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Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny Team Lazarus Version 1.20 (FINAL RELEASE) ============================= INTRODUCTION CHANGES FROM 1.

1a INSTALLATION AND SETUP FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS HOW LAZARUS DIFFERS FROM DUNGEON SIEGE THANKS PROJECT BRITANNIA CREDITS LEGALITIES INTRODUCTION ============================= Thanks for downloading Ultima V: Lazarus! Ultima V: Lazarus is a from-the-groun d-up remake of the gaming classic, Ultima V. Built on the Dungeon Siege engine, it greatly improves the graphics and sound from the PC version of Ultima V. In addition, it expands upon the world, characters, and story presented in the ori ginal game. This is the FINAL RELEASE from Team Lazarus. No further changes will be made. However, players are welcome to make changes themselves. Development work will also continue for Project Britannia ( and Ultima 6: Archon ( A special "Lazarus Modders Pack" will als o be available from our website shortly for those of you who would like to make your own mods for the game. IMPORTANT CHANGES FROM 1.1a ============================= There have been hundreds of changes made since the 1.1a release, too many to lis t here. Here are some of the more important ones: - If you have a previous version of Lazarus installed, you MUST remove it entire ly from your hard drive! Delete any old savegames (located in your My Documents folder under Windows), completely uninstall Lazarus, and also manually delete t he Lazarus install folder (C:\Lazarus, by default) before attempting to install or play 1.20. - The Blink spell is no longer included with the base game due to compatibility issues with the game world. An optional (but unsupported) Blink patch is includ ed with this release. - The locations of some important items have changed. Those who played the prev ious version of the game will have to discover the new locations. - Combat has been adjusted to be generally more difficult, but more balanced. - You can now use the Difficulty slider in the Options menu to adjust combat dif ficulty. - Characters and quests which were broken in 1.1a have been fixed. Others have been altered or improved.

- Items that are "owned" by people within the game world are now marked as such. Remember, stealing is not looked upon kindly in Britannia!

INSTALLATION AND SETUP ============================= 1. You will first need to install Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Ar anna. Dungeon Siege II will NOT work, as Lazarus is designed for the original D ungeon Siege engine. 2. If you installed Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna, you can skip to step 3. Otherwise you will need to update Dungeon Siege to the latest version. You can obtain the 1.1 patch from Microsoft's website here: es/dungeonsiege/8.asp . Make sure you get the right patch for your localized are a. 3. Run the patch to update Dungeon Siege to version 1.1. 4. Try running Dungeon Siege, to make sure it works by itself. Knowing this wil l help with troubleshooting later on, if necessary. 5. If you have a previous version of Lazarus installed, you MUST remove it enti rely from your hard drive! Delete any old savegames (located in your My Documen ts folder under Windows), completely uninstall Lazarus, and also manually delete the Lazarus install folder (C:\Lazarus, by default) before attempting to instal l or play 1.20. 6. Install Lazarus using the installer. 7. In your Start Menu, under 'Programs', there is now a folder called 'Lazarus' . Inside there are three items of interest. One is the Cloth Map, one is the Man ual, and one is U5:Lazarus which will launch the game. You can also launch the game from the desktop icon (if you installed one). 8. Be sure that you have your Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna disc in the drive. You will need this to play Lazarus. 9. From the main menu, be sure to click options then make sure you are on the V ideo tab. Change your Screen Resolution to 1024x768. You will run into problems during gameplay if you do not do this. Click OK. 10. From the Main Menu, choose Start New Game, and reenter the world of Britann ia!

HOW LAZARUS DIFFERS FROM DUNGEON SIEGE ============================= - The world is a dangerous place. Use caution when engaging creatures in combat . - Casting magic requires the use of reagents, magical spell components, as well as mana. These reagents can be gathered from the wild or purchased in townes. - Be sure to keep a supply of food while traveling. You can buy food from shops , gather vegetables in the wild, or hunt animals for meat. - Carefully consider the consequences of your actions. Acting irresponsibly can

affect your Karma rating, which can change how other characters react to you. - Characters in the world have their own lives, and their own schedules. They w ill move about their business during the course of the day. You can track the t ime using the pocketwatch in your inventory. - Similarly, just because you kill all the monsters in an area, it does not mean that more might not wander back in. - If one of your companions dies, you can carry their body with you while you se arch for some way to bring them back to life. - You can right-click some in-game objects to Use them. You can even combine so me inventory objects with other inventory objects by right-clicking on objects i n the world. - You can learn skills from certain NPCs that either improve your abilities or g rant you new ones. - You will have to talk to many people to make progress in Britannia. Listen ca refully to what they have to say, and take notes on anything that sounds particu larly important. - The Quest Journal feature from Dungeon Siege is disabled in Lazarus.

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ============================= What happened to Blink? - The Blink spell wound up causing unfixable problems with both the world and so me game quests. These issues included "blindness" and portions of the world not behaving correctly when the player approached them. But because the Blink spel l is so cool, it is available as an optional (but unsupported) patch. If I install Lazarus, can I still play Dungeon Siege? - Absolutely. Ultima V: Lazarus does not modify any of the core game files. When I launch the game, I get an "Out of Memory" error! - It is very important that you update Dungeon Siege to the latest version befor e attempting to run Lazarus. You can obtain the 1.1 patch from Microsoft's webs ite here: . Make sure you get the right patch for your localized area. My companions just went crazy and killed the whole town! - You may have taken something that doesn't belong to you, or attacked someone i n town. This would make the townsfolk hostile to you. If your Companions sense that someone is hostile, they will take steps to defend you. If you'd rather n ot kill the whole town, you can select your Companions and use the panel in the lower-right part of the screen to change their behavior. I'm creating a character but I can't find the Journey Onward button. - If you don't set your screen resolution to at least 800x600, the button will n ot be visible. We recommend setting your resolution to 1024x768 for best result s. You can change the screen resolution by clicking Options from the main menu screen. I'm lost! - The Locate spell in the spellbook might be helpful. Open your inventory and d

rag the spellbook into the proper slot on the left-hand side of the screen. Now , close your inventory. Clicking the book icon net to your portrait opens the s pellbook. The Locate spell in the second circle of spells will give you your lo cation in the world. Be warned, though... like all other spells, this requires that you have enough reagents to cast the spell. I'm poisoned! - This is another good time to look at your spellbook. You can Cure poison with a first-circle spell. The credits music sounds awful. - The music from the main menu is still running as you watch the credits movie. The movie also has music in it. Please open the Options screen from the main m enu and move the Music Volume slider all the way to the left before watching the credits. Why is the dialogue in English but the objects named in a different language? - If you have a version of Dungeon Siege other than English, the game elements t hat we borrowed from Dungeon Siege will have their names in your localized langu age. However, you can (mostly) bring everything back into English by deleting t he Language.dsres file from the Resources folder inside your Dungeon Siege direc tory. - We will also be releasing versions of the game in German and French. Watch th e forums for further details. Hey, cool! I know Russian/Spanish/Italian/Esperanto. Will there be a version i n my language, too? - Not an official Team Lazarus version, sorry. You're welcome to create one you rself, but be warned that this is an awful lot of work. You'd need to rewrite t he dialogue for nearly 300 NPCs, translating hundreds of thousands of words in l iterature, dialogue, and in-game signage. Coding experience would also be requi red to be sure that the translation integrates into the game smoothly. I'm starving! Where can I find food? - The party will consume food on a regular basis at the rate of one ration per p arty member per day. Rations can be purchased in townes and castles, usually at taverns (some of which are listed in the Lazarus manual). Other sorts of food can be found by hunting animals such as rabbits and deer. These non-aggressive a nimals must be force-attacked (press A on most keyboards,) ideally by a ranged w eapon such as a bow. Food can also be plucked from gardens and raided from priva te stores, but doing so might hurt your reputation. Enterprising Avatars could d iscover means to create food by magic or more traditional means. Is there any way to cycle through the panels of text or imagery so I can get bac k to the game? - Yes. You can bypass these panels (like the introduction, or the "death" seque nce) by pressing ESC. Alternately, clicking the mouse button will move to the n ext "panel" if you just want to move more quickly. But now it's frozen entirely! - This can happen if you click through one of the sequences too quickly. Press ESC once, and it should resume. Can I use third-party camera or game mods with Lazarus? - Ultima V Lazarus is designed as a stand-alone remake of Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny, and may not work in the intended manner if you have OTHER Dungeon Sieg e modifications (such as weapon mods, camera hacks etc) installed. Team Lazarus recommends deleting/uninstalling any and all 3rd party mods you have on your sys tem before playing Ultima V Lazarus.

Where can I go for more information? For support and discussion of the game, Visit the forums at http://www.u5lazarus .org !

THANKS ============================= Team Lazarus would like to thank the beta-test team: Armror Asfaloth Dragon (UDIC) Charlie Hickman Christopher Glidden Corwin David "Sartori" Hill Jeff Arcaro, a.k.a. Teris Dragon (UDIC) Jesse Rink Michael Grundel Philip Cockram, a.k.a. Tyrell Dragon (UDIC) Scott Bobst Stuart Kerrigan Yrttis And of course, the original Ultima V development team that inspired us all: ULTIMA V: WARRIORS OF DESTINY Produced and Directed by RICHARD GARRIOTT Project Manager DALLAS SNELL Programming by KENNETH ARNOLD RICHARD GARRIOTT MARK HAMNER STEVE MEUSE JOHN MILES TOSHI MORITA DALLAS SNELL Documentation Art & In-Game Graphics by DENIS LOUBET Writing by RICHARD GARRIOTT MARSHA MEUSE JOHN MILES LORI OGWULU DALLAS SNELL DOUG WIKE Design Assistants RICHARD GARRIOTT MARK HAMNER PAUL ISAAC STUART MARKS

STEVE MEUSE JOHN MILES TOSHI MORITA CHRIS ROBERTS DALLAS SNELL Playtesters TIM BEAUDOIN KURT BOUTIN CHERYL CHEN JOHN FACHINI RICHARD GARRIOTT MARK HAMNER KIRK HUTCHEON IAN MANCHESTER STEVE MEUSE JOHN MILES HERMAN MILLER TOSHI MORITA ED NELSON DALE NICHOLS MARY TAYLOR ROLLO COLIN SACHS MAC SENOUR DALLAS SNELL JEAN TAUSCHER LAUREL TREAMER PROJECT BRITANNIA CREDITS ============================= Team Archon -----------Jesse "Zephyr" Strachman : Coding, Design, Custom Nodes, Direction Shaddock "Frilly Wumpus" Heath : Coding, Design, World Building, Direction Martin "Rowindor" Kale : Art, Coding Aaron "Xmen90s" Anderson : Coding - Teleportation, Alignment, Combat, Shrines Episthene : Coding, Design Exotronium650 : SFX Coding Matt "Sliding Dragon" Hutaff : Support Team Lazarus -----------Ian "Tiberius" Frazier - Coding, Design, Nodes, Art, Direction Scott "Claymore" Tengelin - World Building, Scripting, Sound Design Rob "Beezel" Groner - Coding - Skill System, Lorebook Interface Gregor "Ozzy" Klajnsek - Coding - Sleep/Camping System Matt "MasterMinoC" Regnier - SFX Coding, Weapon/Armor/Object Art, Custom Nodes Nate "Vapulus" Taylor - Monster Modeling/Texturing/Animation, Ambient Creatures Aaron "Aegis" Martone - GUI Art Xaa --- Carryable torch ideas Witness ------- listen.skrit debug component - unconsciousness code that was used as a basis for the sleep effects

Gas Powered Games ----------------- Initial Code for Dungeon Siege that was used to learn from and extend. Origin Systems ---------------- Ultima Series which inspired a lot of the content here Other Credits ---------------- The musical notes textures were created from the MusiSync font found at: http: // - Thanks to Matthew "Kahenraz" D'Onofrio & Mark Illomen Nelson for the horse mesh and animations. Open Source License for Code All code contained in britannia_logic.dsres is considered open source and may be used in other work, provided the original author(s) is given credit and any mod ifications adhere to the GNU General Public License. (Link below.) LEGALITIES ============================= Ultima & Lord British are Registered Trademarks of Origin Systems, Inc. & Richard Garriott. Ultima V: Warriors of Destiny 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990 Origin Systems, Inc. All ri ghts reserved. Dungeon Siege 2002 Gas-Powered Games. All Rights Reserved. Ultima V: Lazarus is a fan-built recreation of Ultima V and is not affiliated in any way with Origin Systems, Inc. or Gas-Powered Games.

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