Chapter 5 Static Timing Analysis

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Static Timing Analysis

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Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Timing Analysis
Dynamic Timing Analysis (DTA) Static Timing Analysis (STA)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Dynamic Timing Analysis

So-called Simulation
Input vectors are applied during the simulation time Simulator calculates the logic value and delays

Disadvantages of DTA
Virtually impossible to do exhaustive analysis

Vector creation takes too long Incomplete timing coverage

Hard to discern the cause of failure because the function and timing are analyzed at the same time Requires more memory and CPU resources over STA

Long simulation time Capacity limited

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Static Timing Analysis (1/2)

A method for determining if a circuit meets timing constraints without having to simulate clock cycles Three main steps
Break the design into sets of timing paths Calculate the delay of each path (create timing graph) Check all path delays to see if the given timing constraints are met



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Static Timing Analysis (2/2)






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Static Timing Analysis Reduction

IBMs Hitchcock (70s) observed that you could exhaustively test all behaviors within a single clock cycle

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Advantages of STA
Exhaustive timing coverage Does not require input vectors More efficient than DTA in memory and CPU resources
Faster operation Capacity for millions of gates

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Disadvantages of STA
For synchronous logic only Difficult to learn Tricky constraints beyond the boundaries of single clock flip-flop design chips:
Multiple clocks False paths Latches Multi-cycle paths

Lack of consistent conventions

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Review Main Steps of STA

Break the design into sets of timing paths Calculate the delay of each path (create timing graph) Check all path delays to see if the given timing constraints are met

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Four Types of Timing Paths

Start Point: clock pin of sequential device End Point: data input pin of sequential devices

Start Point: primary input port End Point: data input pin of sequential devices

Start Point: clock pin of sequential device End Point: primary output port
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Start Point: primary input port End Point: primary output port

Timing Path Example

How many start points are in this design? How many end points are in this design? How many timing paths are in this design?

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Create Timing Graph

Netlist is represented as directed acyclic graph (DAG) Delay values associated with links (Cells & Nets) are calculated Create the timing graph of arrival time (AT) Create the timing graph of required time (RT) Create the slack graph
Timing is met when slack is greater than or equal to zero (RT should always be after AT)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Timing Graph Arrival Time


0.3 0.1 0.4

0.55 1.3 0.1 1.2 0.65 0.20.85 0.1 0.2 0.7 0.2 0.9 1.0 0.1 0.1

0.1 1.55 0.15

Tarr = 0.1



Timing Arc
0.3 0.4

0.1 1.3

0.2 0.1 0.2 0.6

Tarr = 0.1

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Timing Graph Required Time

0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.15

1.4 0.55 1.25 0.1 0.1 0.15 0.1

Treq = 1.5


1.15 0.65 0.20.85 0.1 0.2 1.4 0.65 0.2 0.95 0.25 0.35 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.55


Tarr = 1.5

setup time case

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Slack Graph
0 0 0 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.55 -0.05 0 0 -0.05

-0.05 -0.05

-0.05 -0.05


Slack = Required Time Arrival Time

setup time case
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Block-based vs. Path-based STA (1/2) Block-based Path-based

Block-based: timing information is associated with discrete design elements (ports, pins, gates)
Slack is calculated on every design element

Path-based: timing information is associated with topological paths (collections of design elements)
Used in Primetime

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Block-based vs. Path-based STA (2/2) Block-based Path-based

AT=2 3 1 AT=5

2 1 3 2 3 1 RAT=10 2+2+3 = 7 (OK) 2+3+1+3 = 9 (OK) 2+3+3+2 = 10 (OK) 5+1+1+3 = 10 (OK) 5+1+3+2 = 11 (Fail) 5+1+2 = 8 (OK)


AT=2 RAT=5

3 1 AT=5
AT=5 RAT=4

2 1
AT=6 RAT=5

AT=7 RAT=7

3 2 RAT=10
AT=11 RAT=10

3 1

AT=9 RAT=8

Critical path is determined as collection of gates with the same, negative slack: In our case, we see one critical path with slack = -1

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Timing Arcs
Describes the timing relationship between two nodes When traversing the design structure to update AT and RT, STA is actually traversing through timing arcs from node to node Defined in cell library

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Combinational Arcs
Combinational arcs (Timing delay)
Combinational arcs are the default arcs Each combinational arc has one of three timing senses Timing senses are specified in the library or automatically derived from the logic function

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Setup Timing Arcs

Setup arcs (Timing check)
Constrains the time before the active clock edge when the data needs to be stable

setup_rising setup_falling


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Hold Timing Arcs

Hold arcs (Timing check)
Constraints for the time after the active clock edge when the data still needs to be stable

hold_rising hold_falling

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Edge Arc Types

Edge arcs (Timing delay)
After a launching clock edge, the clock node is converted to a data node

falling_edge rising_edge

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Preset and Clear Types

Preset and Clear arcs (Timing delay)
After an active asynchronous signal occurs, the time the data appears at the output of the register

positive_preset / negative_preset positive_clear / negative_clear

These arcs are often disabled

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Recovery Types
Recovery arcs (Timing check)
The amount of time before an active clock edge an asynchronous signal needs to be inactive

recovery_rising recovery_falling

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Removal Arcs
Removal arcs (Timing check)
The amount of time after an active clock edge an asynchronous signal needs to be inactive

removal_rising removal_falling

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Three State Arcs

Three state enable & disable arcs (Timing delay)
Special timing relationship for three state activation

three_state_enable three_state_disable

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Minimum Pulse Width Types

Width arcs (Timing check)
The amount of time a signal needs to remain stable

nochange_high nochange_low

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Timing Verification Items

Timing Checks
Setup time Hold time Recovery time Removal time Minimum pulse width Glitch detection (clock gating)


Design Rule Checks

Max capacitance Max transition Max fan-out

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Clock Gating Checks


Enable CLK Setup Margin

CLK Enable Enable

Hold Margin

Distorted Clock Waveform

Gated_Clock Enable

Glitch due to late arrival time of Enable

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Data Preparation for STA

Gate-level Netlist Design Data Block Models Back-annotated Parasitic Interconnect Data Estimated Wire Load Models

Descriptions of Clocks Cell Library Library Data Operating Conditions Timing Exceptions Timing Constraints Boundary Conditions

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Library Data
Cell Delay model
Linear model Non-linear model

Operating conditions

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Linear Cell Delay Model

delay time (ns)


Cell Delay = T0 + Ac * Cload

output capacitance load (pf)

T0 : cell pin to pin intrinsic delay (delay without any loading) Ac : drive impedance

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Non-linear Cell Delay Model Non-linear

Delay values are stored in the delay tables Delay tables
Cell delay Transition delay Vin
50% 50%

20% 80%

I1 I2 Dtransition(I1)

Dc Req

Dtransition(I2) I3 Ceq

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Delay Tables
Cell Delay Transition Delay
Output Capacitance 0.1 0.2

Dcell(I2) = f(Dtransition(I1), Ceq) Dtransistion(I2) = g(Dtransition(I1), Ceq)

Input Transition 0 0.123 0.222 0.5 0.234 0.432 1 0.456 0.801

index1: input transition Index2: output capacitance

Vin I1 I2 Dtransition(I1)

Dc Vout Dtransition(I2) Req Ceq



Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Select the Correct Delay Table

According to output transition direction
rise table fall table invert (positive_unate) noninvert (negative_unate) nonunate

Output transition direction depends on unateness

R or F R

The worst case delay is selected

Consider the clock edge for sequential cells

edge_rising edge_falling

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Operating Conditions
The process, voltage, and temperature (PVT) ranges a design encounters Specified in the technology library Cell and interconnect delays are scaled
Dscale = D (1 + P K P )(1 + V KV )(1 + T K T ) P = Pr ocess nom _ process / V = Voltage nom _ voltage T = Temperature nom _ temperature
delay Worst Typical Best Process Voltage Best Temperature 36 delay Worst Typical Best delay Worst Typical

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

Data Preparation for STA

Gate-level Netlist Design Data Block Models Back-annotated Parasitic Interconnect Data Estimated Wire Load Models

Descriptions of Clocks Cell Library Library Data Operating Conditions Timing Exceptions Timing Constraints Boundary Conditions

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Define Timing Constraints

Design rule constraints
Set fan-out constraints Set capacitance constraints Set transition time constraints

Design optimization constraints

Define clock specification Specify boundary conditions (I/O timing requirements) Specify combinational path delay requirements Specify timing exceptions

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Define Clock Specification

We need to accurately specify the clock including the clock routing details in the early design stage in order to achieve timing convergence What should be defined?
Period Waveform Latency

Source latency Network latency Jitter Skew


All register-to-register path are constrained now

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Clock Period & Waveform

Period: Clock cycle time Waveform: Clock rise and fall time Example:
Period: 10ns Rise time: 0ns Fall time: 5ns

clock 0 5 10

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Clock Latency
A very important part of the clock is the routing effects:
Off Chip cause:

Source latency (delay): the timing a clock signal takes to propagate from its ideal waveform original point to the clock definition point Budgeted network latency (delay) : the time the clock signal takes to propagate from the clock definition point to the clock pin of the sequential cells Actual insertion delay D Q

On Chip cause:

network latency source latency (min_rise : max_rise : min_fall : max_fall)

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Clock Uncertainty Definition

The maximum difference between the arrival of clock signals at sequential cells in one clock domain or between domains


P2 P3


Arrival(P1) Arrival(P2) Arrival(P3) Arrival(P4)

= = = =

0.5ns 1ns 1.2ns 1.3ns

uncertainty = 1.3 0.5 = 0.8ns


Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Clock Uncertainty
A very important part of the clock is the routing
Off Chip impact:

Jitter: typically a small value Budgeted skew Actual skew

On Chip impact:

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Ideal and Computed Clocks

Off chip clock effects are fixed throughout flow:
Source Latency Jitter

On chip routing is estimated till clock tree routing

Budgeted network latency Budgeted skew

On chip routing is calculated after clock tree routing

Actual insertion delay (network latency) Actual skew

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Define Timing Constraints

Design rule constraints
Set fan-out constraints Set capacitance constraints Set transition time constraints

Design optimization constraints

Define clock specification Specify boundary conditions (I/O timing requirements) Specify combinational path delay requirements Specify timing exceptions

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I/O Constraints
After constraining clock, we still need to constrain the I/O
Only comboin needs a "budgeted" arrival time Only combout needs a "budgeted" required time

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Boundary Conditions
Input driving cell Input transition time Output capacitance load Input delay Output delay


Driving Cell INV01

Output Capacitance Load Input Transition Time

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Input & Output Delay

An input delay is the specification of an arrival time at an input port relative to a clock edge An output delay represents an external timing path from am output or inout port to a register
Input delay = Delayclk-Q + a

Input Block

My Design

Output Block Output delay = c

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Define Timing Constraints

Design rule constraints
Set fan-out constraints Set capacitance constraints Set transition time constraints

Design optimization constraints

Define clock specification Specify boundary conditions (I/O timing requirements) Specify combinational path delay requirements Specify timing exceptions

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Constraint Combinational Path Delay

Set a target maximum delay for output ports Override the default single-cycle timing for paths Set a target minimum delay for output ports Override the default hold relation in a sequential path




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Define Timing Constraints

Design rule constraints
Set fan-out constraints Set capacitance constraints Set transition time constraints

Design optimization constraints

Define clock specification Specify boundary conditions (I/O timing requirements) Specify combinational path delay requirements Specify timing exceptions

False Path Multi-cycle path

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False Path
Why are there false path constraints in a design?
A path may exist in the circuit but never be used in its normal functional operation A functional path may exist but the timing is very slow or irrelevant A block may be reused and certain signal functions are no longer required A path may exist in the circuit but no combination of input vectors may ever exercise it A combinational loop exists in the design that needs to be broken

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Unexercised Path
A path may exist in the circuit but never be used in its normal functional operation
A test register PROBE is inserted in the circuit to enable chip debugging in the field. Data can be read through the probe register. Data can be written from the probe register. Probing would not occur at speed. (An alternative to scan)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


False Path
Why are there false path constraints in a design?
A path may exist in the circuit but never be used in its normal functional operation A functional path may exist but the timing is very slow or irrelevant A block may be reused and certain signal functions are no longer required A path may exist in the circuit but no combination of input vectors may ever exercise it A combinational loop exists in the design that needs to be broken

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Irrelevant Path
A functional path may exist but the timing is so slow or irrelevant
The chip uses a synchronized synchronous reset. The reset cycle has a huge number of cycles before it needs to settle.

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Asynchronous Path
A functional path may exist but the timing is so slow or irrelevant
I have metastabilization registers between those two asynchronous clock zones

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False Path
Why are there false path constraints in a design?
A path may exist in the circuit but never be used in its normal functional operation A functional path may exist but the timing is very slow or irrelevant A block may be reused and certain signal functions are no longer required A path may exist in the circuit but no combination of input vectors may ever exercise it A combinational loop exists in the design that needs to be broken

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IP Reuse
A block may be reused and certain signal functions are no longer required
This piece of logic is a custom adder. With design re-use, often the blocks contain all of the potentially useful functions. When the design is implemented in a chip, often particular signals are not implemented

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False Path
Why are there false path constraints in a design?
A path may exist in the circuit but never be used in its normal functional operation A functional path may exist but the timing is very slow or irrelevant A block may be reused and certain signal functions are no longer required A path may exist in the circuit but no combination of input vectors may ever exercise it A combinational loop exists in the design that needs to be broken

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Logically Impossible Path

A path may exist in the circuit but no combination of input vectors may ever exercise it
A signal cannot travel from the Q output of a_reg through the two muxes to b_reg PrimeTime attempts to automatically detect "logically impossible false paths (requires many CPU cycles) These situations are quite rare

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


False Path
Why are there false path constraints in a design?
A path may exist in the circuit but never be used in its normal functional operation A functional path may exist but the timing is very slow or irrelevant A block may be reused and certain signal functions are no longer required A path may exist in the circuit but no combination of input vectors may ever exercise it A combinational loop exists in the design that needs to be broken

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Combinational Loops
A combinational loop exists in the design that needs to be broken
Most STAs cant leave combinational loops in the design, as a race condition will occur PrimeTime dynamically breaks combinational loops.

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Break Combinational Loops

Break any reset arc (unusually specified) Break a three-state enable arc Break at the first loop re-entry point Break arcs in the library

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Define Timing Constraints

Design rule constraints
Set fan-out constraints Set capacitance constraints Set transition time constraints

Design optimization constraints

Define clock specification Specify boundary conditions (I/O timing requirements) Specify combinational path delay requirements Specify timing exceptions

False Path Multi-cycle path

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Multicycle Paths
Multicycle paths occur because the designer knows that the particular logic function will not be used till a later cycle

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Data Preparation for STA

Gate-level Netlist Design Data Block Models Back-annotated Parasitic Interconnect Data Estimated Wire Load Models

Descriptions of Clocks Cell Library Library Data Operating Conditions Timing Exceptions Timing Constraints Boundary Conditions

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Interconnect Data
Estimated delay information for nets based on a wire load model is used before P&R Back-annotated (Actual) delay information based on the P&R result is often described in the form of
SDF (timing information) Standard Delay Format

SDF triplet: (min:typ:max)

RSPF Reduced Standard Parasitic Format DSPF Detailed Standard Parasitic Format SPEF Standard Parasitic Exchange Format

SPEF also has syntax that allows the modeling of capacitance between different nets, so it is used by the crosstalk analysis tool

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Wireload Model
Very inaccurate!
wire_load (500) ( resistance : 3.0 capacitance: 1.3 area: 0.04 slop: 0.15 fanout_length ( 1 , 2.1 ) fanout_length ( 2 , 2.5) fanout_length ( 3 , 2.8) fanout_length ( 4 , 3.3) /* R per unit length*/ /* C per unit length */ /* area per unit length */ /* extrapolation slope*/ /* fanout-length pairs */

500um x 500um 1000um x 1000um

Cwire = (fanout=3, length =2.8) x capacitance coefficient (1.3) = 3.64 load units Rwire = (fanout=3, length =2.8) x resistance coefficient (3.0) = 8.4 resistance units AreaNet = (fanout=3, length =2.8) x area coefficient (0.04) = 0.112 net area units
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Wireload Modes

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Parasitic Model During P&R

Compute wire length
Ideal Manhattan Model Computed Manhattan Model Global Routing Model

Compute parasitic value

Linear parasitic model Table lookup parasitic model

Calculate wire delay

Elmore Model Final Layout Model

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Ideal Manhattan Model

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Computed Manhattan Model

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Global Routing Model

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Table Lookup Parasitic Model

Table-Look-Up (TLU) Capacitance model

cap_value = f(configuration, width, spacing) Assign CapTable to the reference layer according to the configuration Capacitances are categorized into bottom, top and lateral group


M2 M1 Poly


top lateral substrate bottom



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Elmore Model

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Final Layout Model

AWE (Extraction Based) Model
p1 , p2 Poles r1 , r2 - Residues

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Perform Static Timing Analysis

Gate-level Netlist Block Models Cell Library Operating Conditions Back-annotated Parasitic

Specify design data & libraries

Estimated Wire Load Models

Specify interconnect Specify timing constraints Check Timing

Constraint Violation Reports Path Timing Reports

Descriptions of Clocks Boundary Conditions Timing Exceptions

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STA Example 1 (Assumptions)

Check setup time violations Assume all gates have 3ns max rise delay and 2ns min rise delay Assume all gates have 2ns max fall delay and 1ns min fall delay Assume all nets have 2ns max delay and 1ns min delay 3ns CLK-Q delay 1ns setup time (Ts) 1ns hold time (Th)

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STA Example 1 (Timing Constraints)

Clock definition
Clock period: 14ns (Dclkp) Clock source latency: 2ns (Dclks) Clock network latency: 3ns (Dclkn) Clock uncertainty: 1ns (Dclku)

IO constraints
Input delay of A, B, C: 1ns (Da , Db , Dc) Output delay of Y: 3ns (DY)

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STA Example 1 (Timing Paths)

Timing Path 1 Timing Path 2 Timing Path 3

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STA Example 1 (AT of Path1 - Rise)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Da+2+3+2+3+2 = 13ns
launch edge 0 13 14 capture edge AT target clock (ideal) source clock (ideal)

2 3 R 2

AT = 13 2

Why are the delay values chosen?

R 3

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STA Example 1 (AT of Path1 - Fall)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Da+2+2+2+3+2 = 12ns
launch edge 0 12 14 capture edge AT target clock (ideal) source clock (ideal)

2 2 F 2

AT = 12 2

Why are the delay values chosen?

R 3

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STA Example 1 (RT of Path1 - R/F)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Required time at end point: Dclkp + Dclks + Dclkn - Dclku - Ts = 14+2+3-1-1 = 17ns
launch edge 0 14 target clock (ideal) 16 target clock (source) source clock (ideal)

capture edge 19 target clock (source+network) 18 RT 17

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target clock (source+network +uncertainty) setup time


STA Example 1 (Slack of Path1 - Rise)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Slack at end point: RT - AT = 17-13 = 4ns Timing is met since slack is greater than 0
R 2 3 R 2 R 3 2

AT = 13 RT = 17

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STA Example 1 (Slack of Path1 - Fall)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Slack at end point: RT - AT = 17-12 = 5ns Timing is met since slack is greater than 0
AT = 12 RT = 17 2 F 2 R 3 2

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STA Example 1 (AT of Path2 - Rise)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+2+3+2+3+2 = 20ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 14 19 20 AT source clock (source +network)

AT = 20 3 R2 3 R 2 3 2 R

Why are the delay values chosen?

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 1 (AT of Path2 - Fall)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+2+2+2+3+2 = 19ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 14 19 AT source clock (source +network)

AT = 19 3 F2 2 F 2 3 2 R

Why are the delay values chosen?

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STA Example 1 (RT of Path2 - R/F)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Required time at end point: Dclkp + Dclks + Dclkn - Dclku - Ts = 14+2+3-1-1 = 17ns
launch edge 0 5 14 16 source clock (source+ network) target clock (ideal) target clock (source)

capture edge 19 target clock (source+network) 18 RT 17

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target clock (source+network +uncertainty) setup time


STA Example 1 (Slack of Path2 - Rise)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Slack at end point: RT - AT = 17-20 = -3ns Timing is not met since slack value is negative

AT = 20 3 3 RT = 17 R 2 3 2 R


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STA Example 1 (Slack of Path2 - Fall)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Slack at end point: RT - AT = 17-19 = -2ns Timing is not met since slack value is negative

AT = 19 RT = 17 3 F2 2 F 2 3 2 R

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STA Example 1 (AT of Path3 - Rise)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+2+3+2= 15ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 14 15 source clock (source +network)


3 R 2 3
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

AT = 15 R 2

STA Example 1 (AT of Path3 - Fall)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+2+2+2= 14ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge AT 14 source clock (source +network)

3 F 2 2
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

AT = 14 F 2

STA Example 1 (RT of Path3 - R/F)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Required time at end point: Dclkp - DY = 14-3 = 11ns
launch edge 0 5 RT 11 14 source clock (source+ network) target clock (ideal) output delay

3 F 2 2
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

RT = 11 F 2



STA Example 1 (Slack of Path3 - Rise)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Slack at end point: RT - AT = 11-15 = -4ns Timing is not met since slack value is negative This is the critical path

3 R 2 3

AT = 15 RT = 11 3 R 2

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 1 (Slack of Path3 - Fall)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Slack at end point: RT - AT = 11-14 = -3ns Timing is not met since slack value is negative

3 F 2 2

AT = 14 RT = 11 F 2 3

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (Assumptions)

Check hold time violations Assume all gates have 3ns max rise delay and 2ns min rise delay Assume all gates have 2ns max fall delay and 1ns min fall delay Assume all nets have 2ns max delay and 1ns min delay 3ns CLK-Q delay 1ns setup time (Ts) 1ns hold time (Th)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (Timing Constraints)

Clock definition
Clock period: 14ns (Dclkp) Clock source latency: 2ns (Dclks) Clock network latency: 3ns (Dclkn) Clock uncertainty: 1ns (Dclku)

IO constraints
Input delay of A, B, C: 1ns (Da , Db , Dc) Output delay of Y: 3ns (DY)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (Timing Paths)

Timing Path 1 Timing Path 2 Timing Path 3

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (AT of Path1 R/F)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Da+1 = 2ns
launch edge 0 2 capture edge AT Next Data AT = 2

source clock (ideal) 14 target clock (ideal) Why are the delay values chosen?

R/F 1 1

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (RT of Path1 - R/F)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Required time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn + Dclku + Th = 2+3+1+1 = 7ns
launch edge 0 7 target clock (ideal) target clock (source) target clock (source+network) capture edge RT hold time
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

source clock (ideal)

target clock (source+network +uncertainty)


STA Example 2 (Slack of Path1 R/F)

Timing path 1: PI to clock data input
Slack at end point: AT - RT = 2-7 = -5ns Timing is not met since slack value is negative This is the critical path


R/F 1 1 AT = 2 RT = 7

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (AT of Path2 - Rise)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+1+2+1+2+1 = 15ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 14 AT 19 20 source clock (source +network) Next Data AT = 15 3 R1 2 R 1 2 1 R Why are the delay values chosen?

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (AT of Path2 - Fall)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+1+1+1+2+1 = 14ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 14 source clock (source +network) Next Data AT = 14 3 F1 1 F 1 2 1 R Why are the delay values chosen?


Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (RT of Path2 - R/F)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Required time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn + Dclku + Th = 2+3+1+1 = 7ns
launch edge 0 7 target clock (ideal) target clock (source) target clock (source+network) capture edge RT hold time
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

source clock (ideal)

target clock (source+network +uncertainty)


STA Example 2 (Slack of Path2 - Rise)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Slack at end point: AT - RT = 15-7 = 8ns Timing is met since slack is greater than 0
AT = 15 RT = 7 3 2 R 1 2 1 R


Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (Slack of Path2 - Fall)

Timing path 2: clock to clock data input
Slack at end point: AT - RT = 14-7 = 7ns Timing is met since slack is greater than 0

AT = 14 RT = 7 3 F1 1 F 1 2 1 R

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (AT of Path3 - Rise)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +3+1+2+1= 12ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 12 AT Next Data source clock (source +network)

3 R 1 2
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

AT = 12 R 1

STA Example 2 (AT of Path3 - Fall)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Arrival time at end point: Dclks + Dclkn +1+1+1= 11ns
source clock (ideal) 0 5 launch edge 11 AT Next Data source clock (source +network)

3 F 1 1
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

AT = 11 F 1

STA Example 2 (RT of Path3 - R/F)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Required time at end point: - DY = -3ns
launch edge -3 0 source clock (source+ network) target clock (ideal) RT output delay

F 1 1
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis

RT = -3 F 1



STA Example 2 (Slack of Path3 - Rise)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Slack at end point: AT - RT = 12-(-3) = 15ns Timing is met since slack is greater than 0

AT = 12 R 1 2 RT = -3 R 1

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA Example 2 (Slack of Path3 - Fall)

Timing path 3: clock to PO
Slack at end point: AT - RT = 11-(-3) = 14ns Timing is met since slack is greater than 0

AT = 11 F 1 1 RT = -3 F 1 3


Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Handling Multiple Clocks

Determine the least common multiple (LCM) of the 2 clock periods first and then find the setup and hold relationship

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Setup Relationships
Find the Setup Relationship between A rising to B rising The setup relationship is the closest distance between the launching clock edge (A) to the receiving clock edge (B)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Hold Relationships
Find the Hold Relationship between A rising to B rising The hold relationship is the closest distance between the launching edge (A) to the previous receiving edge (B)

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA with Latches

Latches and Flip-Flops are both registers or "storage devices Latches are level sensitive instead of edge triggered

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Time Borrowing Example 1

If these were flip flops, timing would not be met at b_reg With time borrowing, the middle latch can borrow time from the next stage and meet timing!

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Time Borrowing Example 2

Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?
No, the final data missed the active edge of c_reg.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Time Borrowing Example 3

Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?
No, c_reg is a flip-flop and the data misses c_regs edge

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Time Borrowing Example 4

Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?
Yes! In fact there is extra time before the activating edge of c_reg

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Time Borrowing Example 5

Can time borrowing eliminate negative slack?
No. The earliest b_reg can launch the data is at time 5. c_reg will receive the data too late

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Four Types of Analysis

Single operating condition analysis
Worst operating condition Typical operating condition Best operating condition

Simultaneous best-case/worst-case analysis On-Chip variation Case analysis

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Single OC Analysis
Typically, you need to perform timing analysis for at least two operating conditions to ensure that the design has no timing violations
Best case (minimum path report) (Hold Time Check) Worst case (maximum path report) (Setup Time Check)

CIC 0.18um library example

fast.lib typical.lib slow.lib

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Best/Worst Case Analysis

For most of STA tools, you can simultaneously perform timing analysis for the best-case and worstcase operating conditions.
Max paths analyzed with worst case OC (Setup Time Check) Min paths analyzed with best case OC (Hold Time Check)

Min-max values can be also specified for

SDF back-annotated delays Input and output delays Wire load models Net resistance-capacitance Clock latency/transition Driving cell
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


On-Chip Variation Analysis On-Chip

Delays have uncertainty due to the variation of PVT across large dies On-chip variation allows you to account for the delay variations due to PVT changes across the die, providing more accurate delay estimates.

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


Case Analysis
Timing analysis with specified logic value conditions on pins or ports Logic constants are propagated to avoid unnecessary timing path analysis (3 paths in this example)
conditional combinational timing arc


F 2 2 0 2 F 0

Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


STA in Cell-based Design Flow Cell-based

After each run of synthesis
Synopsys Design Compiler / Cadence Ambit Magma Blast RTL / Blast Fusion

After each run of physical optimization

Synopsys Physical Compiler / Synopsys Saturn Synopsys Astro / Cadence SE / Cadence SOC Encounter

After each run of P&R

Synopsys Apollo / Astro Cadence SE / Cadence SOC Encounter Magma Blast Fusion

STA sign-off
Chip Implementation Center / Design Service Division / Physical Design Section / C.S.Chen Static Timing Analysis


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