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Upper-Intermediate - Hard Drive Storage A:


` ` Xiao Dng, gongs zhunbei d`nggou y p xn de diannao ` ` ` ` shebei, n kan kan nmen b` en xuy` shenme? um ao Xiao Ding, the company is going to order a new batch of computer equipment. Take a look and see what your department needs.


` women bangong y` de jq` tai lao le, shenme shhou neng ong ` u ` quanb` gengxn yxia a? zanmen zuo de chanpn mulu, ` ` ` ` ` ong de shuju liang da, cunchu y u gao. muqian zai y` ` ` ` aoqi ` ` diannao yunxng qlai ganjue hen chl` a. ` Our ofce appliances are too old. When can we update them? Our inventory is huge and we have a lot of data. We require a lot of storage space. As of right now, theres a lot of strain on the computers.


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c 2011 Praxis Language Ltd.

` wo shangc` gen laoban t le. ta shuo neng y` ong de jiu xian ` ` e jiangjiu zhe, ranhou yb` en yb` en de shengj. n y zh uf uf ` ` ` ` ` dao, diannao chanpn gengxn kuai, xianzai de zhuliu pei ` ` zh`, y` ong ge y liang nian jiu guosh le. gud`ng zchan touz ` ` ` ` zhe y kuai, laoban yzh qia de bjiao jn, yusuan b` duo. ` ` ` u I brought it up with the boss last time. He said to deal with whatever we can use, and that well upgrade things in batches. As you know, computer products improve quickly. Whatever current specs there are, theyre outdated within a year or two. When investing in xed assets like this, the boss is pretty tight on the budget. There isnt much there.

` ` ` na women xian shenqng j ge da rongliang y`ngpan ba, ` zhexie sh` jxu de. Then lets rst apply for a few big harddrives. Those are urgent.

` ` hao de, y oumeiy jut y u, bru duo da rongliang de? ou ` aoqi OK. Do you have any specics? For example, how large?


` ` ` ` na dangran yue da yue hao lo, zh`shao y` wubai G de, ao ` ` ou zhuansu gao de, SATA jiek de y`ngpan.

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c 2011 Praxis Language Ltd.

Well, of course, the bigger the better. A harddrive with at least 500 gigs, a high rotational speed, and a SATA input.

A: 1.5T
` ` e ao ` hao, wo dou j`xia le. j`shu b` zhec` y y` huan y`ngpan, ` u ` ` dou xuan zhe ge y dian wu T de, nmen y na zhe ge rong e ` liang de ba. OK, Ill write that all down. The IT department is going to get new harddrives too. They chose this 1.5 terabyte one. You guys should get this size as well.

` ang k z ` en ongjian, shuju guanl hao a. zhey` ey engjia beif` k ` ` ` ` ` f angmian xiaolu hu` gao yxie. OK. This way we can have more back-up space and be more effective with our data management.

qta hai y` shenme ma? ao Do you need anything else?

o, women hai xiang shenqng y ge ydong y`ngpan, zhuany ` ` ` ` ` angbian yxie. ` da rongliang wenjian dehua f
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Oh, we also want to apply for a portable harddrive. It will be convenient for transferring large documents.

hao de, y shenme y u ma? ou aoqi OK. Any requirements?


` ` ou ou. ng, USB er dian lng jiek de, o b` du`, huoxian jiek u Yeah, one with a USB2 input. Oh, wait, rewire input.

` daod sh` shenme? So what exactly?


` ou USB jiek de, l`ngw` zai pei y gen neng lianjie huoxian ai ` ` ` ou jiek de zhuanjie xian ba. One with USB input, and then also an adapter cable that can convert it to rewire.

hao de. OK.

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c 2011 Praxis Language Ltd.

Key Vocabulary ` d`nggou p ` ` shebei gengxn mulu ` ` shuju ` ` ` liang cunchu yunxng ` to order goods batch equipment to update catalog data amount to save, to store to run (computer, program) to be a strain to put up with, to make do to upgrade mainstream specications
c 2011 Praxis Language Ltd.

chl` jiangjiu

shengj zhuliu ` peizh`

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` guosh gud`ng zchan ` qia yusuan ` ` ` rongliang y`ngpan jxu ` ` zhuansu ou jiek ` en beif` ` ` xiaolu ydong y`ngpan ` zhuany ` huoxian zhuanjie Supplementary Vocabulary
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to be outdated xed assets to choke, to strangle budget capacity harddrive to urgently need rotational speed input to back-up efciency portable hard drive to transfer rewire to convert

c 2011 Praxis Language Ltd.

chulq` ` neicun mianqiang sulu ` ` ` aoshi pei y` ` anj` pei y ng

processor RAM, internal memory to force someone to do something speed, rate to make duplicate key to have lenses made

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c 2011 Praxis Language Ltd.

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