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Mechatronics Engineering, Trunojoyo University
Solar Power Plant – Electricity is becoming a primary need for human life.
Without electricity, electronic equipment cannot be used or functioned as it should.
Electricity power is also a source of lighting for human life and is a basic need for
activities. The increasing need for conventional electricity or PLN can result in an
electricity crisis occurring at any time. To prevent such a crisis, today many are
starting to switch to using alternative energy sources. One of the most widely used
alternative energy sources is solar power plants or better known as solar power
plants. This power plant can be the best solution for those of you who want to be
more energy efficient and cost-effective. To support the use of new and renewable
energy, the government has begun to use alternative energy for sunlight for the
needs of public facilities. For example, it uses solar energy for street lighting and
traffic lights. So that it can reduce the state budget. Indonesia is a tropical country
that is illuminated by solar heat all year round, so that in the future this alternative
energy of sunlight will be utilized optimally in various sectors.
Solar power plants (PLTS) are power plants that utilize thermal energy from
sunlight to produce electrical energy. The main component used by the power plant
is photovoltaic solar panels that can convert solar energy into electrical energy so
that it can be used for daily electricity needs. The electric current generated by
photovoltaic solar panels is direct electric current (DC) so that supporting
components such as power inverters are needed to convert this direct electric current
(DC) into alternating electric current (AC) which is commonly used in electronic
devices in everyday life. Solar power plants in Indonesia in indonesia in the future are
estimated to have great potential. More and more people want to combine
conventional state-owned electrical energy with alternative solar energy. In addition
to being in demand on a residential scale, in the future this power plant will be in
great demand on an industrial scale or factories. It is predicted that in the future the
cost of electricity will continue to increase so that the cost bills continue to increase
high. For cost and energy savings, solar power plants will be widely applied to the
needs of industry and factories.
Solar power has many benefits to help human life, one of which is providing
the electrical energy needed in everyday life using solar power. This plant is able to
process solar photons and convert them into electrical energy. This electricity can
then be used in everyday life to operate electronic equipment and other tools that
require electricity. This power plant is also friendly to the environment so that the
earth's ecosystem is maintained. By using electrical energy generated from
alternative energy from sunlight, the earth will experience a decrease in the
percentage of air pollution. The energy source is in the form of sunlight so it will
never run out. Unlike conventional PLN electricity which requires fuel so that it will
produce air pollution. The disadvantage of solar power plants is in battery
maintenance because the cost of replacing batteries is still relatively expensive but if
you take into account the period of use, it is still relatively affordable because battery
technology is currently growing.
SUN energy is one of the largest solar power system development companies
in Indonesia. SUN energy claims to have many customers spread throughout
Indonesia. Established since 2016, "SUN Energy" has handled a wide range of
projects from small to large on a national and international scale. So that the
credibility of "SUN Energy" a unquestionable. The advantage of solar panels from
"SUN Energy" is the best quality with the quality of service by experts. SUN Energy
always maintains safety and environmental sustainability standards. In addition, it
also provides varied electricity saving solutions so that it can be tailored to consumer
needs, ranging from saving electricity at home, office buildings, hotels, shopping
centers to factories and large industries. By switching to alternative solar energy,
electricity users not only save on electricity bills every month but also create a non-
polluting environment with cleaner energy. This new and renewable energy will also
be the best solution to deal with the potential threat of a future electricity crisis while
reducing the effects of global warming that are increasingly felt today. users can start
using solar power plants right now and can directly monitor privately owned electricity
production flexibly.
Solar Power Plant – Electricity is becoming a primary need for human life.
Without electricity, electronic equipment cannot be used or functioned as it should.
Electricity is also a source of lighting for human life and is a basic need for all
activities. The increasing need for conventional electricity or PLN can result in an
electricity crisis occurring at any time. Solar power plants (PLTS) are power plants
that utilize thermal energy from sunlight to produce electrical energy. By using
electrical energy generated from alternative energy from sunlight, the earth will
experience a decrease in the percentage of air pollution. Unlike conventional PLN
electricity which requires fuel so that it will produce air pollution. The disadvantage of
solar power plants is in battery maintenance because the cost of replacing batteries
is still relatively expensive but if you take into account the period of use, it is still
relatively affordable because battery technology is currently growing. The energy
source is in the form of sunlight so it will never run out. This new and renewable
energy will also be the best solution to deal with the potential threat of a future
electricity crisis while reducing the effects of global warming that are increasingly felt

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tenaga surya kapasitas 10MW on grid di yogyakarta. Journal of Energy
dan kelistrikan. 7, 50-58.

Alifyanti, Dian Furqani. (2018). Pengaturan tegangan pembangkit listrik

tenaga surya (PLTS). Jurnal Kajian Teknik Elektro. 1, 80-92.

Hidayat, Nurta’lim. (2021). Analisis output daya pada pembangkit listrik

tenaga surya. Jurnal Crankshaft. 4,12- 17.

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