-20 15:25:11 UTC •  See on Twitter

rattibha.com 

Every woman who doesn’t get a competent man

fans the flames of feminism, because they would
rather be miserable in a career that gives them a
sense of purpose than submit to a man they do not

So the lower the quality of men, the greater the

incidence of feminism, and the greater the
incidence of feminism, the lower the quality of
women, which disgusts men and doesn’t motivate
them to impress women, making them lazier +
lower quality which in turn drives more feminism.
Men don’t wanna try hard for women who disgust
them, so they become disgusting to women who
can’t respect them for being incompetent, which
makes those women manifest behaviour that makes
them disgusting to men and so on. So it’s just a
spiralling negative feedback loop.

Men don’t wanna bust their ass for some masculine

woman who wants a masculine man, to live a life of
hell getting soul sucked every second for eternity
because she can’t complement what she’s attracted

Women don’t want some dweeb they can’t respect

having authority over them.

Big problem I see today is lots of women

complaining men aren’t manly enough, which I
agree with, whilst also being blind to the fact that
even if they could get a masculine man, they would
fail to be the woman he wants and needs and thus
struggle to hold onto him. Is quite sad.
The solution of course as always is to not focus on
what everyone else is doing, and work on being the
best version of yourself in a way that is
complementary to the other sex. That goes for
everyone. Being a passive man or a combative
woman is just destroying your own chances.

Can’t break the cycle if you’re part of it. Have to be

irrational and extricate yourself from everything
and be a contained system that bucks the trend,
then locate an opposite sex outlier that does the

The masses are doomed. You don’t have to follow

their fate.

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