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Agri-Entrepreneurship, project planning and management:

Course Info & Description

Offering Institution Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University

Title Agri-Entrepreneurship, project planning and
Which degrees does this course aim towards? All BSc degrees of in the field of Agriculture and
Level of study Undergraduate
Pre-requisites for this course None
Why it was decided to convert this course into The decision was taken to create it for the
a MOOC rather than other ones? project, to provide an offer for interested
students to enhance their knowledge in the
field while being independent from special or
time-wise restrictions and also to give a chance
to interested non-students to learn about this
Credit Points & ECTS 3 Credit Points / 6 ECTS
Learning Units 12 units
Aim of the Course 1- Understand the meaning of
Entrepreneurship, its importance to the
Entrepreneur and to the economy
2- Know the importance of an entrepreneurial
idea, the means and sources of generate
this idea
3- Identify the characteristics, aptitudes, and
qualifications of effective Entrepreneurs
4- Identify different areas and fields that
Entrepreneur can choose among them to
start his project
5- Prepare a feasibility study for the project
6- Formulate a strategic/business plan for the
7- Manage the project professionally
8- Know the organizations that support and
incubate the entrepreneurial projects
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
a. Knowledge and Understanding 1- Know the basics of Entrepreneurship
2- Understand the characteristics, and
aptitudes of Entrepreneurs
3- Know the factors of failure and success of
entrepreneurial projects
4- Implement steps for generating
entrepreneurial ideas
5- Determine the steps of feasibility study

6- Know the steps and components of
business plan
7- Specify managerial functions needed to the
8- Know the organizations that support and
incubate the entrepreneurial projects
b. Intellectual Skills 1- Differentiate between traditional small
business and an entrepreneurial project
2- Know the difference between small
business owner’ skills and aptitudes of an
3- Know the difference between skills needed
at the beginning of the project and that
one’s needed when the Project transfers to
a big company
c. Professional Skills 1- Compare between feasibility study and
business / strategic plan
2- Compare between traditional small
business owner’s skills and aptitudes of an
3- Differentiate between an entrepreneurial
and managerial skills needed at different
stages of project’ life cycle
4- Work in team to get an entrepreneurial
5- Can transfer an entrepreneurial idea into a
useful project to the entrepreneur and to
the society
6- Manage the project professionally
d. General Skills
Course Contents 1- Introduction to Entrepreneurship concepts
2- Characteristics and Capabilities of the
3- Types of Small-Sized Entrepreneurial
Businesses and Methods of Establishment
4- Generating the Entrepreneurial Idea and
Studying its Feasibility
5- Enterprise Strategic Plan (ESP) Enterprise
Action Plan (EAP)
6- Entrepreneurial Business Establishment and
Inaugural Preparation
7- Professional Management of the
Entrepreneurial Project
Learning Material

Lecture Videos 10 videos
Lecture PPTs 12
Lecture Handouts/Notes 12
Other 1- Global forum for rural advisory services
(GFRAS). Module 11: Agricultural
Entrepreneurship. The Agricultural
Entrepreneurship module is developed as
part of the New Extensionist Learning Kit
2- Entrepreneurship. Cairo University, first
edition, September 2019.
3- Elraghy Charity Foundation. 100
entrepreneurship stories. Available at:
4- Global forum for rural advisory services
(GFRAS). Module 11: Agricultural
Entrepreneurship. The Agricultural
Entrepreneurship module is developed as
part of the New Extensionist Learning Kit
5- Antoncic, B., 2007. Intrapreneurship: a
comparative structural equation modeling
study. Industrial Management & Data
Systems: Bingley.
6- Antoncic, B. and Hisrich, R.D., 2004.
Corporate entrepreneurship contingencies
and organizational wealth creation.
Journal of Management Development:
7- Anderson, T., Curley M.G. and Formica,
P., 2010. Knowledge-Driven
Entrepreneurship: The Key to Social and
Economic Transformation. Springer
Verlag: Heidelberg.
8- Third-party links, i.e., MIT OCW on
Assessment tasks

Quizzes 12
Assignments -
Other -


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