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Part 1: Information about the video

(a) Title of the video/ Name of speaker/ Narrator
- Getting successful is not easy by Barrack Obama (A motivational speech)
(b) Date and venue of the speech
- 27/10/2021 at White House Washington
(c) New words that you learned from the video and its meaning (3 words)
- Necessarily (In every case or therefore)
- Failures (The fact of someone or something not succeeding)
- Troublemaker (Someone who intentionally causes problems for other people)
Part 2: Main ideas/points/issues of the videos.
(a) What are the main ideas/points/issue of the videos?
- Don’t ever give up on your dream.
- Every single one of you has something that you are good at.
- Your tickets to success is through rapping or basketball and being a TV reality star.
- There is no excuse for not trying.
- The truth is, being successful is hard. We need to face failures.

(b) What are the examples shared in the video?

- Even though Barack Obama’s father left them, he still works hard to follow his dream and
manage to enter the law school.
- Michelle Obama’s parents doesn’t have money but her parents doesn’t give up until she
manages to enter the best school in country.
- JK Rowling’s famous book which is Harry Potter was rejected 12 times before it was finally
- Michael Jordan was ban from his basketball team and very bad during his initial career and
that is why he succeed.
Part 3: Reflection on the video.
(a) What do you feel when watching the video?
- I feel so inspired after watching the video because the way Barack Obama looks very
energetic while delivering his speech and gives the young generation a new resolve.
- After listening about the failures every successful person had to go through like JK Rowling
and Michael Jordan, it gives me a sense of belongings and this will keep me in track and
motivated because hard times are what make you try twice as harder to finally succeed.
- I feel like the road to my future career is full of thorn and very challenging because it is not
easy to be successful like many successful people nowadays had to face.

(b) What do you think of the ideas/points/issues raised by the speaker?

- I think that
(c) Do you agree or disagree with the ideas/points/issues? Why?
- I agree with the issue raised by the speaker because successful people never give up on their
dream and always try their best no matter how hard they face the challenge. Once they are
motivated to accomplish something, they work hard burning midnight oil to archive it and are
consistent in their effort.

(d) How are the ideas/points/issues raised by the speaker related to you?
- I used to be a lazy guy who always sleep in classes and didn’t do any homework that my
teacher asked me to do until I receive the worst result ever in my life and then my parents
scolded me and they said that if I don’t study and get good result they will take my special
privileges forever.
- Therefore, the urge to not lose my special privileges is real and I have to study even harder
and manage to get flying colours in my next exam.

(e) How can you use this ideas/points/issues raised by the speaker in your daily life?

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