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1. These rules shall be called “DNLU Moot Allotment Rules” and shall pertain to allotment of
national and international Moots

2. These rules shall come into force on September 3, 2022.

3. Unless otherwise specified in the rules:

a) The term “Intra Participants lot of mooters” shall mean the students who have participated
in the DNLU Intra Moot.
b) The term “Committee” shall mean the Moot Court Committee constituted by the
University, and shall include its Faculty In-charge, Faculty Member/s and Student
c) The term “Proposed Team” shall mean the team proposed by the interested Mooters for the
cause of allotment of Moot, and shall include Speakers and Researcher/s out of the Intra
Participant Lot of Mooters. In case of applications from students that are not a part of the
Intra Participant Lot of Mooters, the term “Proposed Team” shall include such students,
despite them not being a part of the Intra Participant Lot of Mooters.

4. For the purpose of initiation of allotment process, an application to that effect is required to be sent
to the Committee by any member of the Proposed team, mentioning the Proposed Team, along
with the scores of each team member, mentioning the Moot which is requested to be allocated.

5. After receipt of the Applications, the Committee shall allot the Moots on the basis of Collective
Scores of the Proposed Teams, as per the following criteria:
a) The collective scores of the contesting Proposed Teams shall be compared, and the Team
with the highest Collective Score shall be allotted the requested Moot.
If a team comprising of Mooters A, B and C apply for a particular Moot M, to which the
team comprising of Mooters X, Y and Z also applies, then the collective score of both the
teams will be considered i.e. (A+B+C) against (X+Y+Z). The team with the highest
collective score would be allotted the Moot M.
b) In case the Collective Score of two teams is the same, the collective scores of Speakers
shall be considered. If the tie persists, the score obtained by the team in its Memorial shall
be considered. In case the tie still persists, the score obtained by the Researcher shall be
considered to resolve the tie.
c) If, in extremely exceptional cases, the Faculty In-charge, or the Faculty Member/s find that
the team is not apt for representation in any particular Moot, the Committee shall
appropriately change the composition of the team. However, such a case will happen in
very exceptional situations, as the Committee aspires to inculcate mooting skills in every
Mooter of Selected Lot.
d) In the case of absence of any contesting Proposed Team, the single team that has applied
for a Moot shall be allocated the same.

6. The first opportunity to apply to a Moot will be given to Intra Participant lot of mooters. In case
no application is received from the Intra Participant Lot, the Moot shall be open for participation
by all the students pursuing their undergraduate law course. In case no application is received after
such open invitation, there shall be an exemption in the cooling off period mentioned in Rule 7,
and an opportunity to apply for such Moot shall be given to the teams observing their cooling off
period. In case of receipt of more than one application for participation after open invitations, the
Committee shall conduct a Challenger Round for the purpose of selection of one team that shall
represent the University in the concerned Moot Court Competition.

7. Any Speaker or Researcher or Proposed Team from the Selected Lot or any other Proposed Team
would have a bar on the number of Moots in which he/she may be allowed to represent the
University. The bar is fixed as two Moots per year, having a cooling off period of one month after
the first Moot. During cooling off period, no mooter can participate in the moot allotment process.

8. No student shall be paired with more than one teams at the same time.
9. In case a team backs out of any Moot, it shall not be provided with an opportunity to replace that
Moot with another Moot of their choice, and it shall be deemed that the team has already performed
in the Moot for which it backed out. Further, they shall not be reimbursed for such moot, and as a
penalty, shall be barred from applying for any Moot Court Competition for six months. Therefore,
the Proposed Teams are advised to choose the Moots wisely.

10. In case any group of students register for a Moot Court Competition without prior approval of the
Committee, they shall not be allowed to represent the University in such Moot. In case of an
unauthorized representation of the University in any Moot Court Competition by any group of
students, disciplinary actions shall be taken against them, in addition to them being barred from
participating in any Moot Court Competition for a period of twelve months.

11. Teams have to mandatorily submit their Memorials to the Committee for review two days before
the actual date of submission. In case of non-compliance of this rule, the team shall not be
reimbursed for such Moot.

12. It is mandatory for the teams to inform the Committee about the results of the Moots in which the
University is represented.

13. If any Moot Court Competition clashes with Mid-Semester or End Semester Exams, no team shall
be allowed to represent the University in such Competition.

14. The Committee reserves the right to make any amendments in the aforementioned rules, and the
same shall be duly notified.

15. In case of any dispute regarding any matter arising out of, or ancillary to the allotment of Moot
Court Competitions to teams or representation of teams in Moot Court Competitions, the decision
of the Committee shall be final.
16. First year students are also allowed to take part in the national and international moot court
competitions organized by the different institutions. However, they can apply for the moot only
when it is notified for the open category.

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