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Career Springs

“Be a part of better tomorrow”

Career Springs offers a broad range of soft skills Training courses including
communication skills and Personality Development for student community and also
corporate . An established training provider, which tailor makes its services according to
needs of the industry

Every session is taken up by well experienced qualified, dedicated and committed

faculty. Operated by strong academicians with an academic bent of mind, Career
Springs stand apart from the common crowd in delivering the services. We also draw
our guest faculty from various walks of life, on the demand and necessity.

Our Motto is Language matters

Our programs will unquestionably benefit the students to hone their professional
skills. It also lays a foundation to their employability. With our vast experience we could
understand the problems and challenges faced by the large majority of students.

What student gets :

Confidence in speaking English

Good grammar


Pronunciation ( Basics)

CareerSprings offers A broAd rAnge of soft skills trAining

courses including communicAtion skills, lEAdership, customer service, And B.P.O

Services. An estAblished trAining provider, we offer in-house trAining services to the
privAte And public sector, trAining compAnies And orgAnizAtions in diverse industries.
Our quAlified trAining consultAnts provide bespoke trAining And development
progrAms thAt sEAmlessly fit the orgAniZAtion’s requirements And culture.

Our TrAining Division offers wide rAnge of trAining progrAms. Every session is
tAken-up by well experienced professionAls. ApArt from our well experienced
ProfessioNAl TEAm We Also drAw experienced professioNAls from different
industries And ACAdemic Institutions.
Our Motto is “Language Matters”

We At CareerSpring Are A COmmitted tEAm of highly educAted And knowledgEAble

professioNAls, with speciAlized ACquAintAnce in impArting high quAlity trAining
progrAms to engineering And mANAgement students. Our progrAms will unquestionAbly
benefit the students to hone their professioNAl skills. It Also lAys A foundAtion to
their employAbility skills.

e believe in Students for whom English is A second lAnguAge of

communicAtion hAs mAny chAllenges when spEAking English. Although they develop
good vocAbulAry And lEArn to use sentences with minimum grAmmAr mistAkes,
their pronunciAtion leAVes much to be desired. tfowever hArd they work, the students
cAn correct their pronunciAtion only with the help of A professioNAl trAiner of

English Bridge lAys strong emphAsis on pronunciAtion techniques.

About our 30 hour ProgrAm

This ProgrAm is conducted in the cAmpus. The College mANAgement hAs to

AllocAte 3 hours in A week for this intensive InterNAtioNAl English LAnguAge
ProgrAm or ProfessioNAl Skills ProgrAm.

These ProgrAms Are tAilored in ACCOrdAnce with the requirements of the College

We Assure thAt our vAst experience, knowledge And expertise in trAining, undoubtedly
benefit the orgAnisAtion thAt we AssociAte with.

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