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Fred Chris Hennie Sean Henk Marcel Alan
Ashlea Gardens
Church of Christ
180 Club Avenue
Ashlea Gardens
Tel: 012 997 1983
This is a Round-To-It,
an extremely rare and coveted
item. For centuries people have been say-
ing, I wish I could do this or that, but I cant get a
Round-To-It, or I so wanted to do this for someone,
but I couldnt get a Round-To-It. Today, this highly sought-
after item is yours! Now that you have your very own Round To-
It youll be amazed at what you will be able to accomplish. Activi-
ties that you were unable to do before, all because you couldnt get
a Round-To-It, will now be easily manageable. Taking part in Church
fellowship activities, phoning and visiting the sick (yes, you will be able
to do both!), attending Sunday evening worship service and mid-week
Bible study (even after a busy day at the of ce), will be a breeze, all thanks
to this remarkable Round-To-It. But thats not all... the great thing about
this Round-To-It is that now you have one, you can share it with friends and
family without having to worry about copyright issues. Feel free to make
as many copies of your Round-To-It as you like and give them away to
anyone who is also struggling to get things done because they cant get a
Round-to-It. They will love you for sharing this special gift and enabling
them to do the really important things in life. They will love it so much
that they will want to share their Round-To-It with their friends and
so more and more people will be able to manage their time more
ef ciently. Who wouldve thought that this little circular item
had so much power? Perhaps that is why it is so hard to
obtain one. Make sure you keep yours in a special
place so that you never become unable to
take care of the important things in
life again!
26 June 2011
The second DVD in Lee Strobels series, The
Case For Christ, will be shown tonight.
Please invite your friends and family to
watch this fascinating investigation into
the evidence for who Jesus claims to be.
Vi si ti ng wi th us today? Pl ease si gn our vi si tors book.
Prayers of Thanksgiving
We thank God that Elizabeth van
Reenen was not injured during a seri-
ous car accident last week.
Prayers of Supplication
The Van Wyk familys home was burgled
last week and all their belongings stolen.
Our country and government.
Our students involved in the Tukkies
Campus Ministry.
Those being treated for cancer: Esme
Rappard, Freda Jooste, Jana Krugers
mother and Christo (Salomes nephew).
The chronically ill: Don Wilmot (heart
function) and Isabell Harding (back
Those looking for work: Donovan
Wilmot, Grace Nethamba, Paula Heger
(family of Krista), Deon Connoway and
Melissa Connoway.
The elderly: Vivien Bloem, Salmon Ger-
ber, Chris and Heillie Gerber, Dorothy
Kruger, Tina Verwey, Danie and Pat
Fourie and Hedda Botes.
Izak Connoway is working in Saudi Ara-
bia. Isaks partner, Henk at the company.
Jabu Manzinis son, Sayo is going
through a dif cult time.
Today (26 June)
Opening prayer: James van Reenen
Table: Marcel Bergh
Servers: Deon Taljaard
Keenan Bowes
Theo de Weerd
Athan Page
Reading, prayer: Sean Bowes
Closing prayer: Alan Page
Sermon am: Marcel Bergh
pm: DVD
Key, money orderly: Christo Gerber
Security bs: Bernie Meyer
am: Owain Bowes
pm: Christo Gerber
Tea duty: Nadine & Nicole
Table preparation: Debbie & Amanda
Flowers: Jana
Next Week (3 July)
Opening prayer: Willem Lombard
Table: Gavin de Steur
Servers: Liam de Weerd
Sean Bowes
Owain Bowes
Charl Greef
Reading, prayer: Marcel Bergh
Closing prayer: Debri van Wyk
Sermon am: Fred Bergh
pm: Owain Bowes
Key, money orderly: Theo de Weerd
Security bs: Don Wilmot
am: Christo Gerber
pm: Mdu Mhlophe
Tea duty: Audrey & Leanda
Table preparation: Hannie & Kristel
Flowers: Audrey

Wednesday @ 10h00
Resumes after the school holidays
Monthly Singing
Tuesday @ 19h30
Church building
to show thyself
Thursday @ 19h30
Resumes after university holidays
When: 2 July
Where: Owains house
Time: 8h00
Ladies Day
When: 30 July
Where: Church building
Time: 9h00
Lunch will be served
RSVP: Alfreda before 23 July
Mens Retreat
When: 19-22 August
Where: Li nga Longa
Cost: R480 (adul ts),
R240 (boys U12)
RSVP: Owai n
The Brotherhood Ministry will
be performing at Ashlea Gar-
dens on Tuesday, 28 June. CDs
will also be on sale @ R100.

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