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Pre-school “As place of learning”

Pallabi Das
Book-1 Early Childhood Education
PRE-SCHOOL, “A Place of Learning” 3-7

Early childhood education often termed as (ECE also nursery education) that relates
to the teaching of children (formally and informally) from birth up to the age of eight
that is equivalent of third grade. ... It is described as an important period in a child's

This is considered as crucial phase of a child’s life as during this phase many abilities
and skills like:

Language (Speech)
Physical development (Fine & Gross motor development)
Cognitive (Psychological development)

Socio- emotional development are at its active growing phase. We all agree that a seed
or a saplings need more attention and care during its initial stages for its better growth,
bearing healthy fruits and its endurance to stay strongly rooted in different climatic
conditions Similarly, the foundation of learning and interaction that a child receives
at an early age greatly impacts their behaviors and learning in the future. A child
should be taught the elementary education of self-love, self-respect, respect for others,
develop disciplinary actions, gratitude gestures, basic manners , development of basic
motor skills before venturing into a formal education set up.

The role of an early childhood teacher is very vital therefore I believe a trained and
qualified teachers are most influential people in the life of a child while parental are
and family also cannot be neglected in this case for they also comes within the MICRO
system ( directly associated with the children). Early childhood education focus on the
holistic development of a child. The importance of early childhood education is
worldwide felt and recognized. Many researchers, psychologist and educator have
given their insights on early childhood education .Recent times also add to the new
experiments and research on early childhood education as per the different
observation made from generation point or circumstances point of view. Many
educator and researchers believes that most of the intellectual development take place
when a child is 4 years of age though development is a process from the moment a
child is born. It is the time when children learn at a rapid pace and develops social and
emotional skills and a relation is formed between the child, their parents and the
teacher. The first 6 years of the child life is very crucial and have lasting impact in
child’s future.

Early childhood education helps a child to:

 Gain self-control, make choices,
 Work independently
 Share and care, to work with other children, to take turn
 To care their own and school property
 Participate in games, music, activities

‘Pre -school’ what comes to our mind immediately with this term? Of course a school
where we all must have gone as a child no doubt the concept of Pre-school in those
days was quite different from what we see today. This is a very important and crucial
phase of a child’s mental and physical development.

These development include physical, language, cognitive & social and emotional which
is largely impact by the surroundings, his immediate associates and environment in
which a child grows.

As quoted that external surroundings and his immediate associate plays a major
impact on a child’s development here the institute a child goes for his or her formal
education has much to shape the overall personality.

Pre- school is an education set up which is very commonly refer to as the Nursery
school, kindergarten schools where children get space and trained in a playful
environment with different play way method ,tools and strategies that make
themselves prepare before they go for compulsory primary education.

It is basically a foundation schooling for children

Pre-school age group is generally from 2 ½ years to 4 years. We all must agree and
accept to the fact that a child receives his or her first lessons from his own home thus
we have a saying that home is the first school or learning begins at Home. However in
recent times our family structure has changed its more a Nuclear Family set up with
just the father, Mother, direct siblings so the scope of learning and developing as a
social being is very challenging though parents are the first educator to a child in every
aspect from the very neo-natal age till they are self-acquainted it’s a never ending
process. So, it is very important for a good parenting knowledge to a healthy
upbringing of a child considering all the aspects like:

 Physical development,
 Cognitive,
 Language skill, understanding,
 Social behaviors and
 Emotional Bonding.

A child basic instinct is to play, learn collectively in groups, they stay happier and
healthier among their own age groups rather being in a close apartments with all
complete facilities. A child acquires most of his knowledge and develops himself in his
early years that is why it is very important to provide the best possible means,
environment, tools, surroundings which can promote the growth of a child in all the
aspects as mentioned above. This is where Pre- School plays a vital role in providing a
well –planned and designed curriculum for holistic development to a pre-school age
group child.

As we have learnt that the rate of growth and development in a child is very rapid
during this early years up to 6 years whatever a child sees, hears and practices
repeatedly during this phase of their life has much impact throughout their growing as
an adult. A good pre- school not only provides basic education but also train the child
to adapt , understand the surroundings around and respect others space .The school
being a place where a child spends maximum of his time after his home gives the pre-
school faculties more responsibility in the formation of their social –emotional behaviors .Teachers
who communicate directly with the child after their parents teach and guide every single thing they
experience and see for the very first time in their life. Pre-school is the foundation lay out where
children learn to respect different culture, religion, values and sharing.


 Decorative walls
 Decorative celling
 Charts on wall with
colorful pictures
describing a message to
 Children oriented
 Student’s lockers
 Bulletin board with
daily activity schedule
 Class strength set up in
 Colorful furniture and
class room inviting a
Pre-school child
 Teachings aids are

 The very first feature of a good pre- school
is the campus and beautiful school environment.

 Values Language skills.

 A good Pre-school has specially designed curriculum and teaching tools or aids
 A good Pre-school has a small class room strength
 A good pre-school respects the child’s interest
 A good pre-school is flexible, child based curriculum.
 A good pre-school uses activities, games and specially designed teachings tools.
 An Ideal pre-school Teacher plays a role of a GUIDE who is there to assist the child
only when required.

 A good pre-school teacher observes the child more than giving instructions this
they proceeds accordingly with their teaching strategies.
 A good pre- school is activity based which encourage the child to participate, let
them to get involve, encourages first-hand experience.
 Child oriented infra structure like the classroom furniture, playground items
toilets &wash basins
 Safety and security is first priority of a good Pre-school.

its clean

 A good pre-school is well designed, equipped according to the child’s requirement
and convenience
 A good pre-school will have trained teachers.
 A good Pre-school involves parents in their children class activity which helps
both the teachers, children to learn, develop and grow together with better
understanding and coordination.
 A good pre-school conducts regular Parent teacher meetings.
 A good per-school also has a tight security system for safety of the children..


 A good pre-school looks into all the overall growth and development aspects of a
child from 2 ½ to 4 years. It provides space to make them feel at home away
from home for the period of time they will be inside the school campus.
 Develop in the child a good physique and basic motor skills.

 Builds up basic good habits & manners which helps them to be responsible and
take care of their personal necessities like eating, wearing clothes , drinking
,combing hair, brushing teeth, cleaning own playing stuffs , helping parents in
their work ,etc..

 Develop social attitudes and manners to encourage healthy group participation
and making the child sensitive to the rights and privileges of being a member of
a social group and to encourage him to cooperate, share and take care of the
property that belongs to him as well as other.

 Develop emotional maturity by guiding the child to express, understand, accept

and control their feeling and emotions.
 Encourage aesthetic appreciation in the child.
 Stimulate in the child the beginning of intellectual curiosity, concerning his
immediate environment to help him to understand the world in which he lives and
to foster new interest through opportunities to explore, investigate and

 Encourage in the child, independence and creativity by providing him with

sufficient opportunity for self-expression.
 Develop in the child the ability to express his thoughts and feelings in fluent,
correct and clear speech.

PLAY-WAY METHOD: It is a complete package which enhances the overall
development of a child in terms of physical, intellect, social-emotional behavior.
Play-way method of education is actually a pre-school child based education method
as we know the basic nature of a child is they love to play and cannot be restricted to
any specific to any rigid syllabus. At pre-school level the play –way method is a very
famous way of imparting education to children. It encourages learning through fun
and various activities. A child steps out their home for the very time hence the
environment of paly is always entertaining and welcoming and comfortable also doing
is a better learning method than reading and listening, and children study and learn
through play better than reading and writing.


 Froebel a German educator believed that "play is the highest expression of human
development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in the child's
 Henry Caldwell “Play is the purest most spiritual activity of man at this stage
and at the same time, typical of human life as a whole of the inner hidden natural
life in man all things. It gives, therefore joy, contentment, inner and outer rest,
peace with the world
 Cook (1886–1939) was a British educator known for his book The Play Way, which
contended that doing was a better learning method than reading and listening, and
that youth study through play.
 Ross: ‘Play is joyful, spontaneous and creative activity in which one finds fullest
self- expression.’
 Thomson: ‘Play is impulse to carry out certain instinctive actions.’
 Crow and Crow: ‘Play is the activity in which a person engages himself when he
is free to do what he wants to do.’
 Practical approach which helps child in easy learning.
 Freedom
 Customized method designed and adopted that suits in child’s pre-schooling.
 Teaching is based on real life experiences
 Space and freedom to learn in one’s own pace respect for individual differences.
 Holistic development of a child.
 Play-way method is not boring as it is activity based.

 Physical development: Due to lot of games & activities involves in this method of
 Intellectual development: As play-way method respects and encourages individual
child’s freedom of expression it give them more scope for imagination and
 Social development: The child learns social values like brotherhood, sharing and
 Educative value: Play way method is an activity based methodology so child learn
more in depth as it involves plenty of activities in the process of learning which
improves and increases their IQ standard.
 Emotional development: It helps the children to overcome their shyness, public
speaking fear, moodiness, timidity and groom their confidence.
 Language skills: Due to activity based methodology it develop the children’s
language skills.


 It is time consuming
 All student may not be attentive
 Requires careful planning, preparation and rehearsals.
 All children are not equal to participate in all sort of planned activity
 Since it involves too much play and activity child may not understand the
seriousness of school studies.
 It could be expensive for all class of people to afford this teaching method schools.


 Games
 Dramatic Play
 Amusement games
 Looking at pictures and identify
 Listening to stories
 Rhymes and poems
 Sand ,Water play


 Kindergarten method: Kindergarten means ‘Garden of children’ Children learn
while playing and singing in a happy atmosphere of Kindergarten. It is based upon
the playing urge of a child. Every activity is design according to the interest of a

Spiral method is like a garden this is also known as Creative thinking Spiral. This is
a successful teaching method based on the strategy that a child learn more about
any subject, topic or a concept each time the topic is reviewed or repeatedly
encountered. The idea is that each time a child sees the picture or a letter the child
expands their knowledge or improves their skill level and also master the topic. For

Imagine: Curiosity, exploration, experimenting, imitation, motivation, interest,


Create: Re-creating, messy play, fiddling with objects, trial & error method, using

Play: Doing activities, cause and effect, time bound, fun-play.

Share: Team work, Communication among one another, making alteration, show
and tell, sharing experiences with each other in class room.

Reflect: Questioning, thinking, building upon, responding, feedback and


 Didactic method: This method was developed by Italian physician and educator
Maria Montessori .Didactic approach often refers to a scientific approach of
teaching where the child builds itself through experiences on the environment. On
this notion, she developed a set of didactic materials which leads to sensory
education, muscular coordination, and language development.

 Project method: As a method of teaching, it was used by J.A. Stevenson. In it the
children choose their projects according to their interest, urges and capabilities and
complete their projects only when they follow certain psychological principles of
learning like law of readiness, law of effect etc. they learn in real life situations which
becomes significant for them.
 Dalton method: This method was devised by Miss Helen in Dalton USA. In it, a
child work at their own area and has complete freedom to do their school work
according to their interests and capacity and here a teacher only help or assist when
the child need helps.
 Heuristic method: This method was devised by Prof. Armstrong. The term
Heuristic refers to problem solving or self-discovery. The children discover things
themselves. It is based on psychological principle of trial and error, logical and
imaginative thinking .The child experiments and finds out different principles or
rules for himself. The child struggles to find out conclusions for an investigation
which he chooses voluntarily and happily. It is economical and speedy strategy.

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We know the primary subjects taught in any school are as follows:
1. Mathematics,
2. Science,
3. Language,
4. Environment science ( EVS)

Mathematics is required at every stage of person’s life so the foundation of this subject
is very important and play-way method helps to learn basic mathematics like addition,
subtraction, multiplication, greater than less, counting, puzzles in several playful
techniques like: counting beads, solving puzzles, stick counts, peeling orange and
counting its different segments, more and less, long- short, patterning, sorting,

Science: Science can be taught in a very interesting manner by play-way method. Some
of the concepts like seed germination, soluble and insoluble, sink and float, light and
heavy , dry and wet are taught by play-way method which children like to experiment
and enjoy doing them by themselves.

Social Studies: Some methods of teaching Social Studies include projects,

dramatizations, field-trips – to explain different important people in community , to
show different organizations and their different work significance, story telling in the
class room or outdoor, role –play and hands on experiences, different traditions and
festivals are taught by conducting class room festivals and participation, making of
globe ,maps , monuments and important places using clay and other crafts materials.

MONTESSORI EDUCATION: Montessori is a method of education that is based on

self-directed activity, hands-on learning and collaborative play.
In Montessori classrooms children make creative choices in their learning, while the
classroom and the highly trained teacher offer age-appropriate activities to guide the

The Montessori Theory is a method of teaching developed by Maria Montessori where

the key principles are Independence, Observation, following the Child, Correcting the
Child, Prepared Environment and Absorbent Mind. The Montessori Theory methods,
concepts and foundation principles can be applied across all ages

The Montessori approach to education, inspires children towards a lifelong love of

learning, by following their natural developmental trajectory. Children become
confident, responsible, independent learners, who trust in their own abilities.

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 Too much activity which makes the child start using his cognitive skills and their
childhood mindset is lost.
 Time taking, individual child attention is not a practical concept.
 Freedom in class room is not a good idea often.
 Expensive, Montessori schools are gradually setting trend among upper class


 Child centric education system individual child is given importance
 Prepared environment, structured class room set up
 Trained teachers to guide when a child need helps
 Self- learning is encouraged
 Freedom within limits principle in class
 Multi age group in class
 Focus on all developmental areas
 Encourages cooperative activity
 Child learns Self-discipline.

My opinion and understanding about different approaches of early childhood

education teaching methodology is that Montessori way of teaching is a great method
as it give respect to a child’s natural way of learning anything with firsthand
experience. Montessori method not only teach language, mathematics science but it
take care of holistic development in a child by allowing to learn by discovering,
experimenting, playing and learning with own interest without any compulsion or fear
which is very important at least the initial stage of their life as they steps out of their
homely environment away from parents to a formal school set up.

There are many school with regular traditional ways of teaching but Montessori stands
out so much is mostly because it is a comprehensive environment. Another thing to
highlight in my opinion is the lesser known fact that Montessori isn't just for preschool
only it is generally intended for primary education, up to 5th grade and some even


 Buttoning
 Dusting
 Pour water /milk in their own glass
 Finish the task they start
 Clean and clear their own playing stuffs
and writing
 Puzzle game, sand-play, water- play
 Writing on sand I can pour
 Outdoor games and drink
 Watering plants
 Sink /float activity
 Color sorting

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 Sorting small /big
 Mystery/ Sensory bag
 Matching pairs
 Folding
 Washing
 Pretend play
 Role paly
 Identifying picture
 Role play
Sink and Float
Matching pairs


Mystery /Sensory box


Role paly Watering plants

Playing, experimenting,
enjoying and Self-learning

Dr. Maria Montessori says that in the early years of a child age they learn mostly by
experimenting directly similarly as they learn to crawl, stand, walk, talk, understand
sounds and so on.. The child basically learn through Sensory Motor activities which
develop their Cognitive ability through their 5 sense organs.

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1. Formal Education-
 It take place within a confined premises,
 It is systematic, structured and has a planned curriculum following respective
Government education policy or law.
 Formal education has a teacher, class-room and children one to one interaction,
It is full time educational system, Attendance is compulsory
 Evaluation is based on pre-defined assessment and certification ,
 A student is evaluated based on assessment with certain grading criteria to
promote to next level.
 Has strict rules and regulation
 Especially school, colleges, universities follows Formal Education.

2. Informal Education
 It take does not place within a confined premises,
 Unstructured , spontaneous and self -motivated does not follow any specific
curriculum Government education policy,
 Can be done from anywhere not class –room oriented
 There are no prescribed set of rules or policies
 Informal education does not provide any Diploma or degree / certification.
 Informal education is done on personal interest or hobby oriented.
 It is a need based syllabus.
 Informal education platform are mostly the clubs, libraries, museums, our
home,neighbourhood, from an elderly person, art galleries or an open space

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3. Non-formal Education
 Non –formal education is an organized educational activity which take place
outside a school, college or university which follows formal education
 Structured but does not follow any specific curriculum Government education
 Supportive Faculties
 Usually has flexible rules and regulation.
 Learners centered and is given by experienced trainers.
 It can be done by any age group.
 Non-formal education gives certification based on assignment which has time
flexibility for submission
 It is a life- long learning as education is never complete for new things keeps
 Non –formal education aims in overall development of a person.
 It is practice in child care centers, volunteers organizations, on job training,
professional association.

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The formal education is managed by The non-formal can be run by
full time professionals and teacher teachers
imparts the education Or non-professional teachers or
Compulsory education system to go to Voluntary , self -interest
next level
Fixed , limited time No fixed time to join or complete
Structured, teacher –centered Unstructured, learners centered

Mainly individual centric It is social

Curriculum based, with follows Non-curriculum based , do not have

government guidelines specific correlation with govt. rules
and policies
Specific age group are considered for Any age group can learn
specific standard of class
Examination, evaluation is based on No specific text book ,Instructional
text books taught in the class room materials used and passing criteria is
based on capabilities and skills
Not flexible Flexible and need based

Schools ,colleges and universities Courses, workshops, seminars and

training session.

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Rousseau was Swiss by birth. He said that human
nature is essentially good and should be allowed to
develop freely .He used this philosophy in education
which is called 'naturalism'. His philosophy of
preschool education was based on well balanced and
free-thinking child. Rousseau's said that children
must be allowed to develop naturally in harmony with
the original and unspoiled human nature while
discovering the world around him then they will learn
fullest educationally and morally. He has written two
books Emile and social contract describe his educational philosophy.
Rousseau stressed the necessity of play for learning .Rousseau mainly aims in
developing children as a whole man.He emphasized the use of objects, pictures and
illustration in educating the child and advocated less reliance on lectures for teaching
he propagated learning from the environment and emphasized that the child should
be free to explore. He suggested the child should be given freedom harsh discipline
and repression hamper development. It is important to stimulate the mind of the child
with thing she can understand learning and not teaching should be the goal. Anything
should not be forced upon children let children be children he said.


(1746-1827): John Heinrich Pestalozzi
was a writer, social, political reformer
and educator. Pestalozzi was born in
Zurich Switzerland in January 12, 1746.
He is known as Father of Modern
education. His motto was, “Learning by
head .hands and heart”.
Head – not imposing knowledge but stimulating curiosity.
Hands- learning through physical activities.
Heart- Moral education without which other knowledge would lose their sense of
He founded several educational institutions both in German and French speaking
regions of Switzerland. In 1805 his private school at Yverdon became very popular
which gained international reputation. It was at these institutions that he tried out his
ideas. The primary characteristics of Pestalozzi teaching methods include recognizing
children’s potential through careful observation, understanding the importance of
teacher – student relationship. He assumed that Children learn through their senses
and concrete experiences so instead of teaching through memorization and recitation
Pestalozzi believed that children should be engaged in the learning process which
should come from within oneself and should not be forced upon.

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FROEBEL (1782-1852): In the year 1937
Froebel was a German educator and
founder of a new type of early childhood
school the so called Kindergarten
system. He was born in Prussia Frobel.

Froebel believed “Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood,

for it alone is the free expression what is in a child’s soul”. Kindergarten is a German
word which literally mean children's garden.' Froebel found much similarity between
a child and a plant. He believed that the process of growth and development of the
plant and the child was the same; the plant grows from within, same way the child
grows Froebel's kindergarten centered around three elements the use of his play
materials, the singing of play song and the playing of various educational game.

He created the concept of Kindergarten so that the children can go and get pre- school
education. Froebel was nicknamed as Father of Kindergarten. Froebel has made an
important contribution to the theory and practice of early childhood education.
He strongly encouraged the educational environment that involved practical work and
the direct use of materials.

He believes that the child needs to be engaged in play, which leads Froebel create
“Froebel gifts and occupations” The gifts and occupation were planned to introduce
children to the physical form of nature.

It was the play material that made the kindergarten unique in it approaches. These
were of two types: geometrical patterns and the essential for such activities as
modeling, drawing, sewing and coloring.

The geometrical patterns were known as gift and the activities as occupations.

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MARIA MONTESSORI (1870 -1952):
First Female Physician in Italy. While
doing her medicine, she worked for
mentally retarded children and developed
teaching materials and methods to
facilitate learning. When she got
significant results she tried new materials
and method for normal children.She put
her ideas to test while working with slum
children in 1907. She created a learning environment through her approach called
“The Montessori Method”.
Maria Montessori’s concept is that education begins at birth and the early years are of
the utmost importance.
That is the ‘sensitive period ‘in which child’s curiosity makes them ready for acquiring
certain skills and knowledge. The philosophy of Montessori Method emphasizes the
individual child’s initiative and freedom allowing him or her to learn in a structured
learning environment with specific activities at his own pace based on the following

 Principles of instinctive learning

 Principles of development from within
 Principle of independence and freedom

Maria Montessori believed that teacher is to encourage children in the early childhood
to use their senses to explore and experiment the environment around them. Maria
Montessori’s philosophy is that respect every child and provide them an atmosphere
and materials to experiment which will cultivate the child’s own natural desire to learn.
Her research works stated that given the children freedom within a limit will develop
their sense of responsibility from this young age making t hem more responsible
Maria Montessori method is the most widely accepted teaching for early childhood
education in many schools worldwide

Maria Montessori Class room

 Wikipedia ,
 The course material Book 1
 Google source but framed and reconstructed my own language

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