Soap Bars 1

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Processing Report Instructions

Introducing the new Amazon Processing Report

Welcome to the new version of Inventory File processing reports!

The new processing report adds information and formatting directly to the file submitted, and provide
about the errors and warnings that occur while processing of the uploaded the files. You can make ne
corrections in the same file, and upload the corrected file for creating or updating your listings on Am

You are receiving this file as Excel, because you chose to receive feedback in an Excel format during
upload process. If you prefer to use the older version of the report, please click "Text" option when u
your flat-file.

Your original submission with error and warning messages can be found in the Template ta
this file. The "Summary" tab has a brief overview of the errors and warnings received, and
often they have occurred.

Are you using the latest template version?

We continue to improve and publish new category-specific Inventory File Templates which include ne
attributes, valid values, and other changes.

Navigate to Seller Central>Inventory>Add Products via Upload>Download template, to download the

version for your products.

Errors, Warnings and Suggestions

In the Template tab of the checked file, the columns A and B have the following fields:

# of attributes with errors

The number of errors found for a specific SKU/row. These errors will block your listings from being cr

Review the entire row to identify errors, which are highlighted in orange and shown in a comment bo
read the message in the comment box, hover your cursor over the highlighted cell, and expand the c
box to read the entire message.

# of attributes with other suggestions

The number of warnings or suggestions found for a specific SKU/row. Warnings or suggestions will no
your listings from being created on However, fixing warnings or suggestions, makes yo
products easily discoverable by the customers.

Review the entire row to identify the warnings and suggestions. Warnings are highlighted in yellow an
in a comment box. We may also suggest changes to your file based on the data provided. These sug
are highlighted in blue and the details are provided in a comment box. To read the message in the co
box, hover your cursor over the highlighted cell and expand the comment box to read the entire mes
After reviewing and correcting the file
When you have finished making corrections to your product data in the Template tab, save the file as
(tab-delimited) (*.txt) file. Excel saves the active sheet only (the Template tab) as a text file.

This is your inventory file that you will upload through Inventory>Add Products via Upload in the Sell

Still have questions?

See seller Help.

您之所以收到此 Excel 文件,是因为您在上传过程中选择了接收 Excel 电子表格形式的反馈。如果您倾向于使用旧




您可以前往卖家平台 > 库存 > 批量上传商品 > 下载库存文件模板,为您的商品下载最新版本的库存文件模板。


在此 Excel 文件的“模板”选项卡中,A 列和 B 列包含以下字段:


从一个 SKU 或者一行数据中所发现的错误数量。这些错误会阻碍在亚马逊网站上创建您的商品信息。



从一个 SKU 或者一行数据中所发现的警告或建议的数量。警告或建议不会阻碍在亚马逊网站上创建您的商品信息。但


当您在“模板”选项卡中修改完商品数据后,请将文件保存为制表符分隔的文本文件(*.txt)。Excel 仅将活动工作

这就是您要通过卖家平台 > 库存 > 批量上传商品上传的库存文件。

Feed Processing Summary
Number of records processed
Number of records with errors
Number of records with warnings

Top 3 attributes with most errors or warnings

Attribute name
Manufacturer Part Number
Melting Temperature Unit
Fulfillment Center Shelf Life

Type of error



Excel Column

Error message example

The value ""Product ID" (CBS)" exceeds the maximum allowed: "8".
A value is required for the "Manufacturer Part Number" field.

A value is missing from one or more required columns from this

group: [Is Product Expirable = "Yes"], [Product Expiration Type =
null], [Fulfillment Center Shelf Life = null].

The value in the "Maximum Retail Price" (350.00) field must be

greater than "Your price" (700.00).
Count of errors or warnings

Affected Attribute Names (Excel Column) Number of errors

Product ID (I) 4
Manufacturer Part Number (H) 4
Manufacturer Part Number (H), Scent (W), Is the Item Heat
Sensitive? (AJ), Is Product Expirable (AM), Melting Temperature 14
(degrees Celsius) (CD), Melting Temperature Unit (CO), Product
Expiration Type (EY), Fulfillment Center Shelf Life (EZ)

Your price (AK), Maximum Retail Price (AP) 4

Total number of errors 26

Total errors and warnings 26

How to complete your inventory template
GrField Name Local Label Name

feed_product_type Product Type

item_sku Seller SKU

brand_name Brand Name

recommended_browse_nodes Recommended Browse Nodes

item_name Item Name (aka Title)

part_number Manufacturer Part Number

external_product_id Product ID

product_description Product Description

external_product_id_type Product ID Type

is_trade_item_orderable_unit Is Package Level Orderable

bullet_point1 - bullet_point5 Bullet Point

target_audience_keywords1 -
target_audience_keywords5 Target Audience
scent_name Scent
skin_type1 - skin_type5 Skin Type

unit_count PPU Count

unit_count_type PPU Count Unit of Measure

item_form Item Form
country_of_origin Country Of Origin

safety_warning Safety Warning

contains_liquid_contents Contains Liquid Contents?
external_product_information HSN Code

is_heat_sensitive Is the Item Heat Sensitive?

standard_price Your price

quantity Quantity
is_expiration_dated_product Is Product Expirable
number_of_items Number of Items

list_price_with_tax List Price

maximum_retail_price Maximum Retail Price

main_image_url Main Image URL

target_gender Target Gender

age_range_description Age Range Description
Images - Image Information - These attributes provide links to images for a product

other_image_url1 Other Image URL1

swatch_image_url Swatch Image URL

Variation - Variation Information - Populate these attributes if your product is available in different variations (for exam
parent_child Parentage

parent_sku Parent SKU

relationship_type Relationship Type

variation_theme Variation Theme

Basic - Basic Product Information - These are attributes that are important to buyers and should be populated for all yo

update_delete Update Delete

model_name Model Name

model Model Number

manufacturer Manufacturer
gtin_exemption_reason External ID Exemption Reason
Discovery - Item Discovery Information - These attributes have an effect on how customers can find your product on the
color_map Color Map

generic_keywords Search Terms

size_name Size

color_name Color
skin_tone Skin Tone

directions Directions
sun_protection Sun Protection

sun_protection_unit_of_measure Sun Protection Unit of Measure

f_measure Equivalent Product Volume Unit
equivalent_product_volume Equivalent Product Volume

recommended_uses_for_product Recommended Uses For Product

packer_contact_information Packer
special_features1 -
special_features5 Special Features

item_type_name Item Type Name

Melting Temperature (degrees
melting_temperature Celsius)
material_type_free1 -
material_type_free5 Material Type FREE
special_ingredients1 -
special_ingredients5 Additives
ure Melting Temperature Unit

importer_contact_information Importer
e Operating Voltage Unit

manufacturer_contact_information Manufacturer Contact

material_composition Material Composition

product_benefit Product Benefits

operating_voltage Operating Voltage
Product Enrichment - These attributes create rich product listings for your buyers.

material_features Material Features

active_ingredients Active Ingredients
ure Net Content Volume Unit
package_type_name Package Type
container_type Container Type
fc_shelf_life_unit_of_measure FC Shelf Life Unit

net_content_weight Net Content Weight

is_liquid_double_sealed Is the liquid product double sealed?

ure Net Content Weight Unit

net_content_volume Net Content Volume

target_use_body_part Target Use Body Part

recycled_content_percentage Recycled Content Percentage

Dimensions - Product Dimensions - These attributes specify the size and weight of a product

size_map Size Map

item_length_unit_of_measure Item Length Unit Of Measure

item_length Item Length
item_width Item Width
item_height Item Height

each_unit_count Each Unit Count

item_width_unit_of_measure Item Width Unit Of Measure

item_height_unit_of_measure Item Height Unit Of Measure

liquid_volume Liquid Volume

liquid_volume_unit_of_measure Liquid Volume Unit

Compliance - Compliance Information - Attributes used to comply with consumer laws in the country or region where th

ingredients Ingredients

are_batteries_included Batteries are Included

number_of_batteries1 -
number_of_batteries3 Number of batteries

battery_type1 - battery_type3 Battery type/size

battery_cell_composition Battery composition

lithium_battery_packaging Lithium Battery Packaging

lithium_battery_weight Lithium content

lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_me Lithium Battery Weight Unit Of

asure Measure

warranty_description Warranty Description

external_testing_certification External Testing Certification
Offer - Offer Information - These attributes are required to make your item buyable for customers on the site
offering_end_date Offer End Date

merchant_shipping_group_name Shipping-Template

offering_start_date Offer Start Date

max_order_quantity Max Order Quantity

fulfillment_latency Handling Time

restock_date Restock Date

condition_type Item Condition

product_tax_code Product Tax Code

product_site_launch_date Launch Date

merchant_release_date Release Date

condition_note Condition Note

sale_price Sale Price

sale_from_date Sale Start Date

sale_end_date Sale End Date

offering_can_be_gift_messaged Can Be Gift Messaged

offering_can_be_giftwrapped Is Gift Wrap Available?

map_price Minimum Advertised Price

currency Currency

lot_offering_expiration_date Lot Offering Expiration Date

product_expiration_type Product Expiration Type

fc_shelf_life Fulfillment Center Shelf Life


business_price Business Price

quantity_price_type Quantity Price Type

quantity_price1 Quantity Price 1

quantity_lower_bound1 Quantity Lower Bound 1

pricing_action Pricing Action

United Nations Standard Products
unspsc_code and Services Code

national_stock_number National Stock Number

Definition and Use

Within a category there are often multiple product types defined.

Select a product type from the drop down on the template tab or
the a value from the valid values tab.

A unique identifier for the product, assigned by the merchant.

The SKU must be unique for each product listed. After you have
established a SKU for a product, please do not change it without
first deleting the original SKU from our systems through a delete

The brand name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that
identifies the goods as distinct from those of other sellers.

Products get placed into the browse structure of the category

when assigned to a browse tree node. Use this field to provide the
browse tree node that best represents your product. Review the
list of possible browse nodes and select the node that most
closely represents your product. If no values are provided, your
product will not be browsable by our customers.
A short title for the product. This will be displayed in bold on the
product page and in the title bar of the browser window.

The manufacturer's part number for the product. For most

products, this is identical to the model number; however, some
manufacturers distinguish between part numbers and model

A standard, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies the

product. This could be a GCID (16 alphanumeric characters), UPC
or EAN. This is a required field if product_id_type is provided.

Text - maximum 2000 characters. HTML tags and special

characters not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type
1 High ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs,
phone numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as
'sale', 'price', 'offer' etc

The type of standard, unique identifier entered in the Product_ID

field. This is a required field if Product_ID is provided.
Text - maximum 100 characters. HTML tags and special characters
not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type 1 High
ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs, phone
numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as 'sale',
'price', 'offer' etc. Do not include any formatting - Amazon will add
the bullet points

Choose terms that describe the target audience for this product.
( arget audience refers to the end user, not the buyer; thus,
childrens books are for children, not for the parents who might
purchase them.) We will use this information to merchandise this
product on the Web site. By selecting relevant terms, you increase
the chance that buyers will find this product.
The scent of the product.
A description of the skin types this product is appropriate for.
The number of units you are selling. This will be used to calculate
Price Per Unit (Price/PPU count).
Select the unit of measure for PPU Count. If PPU Count is used,
you must also enter the PPU Count Unit Of Measure.
The form the product comes in.
The country where the product was issued.

List any potential safety issues associated with the product

including doctor's warnings, health restrictions for certain groups
such as pregnant women or diabetics, and potential hazards such
as choking.

Provide the applicable 6/8 digit HSN tax code for your product.

A price greater than 0. Do not include thousands separators or

currency symbols. The item will not be displayed on the site
without a standard price.

Merchant-fulfilled products: Enter the quantity of the item you

are making available for sale. This is your current INVENTORY
commitment. Quantity is required for all "child" or stand-alone
items. If left blank when first submitting the product information,
the item will be displayed as "Out of stock." Do not enter
quantity for parent items.Amazon-fulfilled products: Do not enter
quantity, as it is not applicable for products fulfilled by Amazon.
Instead, submit fulfillment_center_id in a separate column (see
data definition for details).
Does your product expire or lose effectiveness over time? Select
“Yes” if the product meets one of the following criteria: (1) has a
printed expiration date, (2) is a topical or consumable product for
either human or animal use, or (3) has a recommended shelf life.
“For more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help
The number of items that are included in the product
Manufacturer's suggested retail price or list price for the product.
This is not the same as the offering price, which is specified in the
item-price field.

This is the maximum retail price that is physically printed on pre-

packaged products by manufacturer according to legal metrology
act. This is the maximum price that seller can charge a customer.
This attribute is only applicable to IN marketplace.

The URL where a main image of the product is located. It's

important that this is supplied for all products.

The gender that describes the target audience for the product.
Select one of the following options: Adult, Kids, Baby
mages for a product

The URL for additional images of your product.nnThese images

will be shown on the detail page when the customer clicks
through to see other views associated with the product. For
example, you can use this field to show the label information or
packaging of your product. Upload additional images with
different views to the item, or with some emotional surrounding
as additional image.

The URL where an image of a colour swatch from the product is

your product is available in different variations (for example color or wattage)
Defines the product within a relationship with another, similar
product. The "parent" defines the basic data about the product.
Parent products are not purchasable; the "parent" product simply
specifies the attributes of the product that are common among all
of its children and only acts as a place holder. The "child"
products define the possible variations (i.e., size, color) of the
parent product and represent the items that are actually for
sale.This field is required if any of the following columns are
populated: variation_theme, color, paper_size,
maximum_expandable_size, line_size. If the product does not
participate in a variation relationship, use the value "child."For
further information about how to construct a product variation,
please refer to this template's "Example" tab.
If the product is a child product, list the SKU of the parent product

Describes the relationship between products that are related.

Accessories can be seen on the site as "Also
Recommended" selections on certain detail product pages. Use
this field to create an accessory relationship.

Describes the parameter(s) by which the parent product may

vary. The value input for this field should be the same for both
the parent and child SKUs. Example: If the product varies by size,
input the value Size. If the product varies by colour, input the
value Color. Terms used for variation themes are created by you
the merchant. (e.g. 'count' can be any number that you choose).
e important to buyers and should be populated for all your items. Some are required to create an offer.

Specifies the type of operation (Update, PartialUpdate or Delete)

to be done on the data provided. If left blank, the default
behavior is "Update." Use "Update" whenever you are changing
any field in the existing product's information, including reducing
the inventory to 0. Only use "Delete" when you wish to remove a
product completely and permanently from the catalogue. After
you have established a SKU for a product, please do not try
changing it without first deleting the associated product from our
systems through a delete feed.

The model name of the instrument.

The model number of the product, as assigned by the

manufacturer. This may be distinct from part number

Specify the company of individual that produced the product.

Most products have barcodes (UPC, EAN, etc) that uniquely
identify the product. Providing the correct barcode for product
listings helps Amazon improve the quality our catalog and reduce
duplicate product listings that confuse customers shopping on
Amazon. However, not all products have assigned barcodes. If you
are creating custom bundles of 2 or more products, indicate this is
a bundle listing by selecting CustomProductBundl . If you are
listing replacement parts that dont have barcodes (perhaps only a
part number),or you have split a product into component parts
not normally sold individually, please select ReplacementPart .
Note for either of these cases you will need to have been
previously granted a bundle UPC exemption or replacement part
UPC exemption for the brand by Amazon. Leave this column blank
for all other types of products.
an effect on how customers can find your product on the site using browse or search
The standard color family of the product.
Search terms that describe your product: no repetition, no
competitor brand names or ASINs.

The specific size or capacity used to identify an item.

The descriptive color name of the product.

A description of the skin tones this product is appropriate for.

Indicate the directions for use of this product.

The SPF factor of the product.

Select the unit of measure for Sun Protection. If Sun Protection is

used, you must also enter the Sun Protection Unit Of Measure.

Specify if the product is designed for indoor or outdoor use. Select

from the list of valid values.

Indicate specific notable features of the product. Examples are:

Heirloom, Organic, Lead-free.

Describes the type of Item

Provide the melting temperature in degrees Celsius. Do not
include modifier.
Select the types of undesirable materials which are not included
in the product. Select from the list of valid values.
Additives information that are important to customers but may
not be noticed or see in the ingredients list. This field may be used
for refinement search feature.

Specify the corresponding unit

Address and Customer Care Details of the manufacturer, or where

the manufacturer is not the packer, the address and customer
care details of the manufacturer and packer

gs for your buyers.

Specify the type of container used to store the Wine.

Use this field to specify the percentage of total recycled content

within a product. A value of 80 will be displayed as 80% on the
web site.
size and weight of a product
Indicate the size of the product. This field may be used to help
buyers filter by size while shopping.
Select the unit of measure for Item Length. If Item Length is used,
you must also enter the Item Length Unit Of Measure.
The displayable length dimension of the product.
Indicates the displayable width dimension of the product.
Indicates the displayable height dimension of the product.

When products are sold in multipacks, the single items in the

multipack are referred to as “eaches”. A 6-pack of 12-oz sodas
contains six eaches. An each is normally the smallest component
of a product that has its own UPC. A package of 100 screws does
not contain 100 eaches because the screws don’t have UPCs on
them. Instead, the each is the single box of screws. The number of
units in an each is the each_unit_count. For the single box of
screws, the each_unit_count is 100. If this is attribute is left blank,
it will be defaulted to the value provided in the total_unit_count
attribute. If each_unit_count is supplied, it must divide
total_unit_count evenly.
Select the unit of measure for Item Width. If Item Width is used,
you must also enter the Item Width Unit Of Measure.
Select the unit of measure for Item Height. If Item Height is used,
you must also enter the Item Height Unit Of Measure.

ply with consumer laws in the country or region where the item is sold
The ingredients of the product. This should be consistent with the
list of ingredients on the item package.

Select "yes" if batteries are contained in the product (e.g.

batteries inside a pair of Bluetooth headphones) and/or included
with the product (e.g. batteries packed separately with a camera),
otherwise select "no"
Number of batteries, including spares (total batteries, not cells per

Specify the type of battery in the product.

Commonly printed on the battery or outer packaging

“Batteries only”: the battery or batteries are sold alone or with

items they are not meant to power. “With equipment”: the
battery is included in the package but not pre-installed. “In
equipment”: the battery is pre-installed in the item.

Commonly found in manufacturer's technical information

Select the unit of measure for Lithium Battery Weight . If Lithium
Battery Weight is used, you must also enter theLithium Battery
Weight Unit Of Measure.
Provide a description of the product's warranty. This information
will surface in the Product Specifications widget on the detail

e your item buyable for customers on the site

Specify the date when this item can be discontinued on the site.

Sellers can create a set of ship configurations based on business

needs and use cases. The ship configurations can be region based
and have rules to set SLA and rate for the region. When listing
product to create offer, seller needs to select one ship
configuration for the product. The ship configuration will be used
to retrieve the valid ship options on the website.
This is the first date on which a merchant can deliver a pre-
orderable product (one that has never been available prior to this
date) to a customer.
Use to indicate the largest quantity that an individual may
purchase in one order of the given product.
This is time in which you will be able to ship the product after you
get an order. The default value is 1 to 2 days. Use this field if your
handling time is greater than 2 business days.

This is the date that a merchant will be able to ship any back-
ordered items to a customer.

A numerical entry that indicates the condition of the item. Review

the condition guidelines definitions.'s standard code to identify the tax properties of a
Specify the date the product will be searchable. A product with a
future launch date will not be discoverable on the website until
the specified launch date.
The first date on which you can deliver a pre-orderable product
(one that has never been available prior to this date) to a

Descriptive text explaining the item’s condition. This Condition

Note field is limited to 1000 characters for all Used, Collectible,
and Refurbished items. Condition notes are not accepted for
products with a condition type of new.

The sale price at which the merchant offers the product for sale,
expressed in local currency. The site will strikethrough the
product's original price and indicate that the item is on sale at the
sale price.
The date that the sale price will begin to override the product's
The last date that the sale price will override the item's normal
price; the product's standard_price will be displayed afterwards.
If you can print a gift message with the item indicate that here. If
left blank, defaults to 'false'.
If you can gift wrap an item indicate that here. If left blank,
defaults to 'FALSE'.
For MAP (Minimum Advertised Price) based pricing. If you have
never heard this term before, this function probably does not
apply to you.
The currency code for price data. This is required if map, msrp,
item_price, or sale_price is provided. The same currency will
apply to all price-related fields.

1) Expiration Date Required: The expiration date is printed on

product packaging. 2) Expiration on Package: The product will be
reviewed for an expiration date at inbound. 3) Production Date
Required: The production or manufacturing date is printed on
product packaging. 4) Shelf Life: The product will lose
effectiveness over time but does not have a clear expiration date
or production date. For example: Batteries & Beauty Supplies. For
more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).
FC Shelf Life is the number of days the product may be stored
without becoming unfit for sale. For more information, refer to
Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).

The price at which the credentialed Amazon Business seller offers

the product to verified business customers, expressed in INR. The
price should be greater than 0. If price exists, business-price
should be less than or equal to price, as business-price represents
a discount for business customers. Do not include thousands
separators or currency symbols. This field is required if quantity
prices are provided
Either fixed or percent. When fixed is selected, quantity prices are
expressed in INR. When percent is selected, quantity prices are
calculated as a percent off of the business price.

Quantity prices, expressed either as INR (199.99 = INR199.99) or

as a percent off the business-price (7= 7% off business-price),
depending on the chosen quantity-price type. Must provide a
lower-bound for each quantity-price. Each quantity-price must be
lower than the previous one.
Quantity thresholds, expressed in units. Business customers who
purchase at or above a quantity-lower-bound will be given the
corresponding quantity-price. For example, if lower-bound1 is set
to 50, quantity-price1 will apply to a purchase of 50 or more units.
Sellers can specify up to 5 lower-bounds and must provide a
quantity-price for each lower bound. Each lower-bound must be
higher than the previous one.

Specifies the actions that need to be performed on the price

attributes of this SKU. The only action currently supported by the
system is deleting the business_price.
Set this field to "delete business_price" when you want to remove
a previously submitted business_price and any quantity discounts.
If left blank, no action will be performed and the contents of this
column will be ignored.
An 8-digit alphanumeric code for classification of products
according to the UNSPSC system
A alpha-numeric 13 digit code. Code identifying standard material
items of supply as defined by NATO
Accepted Values

Input an appropriate product type.

Unique Identifier. If you don't enter a SKU we'll create one for
Name of the brand under which products are sold. Usually
mentioned on product or package. In case name is not
mentioned, kindly use "Generic" as brand name

Indicate the browse node or section of the Amazon website

where the product will be assigned. This allows customers to find
the product on the website easily. Browse Tree Guide can be
downloaded from

An alphanumeric string up to 200 characters.

For most products, this will be identical to the model number or

SKU; However, some manufacturers distinguish part number from
model number.

Provide the external ID (numerical barcode mentioned on the

product/packaging) type and corresponding value that is being
used to identify the product. This can be an EAN, UPC, ISBN or

Text - maximum 2000 characters. HTML tags and special

characters not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type
1 High ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs,
phone numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as
'sale', 'price', 'offer' etc

Select one of the following options: GCID, UPC, EAN ASIN or ISBN
Provide a Boolean value (Yes, No) indicating whether the level is
orderable from the Selling Partner. Select "Yes" when not
providing package hierarchy or have not on-boarded to package
hierarchy program.

Text - maximum 100 characters. HTML tags and special characters

not on a standard keyboard (eg. ®, ©, ™ or other Type 1 High
ASCII characters) are not supported. Do not use email IDs, phone
numbers, external URLs or promotional messages such as 'sale',
'price', 'offer' etc. Do not include any formatting - Amazon will add
the bullet points

An alphanumeric string.
An alphanumeric text string, 50 characters maximum in length.
Select from the list of valid values.

A positive integer.

Select from the list of valid values.

Select from the list of valid values.
Specify the country where the product was issued.

An alphanumeric string.
Does the product contain liquid contents?
Provide the applicable 6/8 digit HSN tax code for your product.
If the item is heat sensitive select yes, if it is not heat sensitive
select no

Standard Price indicates the price at which product is sold to

customers. Please do not use commas or currency signs

Stock available for online sales

Does your product expire or lose effectiveness over time? Select
“Yes” if the product meets one of the following criteria: (1) has a
printed expiration date, (2) is a topical or consumable product for
either human or animal use, or (3) has a recommended shelf life.
“For more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help
A whole number

The M.R.P. of the product, in local currency.

Maximum Retail Price (MRP) indicates the price mentioned on the

product or package. This is the highest price at which the product
can be sold to the customer. Please do not use commas or
currency signs

Images should have 72-pixels-per-inch resolution and be 500

pixels minimum in length (on the longest side). The preferred file
format is JPEG (.jpg), and the URL must be fully-formed and valid
(i.e., include http://). When naming your image, you may use the
following convention (though not required): Product SKU + View
Indicator (.main) + File Extension (.jpg). An example would be:
"15774.main.jpg". There cannot be any spaces or high ASCII
characters in the image url. Save the image to your Web server
and supply the URL to the image in this field. Accepted formats
are .jpeg, .jpg, and .gif

Select from:
Specify an appropriate age range description for the item

A valid URL, including leading "http://"

The URL is case sensitive, so make sure to use matching

capitalisation and no redirections (e.g. .jpeg instead of .jpg). While
a web browser might be smart enough to locate your image
despite of these little inaccuracies, our image collection process

Images should have 72-pixels-per-inch resolution and be 30 pixels

maximum length (on the longest side). The preferred file format is
JPEG (.jpg). When naming your image, please use the following
convention: Product SKU + View Indicator (i.e., .swatch) + File
Extension (i.e., .jpg). An example would be: "".
Save the image to your Web server and supply the URL to the
image in this field.
or wattage)
Please select one of the following values: parent, child

An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 40

characters maximum in length.

Select one of the following options:

Accessory Variation

Select an applicable variation theme.

Some are required to create an offer.

Select one of the following options: Update, PartialUpdate, or

An alphanumeric string; 1 character minimum in length and 50
characters maximum in length.
The model number of the product, as assigned by the
manufacturer. Note that this should be distinct from Model Name
and Manufacturer Part Number
Specify the manufacturer of the product as mentioned on the
product or package
Select the reason the product is exempt from having a unique
identifier such UPC, GTIN, or EAN.
g browse or search
Select from the list of valid values.
Search terms that describe your product: no repetition, no
competitor brand names or ASINs.
Mention the numeric or text version of the item's size. (e.g: Small,
Medium, Large, 40, 42, 44, etc.)
Mention the primary or prominent color of the product. Mention
"multicolor" if there are more than one color
Select from the list of valid values.

An alphanumeric text string, 500 characters maximum in length.

An alphanumeric text string, 50 characters maximum in length.

Select from the list of valid values.

Select the unit of measure for the Equivalent Product Volume. If a
value is provided for Item Volume, you must also enter the
corresponding unit.
Provide the Equivalent Product Volume as a numeric value.

Select from the list of valid values.

If Packer is different from manufacturer, provide address and
contact number of the packer. If manufacturer is the packer,
provide address and contact number of the manufacturer.
Provide any special features an item has that distinguish it from
other, comparable products
Provide the generic name for you Product (example For 'Vaseline'
Item Type name is 'Petroleum Jelly').
Provide the melting temperature in degrees Celsius. Do not
include modifier.

Select from the list of valid values.

Please select a value from the Valid Values tab.

Specify the corresponding unit

Provide the product's importer name, address and contact

Select the corresponding unit

Provide the address and contact number of the manufacturer.
You can also provide e-mail, customer care number & website
URL of the manufacturer If available.
Provide the item's material composition with each material
separated by a comma, indicated with % composition and adding
up to 100 in descending order
Add key product benefits in sentence form. Can be maximum of
115 characters (including spaces). Avoid special characters, caps,
and bullets.
Enter the operating voltage

Enter unique features for the item relative to the material of

Provide the active ingredients added
Provide the unit associated with the net content volume value
Specify the type of container used to store the Wine.
Specify the type of container the product has or is
Provide unit for fc shelf life
Provide the numerical net content of the item expressed as a
If the product is a liquid in a double sealed container select yes, if
it is not select no
Provide the unit associated with the net content weight value
Provide the numerical net content of the item expressed as a

Provide the part of the body that this item is targeted for use on.


See valid values.

Select from the list of valid values.

Provide the item length of the product.
Provide the item width of the product.
Provide the item height of the product.

The number of units in an each; where an each is the smallest

component of a product with a UPC and the unit is how the each
is measured.

Select from the list of valid values.

Select from the list of valid values.

Provide the liquid volume as a numeric value.
Select the unit of measure for Liquid Volume. If a value is
provided for Item Volume, you must also enter the corresponding

An alphanumeric string; 1,500 characters maximum in length.

Select: true or false.

Any integer greater than or equal to one

Please refer to the Valid Values worksheet. Only use this when
PowerSource is 'battery'
Select a value from the list of valid values.

Choices are batteries_only (If battery is a standalone)

batteries_contained_in_equipment (if battery is assembled in the
item) or batteries_packed_with_equipment (If battery is included
in the item packaging but not assembled in the item)
A number with up to 10 digits to the left of the decimal point and
2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not use
Select the unit of measure for Lithium Battery Weight . If Lithium
Battery Weight is used, you must also enter theLithium Battery
Weight Unit Of Measure.

Please describe the warranty given with the product. The terms of
warranty should be described as specified by the manufacturer.
Provide the product's external testing certification
This is the date from when customer cannot place an order on
your product, irrespective of the stock in hand. But the product
still be active, if other Selling Partners are selling this product.

The ship configuration group for an offer. The ship configuration

group is created and managed by the seller through the ship
setting UI.

Once the product is launched on Amazon, customers can start

placing orders on your product from this date.

A positive whole number.

This is time in which you will be able to ship the product after you
get an order. The default value is 1 to 2 days. Use this field if your
handling time is greater than 2 business days.

This field is used to setup back-order and is the date when the
back-ordered products will be available for shipping to customers.

Used; Like New

Used; Very Good
Used; Good
Used; Acceptable
Collectible; Like New
Collectible; Very Good
Collectible; Good
Collectible; Acceptable

Enter the product tax code supplied to you by

This is the date when customers will start viewing this product on

This field is used to setup pre-order and is the date from when the
pre-ordered product will be available to be shipped to customers.

A text string with a maximum of 1,000 characters. The Condition

Note field doesn’t allow special characters.

The price at which you offer the product for sale.

A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd.

A date in this format: yyyy-mm-dd.
If you can print a gift message with the item indicate that here. If
left blank, defaults to 'false'.

Select: TRUE or FALSE.

A number with up to 18 digits allowed to the left of the decimal
point and 2 digits to the right of the decimal point. Please do not
use commas or currency symbols.

Three letter currency code.

Provide the date on which the lot offering represented by the SKU

1) Expiration Date Required: The expiration date is printed on

product packaging. 2) Expiration on Package: The product will be
reviewed for an expiration date at inbound. 3) Production Date
Required: The production or manufacturing date is printed on
product packaging. 4) Shelf Life: The product will lose
effectiveness over time but does not have a clear expiration date
or production date. For example: Batteries & Beauty Supplies. For
more information, refer to Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).
FC Shelf Life is the number of days the product may be stored
without becoming unfit for sale. For more information, refer to
Expiry Seller policy and help page(s).

A business-price greater than 0. Do not include thousands

separators or currency symbols. If price exists, business-price
must be less than or equal to price.

Either of the following:n- fixedn- percent

The Fixed price or Percent Off discount at which the merchant

offers the product for sale if the buyer is purchasing at least the
associated quantity, expressed in INR.
The minimum purchase quantity necessary to receive the
associated Fixed price or Percent Off price

"delete business_price" (without the quotes)

An 8-digit alphanumeric code for classification of products
according to the UNSPSC system
A alpha-numeric 13 digit code. Code identifying standard material
items of supply as defined by NATO
Example Required?

BeautyMisc Required

101MyCollectible1 Required

NARS Required

12587455 Required

Black, Small cup holder Required

SB-122 Required

5279173125000 Required

A mini mirrored compact featuring two crease-

proof NARS eye shadows in modern,
complementary shades. This long-wearing, crease-
resistant formula is uniquely paired in dazzling and
creative color combinations, expertly coordinated
by François Nars. Worn together or alone, these
shades are richly pigmented and can be applied
sheer or built up for a more dramatic effect. Used
wet, these shadows also double as eyeliners. Required

UPC Required
Yes, No Required

Provides a sheer, natural hint of color

Made with transparent pigments to avoid


Broad selection of shades Required

women Required
Musk Required
Sensitive Required

6 Required

Pack Required
Cream Required
Japan Required

Consult with a doctor before using this product. Required

Yes Required
610510, 61051047 Required

Yes, No Required

"249.99" Required

152 Required
TRUE Required
1 Required

259.99 Required

195 Required
1250.main.jpg Required

unisex Optional
Adult,Kid Optional

"http" Optional Optional
parent Optional

10162513 Optional

Accessory Optional

"Size/Color" Optional

Update Optional

Les Paul Tabu Optional

AK3-AT1-GL-M-X, MC700LL/A Optional

XYZ Pvt Ltd Optional

Bundle Optional

Green Optional

Electric Optional

Large Optional

Sage Optional
Dark Optional

Apply directly to Forehead Optional

50 Optional

sun_protection_factor Optional

Fluid Ounces Optional

30 Optional

Indoor Use Only Optional

ABC Packers, Industrial Estate, Mumbai, India.

Customer Care 000 999 999999 Optional

Aromatherapy Optional

Petroleum Jelly Optional

100, 200 Optional

BPA Free Optional

Contains Nitrate Optional

Degrees Celsius, Degrees Fahrenheit Optional

ABC Importers, Industrial Estate, Mumbai, India.
Customer Care 000 999 999999 Optional

Volts Optional

ABC Manufacturer, Industrial Estate, Mumbai,

India. Customer Care 000 999 999999 Optional

50% Cotton, 50% Latex Optional

Tames frizz and flyaways for healthy, soft hair.", "A
tummy-toning gel with six active ingredients and
an ab-activating applicator. Optional
120 Optional

Compostable, biodegradable, Is food safe,

Fragrance free, Plant based, etc. Optional
soy, cellulose Optional

Fluid Ounces Optional

Pouch Optional
Bottle,Can,Box Optional
Days Optional

1 Optional

Yes, No Optional

Ounces, Grams Optional

576 Optional

Face Optional

25.0, 50, 95.52 Optional

M Optional

M Optional
12 Optional
12 Optional
12 Optional

1,4,12,16.58 Optional

CM Optional

M Optional
10 Optional

fluid ounces Optional

Amino-blend: L-arginine, L-gLutamine, L-vaLine, L-

Leucine…. Optional

TRUE Optional

3 Optional

battery_type_lithium_ion Optional
Lithium Ion Optional

batteries_contained_in_equipment Optional

0.9 Optional

grams Optional
1 year manufacturer warranty is non-transferable
and valid for 1 year from the original date of
purchase. Optional
Grade 1 Optional
MM/DD/YYYY Optional

"Heavy Bulky Products , CN ShunFeng Delivery " Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

75 Optional

3 Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

New Optional

A_GEN_NOTAX Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

MM/DD/YYYY Optional

A text string up to 100 characters. Optional

219.99 Optional

5/14/2014 Optional
12/2/2004 Optional

"TRUE" Optional

FALSE Optional

259.99 Optional

GBP Optional

43971 Optional

Expiration Date Required Optional

365 Optional

239.99 Optional

Fixed Optional

10 Optional
100 Optional

delete business_price Optional

23415 Optional

850519-S01, 783360-S01 Optional

TemplateType=pscustom Version=2022.0402
Number of attributes with errors Number of attributes with other suggestions
12 0
12 0
13 0
13 0
TemplateSignature=U0tJTl9DTEVBTklOR19BR0VOVA== settings=a The top 3 rows are for use only. Do
Product Type Seller SKU Brand Name
feed_product_type item_sku brand_name
skincleaningagent CBS Annie Handma
skincleaningagent ACTS Annie Handma
skincleaningagent RCACS Annie Handma
skincleaningagent OMHS Annie Handma
he top 3 rows are for use only. Do not modify or delete the top 3 rows.
Recommended Browse Nodes
m use only. Do not modify or delete the top 3 rows.
Item Name (aka Title)
Annie Handmade Exfoliating Coffee Beans Handmade Soap with Refreshing Aroma for perfectly clean skin
Annie Handmade Activated Charcol & Turmeric Handmade Soap with Refreshing Aroma for perfectly clean skin
Annie Handmade Rose clay and Activated Charcol Handmade Soap with Refreshing Aroma
Annie Handmade Oatmeal and Honey Handmade Soap with Refreshing Aroma
Manufacturer Part Number Product ID Product Description Product ID Type Is Package Level Orderable
part_number external_pr product_description external_product is_trade_item_orderable_uni
AHP001 CBS Great For Sensitive skGTIN Yes
AHP001 ACTS Great For Sensitive skGTIN Yes
AHP001 RCACS Great For Sensitive skGTIN Yes
AHP001 OMHS Great For Sensitive skGTIN Yes
Bullet Point Bullet Point Bullet Point Bullet Point Bullet Point Target Audience Target Audience
bullet_point bullet_point bullet_point bullet_point bullet_point target_audience_target_audience_
Goat milk sooGlycerine ke Great source of anti-oxidants Women Unisex Children
Goat milk sooGlycerine ke Great source of anti-oxidants Women Unisex Children
Goat milk sooGlycerine ke Great source of anti-oxidants Women Unisex Children
Goat milk sooGlycerine ke Great source of anti-oxidants Women Unisex Children
Target Audience Target Audience Target Audience Scent Skin Type Skin Type Skin Type Skin Type
target_audience_target_audience_target_audience_scent_ skin_type1 skin_type2 skin_type3 skin_type4
Men Girls Unisex Adult Coffee All Oily CombinatioDry
Men Girls Unisex Adult Sandal All Oily CombinatioDry
Men Girls Unisex Adult Rose All Oily CombinatioDry
Men Girls Unisex Adult HoneysAll Oily CombinatioDry
Skin Type PPU Count PPU Count Unit of Measure Item Form Country Of Origin Safety Warning
skin_type5 unit_count unit_count_type item_form country_of_origin safety_warning
Sensitive 15.00 gram Bar India Avoid if allergic t
Sensitive 15.00 gram Bar India Avoid if allergic t
Sensitive 15.00 gram Bar India Avoid if allergic t
Sensitive 15.00 gram Bar India Avoid if allergic t
Contains Liquid Contents? HSN Code Is the Item Heat Sensitive? Your price Quantity
contains_liquid_contents external_pr is_heat_sensitive standard_prquantity
No 34011919 Yes 700.00 15
No 34011920 Yes 700.00 15
No 34011921 Yes 700.00 15
No 34011922 Yes 700.00 15
Is Product Expirable Number of Items List Price Maximum Retail Price Main Image URL Target Gender
is_expiration_dated_ number_of_itemslist_price_ maximum_retail_price main_image_url target_gender
Yes 1 350.00 350.00
Yes 1 350.00 350.00
Yes 1 350.00 350.00
Yes 1 350.00 350.00
Age Range Description Other Image URL1 Other Image URL2 Other Image URL3 Other Image URL4
age_range_description other_image_url1 other_image_url2 other_image_url3 other_image_url4
Other Image URL5 Other Image URL6 Other Image URL7 Other Image URL8 Swatch Image URL
other_image_url5 other_image_url6 other_image_url7 other_image_url8 swatch_image_url
Variation Basic
Parentage Parent SKU Relationship Type Variation Theme Update Delete Model Name Model Number
parent_chil parent_sku relationship_type variation_theme update_delete model_name model
Manufacturer External ID Exemption Reason Color Map Search Terms Size Color Skin Tone
manufacturer gtin_exemption_reason color_map generic_keyworsize_ color_ skin_tone
Directions Sun Protection Sun Protection Unit of Measure Equivalent Product Volume Unit
directions sun_protection sun_protection_unit_of_measurequivalent_product_volume_uni
Equivalent Product Volume Recommended Uses For Product Packer Special Features
equivalent_product_volumerecommended_uses_for_product packer_cspecial_features1
Special Features Special Features Special Features Special Features Item Type Name
special_features2 special_features3 special_features4 special_features5 item_type_name
Melting Temperature (degrees Celsius) Material Type FREE Material Type FREE Material Type FREE
melting_temperature material_type_free1 material_type_free2 material_type_free3
60 Degrees
60 Degrees
60 Degrees
60 Degrees
Material Type FREE Material Type FREE Additives Additives Additives Additives Additives
material_type_free4 material_type_free5 special_in special_in special_in special_in special_in
Melting Temperature Unit Importer Operating Voltage Unit Manufacturer Contact Material Composition
melting_temperature_uni importer_operating_voltage_unit manufacturer_contact_material_composition
Product Enrichment
Product Benefits Operating Voltage Material Features Active Ingredients Net Content Volume Unit
product_benefit operating_voltage material_features active_ingredients net_content_volume_unit
Package Type Container Type FC Shelf Life Unit Net Content Weight
package_type_ container_type fc_shelf_life_unit net_content_weight
Is the liquid product double sealed? Net Content Weight Unit Net Content Volume Target Use Body Part
is_liquid_double_sealed net_content_weight_uni net_content_volume target_use_body_part
Recycled Content Percentage Size Map Item Length Unit Of Measure Item Length Item Width
recycled_content_percentage size_map item_length_unit_of_measureitem_length item_width
Item Height Each Unit Count Item Width Unit Of Measure Item Height Unit Of Measure Liquid Volume
item_height each_unit_count item_width_unit_of_measur item_height_unit_of_measur liquid_volume
Liquid Volume Unit Ingredients Batteries are Included Number of batteries Number of batteries
liquid_volume_unit ingredients are_batteries_includednumber_of_batteriesnumber_of_batteries
Number of batteries Battery type/size Battery type/size Battery type/size Battery composition
number_of_batteriesbattery_type1 battery_type2 battery_type3 battery_cell_composi
Lithium Battery Packaging Lithium content Lithium Battery Weight Unit Of Measure Warranty Description
lithium_battery_packaging lithium_battery_lithium_battery_weight_unit_of_measur warranty_description
External Testing Certification Offer End Date Shipping-Template Offer Start Date Max Order Quantity
external_testing_certification offering_end_damerchant_shipping offering_start_damax_order_quantity
Handling Time Restock Date Item Condition Product Tax Code Launch Date Release Date
fulfillment_late restock_date condition_type product_tax_code product_site_ merchant_rele
Condition Note Sale Price Sale Start Date Sale End Date Can Be Gift Messaged Is Gift Wrap Available?
condition_note sale_price sale_from_date sale_end_date offering_can_be_gift_moffering_can_be_giftwr
Minimum Advertised Price Currency Lot Offering Expiration Date Product Expiration Type
map_price currency lot_offering_expiration_date product_expiration_type
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Shelf Life
Fulfillment Center Shelf Life Business Price Quantity Price Type Quantity Price 1
fc_shelf_life business_price quantity_price_type quantity_price1
Quantity Lower Bound 1 Quantity Price 2 Quantity Lower Bound 2 Quantity Price 3
quantity_lower_bound1 quantity_price2 quantity_lower_bound2 quantity_price3
Quantity Lower Bound 3 Quantity Price 4 Quantity Lower Bound 4 Quantity Price 5
quantity_lower_bound3 quantity_price4 quantity_lower_bound4 quantity_price5
Quantity Lower Bound 5 Pricing Action United Nations Standard Products and Services Code National Stock Number
quantity_lower_bound5 pricing_action unspsc_code national_stock_number
National Stock Number
Product Type skincleaningagent
Product ID Type - [ skincleaningagent ] GTIN EAN
Is Package Level Orderable - [ skincleaningagenYes No
Target Audience - [ skincleaningagent ] Women Unisex Children
Scent - [ skincleaningagent ] Orchid Passion Fruit
Skin Type - [ skincleaningagent ] All Oily
PPU Count Unit of Measure - [ skincleaningagecount gram
Item Form - [ skincleaningagent ] Bar Cream
Country Of Origin - [ skincleaningagent ] India China
Contains Liquid Contents? - [ skincleaningagentYes No
Is the Item Heat Sensitive? - [ skincleaningagenYes No
Is Product Expirable - [ skincleaningagent ] Yes No
Target Gender - [ skincleaningagent ] Unisex Female
Parentage - [ skincleaningagent ] Parent Child
Relationship Type - [ skincleaningagent ] Accessory Variation
Variation Theme - [ skincleaningagent ] numberofitems itemform
Update Delete - [ skincleaningagent ] Update PartialUpdate
External ID Exemption Reason - [ skincleaningaManufacture on Demand Plan Item
Color Map - [ skincleaningagent ] Bronze Brown
Skin Tone - [ skincleaningagent ] VeryDark Fair
Sun Protection Unit of Measure - [ skincleanin SPF
Equivalent Product Volume Unit - [ skincleanincups Microlitres
Recommended Uses For Product - [ skincleaninFace Body
Special Features - [ skincleaningagent ] Not Tested On Animals Scented
Material Type FREE - [ skincleaningagent ] PEG Free Dye Free
Melting Temperature Unit - [ skincleaningagentdegrees_fahrenheit Kelvin
Operating Voltage Unit - [ skincleaningagent ] Volts (AC) Volts (DC)
Product Benefits - [ skincleaningagent ] Acne Prevention Hydrating
Product Enrichment
Material Features - [ skincleaningagent ] Fragrance Free Biodegradable
Net Content Volume Unit - [ skincleaningagentcups Microlitres
Package Type - [ skincleaningagent ] Pouch Tube
FC Shelf Life Unit - [ skincleaningagent ] Days
Is the liquid product double sealed? - [ skincle Yes No
Net Content Weight Unit - [ skincleaningagent LB KG
Target Use Body Part - [ skincleaningagent ] Feet Face
Size Map - [ skincleaningagent ] Large Medium
Item Length Unit Of Measure - [ skincleaningagAngstrom Mils
Item Width Unit Of Measure - [ skincleaningagAngstrom Mils
Item Height Unit Of Measure - [ skincleaningagAngstrom Mils
Liquid Volume Unit - [ skincleaningagent ] cups Microlitres
Batteries are Included - [ skincleaningagent ] Yes No
Battery type/size - [ skincleaningagent ] battery_type_aa battery_type_aaa
Battery composition - [ skincleaningagent ] Polymer Silver Oxide
Lithium Battery Packaging - [ skincleaningagentbatteries_packed_with_e batteries_contained_in_e
Lithium Battery Weight Unit Of Measure - [ skiLB KG
Shipping-Template Migrated Template
Item Condition - [ skincleaningagent ] New
Product Tax Code - [ skincleaningagent ] A_GEN_EXEMPT A_GEN_JEWELLERY
Can Be Gift Messaged - [ skincleaningagent ] Yes No
Is Gift Wrap Available? - [ skincleaningagent ] Yes No
Currency - [ skincleaningagent ] JPY MXN
Product Expiration Type - [ skincleaningagent ]Does Not Expire Expiration Date Required

Quantity Price Type - [ skincleaningagent ] Fixed Percent

Pricing Action - [ skincleaningagent ] delete business_price

Men Boys Girls Unisex Adult

Amber Cherry Musk Apricot
Combination Sensitive Dry Normal
metre millilitre square metre
Gel Paste Lotion Mousse
United States Afghanistan Aland Islands Albania


sizename-numberofitems Color size-unitcount itemform-sizename

Refurbished part Pre-Order bundle

Gold Blue Multicolor Black

Dark Medium VeryFair MediumDark

cubic_feet centiliters gallons quarts

Travel Size Organic Hypoallergenic Aromatherapy
Microbeads Free PABA Free Toluene Free Propylparaben Free
Kilovolts Nanovolts Microvolts Volts
Anti-Aging Exfoliating Dark Spot Removal Oil Control

Certified Organic Vegetarian Non GMO Natural

cubic_feet centiliters gallons quarts
Bottle Box Canister Jar

GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons

Hands Legs Whole Body Eyes

Small X-Large X-Small XX-Large

Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
Yards Picometre Miles DM
cubic_feet centiliters gallons quarts
battery_type_lithium_ion battery_type_a CR2032 battery_type_cr2
Silver-Zinc Zinc Chloride Lithium-Cobalt Lithium-Phosphate
GR Hundredths Pounds MG Tons



Expiration On Package Production Date RequiredShelf Life

Honeysuckle Ginger Cedar Lemon

Oil Serum Flake Balm

Algeria American Samoa Andorra Angola

Colour & Scent Size-Color sizename-colorname-numSize-Scent

Orange Clear Red Silver

Nanolitres liters Picolitres Unknown modifier

Natural Ingredients Unscented Homeopathic

Phosphate Free Mineral Oil Free BPA Free Paraffin Free

Soothing Makeup Removal Moisturizing Brightening

Cruelty Free Dermatologist Tested Plant Based Vegan

Nanolitres liters Picolitres Unknown modifier


XX-Small XXX-Large XXX-Small XXXX-Large

Nanolitres liters Picolitres Unknown modifier
battery_type_c CR2430 battery_type_d battery_type_cr5
Lead-Acid, AGM Lithium-Thionyl Chloride (Manganese Lithium Polymer



Orange Blueberry Strawberry Geranium

Powder Wipe Capsule Aerosol

Anguilla Antarctica Antigua And Barbuda Argentina

SizeName colorname-numberofitemSize Scent

Pink White Metallic Beige

fluidounces cubic_meters pints cubic_yards

Phthalate Free Gluten Free SLES Free Alcohol Free


Non Comedogenic
fluidounces cubic_meters pints cubic_yards

XXXX-Small XXXXX-Large XXXXX-Small

CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
CM Hundredths-Inches Nanometre µM
fluidounces cubic_meters pints cubic_yards
AAAA Battery lithium_polymer battery_type_p76 battery_type_product_spec
Sealed Lead Acid Lithium Metal NiCAD Lithium
Neem Verbena Pomegranate Oat Blossom

Armenia Aruba Australia Austria

model-sizename model ColorName itemweight

Purple Yellow Turquoise Green

cubic_inches imperial_gallons milliliters cubic_centimeters

Lead Free Artificial Colour Free DEA Free Oil Free

cubic_inches imperial_gallons milliliters cubic_centimeters

cubic_inches imperial_gallons milliliters cubic_centimeters
unknown battery_type_lithium_metLR41 nonstandard_battery
Lithium-Nickel Cobalt Alu Lead Calcium Lithium-Nickel ManganeseAluminum Oxygen
Oriental Pear Mint Peppermint

Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh

Grey Off White


Silicone Free Petrochemical Free Palm Oil Free Preservative Free


battery_type_cr123a lr44 12v Battery battery_type_9v
Mercury Oxide Nickel-Iron Zinc Lithium Ion
Coriander Magnolia Ylang Ylang Bergamot

Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize

Propylene Glycol Free MIT Free Flouride Free Nonylphenol Ethoxylate F

Lithium-Air Alkaline Lithium Manganese Dioxi Nickel Oxyhydroxide
Cantaloupe Banana Cranberry Honey

Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia

Animal Fat Free Paraben Free Formaldehyde Free Alkaline Free

Zinc Carbon NiMh Nickel-Zinc Lithium-Titanate
Starfruit Tobacco Almond Pine

Bosnia and Herzegovina Botswana Bouvet Island Brazil

CMIT Free SLS Free Soap Free Aluminium Free

Silver-Calcium Zinc-Air Lead Acid
Unscented Rosemary Parsley Cucumber

British Indian Ocean Terri British Virgin Islands Brunei Bulgaria

Butylparaben Free Lanolin Free Plastic Free Latex Free

Cherry Blossom Papaya Vanilla Coconut

Burkina Faso Burma (Myanmar) Burundi Cambodia

Soy Free TEA Free Chemical Free Petroleum Free

Peach Tea Tree Mango Rose

Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands

Talcum Free
Coffee Lily Eucalyptus Lavender

Central African Republic Chad Chile Christmas Island

Myrhh Peony Lemongrass Jasmine

Cocos (Keeling) Islands Colombia Comoros Cook Islands

Basil Grapefruit Pineapple Vetiver

Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus

Chamomile Bay Rum Guava Sandalwood

Czech Republic Democratic Republic of t Denmark Djibouti

Watermelon Chocolate Aloe Vera Sage

Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt

Frankincense Thyme Patchouli Citrus

El Salvador Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia

Turmeric Kiwi Green Apple Cypress

Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji

Tangerine Raspberry Carnation

Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia

French Southern Territori Great Britain Gabon Gambia
Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar
Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe
Guam Guatemala Guernsey Guinea
Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Heard and McDonald Islan
Holy See (Vatican City) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary
Iceland Indonesia Iran Iraq
Ireland Isle of Man Israel Italy
Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jersey
Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati
Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia
Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya
Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau
North Macedonia Madagascar Malawi Malaysia
Maldives Mali Malta Marshall Islands
Martinique Mauritania Mauritius Mayotte
Mexico Micronesia Moldova Monaco
Mongolia Montserrat Morocco Mozambique
Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands
New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger
Nigeria Niue Norfolk Island North Korea
Northern Mariana Islands Norway Oman Pakistan
Palau Palestinian Territory Panama Papua New Guinea
Paraguay Peru Philippines Pitcairn Islands
Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar
Republic of the Congo Reunion Romania Russia
Rwanda S. Georgia and S. SandwichSaint Helena Saint Kitts And Nevis
Saint Lucia Saint Pierre and MiquelonSaint Vincent And The Gr Saint-Martin
Samoa San Marino Sao Tome And Principe Saudi Arabia
Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone
Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Solomon Islands
Somalia South Africa South Korea Spain
Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Svalbard
Swaziland Sweden Switzerland Syria
Taiwan Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand
Timor-Leste Togo Tokelau Tonga
Trinidad And Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan
Turks And Caicos Islands Tuvalu Uganda Ukraine
United Arab Emirates Uruguay US Minor Outlying IslandsUS Virgin Islands
Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam
Wallis and Futuna Western Sahara Yemen Zambia
Zimbabwe Unknown United Kingdom

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