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Pleaso mention WHITE DWARF when roplying to advertisements Editor: len Livingstone Featores Editors: Alb Fiore, Stove Jackaon EeitoraiAssisane Ancy Slack Covert Stove Brown Arwork by: uss Nicholson, Emmanuel, Albi Fiore, Plly Vison, dim Pits, Chis Beaumoni, ichns Bader, Dave Grits Production Artist: Robert Owens Peseup Artis: Mary Common, John Bradley Published by: Games Workshop Lid. THE BEST OF WHITE | DWARF . Welcome to the Best of White Dwarf Scenarios. Here you will find under one cover some of the best mini-modules ever printed in a gaming magazine; some DMs heve structured entire campaigns eround some of these, others have been held up as ex: amples of how to dosign an ad- venture, We have tried to select this kind of scenario, one which will be useful to a DM for the ideas it con- tains even after his players have explored it. Readers should also bear in mind ‘that with a little thought, these ad- ventures can be used in games sys- tems other than the ones for which they were designed; the Pool of the Standing Stones, for example has been successfully converted to C&S. Any article on any system could hold ideas useful for you campaign and that applies to other pub- lications than this one. dofegint SCENARIOS 10. The Halls of Tizun Thane (Dungeons & Dragons) 16 Lair of the White Wyrm (RuneQuest) 20 Paths of tho Lil (Gamma Worid) 22 Jorthan’s Rescue (Runequest) 26 A Bar-Room Brawl —- D&D Style (Dungeons & Dragons) 31 A Place in the Wilderness (Dungeons & Dragons) 32 Lair of the Demon Queen (Dungeons & Dragans) 34 The Sable Rose Affair (Traveller) 39° Grakt’s Crag (Dungeons & Dragons) 42 Ogre Hunt (Chivalry & Sorcery) 44 The Lichway (Dungeons & Dragons) 48 Pool of the Standing Stones (Dungeons & Dragons} Albie Fiore John Bethel James Ward Stephen R. Marsh & John T. Sapienza, Jr. Lew Pulsipher Lew Pulsipher ‘Don Turnbull Bob MeWitliams Will Stephenson Tom Keenes Albie Fiore Bill Howard All subject mater in WHITE DIVARF is copyright of the publishers Games Workshop Lid. All rights on the e contents of this publication ore ‘esatved and nothing may be reproduced in whole or part without prior consent of the publishers. © Games Workshop Ltd. 1980. The opinions ex. Presid in the erties are Howe ofthe suthors end not necesrily those ofthe publuhers, Background (for DM only} Teun Thane was 3 high (evel evil magic user, who was as rast es Ns wat cunning, Ale sharing Tiaun's palace were his brother, Dixer, ang his hal-brother, Sega, thouah they are nowhere fear oF poweriul as Tizun, Howrvsr, they had no brotherly Tove for Fin and were constantly plotting to overtirow him, Tizun {hit with condescending amusement, conficent that his powe constant bodyguerd, Threaak~agu’en docks (64), could prevent any, {heat from thom. Séoa devised a pian to use the Dodvauard against Tinun, An asestn wos hired to aley Tieun, ho was told that Teun Inencise to slay tier both and Thraaak, whom he hed tired of. [The seeetin we sfso Iniormed thet Tizun was at his neakort, fen transporting through ane of the magic mirrors (23). Dike 3nd ‘Sega know that the assassin would never get past Thraaak but this wor intended. Thraack Killed the asain and in his formal manne, (6), devoured the brain hisprey. He then knew ‘phat the essaisin hod been told, but not how the aasesin hod eae coe enna ae on a te een crete octane aa ase at, ee ees eo ee ie, moe eerste Oa Tg Tare, ene te eet cee Se eee er eee eines fet an, ts oe ag a Ee ee ee pee hee ey area me ae a eae as ee Sse a reek comme ne ee ies fee ree os sped oes oe ee re et ee aa Goes er secae te eee jg la oy y Peo owe rel oe Teme ates at tN eases ta gost iu Geant aes’ nero i how, eee aroma ei Ba ee ae ee Seeger aero ns Cr es one ose et DM's Notes 1. The level oF number of Hit Dice along with bility scores of monstars are civen Tor the OM to fell hits and averd bonuses depending on wether Advanced O&O. or Basie Ruler "aro boing. uebd. 2, Mam denotes the monster Is described in TSA's Advanced Dungeons & 3. Importent points are noted, itis left to the DM to complete the desertion: of rooms, other travelers, villagers, ett Numbers 19 brackets ere crossroferenses to other rooms. 4, The nal of the palace ae of smooth stonawork. 15, Romamber, not all monstore are hortle. The msin charactors must be played with cae, remembering the storyline, above, 10 The Halls of izun Chane by Albie Fiore A complete D&D Mini-Module for 36 ‘experienced players with characters ‘Of fst or 2nd level. The adventure Should be carefully refereed. A total of 6-12 player charactors ‘isrecommended. ByPlayers’ Introduction (to be related by the DM) "The party have beer ravelling eatin search of adventure Hat the mamant they are riding (they all have light horses) along 3 final track through thick forert, The foret ieunaaturally quiet, there Ig ite sign of wildlife, though there are Indications that pixies dwell in the forest. Iie approsching dusk as they reach 2 loge on the banks of the iver Asco. The party ride through ‘to the ferry landing, only to find that the boat and locked in the Boothovee, noving closed for the day. Thoy are thus In the village bythe river (whichis too dangerous to cross by ‘any mosne other then the ferry); the eun setting. Tho oni sgn of| Tie inthe vilage comes from the Ferryooat Tavern end the ‘able next fo it. A few vilagers can be seen closing the| ‘utters on their houses, The main trade of the wiloge i sexs Shuiously timber from the forest, ng there i 8 Woody Like near the river and wood earvings, pieces of bark, ete. lie ‘round most houses, which are curiously built of stone ‘bviously earied at great pains from the mountaie| sible to the south. The Houses are ll comparetively fnew and have stiong doors and metal shutters, The| overture is now ready to start DESCRIPTIONS FOR THE DM The Vitlage of Canit The village is thown on the map opposi buildings are all: made of stone. with metal shutters as the old wooden buildings proved 'n0 defence against whet the villagers eal the [Night Things which have been merauding In the woods forthe lat six months [the Shadow Dancers, see 39), Many vilagers have been ‘lain, andor at nightfall tho frightened vilsgore ick’ and’ shutter themlver in their homes ‘Any villager will advise the party to say in th Tavern overnight and not venture out. The bullings ‘of note in the village ae: 1: The Ferryboat Tavern “There are afew villagers 19 the tavern, quietly finishing drinks whereupon they till scuttle home, Thore are algo a ow travellers, ah like the players, have been forced to stay overnight. Rooms are cheap. AS the gun ote, the landlord will lock and bolt the dor shutters closed ard fix ther with heevy Iron bors H ‘will tall the players the following: ‘That the playore should retire to theie rooms and not, on pain of death, open thelr shutiered windows becouse of the Night Things. (This should be stressed. as the party could well be killed if they do: ‘Should they be foolish enough to. fgnore this advies, it Is 100% certain that they wil see dark shapes n the wood: and that one wil ‘come to the tevern and climb up te their open window) ‘A magic user named Tieun Thare lives 10 the south. The path 1 ‘ung south out of the vilage leads thar. Tizun used to comereu {tho villoge, but honnt been seen for six month, The Night Thinge tirst'aopeared ‘shorty after, apd also come up trom the south, ‘The Halls of Tiaun Thane are rumoured to be ittered with treasure, “The daughter of a merchant in a nearby town hes beon missing, presumed desd for over e year; but the merchant is still offering ¢ Foward to anyone who recovers her. ‘The village would reward anyone who could put a stop to the smareuding of the Night Things. ‘They could’ muster 20003, ‘oars this ‘thon the party cette to their room, the landlord will lock thom in, He explains tnat he nas done this because, f they co open their window, the [ight Things ull not be able to pet beyord tele room ‘Trew ate run by 2 deformed cripale, felling, He wil gladly stable the party's horas for a sail fe ‘therm that they can’t get the Marses back before daylight as he nll be Tcking up bscaueo of the Night Things. Ho will recommend that they ‘Stay overnight in the Tavera, Once the horses re stabled, he will lock up land bed down inthe stable. 3: The Forey ‘The boat and boatman are locked up for the night. The bostman will ‘afuce to tace anyone aeross until daybreak. He’ says this from behind Tocked door. ‘he Timber Yard 2 eae big wi 2 tact ound Peso esonira timber yin the yerd. “There is sho # trecing tore in the village, where the party can buy suppliae in the morning. “The path that tho Hails of Tizun Thane, is a small, over~ grown track running south trom Cahli, ‘The forest is dense, Any encounters inthe forest wil be with pies, vba may sive aves to the party, depending” on. alignments and ‘ahothor there are olves provent. [After two outs ride (it Is very important to keep track of the time in this scenario) the party have reached hills atthe foot of 8 lif, The rock leeds through S'rarrow ravine shown on the lager ‘map on the opposite page. Any ‘encounters in the ravine wil be elthot physica projestions of beroalangs (44) ‘rhanaties (4) vo will attack trom high ledges bby hurling rocks, At tho point marked x’ isthe dled body of a man in ermour vo has obviously beon killed by a rock {rom above. He sill has some weapons and In his back packs roll of porchment bearing a wax seal in which the words "Tizun Thane’ are Barely ieaibl. Written on the parchment Is “To eain entrance, sy to the futrd “Take us to your master” There fe nothing oles f interest On the Body. The small shaded recs in the ravine are eaves In which men and horse can shelter. "The ravine s wide enough for single file only. "The ravine leeds into an old voleanic ereter filled with water. A vatertal eascades down in the south east, the water lows west quite Yast indisting © subterranoan oxi. The path losde out onto a rocky Deninsular with sheer sides dropping 20° to water level, To the east is ¢ Flagrant marshy area in which can be seen sore giant frog (Nit ane ‘nheeling over some rocky hilets to the west can be sean some lage beds Ubtocchawis. At the end of the paninsular stands an impressive building, ‘how looking 6 litle unkempt. Nondics (4) ean be seon slamering about fon"the root. Through the entrance area can be seen loge gure, tly @ guard of rome sort. BLOODHAWK ‘No. Appearing: 4—15 Armour Clase! 7 Movements 25” Hadi: iba+4 Treawure: = OX Zin nest Aersok 2elaws tia) plus bite (1-6) ‘Alignment: Neutral Bloodhawks resemble normal have in sizn alone, a their breaks are arabe aed the “trong. Their wings are simi these of an eagle, i: going aginet thom. "They will pick at the dead bodies of thei prey, not only for food but i for gers with which thy Tne thelr nets a allurement or the ‘of the species. All other types of treesure will be ignored. Tn coloue thay are a uniform medim oy. THE HALLS OF TIZUN THANE Halls of Teun Thane roll on the i i ESE Bandits encountered are BOX likely to,be former guards, They wil only know thats Tzun wes slain by Throssk: of Sega (36) ond Dia (69) and ‘that they plotted against Tizun (out not how! and nave no love for one ‘another; of the Shes Dancers (30); and the lay-out and former uss of Fooms 18 and 49, 498 & 48), General ‘The ceiling height of single storey rooms is 18", and 30" in doubl heght rooms. The upper rection of ¢ double height room is denoted by the numoer on the plan bing Underined. The eourtyarce are all open. ‘isis are of smooth stone. Doors with a short bar through the contre have a heavy: metal ber that can be used to bar the door shut from the oom sige, Ye only time that they are berved i ot nightoll to prevent ‘the Shadow Darenrs (38) from gaining acess. Only human ozcupants of ' room will bor the dear shut. In most room, the sound of Nangies (4), funning ‘and chattering on the roar will be hears, All windows, ther than those inthe toner (6155), patios, and the high level ones in the vatlous halls, have protective iron bar grids on the outside. The windowe in'the tower all heve heavy matal shutters which can be barred shut "The ‘titles of the rooms denote thei use when Tzun Thane was ive, Brie! overall descriptions are given, its left to the DM to com: room doveriptions, desoribe she appearance of the occupants ara Trinkets, necklaces, silver boxes, etc. according to texte. 4, The Entey Courtyard {Aten decorstve ley urn lie around in this gravel yard, some are cracked {nd overgrown with weeds. An iron golem (AC3: BOHP: Att 4—40 + Dolson breath; can only be struck by +3 magie weapons or bettor; only Sifected by magie of electrical nature)(iaNa stands guard in front of the ‘malin-doort. Iti instructed to aeacoobly rpel intruders unles Oe visitors Bry “Take us to your master, whereupon 1 will gesture ther fobie thaic horse in 2, and lead thom via 3, 6, 18b, to the cxpse in 23 Where i will fave them enc return to ts post It wil restrain eny who Sttempt to wander off en route. These wore the last instructions t0 It from Fizun Thane and itis mpousble for anyone te eountermand them. Tired ith siooden stalls. Hay on floor, ec. 3: Banquet/Entry Hall Musty decadence. Dust on every surface, though many footmarks. Large {able ang many seats. Vials bedeckec with tapestries and pennants. At tthe north ond) high On the wall, is large painting of a wioard (Tizun Thane) cressed in purple robes. The eyes ate peepholes through whi ‘Thraaak (64) wall be watching i alerted BY any commotion on afrwval rin the bulding (20% chance). Ho will not attack unlee the parting Is fred Upon of some other attack i launched. The painting is also & treret door (40) ‘Sas smsll room with narrow sverst paree for fring arows through. Ghee uted to amoush guess. Only access fs by ledder on Ni vali Feading up 19 trepdoor in 49: In te room ie the long-dead body of =n desea, The skull has been smashed and the brain chewed out. The Witim ‘of Thraask (ase Beckground). On the body: a phil of Bolen, 8 sword and 800 gp. Barracks Chairs, tsbles ete. A col ny of mandir has tora ales in the roof and sat ‘up residence. There are 10-80 present at any time. The colony is headed by ® nance bear which wil be in one of the rooms a= 1. The foot is tered with bits of roofing; beers hang down at erazy angles on ‘sich the nandies limp and leap: the whole pice is 8 mess, NANDIE "No. Appearing: 2-12; 10-150 in colony Armour Cast 6. Movement. 8” Sos JIGL.M,0 all in air 2elaws (1-2 each), End 12 bite. Sem 20 eval in 12 i " Ground Floor imian carnivores ae found in recy hill country or thick foreet! juncle, where they ean swing through tev, o leap fom rock to rock, Eeuoting their novel ground. spose. They lve ig colonies, urvaly (75%) nee bv 8 mates pat both with 308 and doing 1=4/i—4/1~8 ints of demogs) ora randia er (259). The colony wil have sale Tn ruing-of 2 eave complex where there will be an adaitional 80% of Young {1 hit point, 1 stack for t point of hit damage. In 9 secuded Corner of the colony wil be tly ‘ease’ hoard, wich isa vat pile of tfiterng shards ond objects plus that detailed above. ‘Outsice tre colony thay ae ercountved i groups of 2-12. They xr eel encountered ore tan | mil rom thal olony. If anmeleetea, {hoe it 340% chanee/3 ters tat they wal snore anyone encountering thom; 0 30% esanco/a tures thet thay wil attack ond 830% chance that {hoy wil follom leustively. in ary. of hese Instances there i 8 30% ‘honcelturn thot they vil sreech and chatter to summon other nendies Simo wil are at he rte of 1=A/fetee Four unt all the colony are hor” thaleaderil ava days the lst to srive. They only ative whl {he summoning screech ised. However, andies will aways go tothe “Simmene of thr lear ones the leder hae summoned tiem ana dere Si chonce/tmm tat they asl be summoned nway Ii» nandie-oar ielow for feel f te leader not on te see. Tt encountered in hs Ui those prsert will auayssorosch to summon tose that ae asevhor ‘Nandies freauonty atteck by Uvroming Tocks, lumps oF wood, args ute ote dow irom a vantage poet possible ‘Tey make loyal pets if captured end aultably teined by one ‘tied in'animal traning, Howeun, tered ones Tse the natural impulse fo simmen ethers. {A nando ie 0 5° tal, black brown, tlloe simian. 1 can wale and tiene on voles or Seamer onal furs tan extrertely aie ember Dertorming in ti spect ae $ 10h vel that Nandis hove theif wn Primitive tongue nbc consists of sceschen nd ehottes~ they do ts Elmore incevsaniy Their screch to summon others incstinguihaole to Sil ave ceuids evd rangers of a loast ath level whe con recognise Such: even if they have never encountered nancies before. NANDIE-BEAR, 1 ra Sass See below 2elaws (1~8 each) and T= bite pur Fencing Alignment: Chaotic evil intaligonce: Low Monstormark 86.7 Wavol Vin 12 Tevet! 2 ‘The nendlebesr isa loathsome, 8 tll apelike creature of great poner. I gppears semi-neancertnal in’focial teatures wath baleful eyes, lors teeth end shaggy black hair. It can move slenty inte natural habitet of rocky hile or fores/uncle, surprising 6/6 of the time. It ls carnivore \ith's natural preference for human Flesh ‘A'nendle-boar Invariably (95%) heads a colony of aandies, where it ‘wil 1228 while thn nancies hunt anc seavenge fort. The fow oxeasions It Sentures from the colony are alaysin the dead of night. It eonduets such Toravs.slone, ‘The only other occasion it will lame the colony is if ‘simmeoned by the randis, though fs slays te last to anawer. "The nandle-bea tights with two claws and a bite with an additional 1-6 ronding damage if both lowe i Whether encountered in Tes nanidie colony or outside (unless itis not the leader of 8 colon), the nandiecbanr wil lays iso's worrying hhauatingery tossmmon any stsertrancies which wil arrive a the rate of a/moine round Apart trom thie summoning ery, te bres ie totally {ont The ery con be heard for a rediua of 1 mile ond is one of the most ‘tightening sound of the wilderness: dogs. pack havses, mules ete. will panic am hearing ty while all (with tho exception of rangers) sha the! Seeds [e rangers steed gets +1-on savel must save versus spells oF be flied with for for 1 turn, Any who fil to ve wil have the sound ine ellbly etched on thelr memory and wil automaticaly be ‘ied with ‘rar whenever they heac the ery in the Tuture uniess a saving roll of 20, {e'mades Those who save. mart sil save again in any future encountee "The beast also emits 2 powerful aura ot evil (detectable by magi), thot will couse. hers, dogs, mules, ete. to skitor ond start (FH ‘approaching (within 400' reais) even if seonceateg., Te haeino intorest in treasure, but f heading 2 eslany there will be the nancies” wearure as detailed above a1: Bunkrooms: Scattered in each is an amazing amount of debris, broken ‘beds. tabes, tgs. leaves, etc. items of interest 20 De fou romning ater; quiver +20 orrona; largo sack; heavy crossbow: 2 forks pouch of powdered Kobod horn; handaxe: 7 ron spikes! 2 ded sword: miltary piekt gant ineect loge; small tack small empty tarthenwere pot, short bev, Plus, nore of the rooms, the nondier sms in any way (highly burnished feted silver necklet; 2 gems; 97 tweepons, bits of mica int copper pieces; silver dagger: 168 gole pieces: 2 old dragon scale: 4 herd of gs tllver plecss: silver phiel (contoine potion of heroml; silver hookah; frral Siver box: sail stoppered glass phial empty). ‘im: e8 Bb but ro body. 5: Hall of Audienes Richly decorated, trough dusty. Marble floor with seeping patterns and strange symbols. Heavy purple drapes agnint wall behing 9 taron fone dais, Throne a of ebony carved with. writhing. ines and flowers buds of floners are carved Byes, inlaid with 9 light coloured weed. The. dots sither side of ‘ach door mark the positions of ending. figures clad completely in. plate armour, with ehielge and {Enorce. They are nothing but site of armour containing told stuffing, 12a) 13a} 14a] #53} 160] First Floor &: Servants Dining Room ‘Wooden chairs and table all bearing scratch rarks: shelving with broken plates ete. on; brooms etc. sesttored on floor slong with rubbish. The tnsavoury smell of putnd food lingers inthe. room. Amongst the rubbish on floor: geri: word: length. of pole cbv \wristbane: 0° rope: 3 silver tipped arrows: ‘Alo: 16 gant rats (ACT: 1D4; Att 1-3 + dato) (MIM) 6: Kitchen: 2-6 giant rats as 6. Strewn with cooking utensils split ‘cis and broken barrels leaking flour ete, rotten food, etc. Whole place tals foul. In rubbish: © iron spikes: somposite bow: 2 ematy water ‘Skins: 82 e-p.:1 wooden stake and mallet: light crossbow: 80.0. 409. ‘Large Stone cooking hearth in SW corner, filled with ashes and half ‘burnt Togs. Secret compartment In aide of fe place contains wocden box in which are 868 gp. and 2 gems, 729 & a8~48: Servants Quarters All were bodroome, excopt 9 a lounge aros — and 48 — 9 storeroom, Host furnishings are now wrecked. Rooms are row o:eupied by 3 tribe of trogolodytes (ACS; 208; Att 13/13/25 4 revulsion odour! (MM) {and their pets, who have tunnelled up tothe surface world, In each room: 7: 1-9 troglodytes: 216 go. 8: 173 glant ants (ACS: 208; Are 1-6) (MM) 8: 126 troglodytes: 315 gop. Pere ofthe floor is missing. A tuane leads foun following sfisue in the roses below Thi Toads doep below te the Troglodyte Caverns, seenara for the DM todevelop, it tis desires to extend the sdventure 13 glant ants 4 troglocyea,one is @ leader type with 308 hits;527 a0. 427: 1-4 fire bestlee (ACA; IDB+1; Ate 2-8) (MMA). Under a loose floor board isthe old head servants savings of 1.2580.0, 428: Bedding stores relatively unscathed. Piles of blankets, sheets ete Infested with Human fies 10-160: Guest wing All are. guest bedrooms, the lower wore for sides, the upper (a) chambers for their mosters. The lower reams all have wooden bade, horsehair mattresses plain wash stands and bowls ete. ‘The upper chambers hove the same except plvsver. Thre le n secret steal shutter inthe wall above each window copabie of sliding down to seal the ‘window {wee 60). The only tract of test are a heirinecreckin the upper Surface of the each window opening. and 2 faint groove ill tahere they land. There aso. smal secret compartment in theceling of {31 rooms (see 80). In each compartment are two small Fregile bubbles containing e sleep ges s the apell. The bubbler are 29 fragile thet they ‘Satter on impact with any surface, If compartment ie forced. open {the bubbles stl fall enough to shatter. They may possibly be caught un- broken by someone with 18 dexterity, but even then there Is only 3 19% nance of success. In the upper rooms there are tloor to ceiling Inirors the secret doors, The mirrors are one way, viewing into the roams trom 50. Any adventurers holirg up in one ofthese rooms for he tight wl probably fal prey to Omer Thane (8). inte roomy at we moment: 30100" 11 gonlioe (ACE: TOE"; Art by weapon) armed with swor ict 0” hare. hye on them 3099p aban ADEE. all riding anga parchment found in vevne: They are enisatiey come to Reet with Tzun ‘Thane and ars the momerdebeting whet they tPouid do heving found him sn. iets Emory 42212 The Barred grids are missing from the windows. 1~6 stinger (Aca: Toei; Att 13 plus drain blood, attack as 4 nit dice monster) thin). 2 deed oui on floor, both hove posesions ane hes sverds 60" rope; hammer, spear? 22 ez TOR ge. the ather hs: belladonna: pot aol miter bll with slarwdence en (alt normal awe, nate EF 1B. ns i in te corner of (2a, nesting on 2 roped up maxes fs Tzun on worth 200 gp. Poy nicely, thet tho morale fe wll never portray events con trary to the nature of the subjects inthe telepathed picture: Gue to 12 Empathy it knows ther slignments. H knows every nook ond eonny of {he palace, incuding the main treasure but ie wnlieay t0 reve! this, CARBUNCLE ‘No. Appearing: 1 Armour Clas! 2 a ios Ni nt Nowtral evi None ‘his is a small amadili-ike creature wich feeds exclusively on leaves nd srall mec, Is segmmemed armour is starkly and atractively pate fined iy shades of brown, but ite immediate peculiarity i what appears {e'be a tage roy sot init head just sbove the eves. This isa I (0 the animal, and the carburele ave is worth twice the apparent value Of the gern to anyone who can charm animals. Islan, orit iwi elt {o die fable it can do, and wall under dures, for it has ne conception of hath of fear] the gum eater toa morthestZoogy red pulp. “The creature has pone's of empathy and telepathy (bath 6” range) ‘and slight powers of prophecy concerning the immediate future Gt can ‘Only comvhunieate wlepathicaly). Empathy enables It to understnc the’ character of each, person in party end to know what they know I iseadly captured and pute up ho resistance. It desires to join parios in fact, and will frequently approach them in 2 friendly menner end communicate its worth to ther, Once ithas joined 2 party, it wil use its powers tis to gain thar confidence, ard ine to eause vistuption and Tighe within the poryy by selective tslopathy or false prophecies, somo- timer even enraging nearby monsters into attacking them. ttf fasenared by combot ene death, and will dots utmost to cause such events at ‘maximum frequency. At some opportune moment, naving achieved Its sim, tt wil ship quletly away. 14a: Empty, but stil imide the portly mall pouch containing 5 90. 15 1ge: Emowv 16= 168: Emoty 17: Guest Patio Embroidered cushions, tapestries, small rosewood tables, ete. Two silver hneokahs on tables with a'small siver box (empty and a small onyx box ‘centaining deied Cagayan Sable block lotus leqves. Anyane smoking thie wil go into 2 catatonte trance for 2 turns during which an ethereal ghost Tike Image wil separate from their body. This ‘ghost fs in full mental ‘commumteation with the smoker at ail times ands controled by him. It ean fly at 24" and con ooze through small openings. Ie cannot pass through “solid. material including waters be affected by magicr be harmed: oF carey anvthing, it meray observes. Towards the ard of the 2rd tum ft will be Grawn inexorably back to the smoke, who, on Its feturs, swakens. Should t be prevented from returning (e.g. Imprisoned in on aight cal) the smoker will remoin ing catatonic trenes until fe oes, ring at the rete of ore abiity Inve! par month until O is reached. ‘then dead, A wish only will revive him but he is then compelied 1 liberate and then unite with his “ghost’ (he is aware of its focatien) scorning ‘any other actors, apart trom food. and rest, untl tvs Is oped matters downstairs i 2 fSesomplished wen he will raturn to normal. There ie tneugh in the box for 2 smokes siant bats iy margeuvrabe tiers ~ enyone of cextenty les than 19 who ‘res « missle ato flying bat goes 29 at 3). On te elt worth 1-50 gp. 8) GI ep, steel mieror: C) chainmail and shied, 167 gp., composite bow, 2 rows, D) chainmail and shied, 80 50, morning star, 24 ep., hand-axe. 18: Cloistered Courtyard Overgrown, shrubs and trees, Fountain In centre fed by natura spring, and drsine Grok own to erster. Water tz worm and pure. There it 3 50% chance there wil be 2-12 nandles screeching n the trees." i fetus of 2 narrior with sword aloft. 0" a4 except that pullirg th Stword aim down opens the secret door Behind. The ron golem (1) will do this when wshering the party i B > Be J 19 & 20: Open Lounges Beth have embroidered cushions, low tables and braze hookahs. A small ‘wecden box besige the hookah in 20 contalns cried leaves of Unison ‘Bnd grace Slack lotus which will enable the smokar to fight at +1 to hit ‘ang-F1 camage for turn. There enough for tao smokes 21.& 22: Medination Rooms Tee deed oe unie roome, Vials have mystic murals on but rooms av full of ld, cobwebby bits and pieces. 23: The Hall of Mirrors huge mirrors (ei) odor the walls, Each Is In an elaborately carved 1 ig ehattored In front of it ies the long-dead eovpse Of Tiaun "Thang, now just skeleton, stil ced in purple robes, ond ying facedown, (tot towards the mirror. The skull i caved in; here is no trace of tne brain. One hand fs concealed beneath the bedy, on this is 0 rng le mirrors, the mirrors rollect as normal uriess the rom the body The ring ie gold witha ip-239 bright green line running rourd it. It ehables the wearer to view, and Rranesont trough the mirars. The wears ill see ne reflections. but Inswae will se 2 scene from anotver scenario leg. in '': a deserted, ‘ined whart in en underground eavern ~ the Lichway in WWD3In'b':@ fing of standing stones eround a trongull pool — Pool of the Standing Stones in WOT2, ete Its ltt to the OM to ft the scenes tothe scenarios inc hes ovallobe, The scene noed not be of the entrance, tray even be of fone inside @-cungeen.) Anyone wearing the ring cen step through the ‘mirror into tha seena viowed in ie The point of return to the mirror will be vile. to the wearer as a shimmering silvery area from thet side through wich he con return to the Hall af Mirrors ~ emerging from the Inirror, The ring eon past through on its own te. it may Be thrown throws 24-29: The Harern avienly Iieished but now dingy. Al but one of the oils (29) nas 1 ‘The girls on the wondering menstor tables are ox harem girls — none of them ig the merchant's daughter. While inthis area there is 8 10% ‘chanee/turn that Oskar and 16 mon 151-60) will come. 24; Patio: lerge silk cushions, ompty wine jug, ete. The door to 29 ie Feavly podlocked on outsge, (Key 19 59). 26" Martar Bedroom: 3-8 bandits (working down lst {rom tool ex members of Tizun Thane's guard, now throw in with Diker Thane {8}, wearing ‘chainmail and shield, sit armed with saorcs. They are thereto guard the git in 29, The bans are: Name AL Lawl St OW DC Ch Carrae: Brazo GN, 2 1S 12 14 13 1160. Aims GN, 11d ae) gut GN TY 10 14 13 doje GN 11k 7 3 12 Kemet! GN) 1 12 wu a Magee CN 1 14 is ‘a |B They know nothing of what transpired with Tirun Thane, but they kAow (of Thrasak (64). Im the corner of the room sre ome bamboo flutes and a lute type Inswument, 26 & 27: Bed/Chambers: EmoWy 26: Bad Chamber: Ogre eunuch (ACS; 40881; Att 1—10) (MA). Former farem gusra no has ayed voluntarily to protect at in 29 for wom he he a dog ike devotion and loyalty. Wil borer thould anyone couse her physical injury, Diker ‘Thane allows him to stay to ensure that none of fis'men inj hor. He has 582 9.9. buried Under loose stone slab in Teor 28: Bed Chambers: Harem gir named zis, 18 charisma, sll dressed In {Rerem clothes though she is' 2nd lovel that — dexterty 15, Dikar has kept her here agoinat her will (Rhough the ogre in 26 doesn't know thi {o him she is still doing her job) to consort with his men. She i Neutral ‘nd would be grateful to eny who eid har to eecape. She knows thot the Merchant's daughter was killed in vie forest by the Shadow Dancers (0! which shoaizo enowe about. The merchant will give hal! therevard for the news of his daughter. In the secret compartment inthe W. a, lis thee conecaiod itome ene har stolen om Tizvn ‘Thane, 3nd Dice's mn ‘They areal ted up ino bundle of sik: 207 gp. a sero withthe spes of maple missie. hole. porta! and invibilty (Sra level: 7 acrows. of Berbslarg slaying which will Kil tre borboiong if they hie eitner tho Derbalarg or it projection. They are +1 to hit either. (eis knows what {tho orrons ao. Sho may give zome or ail of her posresions if a party need persuading to rescue her. ‘of four large i 1 of 429 gp. at1 sword, « Buego, Steaked ring ring of tree action). The izard men wil generally (70%) avols contact untess thee reas is located, ‘31: Guard Halt Desarted. N- wall decorated with variout vapons, crosted swords & hatberds ets, 32~34 Eunuch’s Rooms Contain bed, tab10 ete al pin. 22: Empty, 4 pelt worth “sword: D) pl Email sack, 100 9.5 E) cheinmall, shield, torch, 42 copper ploses, Shri Eu gem, sors. Trey were Gumore here By Sega Thane to Be 34: Some pets of Sega Thane: 1-6 green gremlins (ACT; 108; Move Bt: Aut't—8/1-3/1=8 plus fear — save a6 versus spell o flee for one turn) vihich are impish, long lined green, leathery creatures thet ore squall’ at home climbing across walls and’ ceilings as ineY are on the ‘ground, They have a horrble vise with vampire like fangs ond drooling Hips. "Their bite onty can inst fear, the other attacks ere with claws, ‘They collect all sorts f odds and ene ‘34a: The green gremlins "reasure’ the most amazing collection of rica: trie the party will have aver seen including: roummfied human lege farms; 2 ‘dragon eggs, coor handles, a 1°6" long wooden tube of ameter; door handles: assorted weapons: 2 picture frames: wooden ‘roa; a shepherds crook) ate. {have fun deeoming up odd itm) ‘ing of tniorery (10% to anybody wearing it to siexpocket): 140 igom: 31 ca: 87 sp. gold nacklet; 2 rust orrowe (nove re fights Funes on, will ust any armour they strike — except magic armour ~ asf ‘tfocted by 3 rust monster 35-38: Segs Thane and hie Minions 135: 4 zombies (ACB; 208; Att 1~8)(MM™) '35s:'Chert Locked ~ trap set by lock, anyone interfering withthe lock will cause a polson tipped spike to fick out beside it. Sogo Thane has key (3a 536: 13 large enimal bones spreed about on loos. A green, harmless iichen with tiny pink mauie spats is growing on the bones. The bones 70 of varying torte ~ shal foreleg vertaora ctee 57: Seqa's Guardroom: The Gots mark the postion of standing figures intih snords end shield, clad completely in plate mail with visors down {Gs in 5], except thar these contain skeletons (ACZII; 108; Att I~) (MAI) Under tie command of Sega Thane (3B). They setivate if commanded o¢ interfered with, The large couble doors to the &. areelaborataly carved. ‘The soeret compartment in the E. wall contains a large ring of Keys hanging on ¢ hoole These are the keys tothe calls n 43. ‘38! Soga Thane's Chamber: Macabrely furnished. D00% t0 37 nas secret Spy hole, Tiaun’ Theno's halttorotmer Sega ie © tall figure snathed in black robes uncer which can be seen the glint of black platy mall, A liege Black hocd covers ‘his esd and shadows his faea in the shodow only two gleaming eyes ere visible. The clasp of his cope is s mall gald seul. He wields & black handed sword with 9 gym in the hn He tsa. 2nd lovel Alecromancer (a subclass developed by Low Pulgpher ‘and a5_yet_unpublishedi. However, he has the following powers, (urable once par ook) ‘Contra! Undead — the 1 skeletons in 37, Seoak with Undood ~ as speck with dood but only with animated ‘rdead. Animsto Dead — at clare spell [but must not exceed 8 sleesdy onirolled). Cannot reanimate undead sain. {uve tim rat se verse Draviation or become partes Curse ~ on dying he may curso his killer. His curse is “may you never retuse combot and clays fight tothe deatht Ho ie chaotic ov), hat & hit points, fights & saves at 2nd lave fighter and has characteristics of: S15; 17; Wt4; D10; 012; Ch 17. Ino side pouch he Carros the kay to the chest in 35a, 82 p.p. and a ger, In a secret come partment in the floor isa chest containing 2,679 ep. 3 gems and a book SMe Tame: of Losdershio and Influence (1 to. charisma on reading). Sega i considered oy many to be mentally unstable, he sa Toner. ‘388: Trap: The dots mark the posivons of 3 armoured figutvs as in 37 ‘bat shero contain solid stutfing. 1 any of them iekmockad over (they 3 elicately balanced) the southernmest & wise ‘trip of flooring of the Entire length of the roam saings down dropping any on it down a chute, \ahich ramps slightly to the south of east and cornea cut 10" below nat (fuer tube last 10” of the ramp is water flea) im the part of the fake out side room 33. 39: Hi Exch niche contains 3.12" tal, elegantly sli, black ebon statue. The fRotuer are in various poses, but all look as though they are performing ome kind of ritual donee. They are made of a magical sione and cannot be uetaced or Broker in any manner. tn the centre ofthe hall isa circular Bloodistained alter with chains and’ mansces set into the ste “At night as tne mooalighe shafts in through the uppor openings, the staues come ave as the moonlight hits tem. Obvicusly not all wil gci- ‘ate ot the some time, and on cloudy nights only some may come alive. ‘The DM snovid use whatever method he desires, but it's Important fe datermine weather for the night. This ie alo’ the reason why the Ow should kesp carefol trock’‘of the time and moke sure thot the the Payee: svare of tre time at well with ltte reminders Sestription of ote rooms (e3.t ‘Siowin the sey behing help of ‘jhe’ Shadow Danesre, ‘en curious, elegant skipping gate, hen wt athe wagers of Eani. Tey ‘way ore AC 5, 308, two 128 bite, being ersatures of magieal origins. they ae immune 10a then mage weepons. They “live nly te shed Numan’ Glcad inthe sence’ of some Gare lord ot the lower planes 40-42: Personal Seevert’s Quarters 420: Lounge: tables, chats ete. A tap i set on the stairs~ a weighted net 's concealed above and can be released by the guard at N. end of 50. 41: Bedroom: Bod ete. omar 442: Bedroom: Bedroom now used as storeroom by Diker Thane's men (S160), As well as bedr etc. there are: Large koge of wine and water, + keg of ol, 3 swords. ‘2a: Empty, But there isa trapdoo’ in the floor upder which steps tad] 2 to the boathouse mhich fe the same ite a, and diecty rl. There ta a targe rowing bout (veaws 12) ins water filed the €. wll. Tho it large seeret door in that wall to low the boat out into the lake, There oe oars fishing nets ote stored Srourd the rocen, 42: Callblos Al calls are emoty. But there is 9 GO% chance there will be 1-6 bor- Balangs lorojection®) (Gee aa in the area. 44: Torture Chambar Torture implements; braver, ete. Thore sre 22 berbalangs of wich 106 + are ina trance, They are alles of Sege (38). BEREALANG ~ picasso Armour class: 6 “ bree ‘oe 5 fanaa 2 aah fraigince, cy Hoesen Wat in rte ‘The barb i hans with ry sin a Itz ever ra white and watery ond its powers of intravicion effective as elves (120" range). In a Berbeleng lair — an underground ‘Severn for from well rodden pathe there may be at many az 50 of the ‘besss, male and feral ‘Once 2 day tach Berbslang has the power to create a slf.induced vance in whieh state It'may send forth physical projection of iell in ‘fder to acquire food — a freshly killed Rumen corpse. This projection ‘nil Teave the lar, but the Beroslang itself will never do so except uncer ‘eireme curess. ‘The lai ig therefore always fully populated, with no ‘more than 80% of the Berbslange in otanes stato at any ane time “ine Berbalana’s ‘projection physical In the sense that it con attack and’ celivor damage ~ in this trpect fs duplicate of Its ost In is trance state, the host Berbolong can use all the senses of it projection and will command the projection in is quest for food to a maximum ‘ange of SOD" from the laf the projection Is hit ane suffers domage ft Immediately takes tight and rejoins the host body, the host remaining in Fe trance for furthor three turne.cus tothe ments shock, the damage incurred by the projection Is Sulficionc to reouce Is NKs to 2210.6" below, there is 276% chance that tho hort body wil alto dae aa result Of System shock Tithe projection kills @ human i wil pick up the body and fly immediately back to the hort whieh wil emerge without delay from it tance if the projeetion was no nit. Tina sypiel Berbolang lar there will boa protected area to the rear of the cavern where Berbalangs retire to go Inco trance, for in tis state they {re inert. and inespable of any physical sctvty ‘The unique ability of the Berbalang may be the product of psionic powers in which case the Beast may also have othrs: the fects ae as Vet 49: Secret Passage ‘R ovsage that opans for attack on ioner rooms. The contrat secret coor fn the Ssdo te tho patting 2 The sys ate poepholos to lose out Ite {rom this vantage thar Thramak (64) wil wach arial and oepartures, ‘Gniyrovoaing hiewelf fo attack. Ht molested. in some manne’ 8G. Someone fren an arrow at the poling and his ity the grrom go ‘rough the canvat, ‘The two wapdoor! marked opén to Won lade inadirg down to 38 oF am. 1435 6. ¢9b" These ae arent of fat roof from which Tizun Thane’ quares ows when ambushing uostsn 2 ime), The wide section running to the south and then west, then hort, is directly under the sloped footing. running, down over the ‘Cloisters; Ghinks of Gaylight are visible and aendies (4) ven be heard {empering across the roof. The seeret doors te 108-169 areal one nay Imirrore viewing into the rooms. Bosice each is ¢ iver Button. It this ‘buihed the gis BuDbies [see 10-16a) are released in both the upper and Tour chambers corresponding to that button, tho secret shuttors to the Windows sizo side down. (This how Tizun sequired sactfies for te ‘Shadow Darcors) Pushing the button # sacond time, lifts the shutters and Closes the ceiling compartment. Oiker wl use this method to eapture any party that stays the night in those rooms, otherwise ne will not bother ‘51-60 Diker Thane andl his mon I contain bunk, ble, chal etc. except Dikers rgom — 59. The inhabitants Foom Nene” Al Lvl $ 1 WC D Ch AC Armed with St Churk CN. 1 131910131012 2 Sno Ammor GN, 1 18/912 9 814 & Roce 53 Vado. GN. T 18 913111112 4 Hanmer Ba Roker CH. 1 17101212 612 4 Nace 83 Dual CN. 1 13 91313 7.9 5 Snot 88 Ulon Cet 1311 8B 711 3 Hammer 87 Vin CN. 1 1411 81110 5 B Hammer 58 Spraco CN. | 13'7 916 8 & 3 Mace 800 Bess CN. T 121712 81212 B Harmer 6 © Tok CN. 1 12131111 816 5 Snow & — Agapor GN. 2 12842 81619 1 Smord (AC includes SH shiel) Each will have 150 0.p. in their room. Those in 60 will nave trom 50-100 gp. exch. 159: Diker Thone's Chembor Plush turnings ete. Diker Thane would prefer to make a deal with 3 porty oven if they iitlly attacks H he copturee them either with net by sleep bubbles during night, he wil ie them up and then make a del her. Gaseally he wants Thrasak sttocked and wealeorad and will, ‘ree the party to do this, he may even pey them after. Should a party be attacking ‘Thraaaie anywhere other than in the tower (61—65a) and he thinks he ang his men wil turn the Ge he will come to the aid of the arty. 1 the | he al Yescup thern to prevent Thraaae cessfully dealt with he may enlist thee aid agalnst Sega if tn epportunity prosente itelf. He ie cunning and machiavalian, he may attoek the party If he feals it will benefit him, but itis unlikely. He {Would prater to leave ham in the hope that they battle with and weaken ‘Thraaak for him. He ploces the porehment on the bedy in the ravine to alow adventurers in. Thore are many parchment rolls and Ti2un Thane’ Seal in his room. ‘Dike s 2 4th lovet cleric, chaotic neutral, wears plate srmour and hat a block shield (AC2),29 hit points, and charactereties of S13 W156 13, 0'11;0h 15 He wields ¢'+1 (10 hit ane damage) mace. le ‘wears a dark green cape and ina side pouch hes the key to 29. He wears a fing idertesl in appserence and pone's to the one on the body in 23. He knows everything bout the pelece except the Tocation of Tizun ‘Thane’ treasure, though he suspects Tt ic in the tower comewhere. His spells are "and level: Hold Porson Ist ievel: Chose Ligne Wounds, Protection from Good. 1 ADD ulor ar bang weed, tn OM sould decide when addon ‘pals to se, Hidden in the roorn ia the Key tothe ches Bu Snars treasures The door to 80 erred no ings @ Bat In 59 i ‘Spancdl. Inthe room sguinet the E- wall ie alarge cost. containe 3,529) ‘3. and 4 gems, Irs locked. The key isin 59. 61-65: Tower of Tizun Than ‘Allahe window have hasvy metal shutters, which ae sll elozed. Al roome ‘re avihly and ornataly furnished. niin the tower, lurking in solitary Sienes it ‘Thrsask, 2 gu'endeek, inzane snes ha slow his mastor. He Semuures from the tower on rare oceaiors. He will observe without Sttacking, unlest attacked. He is wracked with guilt and) sorrow and believes himself ro be Ticun Thane, though lacking Ticun’s conficence, The is not observing from 4, which he will be doing # there has been ‘any commotion, olla DIO: T he is in 61,2 in 62, 9 in 3, 410 in G4, 6: Dining Floom: Plushiy furnished, aige fireplace ix Evel, A small ‘gold statue of Tzun Thane stande on the mantelpiee, G2: Lounge: Fireplace in E. wall. ‘g weariag Tizun Thane’s purple robes wich have ripped on boing forced evar hie matz've frame and a bigex cape (98 Bslow, re bats fearsome "and comic In the ‘uendesko: 6 iaitng garments. He ¢ | me THE HALLS OF TIZUN THANE GU'EN-DEEKO Wo. Appearing: 1 Remour Clase Movement. 12" HitDce” SDB special Yreseure: wack 18/1-8 plus special Alignmant: Chaotic neutral Tntlligonco: Lew (but knw: Ieee varies! Monstermark: Varies “Tho gu’en-deeko i boliws, falsely, by the northern tribes to be 9 Rumor vino hes been cused by the gods snd tamed into 3 gant spe like ‘ature for partaking in cannibalism. itis sitar im appearence te» Yet fur i's Hint prey. tm colour. Ie attacks natn two powerful hans doing ‘We damage sacs, Though teats most thing, Ha prefore tian, paruculory the brain. On devouring 3 human bi Knowledge of that person plus one it pert for anon level i iti had {also gains any seals or silts that the victim had. kills and kom tndge fade after t year but not te spells, though once uted pelle ‘Bina come permenant sd ont ane are regined on rerting ete. the Sreature i woundee “Thraeak is wearing 9 Cloak of Dizplocoment fret attack automatically sniss, #2 protection thereafter and +2 on saves versus magic and other ‘sttacka) ond a large voraion of the ing in 23. He hos the following sxils at the moment: detect, wraps etc. os 9 wart and the shite of od level tet His assassin ills havo faded « He has the following spells et Bed level: Firebol, Hold person 2nd lave: Airor mage, Phan tasmat Forces sttevet: Charm, Soop, Shield, Protection from Good When casting 2 spell he utters a strange laugh — his version of Tizuns laugh whon bettering a fon, He krowe whore Tinur's trearure is tough he Iwunable to reach t= but he wit protect. 65:" Workrocm: Magical tomer sound, including 2 Tome of Clear ‘Though. The room ls packed with ingredien's for potions, phils, 9 {nd mortars #t6. In one phil ie potian of polymorph vel in another ation of healing. ‘65s: Minor Trossure Room: A large chest contains 2,390 gp. 114 pp. nd 2 gore “This treasure is @ dupe should ony ever invade Tizun's Tower, The real ‘weasure is in the root space above 65, accessible only through a secret ‘wopdoor in the canta of ing = hepa to Weosure, gow, jewels ond 2 magle lems. This treasure is felt to. the Dis diacteton ‘Also in the soace ts the inal guardian, © Neerophidids. NECROPHIDIUS No. Appaaring: 1 ‘Armour Cleat 2 2. 208 Ni Bite (1-8 plus paralysation) lus special Neutrat 338 (level in Piwete “This fearsome addition to the ranks of the undead was frst ereated by thot most imaginative of experimenters, Karalan {who was later to see {the dark’ and Dud the temple of the archcemon Kong). The anieation sll is Gth level, optionally avllabls at 9 th lovsl anti-clerie spel, ond Broduces one necraphidius (or death worr) per level of tne Wizard cast- fag i above 11th (go 2 15th level mogie-user could crests four worms). Each requites the intact vertebrae of & gant snake end e monsized Romani sl “The worm is immune to charm, seep, ESP, telepathy ard poison and ever chaeke morale. It achieves sutpris on # foll of 1-3 on D8 and Hie isnot itt surprised ®t wil execute the “Danse of Deeth’ 0 hyp ‘otic semi-magical swaying which rivets the attention ard allows the required; i treated as inabty wo act, as I hypnotised. “The necrophidivs i erated for ono specific purposo and i thorofore seldom encountered except as a guardian or assassin, Tee bite eautes poralysstion unless the vietim makes a saving throw vs, ‘magic; tis treated esa wight on the ‘Cleries vs. Undead! mstrix, 16 LAM OF THE WHITE WK History Ieis rumoured that a party of Dragonewts, many | narboured 2 Young Wyrm which had baer injured while oxaping from a party of ‘oxope beating Morokanths, The Wyrm is said to heve made good serolls and treasures that the Morokanths mould pay well e recover One ‘erell in partcutr is of inestimebse velue to them. at one time roam the area Ts almost cermin, since runic carvings, said to be of Draganewt origin, ean still be found’on the wrlle of 3s ‘and in the bork of en oid hollow tree situated about 100 ord from the 1. Oak Tree This has been struck by ightning and is hellow witha triangular hote in the unk, The hole is 3° high and 2° 6" wide at she base, Iwill eed to be widened if any character or ereature over SIZ 15 should wih Yo use this entrance, Those of SIZ 15 must threw ¥3. DEX to avoid becoming Huck for 1040 turns. The internal dameter \e 10" ang is one-hie filed ‘mith rotting leaves, small branches and tig. Carved in the bark above The hole are barely legble signs. If ery member: of the party ean read Dragonowt, throw Batic Peresption x 3 ar lesson percentile dice to de- Cypher: the carvings rad “Mind the stepl". Beneath the feees and tig 2.53" by 3 metal grille which appears to seal olf a pit. The distance from the grille to the first frm footing below it is 1” ~ the sap to be “mminde™ From this platform, stars cut into the force their way through te walls presenting amsle handhelds, The oint, rising to TO" at the bottom were It rotting wooden door. 2. Corridor ‘Chained to the east wall i 8 Scorpion Man STR U7: INT 4;POW 1 38 A Sou 13; Dex by Cua 3:12 17 aia 316 314 Suing (106 + 106) 40% 38 38 33 Sting SR7 aA 3 Defonce OX Move 8 3835 33 Explodes on dying doing 306 damage "TOTAL HPS:14 to.enyone within 15" radias. ‘Although chainea up, he is hostile and eager to pick a fight with anyone. He eannot reach anyone squeezing post against the W wll but he wil hurl abuse and challenges, and, a5 far as the chains wil allow, threatening gesture, lunge again Ris chains, and infer that he hie ept With the wifelgrifriendfboytilend/daughtei/sonimovver/taher/etc. of gone in the party in an attemot to start a fight If he is dain, the ex ‘only seal off the passage but alert the occupants of 2:6. 9. 10 ond 17'who can't terete be surorand. Bot dors 3. Old Entry Hall Whichever way te party enters, around the comer, strutting tonards thom comer 2 Duck, wearing eomporto, horned helmet, ane! laineloth: QUINCY (Super, barbarian Duck STR 12; INT 18; POW 12, a) GOW 14; DEX 13: CHAS: siz 5 ft B16 Short Sword (106 42-104) 80% Parry 80% Poin 20. 1/5 Short Sward SAS Spel! SR2 aster of Quack Fu" two attacks per moloo turn ‘or one aitack, one parry per melee turn oF two partes, Fist a1 SF 6, socord at SA 10 Fist (108) 160% Perry 100%, Keck (106) 100% Parry 10055 Bute (1D4¢4) 100% Parry 10% Pointe 9 Butt gets +9 Hf Quincy ts wearing horned nelmet. In clea situations he may try te parry with holrneted head, but chance of parrying is roduesd ‘eluctancs to put his head where his opponents weapon 18 late thatthe lolecloth gives 1 point of protection Defence 15% Move S Healing 4, Bladesharp 2. trenhand 4, Protection 4, Countermagie 3 =f ~15 TOTAL HPSi13 1 greeted in a friendly manner, Quincy wil act bashful but will party unlit they leave the dungeon. He is searching for» redthoaced gil hhamed Valda.1f approached ina neutral manner, rll on Mesgonse Chat 4, Old Guard Room ‘Three Trollkin compete lo on the floor [Quincy har been thie way) along with 2 short maces, a onetanced ‘Open helm, 1 large shield, 2 Scattering of white feathers, and’ tall lesther purse containing 9 Clocks, 5, Old Store Room Room lt by lamas hanging from ceiling 15° above, The lamps consist of wicks floating in animal fat, Four Tron: BELBOD STM §; INT7; PowG; Loa oR GON T2:DEx 18; HA 4:5179 sis JS a3 ‘Broad Sord{t DB*1) 35% Perry 35% Points 20 ane [Dagger( 1061 30% Parry 20% Points 10 318 314 Mealum Shisid Parry 38% Points 12 TOTAL HPS!12 Bread Sword SAB Dagger SAO Betenee 58 Move 5 [Leather armour, cop, 10 Lunars in purse, 48 Lunarsin bedrall Tain brother: ANVER ‘STAD; INT 7; POW 6: Loon CON 12:DEX 18: CHa 4:siz9 sis 35 318 Brood Sword(1D6 #1) 38% Parry 35% Points 20, aM we, 3fa Dageert 105) 30% Parry 20% Points 10 Tora Hpsa2 ‘Mecturn Shia Parry 38% Points 72 ‘Brood Sword SAS Doager SAS Defence 5% Move 6 [Leather ermour, cap. 12 Lunarsin purse, 53 Lunars, 208 Ciacks in bedrol POTMAW. STA 11; INT 13; POW 10; Loa A IE OCHA 2, SIZ 8 ee 13 Broad Swverdl 10811 403 Parry 40% Points 20, a Dogger 106}35% Parry 30% Points 10 ve 1a Broas Sword SAS. Dagger SAT’ Spell SR 3 TOTAL HPs.12 Defence 5% Move 6 Disruption 120 Clheks in purzo, plus several buttons and washars that heve boon falmed off on him as Yoreign coins DeENZELM STR 13: INT 14; POW 3; Loon on CHA2:SIZ9 ah 3k ab ‘Sling 18) 35% 38 Speer(2HI(1D10) 30% Parry 25% Points 15 33 38 Light Wace(1D6) 30% Parry 25% Points 20, TOTAL HPS:7 Srall Shield Parry 25% Points 8 "3 SR2 SpeorlZH) Ux Mace SA7 Spell SA2 Gotence 5% Move 6, Bieruption, Heating 2. [Leather armour and cap. 153 Lunars in purse. (On Ni wall is 9 shell on which ests an ornate mot! head dress with wires artached. If worn it reduees the INT of the wearer to 8 for 1D 10 turns. ‘On hook bahind the dear is a bag containing 2 Whouls and 483 Lunar, 6. Old Guard Room Lit by 4 flamoesux in holder, 2 on N wall, 2 on S. The flambeau nearst the secret door opens it twisted; should the farnbeau be pulled then a {Wap open beneath the puller ‘Throw vs. DEX 1 5 to avoid falling 15" nto spikes for 1D1Z damage. In the room fsa Greet Troll v LAIR OF THE WHITE WYRM Moow STR 26; INT 4; POW 10; L 67 oR CON 16; DEX 10; chia 2:12.26. 1 78 76 Great Snora(308+208) 40% Parry 25% Points*20 ” Groot Sword SR4 Spell SRS wm 27 Detence 0% Move 7 “TOTAL HPs:21 “Great Sword is Iron, and it leo Magic Motvix for Coordination, ‘Counrermage 2. Chainer, open helm, 77 Clacks, 69 Lonare end sn opal worth 205 Loner Small Cave The 109! Is 20" high, AL the rear Isa 10° diamete sialagmite whieh canceate the entance io the tunrel complex, The entrance ie Sly found bya successful Spot Hidden throm. 8. Dragonevrt Cave “The root is 28! high. Tho W wall hae # 3° x 4° orack leading to 7. The E wall bears rune carvings, encient and wor, that some believe 10 Be of Bragonew: orgin 9. Old Barrack Room 1 room is lt by @ torch remmed in 8 creck in the floor. From outside, Tistene’ would hezr the sound of muffled singing in an unrecognsable ‘tongue, Hanging from coat hook on the N wall sa drunken Overt who {waving an almoit empty bottle. Between swigoing and singing, he ‘ccarionaliy hold nie Greath until hie sare turn blue, gets annoyed an Fetes to his botte for comfort. He willbe an instant frlend of nyONe icchols SUR 14; iy 11; POW 112 LaF DEX 10; CHA 10; S12 7 sh 853i ‘AxecIDEEZ) 45% Farry 45% Points 15 5 Grail Shield Parry 40% Point 8 Ev 318 ‘Axe SPT Spell SA, TOTAL HPs:12 Defence OX Move 6 Deut Gold, Bladesharp 2, Invisibility (thow vs. INT x 9 to venember Invisbinty before it ean be cast — Cds! ts tying t0 remember Tt when tint ciscovered ‘Egle resse 78%, Wove Silently 80%, Spot Trap 68%, Disa Trap ‘Scale armour, cu mos, open heim og as 1 cick 0 his name an ‘Snes he Thier Gulld 1800 Lunare for 10. Mess Room In the centre is 9 table around which are sx ehsies. On the table is the ‘femaine of 2 meal ~ a carsas of vost duck witha fair amount of meat Sill_on It, Thvee hallempty vere bottlce, azorted pletars, gource, ‘ables, well chewed bones, scraps of meat and bread et. tar the table, ‘The entire inner eres’ is worth about 26 Clacke On the tloor under ales ‘Clack (5% change Of spotting) mid reads and rubbish. 2 Toots fagrtone — only noticoable if trodden on — beneath nfich & 9 small chest. A poisoned needie (104) protects the Tock The chest contains 130 Lunas. (the aleohel i useful for Bribing ‘Gat (9); the duck is definitly not useful for bribing Quincy (2).) 11. Templo Entry fom E and W is via sits in neavy black drapes. The Nand S wall ‘are hung with old, and oncvedingly dusty, tapestries worked in svar {heead. The tapestiy on the N wall depicts a werged serpent with 6” Injarod wring and roptiion biped gethered sound it, nc the one on tho S all Song winged serhant seomingly aseap on 8 ple of dies, esi room ¢ Blinding spells automaticaly cas lasting Jee turns, During this period the scventurers have. al of thelt bits, both combat and othorvice, reduced ¢o.0 banc EX whilst they Femain in the room. The spel! will tbe east for 10 full turns, so Mat ‘eantry of the team after the fist TO malee turns will be as nor Wafer the tat alee en cring Wich he Da est, a Or ay fof the party remaing in the temple, the Priest and. twee. Trllkin Renchtren il enter sndexaek. Tet sitseks encase anatfeted bythe spell, excopt that no visually aimed spells ean be east during the peti: GHOPER (Dark Trot Priest of the Kyger Litor Cult) OW 4; STA 24; INT 12; Loe CON 15: DEX 16: CHA 14: SIZ 15 5s BT 65 read Sorcl1 DIGHDG*) 60% Parry 50% Points 20 B/S Dageer(1057 106") 30% Farry 35% Points 10, Lge Shinid Parry 85% Pints 16 Brood Sword SAS Daguer SA7 Spelt SAZ Detence 8%. Move 8 ‘Blodesharp 3, Fanaticiam 2, Heating 6, Blnging. Full chain mail with cosea helm. Gold ring hand (Pome Storing 12 point "Potency 12 fade venern on Swordana dagger or 6/8 TOTAL HPS". jth large Dink exystal on rreny. STR 9; NT 7; POW 6; Le R GON 12; DEX 1B; CHA 4; 8129 1B ts te Bastard Sworel1D 10) 40% Parry 40% Points 20 16 ‘Dagger 105) 100% Parry 80% Points 10 ua 4 Bullwhipl 104) 75% Parry 85% Potnts 10 2 ‘Bastard Sword SRS Dagger SRE Bullwhip 2 Spel SR Detence 5% Move Fisting 2, Protection (cost 4 POW point) 1. 1N.8. Iteny nas s_Wywern-hide jacket which gives him & pis armour 10 ‘chest and abdomen [1 pt hse boon lore in the tanning prosest) but there ja 50% chonce that he will have taken it off, In tis event he will ‘attempt te put ion, provided that he ie not engaged in'cembst In the first wo melee turn, [tis unvecagnisable from soy othor old sleeveless leather Jacket (Players would have to have seen the protection afforded ‘he jacket in combat to appreciate te worth, They svould mot be tid ‘nything) The jacket may be worn over or under armour: Itchy will uta the wip tosnare or tip an opponent so that he can got ‘to clone quarters with hia dogge' delaying thet attack fe S10, in order 48 aim his Blow. Itchy has a ess than average INT Duta terris seme {a proseration! If terelor, his se slong badiy, and all other Tro kin aro wounded, Rehy vat exit witout delay. SCRATCHY STR 6; INT 10; Powa: L 73 RF GON 9; DEX T5:CHAS. S1z5 in ta a Sina aca 106 45%, Prey 45%, Point 20 a3 Meclurn Shield Porey 20% Point 8 ‘Smal Mace SR Detanes 6% Move 6 Full heim, cuir body, arms ny, bronze grees. lee bracelet an if wnat (50 1), 5 Clncke a 1 Whee! in pure 71. 78 TOTAL HPs:8 BURKE STR 15; INTS; POW 12, Lom n GON 18: DEX BCMA? siz 12 ie 78 Te Moringtar(3D10+404)35% Parry 45% Points 12 m Largo Shee Party 75% Points 12 1" Nomingttar SRE “ForaL nesta Deteres O% Move 6 Piste mail ll helm, Wesre » gold (coloured) bracelet — jun taker — worth 11 Glacks, (On black taped altar ita silver chalice and threo battoved candlestick hhoicers Each item is worth 200 Lunors. In front af she stat iva 8 x 5° ‘Wap (marked "x7 which opers it any item on te ater is moved. The tr, ‘pons te 020" drop, terminating outige 23 (morked "x", for 108 {hmage = doubles if victim i wear'ng pate srmour on bedy, 12, Hall of Mirrors “The room appears to be very large, bout 60" x 60" with 2 tage number Of fighting men ard wee other ‘exits, ll blocked by groups of well frmed men. If the carty lingers long enough, they may notice thatthe Sreups blecking the exits are similady diesied to therietves |. The Foom is ntact an arrangement of mutrors and the only occupanis ae {our zombie EEN STR 18: INTO; POW 1; CON 16; DEXS: siziz_ Lk -/R Twohended ChublID12i4) 29% Parey 16% Pointe 18 IS —/7 15 Tworended Club SAI 6 Nove 8 ~6 6 Wee STA 13; INTO: POW 1; CON 18; DEX8SIZ17_ LL -) ‘Tworanded Club(1D1264) 40% Parry 20% Points 18 ~6 -/8 16 Twotended Club S20 7 Move 8 -n “7 pple STR 19; INTO: POW 1: CON13: DEXB: SIZ17._ Lb -J5 Twotended Club(1 0124) 40N Parry 15% Poin 16 4 IB 4 ‘Twotanded Club SA9 = Moves 16 18 vier STR 12; INTO: FOW1, CON 13; OEX7: Siz7_ Lk =a Ywohardad Club(tD12s4) 35% Parry 15% Pointe 16 19 —5 Tworhanded Club SA a Neve 8 16 In the contee of the room isa chest containing 200 Lunars and 7 Wheel 13. Room of Breezes Whichever door is used for entry, he other door will mays be open and I eudden guttof wind wil douse all torches ‘14. Snake Pit ‘Around the eoge of the room Is 2 3° wide walkway surrounding 3 20° ‘Savp pit. A bronze rongod IsldeJescs down into the pit where 3 shakes ‘guard a 2" square trapdoor in the centre, Bensoth the trapdoor is @ chest SSntaining 1000 Lunars. 31 Wheels and a coral necklace The necklace Ie CORAL SNAKE All Snakes STR 4; FOWS: CONS; DEXS; SIZ}. TOTAL HS:6 13 fea sSyrtemic poron potency 12) 75% SAS =e “5 Saket in pit: WeAPow SNAKES. 4) STR 4: POW: CON 15: DEX: $123. TOTAL HPs: 13 } STA 3; POW 11, CON 13; DEX 11; 12.3, TOTAL HPe:11 ) STR 8: PONT: CONTI: DEX 10; SIZ i. TOTAL HPS: ‘All sword talled{ 95011 25%. Parry 265 Points 12 RG, ‘Ail move 4 STAKE SNAKES 4) STR 6: POW 11: CON 15; DEX 14: SIZ 1. TOTAL HPS:13 9) STR 4; POW 11: CON [4; DEXA; SizZa, TOTAL HPS12 6) STR 5! POW 12: CON 11: DEX 11; 312 6: TOTALHPS:9) 3) S18 1; PON 7, CON; DEXS: SiZ1. TOTALHPSS. Al hard pointed stout, aunt up 1 19, (1061) 25% SAB SPIT SNAKES 2) tate STR 3, POW 11; CON 13; DEK 13; 5123. TOTAL MPS:11 Actd(108 potency) 25% Birel:D4) 25% Move 4 9) Fara STR, POW 11; CON 15; DEX 14; SIZ 1. TOTAL HPS:19, utes 35% Bite(104) 25% Move & "Foul smelling eliminates all chance of secrecy for one week. 15. Cupboard Od sceret eupbosrd, the Mloce of which Ie anciant skeleton with the sku st0ve0 In 16. Old Store Room In amongst hay and rubbish is a mouldy bag containing 62 Clacks anc ¢ hecklnce with 8 huge paste citmond worth 20 Lunors. Among #he mest Bare 6 rat shaped, armagivosike creatures ~ Ruppia Runners; 1) STR3; PON 7; CON 10; DEX 13: SIZ2. TOTAL HPS:8 2) STR 1, POWS: CON TS, DEX 15, SIZ3. TOTAL HPS.12 4) tm 5) Pow 14; CON 10; Dex 13, SIZ3, TOTAL HES 8 4) STR 2, POW 12; CON 9, DEK 15, SIZ 1. TOTAL HPS:7 5) STH 3! POW 10: CON 7: DEX 10! SiZ.4_ TOTAL HPS:5 6) STR 2; POW 12: CON 3; DEX S; SI2Z1. TOTAL HPS ‘Au bite (105) 25% SLO Detenes 10% Move 6 intored with dobre plat an AA Rubble Runners a6 A wa 2 214 26 208 218 17, Olé Bandit Lair “The room i cabwenby. dusty and rubbisn sirewn, The seeret door inthe Era isa loose sad 6 atove floor twel. Amid the rubble in the SE Comer is @ brondsnorgl 10891) 18 points let Also cwo daggerst1 09) 10 eines each Honging from s haakon the N wall 3 composite bow. Gaver and 12 arrows. in bottom of quiver, wimpped in rags aro 2 Whee Bor {O12 "1 Aoamount oF damage taken by bow. 11 or 12:bow ‘undamaged. 18. Ceremonial Chambers In ths room ara two Dwarf thievre, a captain and lieutenant, who are Iboking tors Gwart wha hes gone ct¥ on a drunken spree (Odi, se 9): unix S18 16; INT 15: POW 14 Las GON 17-DEX3 CHA 14.5127 8 8) Warammert! 0642) 55% Parry 80% points 15, 56 Smal Shield Parry 36% Point: ® 66. Warnammer sie TOTAL HFS.16 Defonoe 5 Move 6 Seale body, greaves, open heli, 225 Lunare and 108 Carks in Burse, 3 flasks of wine, one of water on bet, anes 1m 20; INT 18; POW 17; L578 COW 1, DEX 12, CHA 12; sIZ6 se 58 56 Morningetar(1 010) 80% Parey 70% Points 12 50 ‘Shorsworal 106*1) 70% Parry 60% Points 20 sn sir Small Shield Parry 45% Ponts TOTAL HPS:18 Morningrtae SR Shorteword SA3 Batenes 18% Move 8 Pal chainmail, closed helm. 60 Lunars, QB Clacks anc 1 Whe in purse, 2 {tages of wine, 2 flasks of water On Det The wine is 10 be used 10 lve Out (see 9) back ro care. Aondly. the Dwarves wil warn oF the snakes in 14 19. Lower Sentry Outpost The satet door 10 20 8 gueraed by goat ended tumancld = » Broo immune to sl polos and disease, But carries Wasting disease PuKeL STR 16, INT; POW 5; Lae oR GON 14: Dex 12: CHA2:SiZ 1 ‘Sprar*([2H)106+12108) 36% Parry 35% Points 15 Burtl10a) 15% Parry 10% Speert2u SR4_ Durr she. Detence om Move 9 Gai, other fre, head natura Spear isa sherperied suck with ¢ Sreharcened point, 20. Lair of the Wolf In the room isthe Wellbrothor, Null, whois immune to bronze weapons fhe only vulnerable vo Mune (pure) metals oF magic. ws 30 25 36 16 26 “TOTAL HPS 18 WoL AeWoth; STR 22; NTS; POW 11 Loa CON 11; DEX 9: CHA 10:8127 a We 48 Bretioée1D8) 35%. Wa Bite sho wa wa Deterce 10% Move 12 TOTAL #PS:10 ‘AsMon: STR 11: INTO; POW 11; CON 11; DEX: CHA 10:812 7 Large Axe (108#2) 30% Parry 30% Points 15, Large Awe SR Detonce ON Move & rack by Small 60% Hide 60% Move Silently BOS Sanse Ambush 503% Being Chaat, Wusf would recognise Frencher (8 23) for what he i and ‘WoueL not attack nie, In death. Wulf reverts {0 human form. There is0 0% chance that he wil be in human form whan Feet encountered. He fac 45 Clacks, 71 Lunars and 5 Wheels ina purse, 21, Old Food Store ‘Scattered on the floor of ths small store com are 3 human encpees, Sead Trelikin. 4 shortenordst D641: rot! 1020 for each to determine points tet, Trp TDBe1) ith 13 point lft, Zeger 16) th 10. | Boints each, a snalt shld, 2 closed helm, 1 epen helm ond ful wit of 2hainmel Aso turking in the room | SHADOW CAT STR 9, POW 19; CON 13; DEX 19; SIZ4 LR Bee! IDB) 40% FyplZ0E) BO “4 18 A Bite SRG Rp sre te | Detence 20% Move 10 ar =a | Mowe Silently BOX Ambuth 50% Hide 80% TOTAL Hest 22. The Shelled Guards In the room is 25° high stone wal! rooted wh 2 meta grite and clove ‘OH by two locked gate along the W side, The Key 40 the gotes hangs 92 Rook'on the N wall ikumination 1 provided by wicks Moxtng in oil Tormpe. nthe room are two Dragon Snail guards SKYNE (Gna Hesded! Head | ‘SIM 25; POW 16, CON 10; DEX 6; $1223 ais iw (1064206! 40% ar oay | Bite SAB of Shell Bofence 0% Move 3 CALLOB & GRYMP (Two Headed) TOTAL HPS 13 ‘STA 95:POW 16: CON 16; DEX 4; SIZ 28 46.416 Head tipe(t6+208} 40% ‘46, Body | Bile sre BN Shell Betence 205° Move 3 TOTAL HPS 19, Gallob see Grymp wil each atack diferent targets i "Their appearance 30 confusing hat acts gs 8 natura defence. | 23. The Kooper Chained to the E wall ex man (Ogre) FRANCHER ‘STR 22; INT 15; POW 12: Lae on Se Oi eg Seaton ion sta ey 208 scieret ier ee eres neta oat Be hex usaidisdrans | pe ore ban a fete ele nn eka mmenamea eet | Sie re ele a roet ee the flesh of frends 2 friend being anvene who 2 3) 25 206 216 26 TOTAL HPS 16 bout would not helps ni ‘Sa the table in the middle of the room is 2 bastara sword( B10) with 20 points, snain gouche(IO6) wath 20 porots, two hays oF & ing fone 10 {theGare’s chaing, the athor to the loner gates OF 24), nomerpty pune nd ¢ leather bag eontsining a halfesten human afm anc a natleaten French fost There also 9 skin of wotet= the Ogre is very thirty ‘The secret door m the SE corner 6 above 90" Tee 24. Lair of the White Wyrm Ths gateeare lacked. Opening them automatealy closes and locks the gates at the top of the stats 221, The Key weeded te r0-0pon them. In f00™ is a Tegess, wingad serpent ol apale Wey colour. 11 will ake vo the air 60 Geos bet Onitg toa basly healed wing and lack of space 10 realy fercise 1 wal land and fight en te ground after TOmelee tums. '3 19 nite Wer ‘AURON Suit 94: INT 12: POW 22, L 86 A Gow 15, 06x 13, CHA 13, Siz 4a fs 87 as Bitel1Di0+40s) 50% a6 Bite SRI, 806, Defence 20%" Move 19 ToTAl HPS-26. DBiuruoton, Dullbiade, Heaina 6 [round its necks 9 ruby a geld chain eotting worth S400 Lunars Ine niche, 10" up on the $ wall, i 2 emall wooden box contamina 2 Potions of double strength healing, 1 of Blade vevom potency 9, ond 4 ro ‘Kroll 1. sncreaves constitution of reader by 1 point It takos 16 waeke to ‘work: ach time the terol! rrad. throw 106. tot the sro isntegrees ‘Tre sete mil diaintegate after the four person rande tt anyinay Stott, secret rechniaue seroll ving 10% crease n Broadsroid attack and porry mwmedinnly It ean only be read twee and then it cisnteerates Itean be read twice by the sare person for double benef. Scroll 3: unroadobie um to-old aor Tt requires very caelul Mancting oF tie rt asintoqraces, Horie: ust rai, DEX each trv sell touched, Fhvsserllve thw anew tof value t the MOrOK3N es. Serall 4 spell of Coordination 19 James Ward Is the co-inventor of person to design a miniscenario. ‘Gamma World, and who better @ Lil had to survive, it was as simple as that. These creatures had evolved as diminutive beings constantly (on the run from larger life forms. From earliest times, these beings had been forced to hide in brambles and tall vegetation of one type or enother. As generation after gener: ation prograssad and mutated, their hiding places were developed land nurtured into what the Lil wanted, THE LIL Hit Dice: 6 Armour Class: 8 {6 wien fighting humanssized creatures and 4 ‘when fighting creatures over 2.5 metres tall) Movement: 3/10 Mental Strength (species average): 14 Intelligence (species average): 17 Dexterity (species average): 18 Charisma (species average): 17 Constitution (species average! : 8 Physical Strength (spacios average) Physical Mutations (as a species} ‘Dual Brain Light Generation Physical Reflection (radiation) Shorter (20 centimetres tall) Wings One variable mutation per 19 to the good Mental Mutations (es a species): Empathy Foree Field Generation Ulusion Generation ‘Mass Mind Telepathy Total Healing Total Resistance to Life Leech The Lil ere beautiful symmetrical human creatures with wings of incredible toughness. They are always found in areas of high vegetation and have only one harmful mutation, They glow brightiy in the dark. Whenever the area light intensity falls below a certain candle power, these beings light up illuminating 9 90 centimetre area. Bocause of this mutation, thozo beings are always most active in the dark period of any day. They often use and develop technology, but are forced to have several members of their race work any given item from the past because of their small size and low strength fector. ‘The Bramble Paths Of The Lil ‘This vegetation is always the seme from Lil group to Lil group because they take seeds with them from old paths as thoy are forosd to migrate. The brambles are always trimmed to be 6 metres tall and the Lil mould paths out of them that are totally covered by a roof of these brambles that reveals nothing from the air, The paths are always 10 metres wide with the bramble vegetation barriers, for the most port, 36 motres wide. The thir parte of all tho barriors are areas where the Lil can quickly pass from one section to another because of the unusual nature of ‘these spots. The Lil Brambles have huge thorns thet are razor sharp and will rip all things except metal and hard plastic. Every ‘thin aroa is exectly like the other patches in appearance, but the thorns are dulled so that they do not cut. While the brambles have no intelligence, they do have the following traits: when touched by anythings but @ Lil, these plants raise up and cluster against the pressure so that’ 2s the meovement into them increases so does the grabbing action of the vines. Every melee turn of forceful contact does 1-10 points lof damage to the toucher; amongst the brambles of the roof cover (hidden from view from below or above) are berries in clusters of 10 every 25 metres that restore 1 hit point of demage per berry every vine in the path wall grows 2.12 metres a day. The Lil Path depicted ie tho oldatt of all brambles and the Lil living here are the most advanced of all the groups. Every night, they travel about the patch pruning the growth away from’ areas where they do not wish vines and forcing new growth where they do. All chopped vines are mulched up and laced around the plant bases SECTION HP: 35, 33, 32, 28, 25; AC: 8*;M: 3/10, ll abilitios and mutations are as the species plus all of these guards have electrical generation (3-18 points of damage with a touc). ‘One member in each group has a stun whip (weapon class 6) that has been cut down so that it seems to be along pole in the hands of the Lil holder. These groups, in every case, aro thre to frighten or other- wise chase away beings, creatures, or things that try to enter the area. They attack by casting illusions of hundreds of their num- ber flying all over end touching or diving at the intruders. Those that do not believe the illusions are identified and taken care of by the stun whip. When stunned, all items of technology are carried into the thin part of any path and the throat of the stunned creature is torn out by the teeth of the Lil. If these attacks all fail, the Lil will attack with electrical charges until fone group or the other is dead (hoping to do as much damage 2s possible so that the next sat of guards can have an easier time taking care of the strangers). SECTION B: 1 Blaash: HP: 60; AC: 8; M: 6/18; MS: 6; this giant moth emits 18 intensity radiation with a range of 5 metres. The Lil have hatched this creature here and it cannot move from the small interconnecting path it is on for fear of damaging its wing membranes. It has been conditioned to attack nothing accompaning a Lil. SECTION C: 1 Horl Choo: HP: 72; AC: 5; M: None; this one fires 1-8 spear fronds evory moleo tum for 3-18 points of damage each (18 die creature for attack) znd each frond has in tensity 9 poison tips. The creature has been altered so its sensos can detect nothing smaller than a metre, The plant is capable of firing down the long path it is near end up the short path it SECTION D: This is e storage area for the Lil and the section facing tho path is designed to move away when pulled. Inside are the following: 56 one kilogram sacks of instant plant defoliznt, 32 one kilogram sacks of intensified plant fertilizer, 12 vibro daggers (weapon class 4) doing 10 points of damage per strike, 3 small damage packs doing 6-6 points of damage per explosion, 21 solar enorgy cals, 64 two metre by 3 metre shoots of duralloy, SECTION E: 8 Lil: HP: 28, 27, 27, 23,21, 21, 19, 11; AC: 8 M: 3/10; all abilities and mutations are ‘2 the species. This ‘group uses 2 Laser Rifles (weapon class 13) doing 6-36 points of damage per strike, It takes 4 Lil to use one weapon and they guard the long path they are near. They will each take 2 shots at ‘whatever comes around the corner at either end and then they ‘will scuttle into the brambles in tunnels they have made unti whatover creatures they shot at are either back at the corner of the path they guarded or half way along the other path where ‘they will shoot the rest of their energy beams and hide again (to put frosh power colls in tho rifles that they havo stored undor ‘the brambles and begin the process all over again) SECTION F: 1 Kai Lin: HP: 60; AC: 6; M: 10; this plant wi attack with radiated eyes [intensity 12) and if that doesn’t Kill the being it is attacking (or at least damage it) the creature will use electrical generation for 3-16 points per touch, This creature hides in the eeiling cover and moves with its prey. It only comes down to attack with clectricity or fosd. The Lil allow it only fone seed (destroying all others). They have conditioned it to attack any beings travelling down the middle of the path, but to leave alone beings that walk down the sides. SECTION G: This is another storage area and it opens towards ‘tho village of the Lil. It hes the following: 3 wildarnoss ecology bots programmed to prune plants for the Lil; 2 wicker chest with 400 healing berries: and 2 wicker chest with 30 of each type of energy cell SECTION I: This is the village of the Lil. There are 39 malas (not counting the guards), 43 females, and 14 young. These beings all live in wicker huts all over the area. Every hut has the following: 2 bramble supplied wator fountain, a sot of poisoned arrows, 3 bows (weapon class 9} doing one point par strike plus the 18 intensity poison damage, a wicker chest of dried fruits, and a wicker chest of clothing (made of spun spider silk). If the area is entered, the males all create illusions of hun dreds of flying Lil while the females and young walk to safety. ‘The thin areas are easily moved by two Lil. SECTION J: 1 Perth Plant: HP: 10; AC: 4; M: None; it emits random intensity radiation (3-18) for a 15 metre range at a ‘that are taller than 1 metre who come near the plant. SECTION K: 6 Lil: HP: 33, 32, 30, 29, 20, 15; AC: 8°: M: 3/10; all abilities and mutations are as the species. These are using 3 Mark V Blasters with 2 creatures to a pistol (weapon class 14) and each shot doos 7-42 points of damage. Those Lil will fira 2 shots per melee turn until all weapons are expended and then ‘they will run to small tunnels in the sharp bramble cover to the sides and reload energy cells. They will shoot again after 7 melee turns, SECTION L: Another storage area with the following: 9 saws, 13 hand axes, 23 solar energy calls, 5 laser torches, 3 tore grenades (doing disintegration damage in a 15 metre range), and 5 fifteon centimetre tall mirrors. SECTION H: This is another larger storage area with the follow- ing: a dofense/atteck borg (programmed to protect the village in case of surprise); 5 modi-kits, 6 laser pistols (weapon class 13), doing 5-30 points per shot; 3 four litre pots of 18 intensity Poison; 2 one litre pots of universal antidote; 3 modified stun ‘whips ‘(weapon class 6); and 99 bows with 20 arrows each geared to the size of the Lil) SECTION M: 2 Zcoth patch is planted hore. (HP: 100 total, growing in 2 10 metre area, it teleports 2-20 seeds for 2-12 Points of damage per seed when successfully teleported (20% ‘chance of this happening per seed); it has sensing range up to 18 ‘metres and will not attack anything less than 1 metre tall. ‘SECTION NV: There is a pond filing these 3 hexes and a Keeshin dens here. (HP: 49; AC: 7; M: telekinetic flight all abilities are ‘at 18, ite montal mutations include: telekinesis, telakinatie arm, force’ field ganeration, life leech, de-evolution, mental blast, ceryokinesis,and reflection). It will demand a piece of technology from any strangers thet come near and attack if not given some: thing. Itwill gladly talk about the whole patch if given a powered device, The Lil let it live thore because it tells stories to their young, It has the following in an underwater cave down in the middle of the pond: 2 laser rifles, 3 stun whips, 1 mark VII blaster rifle, 4 photon grenades, and 32 metal swords. It elways ‘attacks with its life leeching power for as long as possible. Notes For The World Master 1. All items that are taken off of players are placed in the H_ storage area by the Lil. 2, People that want to “force” their way through the metres ‘thick brambles should be told instantly of tho problome involved (damage, resistance, increasing amount of vines, lack of view as brambles cut off vision, etc.). 3. Don't let people in power armour or cats tell you they Should be able to force thoir way through (these vines are tought). 4_ Burning is made extremely difficult by the high moisture content in all vines, leaves, and roots, 5. Little points of light are visible at night from through the ‘outside of the brambles, prompting stories around mutie and barbarian campfires about vast treasure from ancient times behind the plant walls and also awesome instant death 6. While the paths are all covered, the leaves of the ceiling area roflact enough light so that all tho aroas underneath aro welll during the daylight and strong moonlight hours. 7. When the Lilretreat into the briars, their wings mould them- selves to_their bodies and they always enter the patch from the ‘ground. They are intimetely femiliar with their patch and they know every thin ares for escape purposes. a TINY. RACE: Trollkin SEX: Mele L273 oR STR: 12; INT: 8; POW: 8; 22 2/4 2/2 CON: 8; DEX: 12; CHA: 10; SIZ: 7 23 ute mini-scenario | "¥5:5. soxus. sx ae wet ‘SR3; Dam: 1D10#BV2; Att: 20%; Par: 30%; by Stephen R.Marsh_& John Sapienza, Jt er ns 20%; Arm P Hear Noise 30% Post B: UGLY RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male Low oR STR: 16; INT: 13; POW: 13, V3 Ve V3 CON: 10; DEX: 13; CHA: 3;SIZ: 9 va MOVE: 5 v4 4 DEFENSE BONUS: 10% TOTAL HPS 10 WEAPON: 1H Spear: SRB; Dam: 1D6+1: Att: 35%; HP 15 ‘SHIELD: Medium; Par: 40% SPELLS: Fireblade (4) ABILITY: Hear Noise 40% NERFLE RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male L 24 oR STR: 10; INT: 9; POW: 12 23 28 23 CON: 11; DEX: 10; CHA: 12:SIZ: 10 214 MOVE: 5 2a 214 WEAPONS: TOTAL HPS 11 ‘Short Sword: SR; Dam: 1D641 Main Gauche: SR7; Dam: 1D4+1 DH Spear: SR3; Dam: 1010; Att: 35%; Par: 30%: ABILITY: Hear Noise 30% P15 INTRODUCTION. This adventure takes place somewhere in the hills off the trail between Boldhome end Povis Rubble. The rich noble] POST C: dlorthan was captured by trallkin, wo demend e ransom of | SNERD 51000 lunore. Hie wife, Tiere, hac hired tho party to rescue | RACE: Trollkin SEX: Mal L 36 oR him. She wilt pay 2,000 lunars for his safe return, or 1,000) STR: 10; INT: 10;POW: 4 a 38 3/6 lunats for his body. CON: 18; DEX: 14;CHA: 3S START MOVE: 5 3/8 315 Approach to the trollkin lair i¢ through rolling hills from the | WEAPONS: TOTAL HPS 11 east. To tho right i 3 burnt out ruin, about a month 06, an-| DH Spear other burnt out ruin to the left, both partway up'their respect- Par: 20%; HP: ive ills, and between them is @spikewal of pointed logs about | Light Nace: SRB: Dam: 106: Att: 15%: HP1O 2 decimeter in diameter, two meters tall, and with 3 cecimeter| Sling: SR2; Damn: 108; Att: 25% spacing between the logs. There is a two meter gap in this wall, | SHIELD: Small; Par:25%; Arm Pts: 8 fn the left side. The tcollkin main house is barely visible | SPELL: Countermagic 1 through the wall. Unless the party detect hidden object success-| ABILITY: Hear Noise 25% fully, they will not see the trolkin quardposts (A & B) on the ‘wo hills, I they go through this wall, both will attack at once. IF they go round to either side, he guards on that side will] gage attack at once, followed ten rounds later by the others, Roll en DB: on a roll of 1 someone was smart enough to run to the] RACE: Trolikin Sox Male ta 38 of ‘main house for help. The occupants of the guardoosts are: CON: 13; DEX: 14; CHA: 6;SIZ: 10 3/5 tovers 38 as POST A: DEFENSE BONUS: 5% TOTAL HPS 13 TEENY WEAPONS: RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male L274 oR STR: 8; INT: 12; POW: 15; 23 2/5 2/3 Da its 20 Fae ome UPS CON: 10; DEX: 14; CHA: 10; SIZ: 6 24 MOVE: 5 2a 216 ee DEFENSE BONUS: 20% TOTAL Wes 10 | SHIELD: Smalls Pars som: SPELL: Disruption WETONe: ABILITY: Hear Noise 30% DH Spear: SR3; Dam: 1D10; Att: 25%; Par: 25%; HP: 15 Sling: SR1; Dam: 108; Att: 16% SPELLS: Disruption; Healing 1 ‘The trollkin main house is a two storey, greenwood building ABILITY: Hear Noise 35% partially set into the hillside, It has oniy one door, and its 22. only windows are arrowslits. It has @ roof of sunhardened clay t ‘ellesse's party (see Room 7) raided the trolikin bandits ‘2 month ago, and all but she were killed. In ruin | lurks her foncebound 10 point, INT 7 spirit waiting to possess a body. Itknows mobility and xenohea! 2. All three ruins (1, I, and Ill) contain burned bones of both humane and trolliin., ‘TROLLKIN MAIN HOUSE Room 1: Only entrance to house. There are stairs going up and down, and two obvious doors, one on N wall and one on W wall, The door is wood bound in bronze, and can be barred, but isn’t, It conteins Sleepy the trollkin guard, whose spear is leaning on the door. It will fall and wake him if door is ‘opened. Also, any noite in this room will travel up and down stairs, alerting the others. The trollkin upstairs will wait for arrow shots before charging down (they‘re on guard duty upstairs), but the ones downstairs will come running. Also in this room aro Angry and Balky, the mules, with 4 saddle- bags and 15m of rope. SLEEPY RACE: Trolikin SEX: Male L 26 OR STR: 12; INT: 12; POW: 18; 25 2/7 218 CON: 16; DEX: 16; CHA: 12;SIZ: 9 216 MOVE: 5 216 216 DEFENCE BONUS: 5% TOTAL HPS 16 WEAPONS: ‘1H Spear: SRS; Dam: 1D6#1 Att: 35%; Par: 30% ‘1H Spear: SRS; Dam: 1D6+1+BV2; Att: 35%; Par:30% SPELL: Counterrmagic 1 ANGRY RACE: Mule L 4 oR MOVE: 12 “la =! ia DEFENCE BONUS: 10% “4 WEAPON: aM -/4 Kick: SR7; Dam: 206; Att: 25%; TOTAL HPS 12 NOTES: Will kick only if approached rapidly BALKY RACE: Mule LM oR MOVE: 12 “4 =! =/4 DEFENCE BONUS: 10% 4 WEAPON: iA -/4 ‘Kick: SR7; Dam: 206; Att: 25% TOTAL HPS 12 NOTES: Will kick only if approached rapidly. Room 2: The esting room. Contains the dark troll Shamus, leader of the trollkin, and Clumsy and Thinker, both trolikin. Shamus and Thinker are talking, and Clumsy is cooking. There are soveral tables and a stove with a meal started. Thore are ‘two heavy crossbows at the arrowslits in this room, detachable. ‘There is some chance they will hear a disturbance in the other room; they notice on a roll of 1 on a DG when the perty first enter, and on a roll of 1-3 when the trollkin run up from the basement. SHAMUS: RACE: Dark Troll SEX: Male L 46 OR SOCIAL CLASS: Bandit Chi 6S 67 6 STR: 1; INT: 15; POW: 18; 8/6 CON: 18: DEX: 14; CHA: 16;SIZ: 15 6/6 9/8 HANDEONESS: Right TOTAL HPS 17 MOVE: 6. STRIKE RANK BASE: 3(1 SIZ +2 DEX) DEFENCE BONUS: 0% WEAPONS: Maul: SR4; Dam: 208+1D4; Att: 50%; Crit: 25; Par: 40%; HP: 15; Fum: 08% Heavy Mace: SR6; Dam: 1084104; Att: 30 1% Par: 20%; HP: 20: Fum: 974% Heavy Crossbow: SR2; Dam: 1D12; Att: 30%; Crit: 1%; Fum: 7% 2 Crit: Bludgeon 2; Countermagic 2; Detect Gold 1; Glamour 2; Multimisile 2; Speedart 2; Healing 2 ABILITIES: ‘Sense Ambush 50%: Set Ambush 65%; Eval. Trees, 50%: Oratory 60% Nores: Speaks Sartar 30%; Lunar 30%; Pavis Trade 60% EQUIPMENT: Has a 2pt power crystal and 4 wheels in his pocket; weer~ ing scalemail and padding and an open helm. THINKER RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male Lo4 oR STR: 11; INT: 16;POW: 12 13 1/5 1/3 CON: 11; DEX: 12;CHA: 14; SIZ: 10 Ws MOVE: va Va WEAPONS: TOTAL HPS 11 Carving Knife: $R7; Dam: 106; Att: 25% HP: 10 Club: SRG; Dam: 106; Att: 30%; HP: 20 ‘Thrown Plate: SR3; Dam: 102; Att: 20% SHIELD: Small (Chair): Par: 15%; Arm Pts: 5 SPELL! Healing 4; Dark wall; Disruption NOTES: ‘Speaks Pavis Trade 60%; Storm Tongue 40% cLumsy RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male L W4 oR : WA 18 123 a ws 14 WEAPONS: TOTAL HPS 10 ‘Meat Cleaver: SRB; Dam: 108; Att: 15%; HP: 15, Pot Full of Stew: SR3; Dam: 1D6; Att: 20%; ‘Thrown Pan: SR3; Dam: 106; Att: 15% SHIELD: ‘Small (Pot): Par: 15%; Arm Pts: 5 SPELL: Glamour Room 3: Storeroom. Its arrowslits are fastened shut. It contains weak beer and mouldy bread and cheese. Half a goat is also here, There ere some stched arrows at the south end, and st the middle of the wost wall is a sack, half empty, of seed grain worth 10 lunars a kilo. There are 20 kilos salvage able, = 23, JORTHAN'S RESCUE TROLLKIN MAIN HOUSE N» LOWER LEVEL rf ‘ie ence ht sean econ im Room 4: Strawroom for mules. A dark, dank room with a pile of loose straw and some horseshoes. A very small gorp hides in the straw: 10 hit points, 9 power points, does 1D6/hit. Room 5: Common sleeping room for the trolikin. Contains Winner, Loser, and Fool, who are gambling with dice worth 5 Junars, and have 50 lunars in piles on the middle of the floor. There are 3 solfbows and 60 arrows racked on the walls, but no armour. It is a eemi-basement to house. WINNER RACE: Trolikin SEX: Mele Lowa oR STR: 13; INT: 14; POW: 18 25 V3 CON: 12; DEX: 12; CHA: 10;SIZ: 13 216 MOVE: 5 1a va DEFENSE BONUS: 5% TOTAL HPS 12 WEAPONS: 1H Spear: SRS; Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 15%; Par: 20%; HP: 15 Selfbow: SR: SHIELD: Medium: Par: 20%; Arm Pts: 12 SPELLS: Healing 1; Padcing (2) LOSER RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male LOR ® 19 25 13 214 MOVE: 5 va va DEFENSE BONUS: 5% TOTAL HPS 11 WEAPONS: 1H Spear: SR5; Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 25%; Par: 20%; HP:15 2 15%. Selfbow: SR2: Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 20% SHIELO: Medium; Par: 20%; Arm Pts: 12 SPELLS: Countermagic 1 FOOL RACE: Trolikin SEX: Male LowmioR 1s 25 V3 214 5 4 uA DEFENSE BONUS: -10% TOTAL HPS 11 WEAPONS: ‘TH Spear: SAS; Dam: 1D6+1 ; Att: 30%; Par: 20%; HP: 15, Shortsword: SR7; Dam: 1D6#1; Att: 20%; 24 RG; 1DEH; Att: 10% ‘Medium: Par: 30%; Arm Pts: 12 Room 6: Guardroom upstairs in middle of upper floor. Contains Grumpy, Nasty, and Wimpy, all trollkin, with elfbows. They are on guard duty, and occasionally look out the arrowslits fon each side, They will stay upsizits guarding the prisoners unless things get bad downstairs. GRUMPY RACE: Trolikin SEX: Male L274 OR STR: 9; INT: 10; POW: 23 25 23 2 10;81Z: 10 214 214 218 DEFENSE BONUS: 5% TOTAL HPS 12 WEAPONS: 1H Spear: SRS; Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 30%; Light Mace: SRG; Dam: 108. Sifbow: SR1; Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 20% Par: 25%: Arm Pts: 12 NASTY RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male L 24 oR POW: 4 28 215 23! 15: CHA: 11;SIZ: 10 2a 214 214 TOTAL HPS 11 +: SRB; Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 20% Light Mace: SR6; Dam: 1D6 Selfbow: SR2; Dam: 1D6+1; Att: 25% SHIELD: Medium: Par: 20%; Arm Pts: 12 SPELLS: Countermagic 1 wiry, RACE: Trollkin SEX: Male L 24 oR INT: 7;POW: 4 23 2/5 23 EX! 12; CHA: 9; SIZ: 9 214 214 UA TOTAL HPS 12 Countermagie 1 Room 7: Prisoner room. Door is trapped with deadfall with spikes, 40% chance of hit @2D4. Hits first one through; if party ‘open door and wait a bit, it will fall without hitting anyone. Location %: D10: 1-2 L’At Head, 6-7 R Arm, 8 Chest, 9 L Leg, 10 R Leg, Jorthan to bed A. His flail and other property are in a pile next to it. Jellessa is on bed B; she is drugged and will sleep for 12 hours. She will teach +5% riding free to party if escorted to the pure horse (bastard] tribe. Hidden under bed A is flask of 3 doses of blade venom 2, and lunder bed B a sack with 40 wheols, under a flagstone in floor. Jeliessa’s broadsword and other property are in a pile next to bed 8. JELLESSA TIGERBANE RACE: Human SEX: Female L -/6 OR SOCIAL CLASS: Barbarian -I8 7-5 NATION & CULTS: Pure Horse Tribe; 16 Rune Priestess of Emalda 6 16 STR: 16; INT: 14; POW: 19; TOTAL HPS 16 DEX: 17;CHA: 17;SIZ: 8 HANDEDNESS: STRIKE RANK BASE: 3(2SIZ + 1 DEX) DEFENSE BONUS: 20% WEAPONS: Lance: SR4; Dam: 1010; Att: 70%; Crit: 3%; Imp:17% HP: 15; Fum: 994% Halberd: SRS; Dam: 3D8; Att 50%6; Crit Par: 50%; HP: 12; Fum: 984% Broadsword: SRS; Dam: 1DB#1 Att: 60%; Crit: 3%: Par: 30%; Fum: 98+% Selfbow: SR1/2; Dam: 1061; Att: 60%; Crit: 9%; ruption; Harmonize; Glamour; Spirit Binding; 1Pt Small Water Elemental; 1Pt Small Salamander (from Oakted); 3Pt Divination; 3Pt Modify Moon (Makes it equal 10 dark of moon; returns weres to human Form.) ABILITIES: ‘Sense Ambush 60%; Set Ambush 50%; Climbing 30%; Oratory 60%; Riding 85%: Tracking 50%; NOTES: Follow Trail 50%; Read Pevis Trade 90%; Sartar 60% - Spoken Only; Lunar 15% - Spoken Only; Spirit Tongue 60% - Spoken Only; Dark Tongue 10% - Spoken Only EQUIPMENT: Her armour, if she gets it put on, is cuirbolli with one point ‘of padding: Armour 4. JORTHAN RACE: Human SEX: Male L 5 OR SOCIAL CLASS: Lunar Noble “ia 18-14 STR: 14; INT: 16; POW: 12 15 CON: 14; DEX: 12;CHA: 12; SIZ: 14 5 ~!5 HANDEDNESS: Right STRIKE RANK BASE: 5(2 SIZ +3 DEX) WEAPONS: Greatsword: SRG; Dam: 208+1D4; Att: 50%; Cri Par: 50%; HP: 15: Fum: 984% TOTAL HPS 15 2% Healing 4; Countermagic 3; Glamour: Disruption; Blade- sharp 2 ABILITIES, Eval, Treas. 80% NOTES: ‘Speaks Lunar 95%; Dark 40%; Pavis Trade 60%; Alchemist Associate; Guild Member. Is member of a wade family ~ they have a royal franchise. EQUIPMENT: His armour, if he gets it put on, is ringmail with one point ‘of padding: Armour 5. Room 8: Shamus’s private quarters. The door is concealed, but poorly; +15% on detect hiddon object. It contains 2 large bed, 2 dacorative club, an oxtra coat of scale armour, a small brazier with warm coals, clothing, etc. It also contains Stilletto, the ogre who is Shamus's lover, and the brains of the outfit. She is wearing a necklace worth 600 lunars, and has a 2-point power erystal. Hidden under loose flagstones in the floor are a flask with ‘2 sleeping drug (for mixing with victim's food), 2D4 doses ‘good for 12 hours each, and a chest containing a snake (12 HP, 30% bite 1D4+1D6 blade venom, SR10, 30% defense) guarding 68 whoole and 3,200 lunars, STILETTO RACE: Ogre SEX: Female L 56 OR STR: 18; INT: 17; POW: 18; 5/4 8/7 514 CON: 14; DEX: 16; CHA: 16; SIZ: 13 5/6 HANDEDNESS: Right 5/6 516 MOVE: 7 TOTAL HPS 16 STRIKE RANK BASE: 3(2 SIZ + 1 DEX) DEFENSE BONUS: 0% Imp: 12%; Par: 30%; HP: 15; Fum: 984% SHIELD: Small: Par: 30%; Arm Pts: & SPELLS: Bladesharp 2; Detect Enemies 1; Shimmer 2 NOTES: Speaks Sartar 10%; Lunar 30%; Pavis Trade 60%; Alchomist ‘Skill fs blade venom 2; natural skin armour 5 is her chaotic power, plus dismiss elementals EQUIPMENT: Has a 2 point power erystal, ‘and a wheel and 50 lunars.. Wants to join cacodemon cult. Has a vial of 3 doses of blade venom 2. She wears no armour, and looks harmlessly unprotected (aside from her weapon). isruption 1; Healing 5; necklace worth 600 lunars [ALTERNATIVEMAP FOR JORTHAN’S RESCUE SCENARIO, (Or. How to run the same scenario twice with some of the sarne} people and get away with it.’ This is sot up to eliminate the initial fight with the trolikin guards in the first version, but to provide for two fights, one {going in and one going out. The party gets a chance to sneak in and overcome Sleepy, the quard in the first cavern (Room 1 in the scenario key). If they fail, he'll flee in either direction [choose randomly} and the party can eithar chase him and take| fon the trolikin on that side only, or go the other way and get trapped between the trolikin on the side they went to and those on the other side, returning with Sleepy to deal with the invaders, Assuming the party is smart and chase Sleepy, they ‘wil Fight their way into the first cave (5 or 9), which aretrolikin sleeping rooms, each of which has three trollkin in (5 as des- feribed in the scenario, 9 with the first three from the quard- posts). When the fight starts there, the inhebitants of the next room will come in (2 as described in the scenario, 3 as in the scenario, except it contains Stilletto and the remaining three trollkin from the guardposts). Note that rooms 2 and 3 have secret doors leading to room &, which is Shamus's sleeping room as described in the scenario, Room 7 is the prisoners’ room, as described in the scenario, with a door on each ond| [that the party can open with the keys that Shamus and Stil- Jetto have, or must force open. After the party has rescued the prisoners, they can go out the other door, or back the way| they came (which is more likely). If they keep going, they will fun right into the other half of the bandits. If they go back| Jout the way they came, thoy will have to fight their way out Jof room 1, which will then have the rest of the bandits in it, trying to figure out what happened to Sleepy.

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