12 - Eng Lit - Revision 1 - MCQ WRK Shet - 21-22

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The Shri Ram School Aravali

Subject: English Literature

Topic: The Tempest (Cycle Test 2 -Revision)
Class: XII Max

1. Choose the correct option given below each question. [1x18=18]

(i) Identify the characters present in Act 3, Scene1 of The Tempest.

a) Prospero, Caliban, Miranda.
b) Caliban, Ferdinand, Miranda.
c) Caliban, Ariel, Ferdinand.
d) Prospero, Ferdinand, Miranda.

(ii)What does the speaker imply when he says, “and their labour delight in them sets off”, at
the beginning of the of Act 3, Scene 1of The Tempest?

a) Not to do delightful labour.

b) Not to refuse the laborious task as it is delightful.
c) The satisfaction and delight derived from the labour compensates for the physical pain
and effort.
d) The sadness and delight derived from the labour increases the physical pain and

(iii)According to Ferdinand,“poor matters” will yield __________in Act 3, Scene 1of The
a) Poor results.
b) Average results.
c) Rich results.
d) No results.
(iv)How many logs does the speaker have to remove in Act 3, Scene1 of The Tempest?
a) Hundreds.
b) Thousands.
c) Ten thousand.
d) Two hundred.
(v)“T will weep for having wearied you.” Who will weep and what kind oftears will be shed
in Act 3, Scene 2of The Tempest?
a) Miranda will weep tears of joy
b) Ferdinand will weep as he is missing his father.
c) The logs of wood (personified)will weep tears of sympathy for having wearied
d) The logs of wood will shed tears(personified) for they have been brutally axed by

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(vi)Identify the characters present in Act 3, Scene 2 of The Tempest.

a) Stephano, Trinculo, Caliban

b) Stephano, Trinculo, Caliban, Ferdinand
c) Stephano, Trinculo, Caliban, Ariel
d) Stephano, Trinculo, Caliban, Ariel, Prospero

(vii)Where are the characters present in Act 3, Scene 2 of The Tempest?

a) On the shore of Prospero’s Island

b) Somewhere on Prospero’s Island
c) Near Prospero’s cell on his island
d) On the royal ship

(viii)What does Caliban say will happen after the ‘bottle’ is taken away from Trinculo in Act
3, Scene 2

a) Trinculo will die of thirst.

b) Trinculo will be forced to drink sea water/brine.
c) Caliban will not show Trinculo where the fresh water is available on the island.
d) All the above

(ix)When does the speaker say will they “drink water’ and “not a drop before” in Act 3,
Scene 2?

a) only when the light is out

b) only when the butt/cask/barrel of liquor is out
c) only when the bombard is out
d) only when the bottle of liquor is out

(x)What, according to Trinculo, will make the “state totter”in Act 3, Scene 2?

a) If the other people on the island are as sober as they are.

b) If the other people on the island are as addled brain/ incapable as they are.
c) If the other people on the island are as happy as they are.
d) If the other people on the island are as depressed as they are.

(xi)How does Gonzalo describe the paths on the island in Act 3, scene 3?

a) As a maze with crooked and bumpy ways.

b) As a maze with forthright and meanders.
c) As a maze with forthright and straight.
d) Asa maze with crooked andstraight shores.

(xii)Who is the “flatterer”and why doesAlonso not believe in it anymore in Act 3, scene 3?

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a) Hope is the flatterer who has been telling Alonso wants he wants to hear rather
than the truth.
b) Hope is the flatterer who has been telling Alonso about Prospero’s existence on the
c) Gonzalo is the flatterer who has been telling Alonso about Ferdinand’s death.
d) Sebastian is the flatterer who has been telling Alonso not to lose hope.

(xiii)Whom are the Neapolitanssearching for and how does Alonso describe this search in
Act 3, scene 3?

a) Prospero, exciting.
b) Claribel, tiring.
c) Ferdinand, frustrate.
d) Ferdinand, exhaustive.

(xiv) What do the ‘strange shapes’ do as they appear for the first time in front of the
Neapolitans in Act 3, scene 3?

a) Bring a banquet and dance with mocks and mows.

b) Bring a banquet and dance with gentle actions of salutations.
c) Bring a banquet and invite Alonso to Prospero’s cell with gentle actions of
d) Bring a banquet and with a quaint device vanish in thin air.

(xv)Who is the mythological creature and what does she call a few men standing on the
island in Act 3, scene 3?

a) Harpy, sinners of the island.

b) Unicorn, three men of sin.
c) Phoenix, three men of sin.
d) Harpy, three men of sin.

(xvi) Identify the number of characters in the story, The Story of an Hour.

e) three
f) four
g) two
h) more than four

(xvii)Describe the setting of the story, The Story of an Hour.

a) A winter day in the Mallard’s house

b) A summer day in Josephine’s house
c) A spring day in Richards’ house
d) A spring day in the Mallard’s house

(xviii)The Story of an Hour is written against the cultural and social backdrop of the 19-
century patriarchal society.

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a) True
c)Partly correct
d)Partly false

Q2. “But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that
would belong to her absolutely.” [1x7=7]

1. Identify the writer of The Story of an Hour.

a) Kate Chopin
b) Jack London
c) Katherine Mansfield
d) Roald Dahl

2. Where was “she” when the thought of the “bitter moment” came to her came to her?

a) In the living room on the ground floor of a relative’s house.

b) In her room on the first floor of a friend’s house.
c) In her room on the first floor of her own house.
d) In the living room on the first floor of a friend’s house.

3. What did her “clear and exalted perception” enable her to dismiss as trivial just
before this line?

a) That the grief that held her was intense or not.

b) That the joy which held her was a ‘monstrous joy’or not.
c) That the relief that held her was correct or not.
d) That the freedom that was hers was correct or not.

4. Which “bitter moment” is being referred to in the line below?

a) Death of a person.
b) Taste of a bitter fruit.
c) Meeting a bitter person.
d) Sight of person’s dead body.

5. What did “she” do immediately after the line which showed her feelings towards
the “long procession of years to come”?

a) She had closed her eyes to avoid the sight of the many years to come.
b) She had closed her mind to avoid thinking of the many years to come.
c) She had opened her arms to welcome the many years to come.
d) She had opened a window to look out for the sight of the many years to come.

6. Louise Mallard breathed a quick prayer that her future life might be ____________.

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a) long
b) short
c) not too long
d) not too short

7. Richards has been to the newspaper office when intelligence of the ___________
involving his friend was received.

a) Railroad accident
b) Car accident
c) Plane accident
d) Road accident

Q3. 1. What is the setting of the Poem “The Darkling Thrush?’

a) Rural bare winter land at daybreak

b) Urban bare winter land at daybreak
c) Rural bare winter landscape at sunset
d) Urban barren summer landscape at sunset

2. What had rendered the sunset “desolate”?

a) Summer remnants
b) Winter remnants
c) Spring Remnants
d) Monsoon remnants

3. What is the poet comparing the 19th Century to?

a) A crypt/tomb
b) A song grieving for a death
c) A dead body
d) Land’s sharp feature

4. What is the contrast between the tone of the poem?

a) Earlier pessimistic and gloomy, later guarded optimism

b) Earlier guarded optimism, later pessimistic and gloomy
c) Earlier pessimistic and gloomy, later too the same
d) Earlier and later guarded optimism

5. What is the role of the Darkling Thrush?

a) A symbol of punishment
b) A symbol/harbinger of hope

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c) A symbol of nature’s apathetic side
d) A symbol of inner gloom

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