Control Input-Output Signals

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There are three types of I/O operations:

1.Sensory input
•digital input
•analog input

2.Control output
•direct digital output
•modulated digital output
•analog output

3.Data transfer

I/O is one of the three main components of a computer system. The responsibility of I/O
is to interface with external devices. Depending on their applications, I/O operations can
be divided into three groups: sensory input, control output, and data transfer. Once the
nature of each type of I/O operation is understood, the hardware design and software for
these operations can be understood easily.

Like memory components, I/O components have addresses and each I/O address usually
consists of 8 or 16 bits of data. Since many sensory input and control output signals
consist of just one bit of information, a single I/O address may be able to handle
multiple input and output signals. For instance, some bits of an 8-bit port can be used to
receive input signals while other bits are used to send output signals. Depending on how
they are used, one bit of an I/O address may be referred to as an I/O port or the set of all
bits at a single I/O address may be referred to as an I/O port. When someone says how
many ports are needed, you need to find out what his or her definition of port is.
1. What is a Digital I/O Board?
A digital I/O board is an interface board that adds the ability to input and output digital signals in parallel to a computer. Using a digital
I/O device makes it possible to monitor (read) the statuses of measuring devices as well as the relays and operation switches of
various types of control circuits. In addition to controlling output for lamps, LEDs, 7-segment displays, and relays, such products can
also be used as an interface for digital communication with controllers such as a PLC (sequencer).
What is analog I/O?
The signals from sensors that measure surrounding natural factors such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate are often analog
signals, and most control actuators move according to analog signals. On the other hand, only digital signals can be handled by
computers. For this reason, in order to input a signal from a sensor using a computer, or to output a signal to an actuator, it's
necessary to have a device that can bridge the analog signal and the digital signal handled by the computer. That bridge is called an
analog I/O interface.
Analog Signal

An analog signal is time-varying and generally bound to a range (e.g.

+12V to -12V), but there is an infinite number of values within that
continuous range. An analog signal uses a given property of the medium
to convey the signal’s information, such as electricity moving through a
wire. In an electrical signal, the voltage, current, or frequency of the signal
may be varied to represent the information. Analog signals are often
calculated responses to changes in light, sound, temperature, position,
pressure, or other physical phenomena.

When plotted on a voltage vs. time graph, an analog signal should

produce a smooth and continuous curve. There should not be any discrete
value changes (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Analog Signal

Digital Signal

A digital signal is a signal that represents data as a sequence of discrete values.

A digital signal can only take on one value from a finite set of possible values at
a given time. With digital signals, the physical quantity representing the
information can be many things:

•Variable electric current or voltage

•Phase or polarization of an electromagnetic field
•Acoustic pressure
•The magnetization of a magnetic storage media

Digital signals are used in all digital electronics, including computing equipment
and data transmission devices. When plotted on a voltage vs. time graph, digital
signals are one of two values, and are usually between 0V and VCC (usually
1.8V, 3.3V, or 5V) (see Figure 2).
Examples of Digital, Analog and Temperature
I/O Devices
Digital (Discrete) input (applicable for IOLAN (S)DS1 D4 or D2R2)
There are two types of Digital input contact types:

Dry contact type:  No voltage or current is supplied by the I/O device.  The device senses when a pair of contacts are
open or closed

• Open = "0"

• Close to ground = "1"

Wet contact type:  Voltage applied by the device representat a binary 1 or 0

• 0v - 3v = "0"

• 10v - 30v = "1"

Examples of Digital (Discrete) input devices (dry or wet contact type)

• Selector switches,pushbuttons, thumbwheel switches

• Photoelectric eyes, limit switches, circuit breakers

• Proximity switches, level switches

• Motor starter contacts

• Relay contacts

• Fans, lights, horns, valves

Digital (Discrete) Output (applicable for IOLAN (S)DS1 D4 or D2R2)

Digital output exists when a voltage is applied to a pair of digital output leads.  This voltage can be sourced (sinked)
by internal or external sources.  In addition, there can be pulse output when the device is active.

Examples of Digital (Discrete) output devices

• Alarms

• Control relays

• Fans, lights, horns, valves

• Motor starters, solenoids

Relay Output ( applicable for IOLAN (S)DS1 D2R2 or A4R2)

Relay output exists when contacts are closed on a pair of relay leads.

Examples of Relay output devices

• Alarms

• Control relays

• Fans, lights, horns, valves

• Motor starters, solenoids

Analog Input (applicable for IOLAN (S)DS1 A4 or A4R2)
Analog input exists when variable voltage or current values received from a sensor corresponds to a floating point
decimal value.

Examples of Analog input devices

• Temperature sensors

• CO2 sensors

• Pressure sensors

• Humidity  sensors

• Flow sensors

• Potentiometers.

Thermocouple Temperature Sensors (applicable for IOLAN (S)DS T4)

Thermocouple Temperature Sensors are the most popular type of industrial temperature sensor (widely used in the
steel industry and heating applicance safety).  They operate by placing two dissimilar metals together causing voltage
to vary according to the temperature.  They are relatively inexpesive and operate over a wide temperature range. 

Types of Thermocouple Temperature Sensors

• Type B – 500 to 1800C

• Type E – 0 to 1000C

• Type J  – 0 to 760C

• Type K – 0 to 1370C

• Type R – 500 to 1750C

• Type S – 500 to 1750C

• Type T –  -100 to 400C

RTD Temperature Sensors (applicable for IOLAN (S)DS T4)

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD), also called Resistance thermometers, are temperature sensors that exploit
the predictable change in electrical resistance of some materials with changing temperature. As they are almost
invariably made of platinum, they are often called platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs). They are slowly
replacing the use of thermocouples in many industrial applications below 600 °C.  Resistance thermometers are
constructed in a number of forms and offer greater stability, accuracy and repeatability in some cases than
thermocouples. While thermocouples use the Seebeck effect to generate a voltage, resistance thermometers use
electrical resistance and require a small power source to operate. The resistance ideally varies linearly with

Examples of RTD Temperature Sensors

• PT100 - Platinum 100 W at 0 °C  - range of –200C to 400C

• PT1000 – Platinum 1000 W at 0 °C - range of –40C to 160C

• Ni 518 – Nickel temp coefficient of .518 - range of –80C to 100C

Serial Transmission: 
In Serial Transmission, data-bit flows from one computer to another computer in bi-direction. In this
transmission, one bit flows at one clock pulse. In Serial Transmission, 8 bits are transferred at a time having a
start and stop bit. 

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Parallel Transmission: 
In Parallel Transmission, many bits are flow together simultaneously from one computer to another computer.
Parallel Transmission is faster than serial transmission to transmit the bits. Parallel transmission is used for
short distance. 

Difference between Serial and Parallel Transmission:  

Serial Transmission Parallel Transmission
In serial transmission, data(bit) flows in bi- In Parallel Transmission, data flows in
direction. multiple lines.
Serial Transmission Parallel Transmission
2. Serial Transmission is cost-efficient. Parallel Transmission is not cost-efficient.
In serial transmission, one bit transferred at In Parallel Transmission, eight bits
one clock pulse. transferred at one clock pulse.
Serial Transmission is slow in comparison of Parallel Transmission is fast in comparison of
Parallel Transmission. Serial Transmission.
Generally, Serial Transmission is used for Generally, Parallel Transmission is used for
long-distance. short distance.
The circuit used in Serial Transmission is The circuit used in Parallel Transmission is
simple. relatively complex.

Serial transmission requires a single line to communicate and transfer data whereas, parallel transmission requires
multiple lines. ... Serial transmission is used for long-distance communication. As against, parallel transmission is
used for the shorter distance.

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