1.2 ILO OSH Management System

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Health, Safety and Environment Officer Program

Unit 1 – Health and Safety Management System

Module Test 1.2 – ILO OSH Management System

Name: ID: Group: Date:

Maximum 100 points

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the basis of the OSH Management System?

a. PDCA Management cycle
b. Life cycle
c. Food cycle
d. Waste cycle

2. What element of the OSH Management System that gives a clear statement of what must be
made to establish health and safety as a prime commitment of management at all levels of the
a. Organizing
b. Policy
c. Evaluation
d. Audit
3. What element of the OSH Management System that covers the framework of roles and
responsibilities for health and safety that must be created within the organization?
a. Policy
b. Evaluation
c. Organizing
d. Audit
4. What element of the OSH Management System that covers the detailed arrangement that must be
made for the management of health and safety?
a. Policy
b. Organizing
c. Planning and Implementation
d. Evaluation
5. What element of the OSH Management System covers the methods that must be devised to
monitor and review the effectiveness of the arrangement put into place?
a. Action for improvement
b. Continual improvement
c. Audit
d. Evaluation
Health, Safety and Environment Officer Program

Unit 1 – Health and Safety Management System

Module Test 1.2 – ILO OSH Management System

6. What element of the OSH Management System that covers the arrangement to be made for the
independent, systematic, and critical examination of the OSHMS to ensure that all parts are
working acceptably well?
a. Audit
b. Policy
c. Organizing
d. Evaluation

7. An independent, systematic and critical examination of the OSHMS to ensure that all parts are
working acceptably well is called ________________________?
a. Inspection
b. Evaluation
c. Analyzation
d. Audit

8. What element of the OSH Management System that covers any shortcoming identified by the
review process must be corrected as soon as possible?
a. Policy
b. Organizing
c. Action for improvement
d. Evaluation

9. What element of the OSH Management System which has the intention to make sure that the
OSHMS will not remain static but will develop over time to become increasingly appropriate and
useful to the organization that exists to serve?
a. Policy
b. Continual improvement
c. Action for improvement
d. Evaluation

10. What are the three parts of a Health and Safety Policy?
a. General Statement of Intent, Organization Section, Arrangement Section
b. Policy, Organizing, Audit
c. Evaluation, Action for improvement, Continual improvement
d. Organizing, Planning and Implementation, Evaluation
Health, Safety and Environment Officer Program

Unit 1 – Health and Safety Management System

Module Test 1.2 – ILO OSH Management System

11. What part of the Health and Safety Policy that states the organization’s philosophy in relation to
the management of health and safety?
a. Organization Section
b. Arrangement Section
c. General Statement of Intent
d. Audit Section

12. What part of the Health and Safety Policy that indicates the chain of command for health and
safety management and identifies roles and responsibilities?
a. General Statement of Intent
b. Arrangement Section
c. Organization Section
d. Statement of General Policy

13. What part of the Health and Safety Policy that outlines the arrangement that exist for the effective
management of health and safety in general terms and deals with management of specific issues?
a. Organization Section
b. Arrangement Section
c. Statement of General Policy
d. General Statement of Intent
14. Whose role and responsibility to ensure that the workplaces, machinery equipment and processes
under their control are safe and without risk to health?
a. Employer
b. Directors and Senior Managers
c. Middle Managers and Supervisors
d. Employee
15. Whose role and responsibility to ensure that the chemical, physical and biological substances, and
agents under their control are without risk to health?
a. Employee
b. Employer
c. Directors
d. Senior Managers
Health, Safety and Environment Officer Program

Unit 1 – Health and Safety Management System

Module Test 1.2 – ILO OSH Management System

16. What is one of the roles and responsibilities of employers?

a. To ensure that the right and safety policy are put in place
b. To ensure that adequate resources are allocated to establish, implement and maintain the
health and safety management system.
c. To provide adequate protective clothing and protective equipment to prevent risk of accidents
or adverse effect on health.
d. To ensure that the right organizational structure with clear roles and responsibilities are put in
17. Whose role and responsibility to ensure that the right safety policy is put in place?
a. Directors and Senior Managers
b. Employer
c. Middle Managers and Supervisors
d. Employee

18. Whose role and responsibility to ensure that adequate resources are allocated to establish,
implement and maintain the health and safety management system?
a. Employer
b. Employee
c. Directors and Senior Managers
d. Middle Managers and Supervisors
19. What is one of the roles and responsibilities of directors and senior managers?
a. To make sure that the workplace, machinery equipment and processes are safe and without
risk to health.
b. To provide protective clothing and equipment
c. To ensure that the chemical, physical and biological substances, and agents are without risk to
d. To ensure the right organizational structure with clear roles and responsibilities are put in
20. Whose role and responsibility for the health and safety standards within the operation under their
a. Employer
b. Directors and senior managers
c. Middle managers and supervisors
d. Employees
Health, Safety and Environment Officer Program

Unit 1 – Health and Safety Management System

Module Test 1.2 – ILO OSH Management System

21. Who is responsible for the health and safety of the staffs that work directly under them (their
direct reports)?
a. Directors
b. Senior Managers
c. Middle managers and supervisors
d. Employers
22. Who is responsible for the health and safety of the staffs lower down in the organizational chart
and the areas and activities under their control?
a. Employee
b. Employer
c. Directors and senior managers
d. Middle managers and supervisors

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