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expert speak

Are We Prepared To Engage In The War For

Talent In The Immediate Future? Part 2
By Prof. Satish Jayaram, PhD. Principal, IHM - Aurangabad

esurgence imperatives are bounded by re- Current leadership styles must be re-learned to suit an
doing what we did, only better in newer emerging situation, where departmental parochialism
improvised formats - such that this will needs replacement. Multi-tasking, ambidexterity and
facilitate the re-growing process. On the polychronism are the mantras that will protect this
other hand, this imperative will get impacted by the talent core. High potential talents rising to future
renewal format that we deploy to get talent empowered managerial roles must be treated with utmost care, if
through reskilling and retraining. Even as we renew agility must be preserved.
focus on building new competences, the target base 3. Regrouping Apex: Reskilling managers needs
that we now work with are riddled with inadequacies. renewed focus on new competences in digital
Many arising from the extended inertia of industry, as marketing, social media engagement, revenue strategy
well as a pandemic induced state of suspension. The and tactical financial management. These managers
four quadrants featured represent the triangle of a base who lead a vibrant operating core of emerging talents
that needs re-certification, a core that needs re-learning, an apex that in organizations need to re-learn the same degree of agility, speed and
needs re-grouping and ultimately a culture that needs rejuvenation. responsiveness from their own teams. Such new competences need co-
These approaches are suggested to enhance the productivity of talents option with not just their own, but multiple teams across functions.
within each quadrant to renew their own growth and development The comfort of relying on functional departments to provide support
conditions. in operations, will be replaced with the urgent necessity to unfreeze and
1. Recertification Base: Existing talents are cyclically engaged to refreeze support departments into operations. This can only be achieved
ensure that base manning is maintained. Restrictions arising out of by re-grouping line managers to expand their operations expertise and
departmentalization, repetitive skill sets and limited exposure need to be regain mastery over other domains for business excellence.
offset. Recertification through digital, hybrid and blended recertification 4. Rejuvenated Culture: Retraining leaders has its roots in infusing
systems will ensure consistency in newer skill sets required at the new energy into organizational cultures, by reweaving the cultural web.
Are We Prepared To Engage In The War For Talent In The Immediate Future? Part 2
Prof. ofJayaram,
Satish the pyramid.
PhD. – RevenueThis will Principal
Management, ensure that aIHM-Aurangabad.
& Director: structured consistency is Renewed rituals, routines, stories, myths, symbols, control systems need
achieved, to protect the backbone of the experience providing service to give way to empowering mechanisms. This clearly involves rebooting
leaders into new organizational and power structures, which
are fed through customer interface mechanisms. This co-
creation of new competences for leadership, will emerge from
market facing innovative service models - that depend on the
disrupted expectations of consumers in phygital formats.
Renewing cultures responsive to change has to be driven by
leaders from their positions of influence. The rejuvenation of
culture, may be a slow and protracted process, but the seeding
of cultural change is a function of active leadership.
In conclusion, neither academia nor industry have the luxury
to redeploy yesterday’s solutions to resolve today’s problems.
Rebuilding a quantum future with empowered talent growing
through a structured overhaul of organizational development
systems is an obvious priority. In answering one key question
on whether industry needs to re-learn renewal formats as a
delivery process. Restrictions arising out of compressed workloads as resurgence imperative in the coming future? Joint research, reskilling
well as expanded job content place constraints on talent availability and re-training has to be driven by academia as industry regains flows.
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for recertification. This functional base requires the acquisition of But the onus on making this resurgence imperative a DNA resequencing
contemporary skills in a post pandemic context and cost considerations exercise in organizations, remains a key responsibility of industry
will arise if organizational learning is not fully redeployed. leadership as we re-build a vibrant hospitality industry of the future.
2. Relearning Core: It is crucial to focus on this upwardly mobile A proactive acceptance of current realities and a taking of ‘the-bull-
organizational core who have immense exit velocity. If these talents by-the-horns’ is expected from the large talent base of trainers. Will
continue to reflect the existing status quo by repeating age-old practices, talents ‘walk-the-talk’ by starting the re-learning process by themselves
they are bound for short term redundancy. These supervisors and team is a new thought prompter!. n
leaders need to re-learn how to lead their recertified teams in post
pandemic contexts. Their core competencies need to be replenished The views expressed within this column are the opinion of the author, and
with concentric layers of new knowledge, application and aptitude. may not necessarily be endorsed by the publication. | December 2021 | Hospitality Biz 9

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