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Department of Chemical Engineering
College of Engineering and Architecture
Cebu Institute of Technology – University
N. Bacalso Ave., Cebu City 6000

This experiment wants to discover the effect of the initial concentration and the initial

height on sedimentation characteristics specifically to plot the initial mass settling rate

against concentration, the rate of sedimentation at final consolidation on semi – log

paper, the settling velocity against the limiting concentration and to deduce that the

graphs of settling velocity against limiting concentration are similar for all cases.

Sedimentation is simply the process of letting suspended particles or solids settle by

gravity. A particle will in a fluid will settle because of its density is greater than the fluid

in which it is suspended. In the first part, different concentrations of the slurry were

allowed to settle in different cylinders. The data gathered were then processed and

resulted with an inverse relationship between the concentration and settling velocity. As

the concentration increases, the rate of settling decreases. In the second part, a certain

concentration of slurry was allowed to settle in the cylinders but in different initial

heights. The data gathered showed a direct relationship between the change in initial

heights and the settling velocity.

1. Introduction

Sedimentation is the process of deposition of solid material from a fluid, usually air

or water, from a state of suspension. It is widely observed in nature in the formation of

rocks and ore deposits. One important branch of Geology, Sedimentology or

Sedimentary Petrology, studies the origin of rocks by this method. The physics of the

most common sedimentation process, the settling of solid particles in a fluid medium,

has long been known.

The settling velocity equation formulated by G.G Stokes in 1851 is the classic starting

point for any discussion of the sedimentation process. Stokes shoed that the terminal

velocity of a sphere in a fluid is directly proportional to the density difference between

the solid and the fluid, to the square of the radius of the sphere, to the force of gravity

and inversely proportional to the fluid viscosity. This equation is valid only for very slow

motions, so more elaborate equations have been developed for faster-moving particles.

When the concentration of a suspension is low, the distance between particles is

large compared to the size of the particles and the effects of mutual interference are

often disregarded. The rate of settling of a constituent particle under these conditions,

called free settling, is then calculated from a single particle motion. At higher

concentrations, conditions within the suspension are considerably modified, particularly

in that the upward velocity of the fluid displaced by the settling particles is much greater

and the flow patterns are appreciably altered. The process is then known as hindered

settling and is commonly encountered industrially in solid-liquid separation of

suspension by sedimentation in a thickener.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1 Equipment and Materials

 sedimentation apparatus

 mesh

 beaker

 spatula

 stirring rod

 powder of calcium carbonate.

2.2 Methods

The calcium carbonate was first sieved in order to achieve a uniform particle size

using a mesh. The calcium carbonate is then mixed with water in 5 different

concentration levels in 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% by weight. Each of the slurry is

then placed in the sedimentation tubes at the same height. The readings were noted

at different time intervals until all calcium carbonates are completely settled down.

The slurries were then left for 24 hours to record the final compaction readings.
3. Results with Calculations

Part A. Results for 2% calcium carbonate

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

1 222 403 181 0.044

4 45 133 22 0.218
9 32 45 1.444 0.306
19 22 38 0.842 0.445
49 18 30 0.245 0.544
94 17 27 0.106 0.576
154 17 27 0.065 0.576
1594 17 27 0.00627 0.576
Table 3.1 Tabulated values for 2% calcium carbonate

Settling Velocity calc:

403−222 38−22 27−17

v1 = =181 v 4= =0.842 v7 = =0.065
1 19 154

133−45 30−18 27−17

v 2= =22 v5 = =0.245 v 8= =0.00627
4 49 1594

45−32 27−17
v3 = =1.444 v 6= =0.106
9 94

Slurry Concentration Calc:

490(0.02) 490(0.02) 490(0.02)

C 1= =0.044 C 3= =0.306 C 5= =0.544
222 32 18
490(0.02) 490 (0.02) 490(0.02)
C 2= =0.218 C 4= =0.445 C 6−8= =0.576
45 22 17

Results for 4% calcium carbonate

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

1 407 509 102 0.048

4 360 445 21.25 0.054
9 172 335 18.111 0.114
19 60 127 3.526 0.323
49 37 60 0.469 0.530
94 32 48 0.170 0.613
154 29 40 0.071 0.676
1594 29 40 0.0069 0.676
Table 3.2 Tabulated values for 4% calcium carbonate

Settling Velocity calc:

509−407 127−60 40−29

v1 = =102 v 4= =3.526 v7 = =0.071
1 19 154

445−360 60−37 40−29

v 2= =21.25 v5 = =0.469 v 8= =0.0069
4 49 1594

335−172 48−32
v3 = =18.111 v 6= =0.170
9 94

Slurry Concentration Calc:

490(0.04) 490(0.04 ) 490(0.04 )

C 1= =0.048 C 3= =0.114 C 5= =0.530
407 172 37
490(0.04) 490 (0.04) 490(0.04)
C 2= =0.054 C 4= =0.323 C 6= =0.613
360 60 32

490( 0.04)
C 7−8= =0.676

Results for 6% calcium carbonate

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

1 447 482 35 0.066

4 299 350 12.75 0.098
9 149 192 4.778 0.197
19 112 132 1.053 0.263
49 59 85 0.531 0.498
94 49 58 0.096 0.600
154 45 51 0.058 0.653
1594 42 46 0.00251 0.700
Table 3.3 Tabulated values for 6% calcium carbonate

Settling Velocity calc:

482−447 132−112 51−45

v1 = =35 v 4= =1.053 v7 = =0.058
1 19 154

350−299 85−59 46−42

v 2= =12.75 v5 = =0.531 v 8= =0.00251
4 49 1594

192−149 58−49
v3 = =4.778 v 6= =0.096
9 94

Slurry Concentration Calc:

490(0.06) 490(0.06) 490(0.06)
C 1= =0.066 C 3= =0.197 C 5= =0.498
447 149 59

490(0.06) 490 (0.06) 490( 0.06)

C 2= =0.098 C 4= =0.263 C 6= =0.600
299 112 49

490( 0.06) 490( 0.06)

C 7= =0.653 C 8= =0.700
45 42

Results for 8% calcium carbonate

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

1 463 509 46 0.085

4 385 461 19 0.102
9 270 389 13.222 0.145
19 189 287 5.158 0.207
49 106 197 1.857 0.370
94 71 131 0.638 0.552
154 63 103 0.279 0.622
1594 56 91 0.022 0.700
Table 3.4 Tabulated values for 8% calcium carbonate

Settling Velocity calc:

509−463 287−189 103−60

v1 = =46 v 4= =5.158 v7 = =0.279
1 19 154

461−385 197−106 91−56

v 2= =19 v5 = =1.857 v 8= =0.022
4 49 1594

389−270 131−71
v3 = =13.222 v 6= =0.638
9 94
Slurry Concentration Calc:

490(0.08) 490(0.08) 490(0.08)

C 1= =0.085 C 3= =0.145 C 5= =0.370
463 270 106

490(0.08) 490 (0.08) 490(0.08)

C 2= =0.102 C 4= =0.207 C 6= =0.552
385 189 71

490(0.08) 490( 0.08)

C 7= =0.622 C 8= =0.700
63 56

Results for 10% calcium carbonate

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

1 485 513 28 0.101

4 430 480 12.5 0.114
9 357 432 8.333 0.137
19 269 370 5.316 0.182
49 167 287 2.449 0.293
94 93 189 1.021 0.527
154 80 125 0.292 0.613
1594 67 106 0.024 0.731
Table 3.5 Tabulated values for 10% calcium carbonate

Settling Velocity calc:

513−485 370−269 125−80

v1 = =28 v 4= =5.316 v7 = =0.292
1 19 154

480−430 287−167 106−67

v 2= =12.5 v5 = =2.449 v 8= =0.024
4 49 1594
432−357 189−93
v3 = =8.333 v 6= =1.021
9 94

Slurry Concentration Calc:

490(0.1) 490(0.1) 490(0.1)

C 1= =0.101 C 3= =0.137 C 5= =0.293
485 357 167

490(0.1) 490 (0.1) 490( 0.1)

C 2= =0.114 C 4= =0.182 C 6= =0.527
430 269 93

490( 0.1) 490( 0.1)

C 7= =0.613 C 8= =0.731
80 67

Part B: Results for 4% calcium carbonate R=146 mm

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

0 155 155 0 0.038

1 112 152 40 0.053
4 24 56 8 0.247
9 15 20 0.556 0.395
19 13 18 0.263 0.455
49 12 16 0.082 0.493
1594 12 16 0.00251 0.493
Table 3.6 Tabulated values for 4% calcium carbonate R= 148 mm

Settling Velocity calc:

155−155 20−15 16−12

v1 = =0 v 4= =0.556 v7 = =0.00251
0 9 1594

152−112 18−13
v 2= =40 v5 = =0.263
1 19
56−24 16−12
v3 = =8 v 6= =0.082
4 49

Slurry Concentration Calc:

148 (0.04) 148 (0.04) 148 (0.04)

C 1= =0.038 C 3= =0.247 C 5= =0.455
155 24 13

148 (0.04) 148(0.04 ) 148(0.04)

C 2= =0.053 C 4= =0.395 C 6−7= =0.493
112 15 12

Results for 4% calcium carbonate R=243 mm

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

0 255 255 0 0.038

1 209 253 44 0.047
4 91 177 21.5 0.107
9 29 77 5.333 0.335
19 23 29 0.316 0.423
49 17 20 0.061 0.572
1594 16 19 0.002 0.608
Table 3.7 Tabulated values for 4% calcium carbonate R= 243 mm

Settling Velocity calc:

253−209 29−23
v1 = =44 v 4= =0.316
1 19
177−91 20−17
v 2= =21.5 v5 = =0.061
4 49

77−29 19−16
v3 = =5.333 v 6= =0.002
9 1594

Slurry Concentration Calc:

243 (0.04) 243(0.04) 243(0.04)

C 1= =0.047 C 3= =0.335 C 5= =¿0.572
209 29 17

243 (0.04) 243(0.04 ) C 6=2430.04 ¿ ¿ =0.608

C 2= =0.107 C 4= =0.423 16
91 23
Results for 4% calcium carbonate R=340 mm

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

0 357 357 0 0.038

1 305 353 48 0.045
4 171 305 33.5 0.080
9 47 123 8.444 0.289
19 32 37 0.263 0.425
49 25 30 0.102 0.544
1594 22 26 0.003 0.618
Table 3.8 Tabulated values for 4% calcium carbonate R= 340 mm

Settling Velocity calc:

353−305 37−32
v1 = =48 v 4= =0.263
1 16

305−171 30−25
v 2= =33.5 v5 = =0.102
4 49

123−47 26−22
v3 = =8.444 v 6= =0.003
9 1594

Slurry Concentration Calc:

340 (0.04) 340(0.04) 243(0.04)

C 1= =0.045 C 3= =0.289 C 5= =0.544
305 47 25

340 (0.04) 340(0.04 ) C 6=2430.04 ¿ ¿ =0.618

C 2= =0.080 C 4= =0.425 22
171 32
Results for 4% calcium carbonate R=442 mm

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

0 464 464 0 0.038

1 372 441 69 0.048
4 240 359 29.750 0.074
9 71 137 7.333 0.249
19 45 57 0.632 0.393
49 35 51 0.327 0.505
1594 27 42 0.009 0.655
Table 3.9 Tabulated values for 4% calcium carbonate R= 442 mm

Settling Velocity calc:

441−372 57−45
v1 = =69 v 4= =0.632
1 19

359−240 51−35
v 2= =29.75 v5 = =0.327
4 49

137−71 42−27
v3 = =7.333 v 6= =0.009
9 1594

Slurry Concentration Calc:

442(0.04) 442(0.04) 442(0.04)

C 1= =0.048 C 3= =0.249 C 5= =0.505
372 71 35

442(0.04) 442(0.04) C 6=442.04 ¿ ¿ =0.655

C 2= =0.074 C 4= =0.393 27
240 45
Results for 4% calcium carbonate R=484 mm

Interphase Interphase
Settling Velocity Slurry Conc.
Time (min) height Height Intercept
(mm/min) (kg/L)
(mm) (mm)

0 508 508 0 0.038

1 406 494 88 0.048
4 235 407 43 0.082
9 108 214 11.778 0.179
19 70 103 1.737 0.277
49 43 89 0.939 0.450
1594 33 71 0.024 0.587
Table 3.10 Tabulated values for 4% calcium carbonate R= 484 mm

Settling Velocity calc:

494−406 103−70
v1 = =88 v 4= =1.737
1 19

407−235 89−43
v 2= =43 v5 = =0.939
4 49

214−108 71−33
v3 = =11.778 v 6= =0.024
9 1594

Slurry Concentration Calc:

484( 0.04) 484 (0.04) 484 (0.04)

C 1= =0.048 C 3= =0.179 C 5= =0.450
406 108 43

484(0.04) 484 (0.04) C 6=484.04 ¿ ¿ =0.587

C 2= =0.082 C 4= =0.277 33
235 70
4. Sketch
5. Discussion

Based on the gathered data in Part A, the change in the concentration of the

slurry affects the value of the settling velocity. It is observed that the height of the sludge

decreases slowly as the concentration of the slurry increases. The settling velocities

were obtained by getting the difference of the initial height of the sludge (calcium

carbonate) and the interphase height over the time interval recorded. It is also observed

that the final concentration recorded is lesser than the original concentration and this is

because some of the calcium carbonate are dissolved in water. In part B, the different

initial heights affects the values of the settling velocity. It is observed in tables 6 – 10

that the settling velocity values increases as the initial height increases in the different


6. Conclusion

The sedimentation is one of the unit operation commonly used in the industry

because of its low cost and can give good results in separating solid and liquid phases.

The change in concentration of the slurry affects the settling velocity because of the

velocity gradients in the fluid surrounding the particles is greater due to the closer

proximity of the particles. The increase of the initial heights also affects the settling

velocity because of the velocity gradients in the fluid surrounding the particles is lesser

compared to part A. The change in initial height would mean that the particles in the

slurry are even more scattered and the amount of particles did not change compare to

part A. This would mean that free settling is more favorable. Stokes law can be applied
for this experiment because of the very low settling velocities gathered and would mean

the settling of particles is having a laminar behavior.

7. Recommendation

In this experiment, there are several precaution we must take to avoid and

prevent errors to occur. Ensure the clarity of the glass apparatus since the one present

in the laboratory is not that clear anymore and the markings are also not clear which

may result to erroneous reading of values. The cylinders also are needed to be

replaced. The lights are not that bright enough to see the tip of the height of the sludge

so make sure there is a good lighting in the area in order to visibly see the height of the


8. References

[1] Geankoplis, C.J. (2009) Principles of Transport Processes and Separation

Processes. 1st edition. Pearson Education South Asia PTE. LTD.

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