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Electron Energy and Light How does light revel the behavior of electrons in an atom? Why? Model 1 - White Light Photon Energy] Wavel Speed Color (x 1074) | Range (ah (ral) Lightbulb pee) [Reds 269-318 [625-740 [3.00 x 10" (hit igh) Oranges | 318-337 | 590-625 [3.00% 10" brYellows 337-352 [565-590 _[3.00« 10" brGreens 352-382 | 520-565 [3.00 10" Blues 382-452 | 440-520 [3.00 10" P>Violets 452-523 | 380-440 _|3.00x 10" 1. Tce the arows in Model 1 and shade in the table with colored pencils where appropriate. 2. What happens to white light when it passes through a prism? ‘Why ate the color labels in the table in Model 1 plural (2 4. Doall colors of light travel at the same speed? > Do all colors of light have the same energy? If no, which colors have the highest energy and the least energy, respectively? /. . Consider the light illustrated in Model 1 ‘ Which color corresponds to the longest wavelengths? 4 Which color corresponds to the shortest wavelengths? @ Write sentence that describes the relationship between wavelength and energy of light. Electron Energy and Light 75 Model 2 - Emission Spectra for Hydrogen and Boron Atoms Hydrogen ous Prism Blues Buc | Violet violet green Hiydogen exs ee change tube e a 33 3B wavelength (om) Boron ‘Wavelength (nm) 7. Use colored pencils to color the hydrogen and boron spectral lines within theit respective spectra in Model 2. 8, List the spectral lines for hydrogen gas by color and corresponding wavelength. 9. The spectral lines for boron were produced using the same method as hydrogen. List three of the colors and corresponding wavelengths for boron's spectral lines as its light passes through a prism. | Vie 412 nm, 420 0, 424 nm oeemnow | Orange 609 mm Red 280m 10. Consider the hydrogen spectrum in Model 2. 4. Which color of light corresponds to the shortest wavelength? 4, Which color of light corresponds to the longest wavelength? pond 76 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry ‘Gi i i i a i a a i i 11, Consider the hydrogen spectrum in Model 2. 4, Which color of light has the most energy? Violet, 4, Which color of light has the least energy? 12, Does a gas discharge tube filled with boron emit the same wavelengths of light as a cube filled with hydrogen? Use evidence from Model 2 to support your answer. 13. “The spectral lines for atoms are like fingerprints for humans.” How do the spectral lines for hydrogen and boron support this statement? Circle the appropriate word to complete each statement in Questions 14-17. 14, Electrons and protons (@ttracirepel) each other. 15. Asan electron gets closer to the nucleus the GitractioB repulsion) to the nucleus gets @ongey) weaker). 16, For an electron to move from an energy level close to the nucleus to an energy level far from the nucleus it would need co Gain}lose) energy. 17. For an electron to move from an energy level far from the nucleus to an energy level close to the o nucleus it would need to (g ergy. Read This! Niels Bohr modified Rutherford’s Nuclear Atom model to explain how light interacted with the electrons in an atom to produce spectral lines. His model included electrons orbiting the nucleus at specific energy levels. Electrons absorb energy from various sources (electricity) when they move from lower energy levels (ground state) co higher energy levels (excited states). Energy is released as electrons return to theit lower energy levels. 18. Is energy absorbed or released for the electron transition shown in the diagram to the right? Electron Energy and Light 7 Model 3 — Bohr Model of a Hydrogen Atom A, n=6 10 n=2, violet, 410. nm B. nz5 to.n=2, blue-violer, 434.0 nm obb hfe (2 (>) =4 to n=2, blue-green, 486.1 nm 19. Identify che drawing in Model 3 that depicts a hydrogen atom with an electron moving from, energy level 5 co energy level 2. Refer to Models 1 and 2 for the following questions, 4, Label the picture with “n=5 to n=2” and list the corresponding color of light emitted. 4, This electron transition (absorbstfleases) energy. 6 This electron moves from a (lower(highe}) energy state to a(owerfhigher) energy state. d. slight absorbed or released in the electron transition? Released. 78 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry 20. Label the remaining drawings in Model 3 with the electron transitions that are occurring, (n=? to n=?), the wavelengths, and the corresponding colors as given in example A in Model 3. See Model 2 in order to identify the color of spectral lines produced in each of the hydrogen atom clectron transitions shown in Model 3. Use colored pencils to trace the light wave in each of the four pictures with the appropriate color. 21. Consider the electron transitions in Model 3. a, Which of the electron transitions involves the most energy? 26 10 ne2 voles ight, 410mm. 4. Explain why this eransition involves the most energy based on your understanding of the atcractive forces between the electrons and protons in'the atom. 22. Explain why a single atom of hydrogen cannot produce all four hydrogen spectral lines simultaneously. 23. If Question 22 is true, how can we sce all four colors from a hydrogen gas discharge tube simultaneously? Sree Electron Energy and Light 79 Extension Questions 24, The hydrogen spectral lines in Model 2 are only the wavelengths of light that are in the visible range and therefore “seen” by the naked eye, However, many other wavelengths can be detected with special equipment. 4, Propose a hydrogen electron transition that involves light with a wavelength in the ultraviolet (UV) range (10-400 nm). Wavelengths in this range would have MORE energy than violes, so the transition would need to be larger than the n=6 to n=2 transition. Maybe n=6 to n=I. 4. Propose a hydrogen electron transition that involves light with a wavelength in the infrared (IR) range (1000-106 nm). Wavelengths in this range would have LESS energy than red, so the sransision would need to be smaller than the n=3 to n=2 transition. Maybe n=5 to n=4, 25. Below are diagrams for the bright line spectra of four elements and the spectrum of a mixture of unknown gases. Li H He Na Unknown a. Which element(s) are not present in the Unknown? Na and Li. 4, Which element(s) are in the Unknown? ‘He and H. 26. Model 2 shows the emission spectra for hydrogen and boron. Scientists can also record the absorption spectra for elements. Propose how this might be done, and what the absorption spectra of hydrogen and boron would look like. | An absorption spectra could be found by shining white ight through a sample of the element and collecting the light that comes through the sample. The spectra would look like a rainbow with some suavelengths missing (the ones that were absorbed).The “mising” wavelengths would appear as dark lines. 80 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry PPP M ABRAHAM RHRMRHRAEAAMRMMMMAMAMABMAMAMAMABMBAAMMAL AAD: Electron Configurations ‘What is the electron structure in an atom? Why? ‘The electron structure of an atom is very important. Scientists use the electronic structure of atoms to’ predict bonding in molecules, the charge(s) an atom might have, and the physical properties of elements. In order for scientists to describe the electron structure in an atom, they give the electrons “addresses.” Just like your address might include your house number, street, city, and state, an electron’s “address” has ‘multiple parts. In this activity, you will learn how the electrons fill up the available spaces in an arom and how their “addresses” or configurations are assigned. Model 1 - The Boarding House Uh HH soos |i ta sg tts lal kitchen a kitchen i} kitchen Time: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm 5:00 pm Manager's Code: Ist Is? 2s? 2p? 1s 2s! 2p — — a i] See) C (els aleaa) |alama as| 1218] | kitchen (] kitchen io] kitchen Time: 7:00 pm 9:00 pm 11:00 pm, Manager's Code: _1s* 2s* 2p 3s! Ist 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p! 1s! 2s? 2p 3s? 3p? Aa Rooms Sunny AAG {ee [TT 1. Examine the boarding house diagrams in Model 1. Match each symbol below with its most likely meaning. LE I. Bunk bed for boarders a @ a II. Manager's code for the number of boarders in the house and their room assignments. Il, Boarder Electron Configuration 83 2. Refer to Model 1. a, How many boarders were in the boarding house at 5:00 pm? &. Describe how you determined your answer to part a. 3.. Examine each diagram in Model 1 and the corresponding manager's code. Using the following manager's code: 4, Underline the floor numbers) “ 4, The manager of the boarding house has some very strict rules on how beds will be rented out for the night. Examine the diagrams in Model 1 and the statements below to determine the phrase that best describes the manager's set of rules, Circle the correct answer. a, The boarding house will rent out beds on the floor first. G 2nd 3rd, b. Boarders are only allowed to double up in a bunk when there is an even number of boarders in the room CAllbotwom bunks are occupied> 6 The next floor of rooms will be opened for boarders only when on the floor below are occupi half of the bunks at least one of the rooms Glof the bunis> d. The pink room on a floor will be opened for boarders only when all of the lower bunks in the sunny room on that floor are occupied the sunny room on that floor is oper BR 5. provide a) the manager's code and (b) a boarding house diagram showing 12 boarders present. a 182823 ee H isi, fA ig kitchen 84 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry Model 2 ~ Ground State Orbital Diagrams and Electron Configurations 3p 3p 3p 3s 3s 3s 2p A t t 2p tt felt t | 2p tl} Hl. Os Hydrogen Carbon ts! 1s? 23° 2p? Increasing Energy Ps * tat * gittitl» 2p t 2p tt 2p att tlt [att +1 iu th tt th} th] is Has Sodium Aluminum Phosphorus 1s? 2s? 2p 3s! 18° 2s* 2p 35° 3p! 1s* 2s? 2p 3s* 3p" 6. Examine the orbital diagrams and electron configurations in Model 2. Match each symbol below with its meaning, ATT a. I. Single electron t4t IL Pair of electrons with opposite spins He tt II], Atomic orbital (region of space where an electron is likely to be found) Wa IV. Sublevel (set of orbitals having equivalent energy) Ve. 1s? 2s? 2p! V, Electron configuration Electron Configuration 85 10. . Consider the orbital diagram for oxygen in Model 2. a, How many electrons are present in the orbital diagram? Eight electrons are present. 4, Based on its position in the periodic table, explain how you know that your answer to part a is the correct number of electrons for oxygen. The atomic number of oxygen is 8. . Examine the orbital diagrams and electron configurations in Model 2. Using the following elec- tron configuration: 1s 261 298 4. Underline the energy levels. &, Circle the sublevels, Draw a box around the numbers of electrons. . The 2s and 2p sublevels are very close in energy, as are the 3s and 3p sublevels. Explain how the orbital diagram for sodium confirms that the 3s sublevel is lower in energy than the 3p sublevel. The s sublevel is located lower on the page than the p sublevel. ‘The lowest potential energy arrangement of clectrons in an atom is called the ground state. Ground state electron configurations can be predicted by a strict set of rules known as the Aufbau principle (“aufbau” means filling up). Examine the diagrams in Model 2 and the state- ments below co determine che phrase that best describes each rule, Circle the correct answer. 4, Based on where a single electron is placed, the lowest potential energy electron in an atom is found in the sublevel ® 2s 3s 4, Electrons will occupy a p-orbital only after the previous s-orbital is half full the previous s-orbital is empty é Electrons can begin to occupy energy levels with the next highest integer designation (¢ 2vs. 1, 3 vs. 2) only after on the energy level below it are occupied, half of che orbitals at least one of the orbitals all of the orbitals POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry : : 11. The Pauli exclusion principle describes the restriction on the placement of electrons into the same orbital. The Pauli exclusion principle can be expressed as: “If two electrons occupy the same orbital, they must have.” Circle the correct answer. the same spin apposite spins> 12. Hund’s rule describes how electrons are distributed among orbitals of the same sublevel when there is more than one way to distribute them. Hund's rule consists of two important ideas. Based on Model 2, circle the correct answer to each statement. a. Electrons will pair up in an orbital only when, there is an even number of electrons in the sublevel ‘ibitals in the same sublevel have one electron-> 'b, When single electrons occupy different orbitals of the same sublevel, they all have the same spin they all have different spins their spins are random 13. For each of the symbols below from Model 2, provide the name or description of the analogous component that was used in the boarding house model (Model 1) a Bunk beds for boarders ; Pink room — it One boarder H Tivo boarders 1s? 2st 2p' |) Manager's code 4, What characteristic of electrons is nat well represented by the boarding house model? There is no analogy for electron spin in the boarding house model. The + and p rooms are on the same floor but s and p orbitals don't have the same energy c. How could the boarding house model be modified to better represent the relative energies ofs and p sublevels? lace steps going into the p sublevel to show that it slightly higher than the ssubleve. Also, boarders in the bunks could sleep head-to-foot rather than in the same direction. Electron Configuration 87 SUPCTCSCSCSCCSCOCVCCUCCVCCCCTCC CSC SCSCSC SSC SSS SSCS SSS SSsseT 4, bet re dee sven generated by students in response to the prompe: “Provide an orbital energy level diagram for the ground state ofa nitrogen atom.” In cach case, indicate whether the answer is right or wrong, and if is wrong, explain the error. 3p 3p 3p t [as 3s 3s t it Pp 4 2p t 2p tte * ple agit th] i Ny 1s th] rs a. Wrong; electrons are in the |b. Correct; single electrons | c. Wrongs two electrons have third energy levels when the | can bein either the “up” or | — been placed into the same previous orbitals are not “down” position. orbital when all orbitals in ‘full—violation of the Aufbau the sublevel do not have one principle. elecron—siolaion of Hands 15. Complete the ground state orbital energy level diagrams and write the corresponding electron. configurations for: Sulfur Silicon Neon tials t 3 3p att . nit : 5 NAL IAL | op tity | op THA IAL | op ty} Fas : te t typos this ty] as thas Sulfur Silicon’ Neon 1822522p°39?3ph 1522522963523? 182252296 88 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry. energy or lower in total potential energy than the ground state electron configuration of element X? Explain your reasoning, The orbital diagram in Model 3 is higher in energy than the ground state because there is an electron in the 3s orbital that should be in a 2p orbital. The electron would need to have higher potential energy to be in the 3s orbital Read This! An excited state electron configuration is any clecton configuration for an atom that contains the Correct total number of electrons but has a higher total electron potential energy than the ground state electron configuration. 17. Write an electron configuration for element X that shows the atom in a different excited state than the one illustrated in Model 3. Many alternatives exist:1s?2s!2p°3s!, etc. Electron Configuration 89 Extension Questions Model 3 — Orbital Diagram for an Atom of Element X t ° 3s t TNT] » ths - tt Is 16. Consider the orbital diagram in Model 3. a. How many electrons are there in one atom of element X? 10 electrons 4, Identify element X and provide its ground state electron configuration. Assume the atom is neutral, Element X is neon and its ground state electron configuration is 15225?2p8, 6 Is the arrangement of electrons in the orbital diagram in Model 3 higher in cotal potential 18. Each orbital diagram shown below describes an excited state of an atom of a different element Use the orbital diagrams to complete the able. A B Cc 3p t fas t 3p thi ts itt | 3p 3s 3s, th} is 2p th 2p pet Ltt [2s ‘ 1s His A B c Excited state electron — aa a ay 1s?2s!2p'35! 1s?2s22p°3s!3p! 182262236 Identify the element Nitrogen Aluminum Ground state electron ” E a configuration 1225229) 18225°2p3s 13?28?2p%3523p! 19. Complete the table for each of the excited state electron configurations given, Excited state electron | Element | Ground state electron Orbical diagram for configuration name configuration ground state nu it | 18?2s"ap? Boron | 15225229! iN eel 18'2s*2p'3s'3p! | Fluorine: 132252295 iH iL 90 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry ‘a hay J00q snoA uy ‘aney Aayp sey pue ‘p ‘d's sjanaiqns ‘40109 ©} 400g 4nOA Jo TST"d asp-2/qe1 21POLad [eN!CUO H H Orbital Diagrams and Electron Configuration Use the patterns within the periodic table to draw orbital diagrams and write longhand electron configurations for the following atoms Symbol | #e Orbital Diagram Electron Configuration 29.22.0352 mg 12 fe Ab Av dv 4b Ay \s?2s' 2p 3s th th th Th Th is 28 2 2p 2 5725426352: P \S tettt ' . F 34 3s 3p 3p 3p vay REE ERE YE sszzstzp'ss? 376 WEttaa 4s*3d ey a ‘yay Is? 2s? 2p® 33° 3p 48° 3d!"4p? Ge 32 yyy yd t 5 ae WW WIV W WAY |Is22sd2Pe3s?3pe fy YY YY YH a2 sade vv WV Vy Is 2s? 2pe 352 3pe Te 2 BY Ye yt ree saouse® wo 4 yt Way Y yd 4 Md” Sp Ch5&6 RULES OF ELECTRON CONFIGURATIONS Which of the following “rules” is being violated in each electron configuration below? Explain your answer for each. Hund’s Rule, Pauli Exclusion Principle, Aufbau Principle 1s Hands Rule 7 eae 2 Grew decors can ocoupy thir own Pp orbital th te thats Btett Autbou pend 8 |is 2s 2p 3s 3p sS Srendabe fea befire Be.Ttsalaweceneray kel Pouli Exclusion, °. Pa 0 —— titit 3s shewd neve og reset seins Aufpax pein Lz to [tH TH ThtETL te Th tdTL tote tETETE Yes NoBLe GAS ELECTRON CONFIGURATION (SHORTHAND) Use the patterns within the periodic table to write the shorthand electron configurations for the following elements tL th 2p 3s ap 3d el be 4 4s Cs (slawer energy lev [Symbol |# 6" [Noble Gas Electron Configuration 11. |Ca_— ag | tar] Us? 242. |F 9 | tel 2522pF 13. |Fe lag | fe! 45236 44, |Br a5 Are YS23d 0 ee 15. |Pb 92 Nel gs2 YF Sd G6 p2 Ch. 586 ) Stop Ee ‘ VN LW NINN INN AAG LV Z Z SS “se pur-UON Spiayyo4at 20 STORRS ¥ joy yl quawia|a 40 adéy yoea 104 s0]09 © ym hay s9yRO 3A YstUY S10IOD WUBLaYIP 9 BUIsN y ZAZ ZZ aA MTHS STSTSUHTON pue aN) STETBUUTITSS ‘STEVBWA ws Busy Aq Ady © AYE *€ s]ev2W\ vontsues, 120u fi sustoieH my stew vonssuelL gg stew Yue3 aurexiyg alge aun Jo apis 491 aug Uo (smos) spouiad aya Jaquinn °Z, (waup saquinu 03 paau ou) g dnosp pue ‘ys-¥T suequinu dnosg aij Jo doy uo jaqeT “T saseg aon sje Leng ‘31923 4p 40109 0} Y00q snOA Jo BsT-s¢T'd BUIPERT asn - a/geL 21PouEd H — ipouad wen, Coulombic Attraction ‘What variables will affect the force of attraction between charged particles? the attraction between oppositely charged particles. For example, the protons in the nucleus of an atom have attraction for the electrons surrounding the nucleus. This is because the pro- tons are positive and the electrons ate negative. The attractive force can be weak or strong. In this activity, ‘you will explore the steengeh of attraction between protons and electrons in various atomic structures. Model 1 — Distance and Attractive Force Force of Attraction (Newtons) A 0.10 nm Gy) 2.30 x 10 B 0,20 nm @)-—_™|'__——o 0.58 x 10 Cc 0.30 nm © YY sV4"*"—— +9 0.6 x 10" 1. What subatomic particles do these symbols represent in Model 12 @ ° rai, Electron 2. Would you expect to observe attraction or repulsion between the subato particles in Model 1? ‘Attraction. a 3. Consider the data in Model 1 a, What are the independent and dependent variables in the data? Independent—distance between particles. Dependent-—attractive force. 4. Write a complete sentence that describes the observed relationship between the independent and dependent variables in Model 1 [As she distance between the protons and electrons increases, the force of attraction decreases. 4, If the distance between a proton and electron is 0.50 nm, would you expect the force of attrac- tion to be greater than or less than 0.26 x 10* N? Less than. 5. If ovo protons are 0.10 nm away from one electron, would you expect the force of attraction to be greater than ot less than 2.30 x 10 N? © Greater than. Coulombic Attraction 67 Model 2 - The Alkali Metals Girled Lithium Gircled Sodium Circled Potassium v Seeonger Force of Attraction 6. Consider the diagrams in Model 2. 4. ‘What do the arrows represent? Axtractive force between the protons in the nucleus and the electrons. 4, How does the thickness of the arrows relate to the property given in part a? The thicker the arrow, the stronger the attraction. 7. Using a periodic table, locate the elements whose atoms are diagrammed in Model 2. Are the elements in the same column or the same row? They are all in the same column or family of che periodic sable. Circle the outermost electron in each of the diagrams in Model 2. R, 68 ‘As you move from the smallest atom to the largest atom in Model 2, how does the distance between the outermost electron and the nucleus change? ‘The outermost electron is further away in the larger atom, ‘As you move from the smallest atom to the largest atom in Model 2, how does the attractive force between the outermost electron and the nucleus change? ‘The attractive force between the electron and the nucleus gets weaker as the atom gets larger Are your answers to parts a and 6 consistent with the information in Model 1? Yes, the attractive force should get wealker as the distance increases, POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry DDD Deer see TT TT UST TT TTT TTT Model 3 — Number of Protons and Attractive Force Force of Attraction (Newtons) A @ 0.10 nm 2.30 x 10% D & 0.10 nm 4.60 x 10% 6.90 x 10% FE 0.10 nm 9.20 x 10“ 9. Consider the data in Model 3. a, What are the independent and dependent variables in the data? | Independent—number of protons. Dependent—atsractive force. 4. White a complete sentence that describes the relationship between the independent and de- pendent variables in Model 3. As more protons are added, the attractive force on the electron increases. 10. What would be the attractive force on a single electron if five protons were in the nucleus of an atom? Show mathematical work to support your answer. 5(2.3 x 10*N) = 11.5 x 10*°N 11, Imagine that a second electron were placed to the left of a nucleus containing two protons (Model 3, set D). Predict the force of attraction on both the original electron and the second electron. Explain your prediction with a complete sentence. Answers will vary. ‘Some seudems will predic that the atrative force will b 4.6 x 10 N on each electron, explaining that che force will be felt equally by both electrons. Others might predict she attractive force will be2.3 x 10" N on each electron, thinking that the same force will exentially be divided in half Coulombic Attraction ) Read This! ‘The attractive and repulsive forces in an atom are rather complex. An electron is attracted to the protons in the nucleus, but itis also repelled by the other electrons in the atom, Ic is important to note however that the attractive force of the nucleus is NOT divided up among the electrons in the atom. Each electron gets approximately the full attractive force of the nucleus (minus the repulsive effects of other electrons). Compare the diagram below to set D in Model 3. Notice the similarity in attractive force. 0.10 nm + 0.10 nm oe -—_______+9 approx. 4.60 x 10% (on each electron) 12, What is the approximate attractive force on each electron below? + 3 0.10 nm. eo) 0.10 nm. 6 | Approximately 6.90°x 10 N on each electron. 70 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry, xea20nene TR Model 4 - Period 3 Elements BD aS Sodium Aluminum Chlorine 15, Using the periodic table, locate the elements whose atoms are diagrammed in Model 4, Are the elements in the same column or the same row? They are all in the same period or row of the periodic table. 14. Circle the outermost clectron(s) in each of the atoms in Model 4 All ofthe electrons in the third “shell” should be circled. 15. Which of the three atoms diagrammed in Model 4 has the strongest attraction for its outermost electron(s)? Chlorine—it has the thickest arrow. Boe. Consider the information in Model 4. % As you move from the smallest atom tothe largest atom, does the dstance between the ourer- most electton(s) and the nucleus change significantly? The distance does not change significantly. % Can the differences in the attractive force shown by the arrows be explained by a change in the distance between the electron(s) and the nucleus? ‘No, distance cannot explain the differences in attraction, & On the diagrams in Model 4, write the number of protons located in the nucleus of each atom, ‘Na—11 protons; Al—13 protons; Cl-17 protons 4 Can the differences in attractive forces shown by the arrows in Model 4 be explained by a change in the number of protons in the nucleus? IF yes, explain the relationship in Model 4 jer the number ofprotons in the nucleus increase, the attractive force for the outermat electron @ increases, 17. For each set of elements below, circle the element whose atoms will have a stronger attractive force between their outermost electron(s) and the nucleus & Crand a) 6 (Adhnd Xe Coulombic Attraction 7 Extension Questions 18. Consider the atom diagrams in Model 2. a, On each diagram write the number of protons in the nucleus of the atom. 4, When comparing elements in the same column of the periodic table, which factor—distance to the nucleus oF number of protons in the nucleus—seems to be the dominant factor for determining the attractive force berween the outermost electron(s) and the nucleus? Explain. a ogee nampa 19. Consider the data presented in Models 1 and 3. a. Describe the mathematical relationship between the distance (d) and the attractive force (F) between protons and electrons. enone aprender wih 4. Describe the mathematical relationship between the number of protons in the nucleus (Z) and the attractive force (F) between the nucleus and electrons. 2 POGIL™ Activities for High School Chemistry H Trends in the Periodic Table Atomic and Ionic Radi Purpose: To determine the trends, if they exist, for atomic size and ionic size in the Periodic Table. Atomic Radii in a period in Atomic Radii ina group 1[ 1) Trendsin Atomic Radius (A) Hg ‘ 03) sh ta sa sn rn) 0S @ 0.66 1 & & Analysis: (Answer in complete sentences.) 1. What happens to the atomic radius as the atomic number increases across a period and why do you think this happens (Hint: eS ane rotons) Genrally 4 veneer Ser tocbitals wrth mere protons pal pate in nee pte cleus 2, What happeWfs to the atomic radius as the atomic number increases down a group or family and why do you think this happens (same hint)? £ 5 increase in erbitels Fo Wold more AC UHMS If Cary emrgy 3. Using the shell of the periodic table, write what is happening to the atomic radius on the ™ duresiny <= § Atomic vs lonic Radii - Atomic/lonic Radii ae Q@e @e | @s @E Qs. eo: ® $308 ® Fe 8 Analysis: (Answer in complete sentences.) 1. What happens to the size of the atomic radius of ap element like Li (lithium) that loses an electron and becomes an ionic radius and why? als in Size; lostane— Cit ts losing e-) same tof protons pullin on aca J a proconle Rad 7 2@ 2@ @<@ 2. What happens to the size of the atomic radius of an element like Cl (chlorine) that gains an I2e, Jains e~ 4 electron and becomes an ionic radius and why? jneweases (AS. Cgatnsmoree-) Same & of Protons pulling ™ move @~ Isoelectronic Series 3. Whatisan isoelectronic series?, * different elembnts w/ the Sane #0F 67 4. Inanisoelectronic series how can you tell which species will have the greatest radii? The species mort hyahye Cuiicl wilt ave He Lest protons ia the nucleus) ae Title: Aonization Erergy v5 Ptomvett w 418) [Ae ne ie =f ° VPs S oT Ray Bs IS 16 7 e (a 20 Title: Teni2abon Greg “familyIA ¢l4 * 2 Ben/® ys Bfomijza 460 ns yoo 35 360 38 Topi zation » 2 egy aa 2 e ve 2 (2s wo 6 » “6 1 2 3 f cy Famly A t2A periods Analysis for the lonization graphs: (Answer in complete sentences.) 1. a, Using graph #1, as the atomic number increases across a period what in general happens to the ionization energy and why do you think that is happening? In general, the ionization energy increases when the atomic number increases across a period because you have more protons in the same number of orbitals so you have more protons pulling, ‘on the electrons so it makes it more difficult so you will have a higher ionization energy b. Are there any exceptions in the trend? Yes, Boron (B) and Oxygen (0) dip in the first graph as well as Aluminum (Al) and Sulfur (S) in the second group. 2. Using graph #1, which elements seem to be the highest peaks and why do you think that is the case? (Hint: think about the kind of element it is and their properties) The elements that seem to be the highest peaks are the noble gases. It is because they do not want to ionize because they are stable and therefore inert. 3. Using graph #2, looking at just Family 1A in the second graph, what do you observe happening to the ionization energy as the period increases? As the period increases in just Family 1A, the ionization energy decreases. 4. Using graph #2, compare the graphs for Family 1A and 2A in the second graph with respect to ionization energy and why do you think that is happening? In comparing the two families, generally, the ionization energy for Family 1A is lower than Family 2A because family 2 has more protons so it has more pull on the valence electrons than Family 1A 5. Using the shell of the periodic table, write what is happening to the ionization energy on the arrows. 2 Ionization energy increases 4 ————————————ee 6. Thinking about the isoelectronic series, what can you infer about the species with the greatest charge in the nucleus and the ionization energy and why do you think that is happening? The species with the greatest nuclear charge (most protons) will have the highest ionization energy because it will have the most electrostatic attraction to its valence electrons relative to the other elements and their proton pull. Definition of Electronegativity: an element's ability to attract electrons in a chemical bond Electronegativity table: Age] as 6 7 68 5 wo nu 2 1 1 a 36 (wa) (ive) (vB) (vie) (vis) (vine) vin) (vmB) (18) 8) (ma) IVA) (VA) (WIA) (vA) afa 4 2a 2fa pa u | b6 ao | is afula Na] Me ao | 12 a [a9 [2 | 2] 2 | 2] 2 | 2 | 2% | 2 | 2 | 2] 30 xa] se} nm |v | a | mm] fe | co | m | ol am oo | xo | a3 | a4 | os | a6 | a6 | a7 | a7 | as [asl 16 sfar| ae | a | | a | az | a | a | as | a6 | a7 | a8 me | ose | y | z |b | mo} te | mu | an | a | ag | ca ao | a2 | a3 | as | a6 | a7 | oe | oe | oe | 26] 26 6 cel astm lnozall sul nella cs \\e | | ow | | w ] ore | os | i | om | aw) ag oa |\10 | aa | aa | as | as | a7 | a | a9 | ae Jag] a7 a{ a7 fee} re) ma | re ao [aa Analysis for the Electronegativity table: (Answer in complete sentences.) 1. Asth ic number increases across a period what happens to the electrone and why? 2. As the atomic number increases down a family what generally happens to the electronegativity an 3. Why aren’t the noble gases on the table of electronegativity? (Hint: think about the definition of seca by ou the pares of noble gases.) 4, Using the shell of the periodic table, write what is happening to the electronegativity on the arrows. ee f Covel H Ch. 5 & 6 Practice Problems 2015-2016 key Physics and the Quantum Mechanical Model pp.138-146 1. A=c+v=3x 10° m/s = 1.50 x 10 Hz = 2.00 x 10° m; longer wavelength than red light 2ve = 3x 10° m/s 5.00 x 10° m = 6.00 x 10*°s?; ultraviolet 3. Frequency is the number of wave cycles that pass a given point per unit of time. Frequency units are cycles/s or s™ or Hertz. . The longer the wavelength, the (smaller) the frequency is an (inverse) relationship. radio waves gamma rays violet | gamn& red [yp edlio . Electrons in atoms absorb energy as they move to higher energy levels, then wonlans lose the energy by emitting it as light as they drop back down 10.E=hev 11. a. E=he v= (6.626 x 10" Jes)(5.10 x 10° **) =3.38x 107°) > b.v=E=h=4.92x 10 J + 6.626 x 10% Jes =7.34x 10's? c.A=c#Vv=3x 10° m/s + 1.05 x10" s*=2.86x 10" m 12.The higher the frequency, the (higher) the energy. This is an example of a (direct) relationship. 13.The longer the wavelength, the (lower) the energy. This is an example of an (inverse) relationship. Quantum Theory and Models of the Atom pp.127-134 14.The electron of the hydrogen atom is raised (excited) to a higher energy level. 15.It determines the allowed anergy levels an electron can have and the likelihood of finding an electron in various locations around the nucleus 16.a region in space around the nucleus in which there is a high probability of finding an electron 17.The sublevels have different shapes 18. by losing or gaining just the right amount of energy wad b2 63 d4 20.a.3 b1 63 4.5 e7 Electron Configurations p. 135-141 21.aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule 22.2 23.Half-filled sublevels and filled sub-levels are more stable than other configurations. Copper and Chromium 24.3d, 4s, 3p, 3s, 2p 25.a 26.a, Na, sodium b. N, nitrogen c. Si, silicon d. O, oxygen e. K, potassium f. Ti, titanium . 27.a.2 b1 c3 46 28.a. 172s? 2p® 3s? 3p? b. 1s’2s? 2p® 3s” c. 1s? 2s? 2p* d. 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p° 29.a. 1572s? 2p® 3s? b. 1s72s?2p°3s*3p' —c. 1872s 2p® 3s? d. 1s” 2s? 2p® e. 1s? 2s? 2p® 3s? 3p* 4s? 30. b and c 31.a. potassium, excited state, valence electron promoted from 4s to Sp b. ground state, correct configuration, c. impossible configuration, 3p orbitals can hold a maximum of 6 not 7 electrons 32.a.2 b6 c2 d.10e6 f2 g14h6 33.1s”,2s’,2p’ nitrogen, 3 Noble Gas Configurations 34.C 38.[Ne] 3s” 3p* 35.Cl 39. [Ar] 4s?3d° 4p* 36.Sc 40.[Ne] 3s” 3p? 37.Fr 41. [NeJ3s? 3-4 Development of the Periodic Table pp.151-158 42.increasing atomic number 43.metal, metalloid, nonmetal 44.lithium, potassium, rubidium, cesium or francium 45.a. nonmetal b. nonmetal c. metal d. nonmetal e. metal 46.a.metal__b. metalloid c. nonmetal d. metal Classifying the Elements pp.159-162 47.Alkali metals, Alkaline earth metals, Halogens, Noble gases, transition metals, inner transition metals 48. Representative elements 49. They are in the same group and have the same number of electrons in the highest occupied energy level. 50.Na, Mg, Cl 51.He, helium 52.a. noble gas, b. transition metal c. representative element 53.Cu, Cd, Au, Co 54.5 Periodic Trends Atomic and lonic Trends p.163-166 55. Atomic size generally increases within a group 56. Atomic size generally decreases from left to right across a period. 57. K, lowest period, less protons than Ca 58. Br, Se, Ca, K (most to fewest protons) 59. An atom that has gained or lost an electron 60.lons form when electrons are transferred between atoms. 61. a. sodium b. strontium c. germanium d. selenium 62. A cation is an atom that has lost one or more electron. Metals tend to become cations. 63.A anion is an atom that has gained one or more electron. Non metals tend to become anions. 64. An atom becomes smaller when it becomes a cation. 65.An atom becomes larger when it becomes a anion. 66.sodium, aluminum, sulfur, chlorine; periodic trend 67.a.Nab.S* cl d.Al 68.F,, CI, Br, I’ (each has more electron orbitals than the previous) 69. F;, (it has the fewest orbitals with the most protons) 70. Mg”* will be smallest, because they all have the same number of electrons, but Mg” has the most protons, so compared to the others it will pull the electrons in tighter to its nucleus lonization Energy and Electronegativity p. 167-169 71.lonization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from the gaseous state of an element. 72.lonization energy increases from left to right across a period 73.a. sodium _ b. phosphorus 74.1n order to become stable, both atoms will attain noble gas configuration, so Na will lose 1e- and Mg will lose 2e- 75.As you go down within a group/family, the ionization energy decreases. 76.a. Be, b. Na, c. Cl, d. Ca, e. Ar, f. CI’ because it has one more proton in its nucleus than S* 77.Electronegativity is the ability to attract an electron when an atom is a compound. 78,Within a group or family, the electronegativity decreases 79.Within a period or row, the electronegativity increases 80.a.F b.N c.Mgd.As 81.Noble gases, with rare exceptions, do not form compounds Honors Chem: Ch. § and 6 Study Guide- Review ALL notes, examples, and worksheets done for this unit!! Everything will be tested. Vocab _ _ ‘Anion Electronegativity Isoelectronic Series | Principal energy level ‘Atomic orbital Group Pauli exclusion principle | Valence electron ‘Atomic radius | Hund’s rule | Period _ ‘Aufbau principle lon Photoelectric effect Cation lonization energy Photon tS ‘Be able to: write electron configurations, noble gas electron configurations, draw orbital diagrams, exceptions to normal electron configurations, calculate wavelength, frequency, energy and relate each other. Identify * Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases, transition metals, lanthanides, actinides, metals, nonmetals, metalloids '* Know the properties of metals, nonmetals, and metalloids. ~The trends in the pe ic table for atomic radius, ionic radius, isoelectronic series, electronegativity, ionization energy, and compare atoms vs. ion size for cations and anions. Make sure you know WHY and ‘the EXCEPTIONS!!! Ch.S Pe, 146-148 32. light, microwaves, x rays, radio waves 41.the quantum number n specifies the electron’s orbit. 49. b, care incorrect 52. two electrons 59, Two electrons occupying a single atomic orbital must have opposite spins. 61.Valence electrons are the electrons in the atom’s outermost orbital; 2 Stee] WO) EE = (Luror Ms)amao"s) 79 a. Mn: [Ar] 4s°3d° h\yv E= 2.47X/0 om bb. Kr: [Ar] 4s?3d?%4p° cee gxiok mis 2, yxi0'%' =) Zn: [Ar]4s’34"” 19 x10? m . Zr: [Kr]5s"4d? : ) oi) 80a.F suc (2. 54xt0'e% b.Ca E=(p.b26x10 ey S Nd -I7 are E = o7rlo e.Md £.Br 82. 18; Ch.6 _Pe.165 16. Largest: Na, smallest: s 17. Largest: Xe, smallest: He Pe. 474-176 33a.2 ba 3 oa 36. properties describe a metal; left of the stair step line 40a. Br, He b.Rn ©. Sn or Pb d. elements 58-71 or 90-103 42. The number of valence electrons equals the group number for group A elements. 44, All noble gases have eight valence electrons, except helium, which has 2. 50 a. Bi: [Xe] 6s? 4f"* Sd 6p? bb, Cl: [Ne] 35? 3p” . Li: [He] 2s* Hg: [Xe] 65? 4f** Sa” 51Lbecause the boundaries of an atom are indistinct '55.£lements on the right side of the periodic table gain electron to gain a stable octet. 59. The group 8A elements have the highest ionization energies because their electron configurations are the most stable. 63.a.N b.Ne cu 65 a. the ion is negative. A negative ion is always larger than its own atom. b. Ais to the left of B. Atomic radius in a period decreases from left-to-right c. Ais below B. lonic radius increases down a group. 66a.8 b3 cl 76. The element is most likely a nonmetal.

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