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Matter Bounce in Hořava-Lifshitz Cosmology

Robert Brandenberger1,2
1) Department of Physics, McGill University, Montréal, QC, H3A 2T8, Canada and
2) Theory Division, CERN, CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland
(Dated: April 22, 2009)
Hořava-Lifshitz gravity, a recent proposal for a UV-complete renormalizable gravity theory, may
lead to a bouncing cosmology. In this note we argue that Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology may yield a
concrete realization of the matter bounce scenario, and thus give rise to an alternative to inflation
arXiv:0904.2835v2 [hep-th] 22 Apr 2009

for producing a scale-invariant spectrum of cosmological perturbations. In this scenario, quantum

vacuum fluctuations exit the Hubble radius in the pre-bounce phase and the spectrum is transformed
into a scale-invariant one on super-Hubble scales before the bounce because the long wavelength
modes undergo squeezing of their wave-functions for a longer period of time than shorter wavelength
modes. The scale-invariance of the spectrum of curvature fluctuations is preserved during and after
the bounce. A distinctive prediction of this scenario is the amplitude and shape of the bispectrum.

PACS numbers: 98.80.Cq

I. INTRODUCTION down, as suggested more generally in the context of the

“trans-Planckian problem” for inflationary fluctuations
Recently, Hořava (based on the pioneering work of [1] [11, 12].
has proposed [2, 3] a model for quantum gravity which However, if Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology leads to a cos-
is power-counting renormalizable and hence potentially mological bounce, then it is not necessary to invoke a
ultra-violet (UV) complete. This model does not have period of inflationary expansion to produce the observed
the complete diffeomorphism invariance of General Rel- spectrum of cosmological perturbations. The purpose of
ativity, but the action has a fixed point in the infrared this Note is to point out that Hořava-Lifshitz cosmol-
(IR) which is that of General Relativity with a negative ogy may provide a UV-complete realization of the “mat-
cosmological constant. In the UV, however, the theory ter bounce” scenario (see [13] for an introduction to this
flows to a different fixed point, a fixed point at which scenario), an alternative to cosmological inflation for ex-
space and time scale differently and which has much bet- plaining the origin of the observed structure in the Uni-
ter UV behavior of perturbation theory. Since Hořava’s verse.
theory is modelled after a scalar field model studied by As realized in [14, 15, 16], perturbations which start
Lifshitz [4] in which the full Lorentz symmetry also only out as quantum vacuum fluctuations and exit the Hubble
emerges at an IR fixed point, the theory is now called radius during a matter-dominated phase of contraction
Hořava-Lifshitz gravity. acquire a scale-invariant spectrum. Given a non-singular
Specific solutions of the simplest version of Hořava- bouncing background cosmology, the fluctuations can be
Lifshitz gravity have recently been analyzed. In [5], ho- followed unambiguously through the bounce. If the en-
mogeneous vacuum solutions with gravitational waves ergy density at which the bounce occurs is smaller than
were studied. in [6, 7], cosmological solutions with mat- the Planck scale, then the wavelength of the fluctuations
ter were explored, and in [8], black hole solutions were which are being probed in today’s observations are in the
analyzed, As pointed out in [6, 7], the analogs of the far IR (they are a fraction of a mm). Hence, the equa-
Friedmann equations in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity include tions which describe these fluctuations are those of the IR
a term which scales as dark radiation and contributes a fixed point of the theory, which is the Einstein action in
negative term to the energy density. Thus, it is possi- the case of Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology. It has been shown
ble in principle to obtain a nonsingular cosmological evo- [17, 18, 19, 20] that, provided the duration of the bounce
lution with the Big Bang of Standard and Inflationary phase is short compared to the wavelength of the fluctu-
Cosmology replaced by a bounce. ations being considered, then the spectrum of curvature
In [2, 7], it was argued that the different ultraviolet fluctuations is not changed during the bounce. Thus, a
behavior of the theory might provide an alternative to scale-invariant spectrum of curvature perturbations will
cosmological inflation for solving the problems of Stan- persist in the post-bounce expanding phase. Specific pre-
dard Cosmology such as the horizon and flatness prob- dictions of the matter bounce scenario include a specific
lems. Specifically, the divergence of the speed of light in form on the non-Gaussianities as measured by the am-
the far ultraviolet leads to the possibility of solving the plitude and shape of the bispectrum [21].
horizon problem as proposed a while back in [9, 10]. In In this Note we give an overview of the Hořava-Lifshitz
[6] it was emphasized that if the wavelength of fluctua- matter bounce cosmology, leaving details for future inves-
tions penetrates the UV region, then the usual arguments tigations. We begin with a space-time sketch depicting
for the origin of a scale-invariant spectrum of cosmologi- the relevant phases (Figure 1). The vertical axis is time,
cal perturbations from an inflationary phase might break with t = 0 denoting the bounce time. In some early phase

of contraction, the equation of state of matter is assumed

to be dominated by non-relativistic pressure-less matter,
in the same sense that our current expanding universe
is. For times between −tm and the bounce, the equa-
tion of state can be different from that of pressure-less
matter. The horizontal axis denotes co-moving spatial
coordinates. Vertical lines correspond to fixed co-moving
wavelengths, the dashed line is the co-moving Hubble ra-
dius H −1 . Fluctuations which cross the Hubble radius
during the matter phase of contraction acquire a scale-
invariant spectrum, those which cross later have a non-
trivial spectral slope whose magnitude depends on the
specific equation of state (see e.g. [22]).
The outline of this Note is as follows. We first re-
view the action of Hořava-Lifshitz gravity. Next, we re-
view the equations for cosmological solutions and study
the possibility of obtaining a bouncing cosmology with
a matter-dominated phase of contraction. In Section 4
we review the evolution of fluctuations in the contract-
ing phase of the matter bounce scenario, and in Section
5 we study how fluctuations pass through the bounce in
Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology. We conclude with a discus-
sion of some of the many open issues.


We begin with a brief review of Hořava-Lifshitz gravity FIG. 1: A space-time sketch of the matter bounce scenario.
[37] The dynamical variables are the lapse and shift func- The vertical axis is time, with t = 0 being the bounce time.
tions N and Ni , respectively, and the spatial metric gij The horizontal axis denotes co-moving distance. The curve
(roman letters indicate spatial indices) In terms of these with the label H is the Hubble radius H −1 - in co-moving
fields, the full metric is coordinates, the vertical line labeled by k denotes the co-
moving wavelength of a fluctuation mode. This mode crosses
ds2 = −N 2 dt2 + gij dxi + N i dt dxj + N j dt , (1)
the Hubble radius in the contracting phase before the time
−tc , when the period of matter-domination ends.
where the indices of N are raised and lowered using the
spatial metric gij .
The scaling symmetry of the coordinates in the sim-
The tensor ǫijk is the totally antisymmetric unit tensor,
plest version of Hořava-Liftshitz gravity is (we are fol-
λ is a dimensionless constant and Λ is related to the
lowing the notation of [7])
cosmological constant in the IR limit. The variables κ,
t → l3 t and xi → lxi . (2) w and µ are constants with mass dimensions −1, 0 and
1, respectively.
The full action of this version of Hořava-Lifshitz grav- In the IR limit, the action reduces to
ity is
√ 2
dtd3 x gN α(Kij K ij − λK 2 ) + ξR + σ , (6)

S = dtd3 x gN 2 (Kij K ij − λK 2 ) SE =
κ2 κ2 µ ǫijk
− 4 Cij C ij + √ Ril ∇j Rkl (3) with
2w 2w2 g
κ2 µ2 κ2 µ2 1 − 4λ 2 α = (7)
Rij Rij + R + ΛR − 3Λ2 , κ2

8 8(1 − 3λ) 4 κ2 µ2
ξ = Λ and (8)
where 8(1 − 3λ)
1  κ2 µ2
Kij = g˙ij − ∇i Nj − ∇j Ni , (4) σ = −3 Λ2 . (9)
2N 8(1 − 3λ)
and Cij is the Cotton tensor
In order to obtain the Einstein action, we require λ = 1.
ǫijk 1 In this case, the variables of the Hořava-Lifshitz action go
= √ ∇k Rij − Rδij .

C (5)
g 4 over into the following expressions for the speed of light

c, Newton’s gravitational constant G and the effective The key new term in the cosmological equations of mo-
cosmological constant ΛE : tion is the second to last term on the right-hand sides of
r (15) and (16). This term corresponds to “dark radiation”
ξ with a negative energy density. This term is present only
c = , (10)
α if the spatial curvature of the metric is non-vanishing. If
the energy density of regular matter increases less fast
16πG = , (11) than a−4 as the scale factor decreases, the dynamics will
σ lead to a cosmological bounce provided that [38]
ΛE = − , (12)
2α ρ
( − p) > 0 . (20)
In the following we will consider scalar field matter in 12
the contracting phase. The action for matter is To obtain a bounce in Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology we
will assume that matter in the pre-bounce epoch is de-

SM = dtd3 x gN Lm , (13) scribed by a scalar field ϕ with a potential
1 2 2
where the matter Lagrangian Lm depends on the scalar V (ϕ) = m ϕ . (21)
matter field ϕ and the metric. In the IR limit, this action
reduces to the usual scalar field matter action in curved As studied in detail in quintom bounce [19, 20, 34] sce-
space-time. The form of the scalar field Lagrangian valid narios, we take the scalar field to be oscillating during
also in the UV is given in [7] but will not be used in this the contracting phase, with an amplitude A(t).
Note. As the universe contracts, the amplitude A(t) ∼
a(t)−3/2 will increase. Once the amplitude reaches the
COSMOLOGY Acrit = (12π)−1/2 mpl , (22)
where mpl is the Planck mass, then the field oscillations
To obtain the equations for Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology will stop and ϕ will enter a “slow climb” phase, the time
we assume that the metric is homogeneous and isotropic, reversal of the inflationary slow-roll phase. During this
i.e. phase, the matter energy density is approximately con-
N = N (t), Ni = 0 and gij = a2 (t)γij , (14) stant but the scale factor is rapidly decreasing. Hence,
the dark radiation term in the Hubble equation rapidly
where γij is a maximally symmetric constant curvature catches up with the matter energy term. Since in the
metric. We will denote the spatial curvature parameter slow climb phase the pressure of matter is negative, the
by k̄. condition (20) is satisfied. Thus, we obtain a cosmologi-
The equations of motion are obtained by varying the cal bounce.
action with respect to N , a, and ϕ, and setting N = 1 at Note that the “slow climb” phase is unstable with re-
the end of the calculation. The resulting equations are spect to the presence of the second mode in the scalar
field equation of motion, a mode which is exponentially
k̄ ΛE 2k̄ 2 (ζ + 3η) ρ decaying in an inflationary slow-roll phase and thus en-
H2 = − − − + ,(15)
a2 3 αa4 6α sures that the slow-roll trajectory in large-field inflation
3  k̄ ΛE k̄ 2 (ζ + 3η) p is a local attractor [35]. In the “slow climb” phase, the
Ḣ + H 2 = − 2 −

+ + (, 16)
2 2a 2 4αa 4 4α second mode is increasing. Thus, the “slow climb” tra-
jectory is a repeller [39]. However, coming out of the
oscillatory phase, the initial amplitude of the unstable
ϕ̈ + 3H ϕ̇ + V ′ = 0 , (17) mode is sufficiently small such that the instability does
not have time to develop before the bounce takes place.
where H = ȧ/a, p and ρ are the pressure and energy
density of the scalar matter field, respectively, a prime
denotes the derivative with respect to ϕ, the dimension- IV. FLUCTUATIONS IN THE MATTER
less constant η BOUNCE SCENARIO

κ2 µ2 (1 − 4λ) In the following we assume that the contracting phase

η = (18)
32(1 − 3λ) before the bounce was first dominated by cold matter,
matter with an equation of state w = 0, where w is the
is the coefficient of the R2 term in the gravitational ac-
ratio of pressure p divided by energy density ρ. We will
tion, and the dimensionless constant ζ is given by
now review how an initial vacuum spectrum of cosmolog-
κ2 µ2 ical perturbations on sub-Hubble scales in the contract-
ζ = − . (19) ing phase develops into a scale-invariant spectrum for

wavelengths which exit the Hubble radius in the matter- R scales as η −3 , which is decaying in an expanding uni-
dominated phase. verse but growing in a contracting phase. It is this growth
As has proven to be convenient in inflationary cosmol- which is responsible for turning an initial vacuum spec-
ogy, we track the cosmological fluctuations in terms of trum of fluctuations into a scale-invariant one.
the variable R, the curvature fluctuations in co-moving To see this, let us compute the power spectrum of R
coordinates [23, 24, 25, 26] . This variable is conserved at on super-Hubble scales late in the contracting phase:
phase transitions and is constant on super-Hubble scales
in an expanding universe. PR (k, η) ∼ k 3 |vk (η)|2 a−2 (η) (30)
If we work in longitudinal gauge in which the metric ηH (k) 2
∼ k 3 |vk (ηH (k))|2 ∼ k 3−1−2

in the absence of anisotropic stress takes the form η
∼ const .
ds2 = a2 (η) (1 + 2Φ)dη 2 − (1 − 2Φ)dx2 ,
In this first step, we have used the definition of the power
where η is conformal time, x are co-moving spatial co- spectrum, replaced R by v via (25) and used the scaling
ordinates) and Φ(x, η) describes the metric fluctuations, z(η) ∼ a(η). In the second step, we made use of the
then R is given by (modulo terms which are suppressed growth of the c1 mode, the dominant mode, to relate the
on super-Hubble scales) value of v at late times to its value at the time ηH (k)
when the mode k crosses the Hubble radius. Finally, in
2 ′  1 the last step we insert the vacuum spectrum for v on sub-
R = HΦ + Φ + Φ, (24)
3 1+w Hubble scales and the Hubble radius crossing condition
ηH (k) ∼ k −1 .
H denoting the Hubble expansion rate in conformal time
and a prime indicating the derivative with respect of η.
The variable R is closely related to the variable v (see V. EVOLVING FLUCTUATIONS THROUGH
[27] for an in depth review of the theory of cosmologi- THE BOUNCE
cal fluctuations and [28] for an introductory overview) in
terms of which the action for cosmological fluctuations
If the bounce phase is short compared to the wave-
has canonical kinetic term:
length of the fluctuations which are being followed, then
v the spectrum of R is unchanged through the bounce.
R = (25)
z This result can be obtained by explicitly evolving fluctua-
tions through a non-singular bounce using the equations
where z is a function of the background which is pro-
of motion for fluctuations which follow from Einstein’s
portional to the scale factor a as long as the equation of
theory (see e.g. [17, 18, 19, 20]). This result also agrees
state of matter in constant.
with what is obtained by replacing the bounce phase by a
The equation of motion for the Fourier mode vk of v is
matching surface and making use of the Hwang-Vishniac
z  [29] (Durrer-Mukhanov [30]) matching conditions.
vk + k 2 − vk = 0 . (26) If the energy density at the bounce is of the order of
(1016 GeV)4 , the wavelength of a mode which corresponds
This shows that on length scales larger than the Hub- to the current Hubble radius is about 1mm, i.e. in the
ble radius, where the k 2 term is negligible, v does not far IR. Since in the Hořava-Lifshitz bounce, the bounce
oscillate, its time evolution being determined by the the time is set by the UV scale, it is well justified to assume
gravitational background, whereas on sub-Hubble scales that in the context of the use of the Einstein equations
vk is oscillating with approximately constant amplitude. for the gravitational fluctuations the spectrum of R does
On super-Hubble scales, the equation of motion for not change across the bounce.
vk in a universe which is undergoing matter-dominated In addition, again since the scales we are interested
contraction is in are in the far IR, it should be justified to use the
IR limit of Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology to propagate the
vk = 2η −2 vk , (27) fluctuations [40]
Thus, we argue that the scale-invariance of the spec-
which has the general solution trum of cosmological perturbations will be scale-invariant
after the bounce. Since R is constant on super-Hubble
vk (η) = c1 η −1 + c2 η 2 , (28)
scales in the post-bounce expanding phase, it then imme-
where c1 and c2 are constants. Since for a matter domi- diately follows that the spectrum of fluctuations at late
nated phase times will be scale-invariant.
A bouncing cosmology in the context of Hořava-
a(η) ∼ η 2 (29) Lifshitz gravity can thus provide an alternative to infla-
tion for providing a scale-invariant spectrum of cosmo-
it follows that the c2 mode is the mode for which R is logical perturbations, provided that we begin in the con-
constant on super-Hubble scales, whereas for the c1 mode tracting phase with quantum vacuum fluctuations and

provided that the relevant scales exit the Hubble radius a scale-invariant spectrum of curvature fluctuations, as
in a period of cold matter domination (the case of initial already envisioned in [14, 15, 16] and recently studied in
thermal fluctuations in analyzed in [33]). detail in [20]. Thus, one of the main messages of this Note
Since the curvature perturbation R grows on super- is that it is not necessary to force a period of inflationary
Hubble scales, a matter bounce leads to a larger ampli- expansion into Hořava-Lifshitz cosmology. The alterna-
tude of non-Gaussianities than slow-roll single-field infla- tive matter bounce scenario predicts an amplitude of the
tion. Since it is a different mode of R which dominates, normalized bi-spectrum is the order of 1, and a specific
the shape of the non-Gaussianities is also different from shape of this three-point function, as studied in detail in
what is obtained in slow-roll single-field inflation models. [21]. These specific predictions are potentially within the
The specific predictions for the amplitude and shape of reach of upcoming CMB missions such as PLANCK.
the three-point function (the “bispectrum”) were worked To obtain a successful late-time cosmology, the model
out in [21]. In particular, the predicted amplitude of the presented here must be supplemented with a mechanism
bispectrum is very close to the level which could be de- to transfer the energy at late times to Standard Model
tected using the Planck satellite experiment. matter and radiation. If we include such matter in the ba-
sic Lagrangian, then an initial condition problem arises:
in order for a bounce to occur, the initial energy den-
VI. CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION sity of radiation must be so low that the radiation never
comes to dominate during the contracting phase. All of
In this paper we have shown how to obtain a “matter these issues deserve further study.
bounce” if Hořava-Lifshitz gravity. Such a bounce is ob- While this Note was being prepared for submission,
tained because of a “dark radiation” term which appears a very interesting paper by Mukohyama [36] appeared
in the equations of motion for cosmological solutions, a showing that in the UV region, fluctuations of a scalar
term which stems from the terms in the quantum grav- field in Hořava-Lifshitz gravity acquire a scale-invariant
ity theory which appear in the UV and help render the spectrum, a spectrum which can be later transformed to
theory renormalizable. Note, however, that the presence curvature fluctuations via a transfer from entropy to adi-
of the dark radiation term requires non-vanishing spatial abatic modes such as the curvaton mechanism. Thus,
curvature. one can obtain a scale-invariant spectrum of cosmolog-
To obtain a cosmological bounce it is important that ical fluctuations. An advantage of this mechanism is
no source of matter is present which redshifts equally fast that it also operates in a background cosmology with-
or faster than that of the dark radiation term. Only in out a bounce (e.g. in the case of zero spatial curvature).
this case the energy density of dark radiation can grown However, in the case of a matter bounce background, it
with respect to the regular matter energy, a condition is unclear whether the scaling of the correlation func-
which is required to obtain a bounce. This condition tions used in [36] would extend to the large IR scales
appears to be rather restrictive since it even rules out required to match with observations, the scales on which
regular radiation before the bounce. our mechanism works nicely.
We have presented a model in which a bounce can be
obtained. In this model, matter is modeled by a scalar
field with a standard mass term. The scalar field oscil- Acknowledgments
lates at early times in the contracting phase, leading to
a matter equation of state which is that of cold matter. The author wishes to thank G. Calcagni, P. Hořava
Once the amplitude of scalar field oscillations reaches a and S. Mukohyama for comments on the draft of this
critical value, the field enters a deflationary slow-climb Note. This work is supported by an NSERC Discovery
phase during which its energy density is approximately Grant and by the Canada Research Chairs Program. The
constant and its pressure is negative. Hence, a bounce author wishes to acknowledge the hospitality of the In-
occurs. stitute of High Energy Physics in Beijing, where a lot of
In the matter bounce model thus constructed, initial the initial work on the matter bounce scenario was de-
quantum vacuum fluctuations which exit the Hubble ra- veloped, and of the CERN Theory Division, where the
dius in the contracting matter-dominated phase acquire ideas presented here were worked out.

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