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Course Title: Introduction to Computer

Course ID: CIM101

Submitted to:
Mrs. Sonia Gupta mallick
Associate professor

Submitted By:
Md. Sabbir Rahman
ID: 212200019
1st semester, BBA Department
Assignment Topic: Personality characteristics where one is good at with

explanations/incidents and Personality characteristics where one needs

improvement at with supporting incidents.


Everyone has character traits, both good and bad, including our favorite fictional
characters. These characteristics make us human. We need to appreciate and nurture
our good personality characteristics at the same time we need to work on to improve
our negative characteristic to make us a better human. In the first of the essay I would
like to discuss one good Personality characteristic of mine and in the later part I would
like to focus on a characteristic that I like to improve

Before begin, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sabbir Rahman, I’m 20 years
old. I live with my family, which consists of dad, mom, and my brother, who is elder than
me. The personality trait that I appreciate most about me is I have a very helpful mind. I
have helped many people and I love to make new friends.

I would like to refer an example where I assisted someone. Till now, I have helped many
people, but the incident that happened 4 month ago will be memorable for me because
it requires so much of confidence and courage.

I am a bike rider. 4 month ago, While I was riding my bike I saw a car suddenly stopped
in front of me and a lady came out of the driver’s seat and started abusing an old man
(in his 60s) who seemed to be poor and was riding a bike with a little girl on the back
seat. The old mad had mistakenly hit her car.
As I saw her abusing that petrified man, I couldn’t resist myself intervening. So, this is
how our conversation went.

I-(Mam, this derogation won’t be tolerated)

She-(Who are you to interrupt, get the hell out of here otherwise I’ll call the police)

I-(Why would you bear the load to call the police?, let me call them)

Argument was going on between us and gradually people started gathering, some of
them supported me. The lady then got surprised by the peoples’ reaction, felt ashamed
and then She immediately entered her car and drove away, threatening to see me later.

The most soothing moment of that incident was seeing the relieved faces of that man
and the kid behind him after that incident.

He thanked me for what I did and I told him to ride carefully.

After that incident I feel more confident than ever…. Everyone has the hero inside him, he
just needs the confidence to wake that hero up. If we continue help people around us
when they need the world will be a better place to live.

On the other hand, I am not an exception, I have some limitations. The bad habit that I
would like to improve is wasting time. I feel deeply sorry for myself when I feel that I am
wasting time without any good reason. Playing video games and watching movies are
the main reason why I waste so much time. I try to resist myself again and again but
eventually, I end up with the smartphone and waste the most precious time. This gives
me a feeing of disturbance every time I discover myself wasting time and I seroulsy want
to utilize my time properly.

Knowing the problem is like half way to solve the it. In my case, I know where I need to
improve, so I have planned some ways to use my time wisely. I would like to explain
one by one below.
1. Recognize instances when I delay or postpone my own tasks on purpose.

I need to identify when I am wasting time and why I delaying preparing my assignments
or class work. This why will help me to plan better so that I can avoid procrastinating.
Recognizing these weaknesses will also help set my priorities.

2. Create a schedule.

I can get a notebook or calendar on which I can write all my deadlines, and leave room
to check things off when I complete them. I can also color this, or organize it in any way
that makes sense to me. This will help me feel productive with my own time and
motivate me to complete my work.

When I will make my schedule, I should give myself some extra time between when I
plan to complete my task and when it is actually due. This way, if any challenges or
setbacks come up during the process of my project, I will still be able to complete it in

3. Create personal goals and deadlines.

Having only one deadline for my work allows me to put everything off until the last
minute because I keep thinking to myself, “I have plenty of time!” In addition to the
official deadlines that you are given, set your own personal deadlines for your work.

Setting personal goals can help me overcome procrastination by giving me something

smaller to focus on—a vision or reason for doing whatever you're doing. Having short
deadlines will give you the motivation that you need to accomplish your projects on

I can focus on one small project at a time, and if I continue to procrastinate after
breaking your project down, break it down even further. I should break it down until the
steps are so small and simple that I cannot deny the fact that they are doable.
4. Put away all distractions.

When am working on an important project, one way to avoid wasting time is by putting
away my phone and disabling notifications on my computer until I am finished with
what I need to do. Otherwise, it is easy to get derailed by both internal and external

I should turn off my smartphone or put the ringer on silent so calls and texts don't
disturb me. I can put a note on the door of my room saying that I am busy right now,
and make a note of what time I will be free if someone needs me. Getting rid of
distractions will help me fully focus on my work.

I sincerely believe and hope, these steps will help me achieve what I need to improve so
that I can stop wasting time and use it wisely. This will also allow me to live a productive,
happy life.


Finally, I would like to conclude by saying, no man is perfect if we consider the personal
characteristics combinedly. However, the continuous try to improve ourselves is the only
things that makes us a civilized being. We need to strive to develop good habits always
to make the us the better version of ourselves and to build a better world.

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