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These mock questions were made by the Rockin’ Study Group. The questions were written by Shruti Shah,
Patrick Schoenberger and Penny Holloway while studying towards our exam. These are not professional
questions and were collected to help, people like you, find free resources.
Should you find mistakes, please reach out to one of us so that we can correct the mistake.
Happy Studying, we hope it helps you pass the exam.

Mock questions
4th Task List A and H
1. Franklin goes to Dollar General quite often. This week he made two trips on Monday, 4 trips on Wednesday,
and 2 trips on Friday. What would be the best measure for this scenario?
A. Duration
B. Rate
C. Frequency
D. Latency

2. During an observation for 1 minute in a classroom. A child exhibited problematic behavior for several
instances. The first instance lasted 3 seconds, the second instance lasted 5 seconds, and the third instance
lasted 10 seconds. What is the rate of the behavior?
A. 3 seconds
B. 3 instances
C. 3 per minute
D. 6 per minute

3. Jimmy washed his car for an hour yesterday afternoon. He washes his car 5 times a week to keep it clean.
What is the duration of washing the car yesterday?
A. 60 seconds
B. 1 hour
C. 1 instance
D. 1 per week
4. Jimmy washed his car for an hour on Sunday afternoon. He washes his car once a week to keep it clean.
What is the rate of the car washing behavior?
A. 1 per week
B. 1 instance
C. 1 hour
D. 1 per hour

5. Patrick was at a hot dog eating contest. The host told the contestants “On your mark...get set..go!” Patrick
started eating his food 0.4 seconds later. The contest lasted for 2 minutes to eat as many as he could. He ate 1
hot dog for every 30 seconds. What is the latency measured in this scenario?

A. 4 hot dogs
B. 0.4 seconds
C. 2 minutes
D. 30 seconds

6. Patrick was at a hot dog eating contest. The host told the contestants “On your mark...get set..go!” Patrick
started eating his food 0.4 seconds later. The first hot dog took 24 seconds to eat. Then, 1 second later he
started the next hot dog. Then, 0.5 second later he started another hot dog and it took 25 seconds to
finish. After eating, .5 second he started the third hot dog which lasted 26 seconds. What is the total inter-
response time for eating hot dogs?
A. 3 instances
B. 75 seconds
C. .4 seconds
D. 2 seconds

7. What is the most stringent IOA event recording?

A. Trial by trial IOA
B. Exact count IOA
C. Total duration IOA
D. Scored interval IOA
8. The 3 threats to measurement validity are:
A. Indirect measurement, observer drift, reactivity
B. Measurement bias, reactivity, inadequate training
C. Indirect measurement, measuring the wrong dimension, measurement artifact
D. Measurement bias, poorly designed measurement system, reactivity

9. Joe, Laila and Shawn are making cookies. They need 1 pound of flour, 2 eggs and 1 chocolate to do so. Joe
gets out his ruler to measure the flower, this violates which indicator of a trustworthy measurement?
A. Validity
B. Accuracy
C. Reliability
D. None of the above

10. Joe, Laila and Shawn are making cookies. They need 1 pound of flour, 2 eggs and 1 chocolate to do so. Laila
weighed out 1.5 pounds of cake mix the first time and 1.5 pounds the next time. Her measures were:

A. Reliable and accurate, but not valid

B. Accurate and valid, but not reliable
C. Valid and reliable, but not accurate
D. None of the above

11. Joe, Laila and Shawn are making cookies. They need 1 pound of flour, 2 eggs and 1 chocolate to do so.
Shawn measures 12 inches of flour, so does Joe. Their measures are:
A. Valid, but not reliable nor accurate
B. Reliable, but not accurate and not valid
C. Accurate, but not reliable nor valid
D. None of the above

12. This level of scientific understanding occurs when repeated observations reveal that two events
consistently covary with each other. What is the scientific level of understanding?
A. Prediction
B. Understanding
C. Description
D. Control
13. Rate should not be used to measure responses emitted during DTT
A. True
B. False


Interval # 1 2 3 4 5 6

Person 1 2 4 5 4 0 2

Person 2 0 3 5 3 4 0

Using mean count per interval IOA, what is the IOA?

A. 88%
B. 38%
C. 42%
D. 52%
15. Albert works with Johnny. Johnny screams to gain access to the ipad, Albert has implemented a DRA in
which Johnny says "ipad, please", upon emitting this FCR, Johnny gains access to the ipad. Albert arrives at the
house, mom says Johnny has not slept and this will likely affect the session. Albert starts working with Johnny,
Johnny emits "ipad, please" and Albert gives Johnny access to the ipad upon emitting this response. The data
is the same as the day before when Johnny had slept well.

Then Albert turns on a bright light in the living room. Johnny screams and from that point on screams to gain
access to the ipad. Albert turns the bright light off Johnny says "ipad please" and gains access to the ipad.
Albert turns the bright light on, Johnny screams to gain access to the ipad. Albert turns the bright light off,
Johnny says "ipad, please". With regards to screaming to gain access to the ipad. With the information given:

Lack of sleep is:

A. Confounding variable
B. Extraneous variable
C. Parametric variable
D. Dependent variable

Bright light is:

A. Confounding variable
B. Extraneous variable
C. Parametric variable
D. Dependent variable

16. Albert works with Johnny. Every time Johnny's response is correct, Albert gives him one reinforcer. Albert
changes this consequence and gives Johnny two reinforcers upon correct responding. This increases the future
frequency of Johnny's correct responding. This exemplifies a:
A. Parametric analysis
B. Component analysis
C. Comparative analysis
D. Variable analysis
17. Which method of event recording can be used to compare the relative efficiency of different IV's?
A. Frequency
B. Rate
C. Duration
D. Trials to criterion
18. Which graph does the data illustrate a stable, increasing trend?




19. After conducting a visual inspection from the data displayed in the following graph, what analysis can be

A. Little variability with a decreasing trend

B. Stable trend with a decreasing trend
C. High variability with a stable trend
D. High variability with an increasing trend

20. When the data on the graph illustrates repeated measures of behavior which yield the same outcome, this
is called variability?
A. True
B. False

21. Which data path illustrates the lowest rate of responding on the graph.
A. Alone condition
B. Escape condition
C. Control condition (free play)
D. Attention condition
22. The value on the vertical axis around which a series of behavioral measures converge.
A. Trend
B. Variability
C. Level
D. None of the above

23. An analysis of ______ answers this question, "How much has the behavior changed?"
A. Level
B. Trend
C. Variability
D. Prediction

24. Based on the data provided in the graph, which function is most likely the maintaining variable for this
A. Tangible
B. Attention
C. Escape from demand
D. Sensory
25. Which trend does the attention data path suggest?
A. Initially low, then decreasing trend
B. Decreasing trend with high variability
C. Stable and decreasing trend
D. Stable and increasing trend

26. Bar graphs do not allow for analysis of variability and trend of behavior.
A. True
B. False

27. What is the recommended minimum observation intervals or response opportunities to calculate percent
of occurrence?
A. 20
B. 25
C. 15
D. 30

28. Tallying a behavior over a constant period of time. Which measurement system is it talking about?
A. Rate
B. Frequency
C. ABC data
D. Duration
29. Seema is learning to write numbers. She writes 12 numbers per minute. What would be the estimated
average IRT?
A. 3 secs
B. 5 secs
C. 8 secs
D. 10 secs

30. “How consistent is the behavior change?” Which fundamental property of behavior change would answer
this question?
A. Trend
B. Level
C. Variability
D. Cannot be determined
Answer Key
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. B
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. B, A
16. A
17. D
18. B
19. C
20. B
21. A
22. C
23. A
24. B
25. D
26. A
27. D
28. B
29. B
30. C

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