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Group 3
Dionisius M. Ginting (7213210036)
M. Reza Syahputra (7213510048)
Putri Ariani (7213210003)
Putri Enjelita Munthe (7213210042)
Yulan Aisah Manalu(7213510059)
What is Communication?
Communication is the process of transferring messages from the
communicator to the recipient/communicant. However, in this
process, there are elements, concepts, processes, and goals that must
be understood in communicating. Every communication involves (at
least) one sender, a message and a recipient. This may sound simple,
but communication is actually a very complex subject.
Types of Communication
1. Verbal Communication
Verbal communication happens when we participate in talking with others. It mainly occurs over the
telephone or face-to-face. Verbal communication can be formal or informal.
2. Non-Verbal Communication
Non-Verbal communication means sending messages through our body language. Body language can
include eye contact and movement, facial expressions, sighing, posture, touch, and hand movements.
3. Written Communication
Written communication is a form of communication where messages are in a physical type like paper or
an online medium like email and passed from a sender to a recipient. Examples of written communication are
emails, messages, memos, and reports, among others.
4. Visual Communication
Visual communication is the use of images to pass messages to recipients. For visual communication to
be effective, the right image must reflect the attention of its intended audience.
Why is Communication so Important?

Communication helps humans to work in an orderly and productive manner.

Without communication, evolution, government, art, clothing, and much more
would be impossible. This makes communication a major cause of the evolution of
human society with the sole purpose of imparting new information to others.
Communication enables us to understand and acquire knowledge and
understanding of information. Communication is impossible without language and
“any message, however complex it may be, can be conveyed.” Communication can
be anything from yelling at another person to sending an email.
What is Business
Business communication is the process of sharing
information between people within the workplace and
outside a company. Effective business communication is
how employees and management interact to reach
organizational goals. Its purpose is to improve
organizational practices and reduce errors. It’s important
to work on both your communication skills and
communication processes to achieve effective business
Types of Business Communication

Internal Business Horizontal Business External Business

Communication Communication Communication
Internal Business Lateral or horizontal Communication with people
Communication means communication is related who are external to the
communication that occurs to communication among organization is known as
within the members of the co-workers i.e. either external business
organization. This verbal communication or communication. These people
communication includes written communication. can be customers or
both formal and informal shareholders or suppliers or
communication. partners or regulatory bodies,
Literacy Subject for Elementary · Figurative Language · Literacy Subject for Elementary · Figurative Language

Types of Communication

01 02

By Slidesgo · 2022
By Slidesgo · 2022

Verbal Tools
Communication You can describe the
Verbal communication happens
topic of the section here
when we participate in talking with others.
It mainly occurs over the telephone or
03 04
Activities Conclusion
You can describe the You can describe the
topic of the section here topic of the section here

Literacy Subject for Elementary · Figurative Language · Literacy Subject for Elementary · Figurative Language
Importance of Business
1. Helps in increasing 7. Execution or implementation of
productivity. Plans and policies.
2. Helps in increasing 8. Boost the efficiency of
customers. employees.
3. Enhances business 9. Goals achievement.
partnerships. 10. Helps in solving problems or
4. Facilitates innovations in issues.
business. 11. Facilitates decision-making.
5. Information exchange. 12. Improves Worker-management
6. Preparation of plans and Industrial relations.
Communication Methods
1. In-person (Face-to-Face) Business Communication: In-person communication is the
most common and preferred method of business communication. As it is generally in
the form of meetings or conferences which is face to face communication format.
2. Communication by email system: An e-mail has become the most widely used
communication system in any business. Due to its feature of sending and receiving
mass or multiple messages at a time, email is considered as one of the preferred
methods in business communication.
3. Web conferencing: In the web conferencing method of business communication, the
internet is being used for communication in meetings, conferences, presentations,
seminars, and imparting training. It includes features like sharing of files, screens,
real-time chatting, recording, etc.
4. Written communication: Written business communication is a formal and detailed
form of communication than other methods. Different written communication tools
include formal letters, brochures, posters, etc.
Business Communication Function

Communicating Providing Convincing Building social

job functions to adequate clients bonds
motivation for
employees feedback better
Thank you!
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CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo, including

icons by Flaticon and infographics & images by Freepik

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