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1. Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense: future simple (shall/will), be going to, present simple or present
1. Will: What time ............................................. (your evening class/finish)?
Liz: Half past nine.
Will: ............................................ (I/come) and collect you?
Liz: Thanks, but I ........................ (meet) my sister for a drink.
2. Sandy and Alison are students who have been sharing a flat. Sandy is leaving to do a course abroad.
Sandy: It’s hard to say goodbye after so long.
Alison. We must keep in touch. ................................................ (you/remember) to send me your address when
you .................................... (get) to the States?
Sandy: Of course. I ................................................. (probably/not/have) time next week, because my
course ............................... (start) the day after I ............................... (arrive), and I .............................
(spend) the weekend with some old friends of my father’s.
Alison: Well, you can phone.
Sandy: Yes, I guess so. Do you know what you .................................... (do) this time next Sunday?
Alison: I ............................................. (get) ready to go to London.
Sandy: OK. I ................................... (phone) about three o’clock next Sunday.
Alison: Great. I ................................. (wait) for your call.
3. Ann: .................................. (you two/go) out?
Bill: Yes, why?
Ann: It’s just said on the radio that it .............................. (snow).
Bill: Oh, has it? I ................................. (take) my big coat then.
Joe: Good idea. So .............. I.
4. Mike: Mum, ............................................ (you/talk) to Dad for me?
Mum: What’s the problem?
Mike: Last week he said I could use the car at the weekend but now he ............................. (not/let) me after all. I
need it to get to the match I .............................. (play) on Sunday.
Mum: OK. I ............................... (try) to make him change his mind. I expect he ............................(agree) when
I explain.
2. It is Monday. Next Saturday Jenny is going on holiday to Spain. She is thinking about it. Make complete sentences using
the future continuous.
This time next week...
1. I / lie / a beach by the Mediterranean.
2. I / listen to / flamenco music.
3. The sun / shine
4. It / not rain
5. I / not work
6. I / not sit / in this boring office

3. Use the future perfect to put the beginnings and the endings together
Beginnings Endings
1. I (not finish) the report by Monday, a) and we’ll be able to get a smaller house.
2. In a couple of years the children (leave) home b) and it’s needed for Monday morning.
3. On our next wedding anniversary, c) I (drive) for fourteen hours non-stop.
4. When I get home tonight, d) I (work) for forty years.
5. When I retire, e) we (be) married for twenty-five years.

4. Joe is 17. He is thinking about what will have happened and what will be happening by the time he is 23. Use the future
perfect or the future continuous
1. leave college.
2. Finish my exams.
3. Leave home
4. Live /in my own flat.
5. Get a job.
6. Earn / a lot of money.
7. Go out /every night.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect simple or the future perfect continuous
1. By 7.00 p.m. they ....................................(play) cricket for eight hours.
2. I ........................................ (finish) painting your room by the time you get home.
3. By the end of next month I ................................. (live) in London for exactly three years.
4. Tom ..................................... (write) his third novel by the end of this year.
5. By the time he arrives in London, John ..................................... (drive) for five hours.
6. This film ............................................... (probably / not finish) until midnight.
7. How long ............................................. (you/study) English by the end of this term?
6. Match the following sentences with the correct tense description
1. Look out! That dog is going to bite you!
2. I’ll be flying to Morocco this time tomorrow.
3. She’s worried that he’ll be angry.
4. By 11 o’clock she’ll have been waiting for three hours.
5. The London train arrives at 4.45.
6. I’m seeing my bank manager this morning.
7. When I’m older, I’m going to learn to drive.
8. I think I’ll make some tea. Do you want some?
9. He’ll have finished by tomorrow afternoon.
10. Will you be going into town today?
11. I’m sure he’ll pass the test.
12. I’m going to buy a new car tomorrow.

a. fixed arrangement in the near future.

b. Action which will be finished before a stated future time.
c. Timetable
d. Fear about the future
e. Evidence that something will definitely happen in the near future.
f. Future intention
g. Action in progress at a stated future time.
h. Duration of an action up to a certain time in the future
i. Action intended to be performed in the near future.
j. On-the-spot decision
k. Something we are not sure about yet.
l. Polite enquiry about people’s arrangements
m. Predictions

7. Put the verbs in brackets in the right future tense

1. I ................................... (see) my bank manager tomorrow. I ....................... (ask) him for a loan but I expect
he ........................... (refuse).
2. ............................................. (you/do) anything next weekend?// Yes, my nephews ............................. (come)
and I ................................ (show) them round London. // .............................................. (you/take) them to
the theatre? // No, they’re too young for that. I ..................................... (take) them to the zoo.
3. John usually gives me a lift home, but we both ............................. (come) home by train tomorrow as his
car .............................. (be) repaired.
4. His father left him $400,000 but he lives so extravagantly that he ............................... (spend) it all before he’s
5. There ................................ (be) a bus strike. Everyone ........................... (walk) to work next week.
6. I .................................... (ring) you tomorrow at six.// No, don’t ring me at six. I .............................. (bathe)
the baby then. Ring me later.
7. ...........................................(you/light) the fire for me, please? Here are the matches.
8. Where ..................................... (I/put) it? Put it behind the piano.
9. ........................................(he/ring) us up as soon as he ............................ (arrive) in England.
10. If we ................................ (not hurry), the sun ................................. (rise) before we reach the top.
11. I ................................ (not fill) up this form! The questions are impertinent. // If you don’t, madam,
you ................................. (not get) your visa.
12. ............................................. (I / put) more salt in the stew?
13. Tourist: We’ve only got five hours in Rome; we .................................. (leave) at six; but I’m sure that
we ............................. (see) everything of importance by then.
14. What ..................................... (the tide/do) at six tomorrow morning? // It ......................... (come) in.
15. We’d better go out tomorrow because Mary ....................................... (practise) the piano all day.
16. ............................................. (you/sign) here, please?
17. The ceiling in this room doesn’t look very safe, does it? // No, it looks as if it ................................ (fall)down.
18. I don’t know how to use this camera// It’s quite easy. I ........................... (show) you.
19. I think Jane ............................. (get) the job. She has a lot of experience.
20. I ................................ (not tell ) anyone what happened, I promise.

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