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An Analytical write-up on “Victory Day Celebration at BPATC”

The Bengali nation has achieved freedom with a cost of millions of lives in

19171. With this irrecoverable sacrifice, we have earned our identity that
introduced Bangladesh as a country in the world map, and this victory, of

course, demands to be celebrated with proper honor and dignity. As an

apex training institution of Bangladesh, BPATC is not an exception to this.

We, the 70th batch of foundation training, are proud to be a part of this

Celebrating a big national event like 16th December requires rigorous

preparation. That is why we started planning this event from long ago. Our
total batch was divided into various groups and each one was assigned to

their respective responsibilities. For example, I was part of the souvenir

committee so were engaged designing wall magazine where participants

posted their articles, poems, drawings and other such compositions to

commemorate the victory day.

On the occasion, the whole BPATC campus was decorated with colorful

flags and festoons. We started our day at 6:15 am in front of the reception
area to raise the national flag and at the same time all the participants,

faculty members and all other officials of BPATC sang the national anthem

together. We had our dress code. Everyone was in formal attire. Male
participants put on a white shirt, black suit with tie and female participants

dressed read and green saree. Around 7 am, some of the selected
participants paid tributes to the martyrs of the Liberation War of

Bangladesh by placing wreaths at the National Monument at Savar. After

this, we took a tea and refreshment break at the BPATC cafeteria for 30

minutes. At 10:30 am we gathered in our Basketball ground for a discussion

session on the significance of victory day. The speakers of the sessions

discussed the background of our liberation war, the nightmare of 25th

March and the unforgettable sacrifices by the heroic citizens of our country.

The way it was discussed we could see a vivid easily picture the what
happened in 1971. Moreover, some of the speakers focused on the current

status of the journey of digital Bangladesh including the progress of some

of the mega projects like Padma Bridge, Metro Rail, Bangabandhu Satellite,

etc. Furthermore, the honorable Rector sir reminiscent his memories of

1971 that took us in that time as if we could see what happened on that

bloody war. Finally, orators of the session mentioned the current problem
and proposed solutions that will help us build the Bangabandhu’s dream

Digital Bangladesh.

The talk show followed by a cultural program in the same venue. In the

cultural session, participants of our batch took part. Some of them

performed patriotic songs some danced and some recited poems. In total

the cultural program was very eventful by the participation of the

participants. Last but not least, our mess committee donated BDT 8 lac to

the assistant commissioner of Nator who has been suffering from Kidney
disease, this added a different variant in our program. After the cultural

program, we enjoyed our lunch at the cafeteria around 1:15 pm and some
of us took a break for prayer. The most enjoyable moment was a friendly

football match between the participants of the 70th training batch and
other trainees. It was very competitive and full of excitement. The final

result was, we won the game by 1-0.

However, form an independent point of view, if I have to scrutinize the

overall celebration, I would like to call it a successful one, since we have

tried our level best to make our hard work and dedication worthwhile. I
would like shade some light on the bright side, firstly, this was an occasion

which allowed us to pay our homage to the martyrs of 1971 and remember
the sacrifice that they made for us. Secondly, it was very crucial for all of us,

especially those who are working in public service, since we all are directly
serving this country. Taking inspiration from such events will rejuvenate the

zeal or passion for the well-being of the nation. Thirdly, this celebration

gives us a platform to know each other, as we all are participants in a

training program, this allows us to work in diversity and helps to create a


On the other hand, I have observed some limitations in the overall

celebration. For example, there were very limited options for lady
participants to engage in the overall preparation of the event. This part

could have been improved. The organizing committee could have been
utilized in more productive ways. Besides, if we could arrange debate

competition, essay writing coemption, etc. this would have added a new
dimension to the overall event.

To sum up, the overall celebration of the victory day was very lively and
memorable to all the participants of our batch as it was greatly enjoyed by

everyone. Despite having some limitations of the event, which can be

ignored as these did not taint the meaning and charm of the celebration.

Overall, from the arrangement to the management of the event, it was

acclaimed by everyone.

858 Words

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