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Passage 1
Pigeons have been taught to recognize human facial expressions, upsetting long-held beliefs
that only humans had evolved the sophisticated nervous systems to perform such a feat. In recent
experiments at the University of Iowa, eight trained pigeons were shown photographs of people
displaying emotions of happiness, anger, surprise, and disgust. The birds learned to distinguish
between these expressions. Not only that, but they were also able to correctly identify the same
expressions on photographs of unfamiliar faces. Their achievement does not suggest, of course, that
the pigeons had any idea what the human expressions meant.
Some psychologists have theorized that because of the importance of facial expression to
human communication, humans developed special nervous systems capable of recognizing subtle
expressions. The pigeons cast doubt on that idea, however.
In fact, the ability to recognize facial expressions of emotion is not necessarily innate even in
human babies, but may have to be learned in much the same way pigeons learn. In experiments
conducted several years ago at the University of Iowa, it was found that pigeons organize images of
things into the same logical categories that humans do.
None of this work would come as any surprise to Charles Darwin, who long ago wrote about
the continuity of mental development from animals to humans.

1. From the passage, which of the following 3. Why does the author mention the
can be inferred about pigeons? experiments conducted several years ago at
A. They can show the same emotions the University of Iowa?
humans can. A. They showed the similarities between
B. They can understand human emotions. the mental organization of pigeons and
C. They can only identify the expressions that of humans.
of people they are familiar with. B. They proved that pigeons were not the
D. They have more sophisticated nervous only kind of animal with the ability to
systems than was once thought. recognize facial expressions.
C. They were contradicted by more recent
2. The passage implies that, at birth, human experiments.
babies … D. They proved that the ability to recognize
A. have nervous systems capable of human expressions was not innate in
recognizing subtle expressions. human babies.
B. can learn from pigeons.
C. are not able to recognize familiar faces. 4. If Charles Darwin could have seen the
D. may not be able to identify basic results of this experiment, his most probable
emotions through facial expressions. response would have been one of …
A. agreement.
B. amusement.
C. rejection.
D. surprise.

Passage 2
The spectacular and famous eruptions of Old Faithful geyser in Yellowstone National Park do
not occur like clockwork. Before the earthquake of 1959, eruptions came every 60 to 65 minutes;
today they are as little as 30 minutes or as much as 90 minutes apart. Changes in weather and in
atmospheric pressure can influence the regularity of the eruptions and the height of the column. The
geyser usually gives a warning: a short burst of steam. Then a graceful jet of water and steam rises
up to 150 feet in the air, unfurling in the sunlight with the colors of the rainbow playing across it.
The eruption is only the visible part of the spectacle. In order for a geyser to erupt, there are
three necessary ingredients: a heat source, a water supply, and a plumbing system. In the geyser
fields of Yellowstone, a steady supply of heat is provided by hot spots of molten rock as little as two


miles below the surface. The water supply of Old Faithful comes from groundwater and rainfall, but
other geysers in Yellowstone are located on river banks. Geysers have various types of plumbing
systems. Geologists studying Old Faithful theorized that it had a relatively simple one consisting of an
underground reservoir connected to the surface by a long, narrow tube. In 1992 a probe equipped
with a video camera and heat sensors was lowered into the geyser and confirmed the existence of a
deep, narrow shaft and of a cavern, about the size of a large automobile, about 45 feet beneath the
surface. The water supply of Old Faithful comes from groundwater and rainfall, but other geysers in
Yellowstone are located on river banks. Geysers have various types of plumbing systems. Geologists
studying Old Faithful theorized that it had a relatively simple one consisting of an underground
reservoir connected to the surface by a long, narrow tube. In 1992 a probe equipped with a video
camera and heat sensors was lowered into the geyser and confirmed the existence of a deep, narrow
shaft and of a cavern, about the size of a large automobile, about 45 feet beneath the surface.
As water seeps into Old Faithful’s underground system, it is heated at the bottom like water in
a tea kettle. But while water in a kettle rises because of convection, the narrow tube of the plumbing
system prevents free circulation. Thus, the water in the upper tube is far cooler than the water at the
bottom. The weight of the water puts pressure on the column, and this raises the boiling point of the
water near the bottom. Finally, the confined, superheated water rises, and the water in the upper
part of the column warms and expands, some of it welling out of the mouth of the geyser. This
abruptly decreases the pressure on the superheated water, and sudden, violent boiling occurs
throughout much of the length of the tube, producing a tremendous amount of steam and forcing
the water out of the vent in a superheated mass. This is the eruption, and it continues until the water
reservoir is emptied or the steam runs out.
There are two main types of geysers. A fountain geyser shoots water out in various directions
through a pool. A columnar geyser such as Old Faithful shoots water in a fairly narrow jet from a
conical formation at the mouth of the geyser that looks like a miniature volcano.

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the A. the tubes of the geyser system were
earthquake of 1959 made Old Faithful wide.
geyser erupt … B. the climate suddenly changed.
A. more frequently. C. there had not been an earthquake in
B. less regularly. 1959.
C. more suddenly. D. the underground tubes were longer.
D. less spectacularly.
9. The author implies that, compared to Old
6. Why does the author mention a rainbow in Faithful, many other geysers …
paragraph 1? A. are more famous.
A. In the sunlight, the column of water B. have a more complex plumbing system.
may produce the colors of the rainbow. C. shoot water much higher into the air.
B. Rainbows can be seen quite frequently D. have far larger reservoirs.
in Yellowstone National Park.
C. The column of water forms an arc in the 10. The author mentions the probe that was
shape of a rainbow. lowered into Old Faithful in 1992 to indicate
D. The rainbow, like the geyser, is an that …
example of the beauty of nature. A. it is difficult to investigate geysers.
B. the geologists’ original theory about Old
7. It can be inferred from the passage that Faithful was correct.
which of the following would be LEAST likely C. Old Faithful’s structure was more
to cause any change in Old Faithful’s intricate than had been believed.
eruptions? D. some surprising discoveries were made.
A. A drop in atmospheric pressure.
B. An earthquake. 11. The author probably compares the
C. A rise in the water level of a nearby formation at the mouth of Old Faithful with
river. a volcano because of the formation’s …
D. A period of unusually heavy rainfall. A. shape.
B. age.
8. The passage implies that Old Faithful would C. power.
probably not erupt at all if … D. size.


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