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Student: Danilo Alberto Ortiz Reyes


Assignment: Actividad 1 - Guía 2

Date: 08/16/22 Course: Análisis Multivariado y Funcional

The accompanying table contains the​lifetimes, in​hours, of fifty​40-watt, 110-volt internally frosted incandescent​lamps, taken
from forced life tests. Construct a box plot for these data.
Click to view the data on lamp lifetimes.

A box​plot, or a​box-and-whisker plot, encloses the interquartile range of the data in a box that has the median displayed within.

Suppose that the observations in a sample are x1 ​, x2 ​, ​..., xn ​, arranged in increasing order of magnitude. The sample median is
given by the formula​below, where n is the sample size.

x(n + 1) / 2, if n is odd
xn / 2 + xn / 2 + 1 , if n is even

While the formula or technology can be used to calculate the​median, for this​exercise, use technology.

The median of the lamp lifetimes is 1041.5 hours.

The interquartile range has as its extremes the 75th​percentile, or upper​quartile, and the 25th​percentile, or lower quartile.

Use technology to calculate the quartiles.

The upper quartile is 1200 hours.

The lower quartile is 893 hours.

Subtract the lower quartile from the upper quartile to find the interquartile​range, or IQR.

1200 − 893 = 307

In addition to the​box, whiskers​extend, showing extreme observations in the sample. If the distance from the box exceeds 1.5
times the interquartile range in either direction, the observation is labeled an outlier and marked with a dot.

Subtract 1.5 times the IQR from the lower quartile to find the lower bound for an observation to not be an outlier.

893 − ​1.5(307​) = 432.5

Add 1.5 times the IQR to the upper quartile to find the upper bound for an observation to not be an outlier.

1200 + ​1.5(307​) = 1660.5

In this​case, there are no outliers because none of the data points lie outside the boundaries for values to be considered

The completed box plot is shown to the right.

400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Lamp Lifetime (hours)

1: Lamp Lifetimes
836 1094 695 1241 841 999 1273 832 1048 1183  
1201 1055 1044 1025 1031 786 867 1136 1145 755
1305 1293 1201 1014 855 1068 1337 1039 1204 1262
893 967 1121 1306 1051 909 868 1036 988 1161
1200 900 1309 972 1023 850 1386 1136 631 793

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