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Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid


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3D internal forced convection heat-transfer

correlations from CFD for building performance

A. Rincón-Casado & F. J. Sánchez de la Flor

To cite this article: A. Rincón-Casado & F. J. Sánchez de la Flor (2018) 3D internal

forced convection heat-transfer correlations from CFD for building performance simulation,
Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 12:1, 553-566, DOI:

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Published online: 26 Jun 2018.

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2018, VOL. 12, NO. 1, 553–566

3D internal forced convection heat-transfer correlations from CFD for building

performance simulation
A. Rincón-Casadoa and F. J. Sánchez de la Florb
a Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Design, School of Engineering, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain; b Department of
Machines and Thermal Motors, School of Engineering, University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain


This study presents new correlations for internal forced convective heat-transfer coefficients (CHTCs) Received 16 August 2017
in buildings. CHTCs are used by building energy performance simulation (BES) tools to estimate the Accepted 11 May 2018
annual heating and cooling demands of buildings. Most programs use constant values or correla- KEYWORDS
tions but do not consider in detail the 3D geometry or the dimensions and positions of the inlet and Correlation heat-transfer
outlet openings. The correlations developed here take into account 3D geometry and the dimen- coefficient; forced
sions and positions of the inlet/outlet openings in opposite walls. A new methodology has been convection; CFD
developed for the calculation of CHTCs in 3D enclosures from two 2D planes, one with a horizontal
orientation and another with a vertical orientation. Comparing the results from correlations with
those from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, the errors found are less than 15%.
These correlations are easy to use in BES.

Nomenclature W height of the opening (m)

X width of the opening (m)
λ thermal conductivity of air (W/mK)
y+ y plus
A width (m)
a correlation coefficient
b correlation coefficient Greek symbols
Cp specific heat capacity (J·kg−1 ·K−1 )
α inclination angle (°)
g gravitational acceleration (m·s−2 )
β coefficient of thermal expansion (K−1 )
G production of turbulent kinetic energy
δ distance of boundary node from wall (mm)
(W·m−2 ·K−1 )
 dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy
Gr Grashof number
(kg·m2 ·s−3 )
H height or vertical opening position (m)
μ dynamic viscosity (kg·m−2 ·s−1 )
h heat-transfer coefficient (W·m−2 ·K−1 )
ν kinematic viscosity (m2 ·s−1 )
k turbulent kinetic energy (m2 ·s−2 )
ρ density (kg·m−3 )
L length (m)
σ constant standard (k–)
Lc characteristic length (m)

direction vector
n exponent correlation
Nu average Nusselt number
Pr Prandtl number Superscripts
q density heat flux (W·m−2 ) 2D 2D geometry
Q heat flux (W·m−2 ) 3D 3D geometry
R regression coefficient h horizontal orientation
Ra Rayleigh number v vertical orientation
Re Reynolds number
S source terms (W·m−2 ·K−1 )
T temperature (°C)
u averaged velocity component (m·s−1 ) ∞ unperturbed fluid
V volume (m3 ) c cold wall

CONTACT A. Rincón-Casado

© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

CFD use of a CFD tool Ramos, 2017). However, internal forced convection is not
FC forced convection well resolved in BES programs since they use empirical
h horizontal orientation or numerical correlations that do not take into account
i x-coordinate or wall number the influence of 3D geometry and the positions of the
in Inlet inlet–outlet openings. The CHTC of the internal walls of
j y-coordinate buildings – the rate of heat-transfer exchange between the
k z-coordinate or turbulent kinetic energy interior air and the walls – is a determining parameter
MC mixed convection in annual cooling and heating demands. A recent study
n normal direction by Obyn and Van Moeseke (2015) compares the annual
NC natural convection demands calculated with a CHTC obtained by correla-
out outlet tions with annual demands calculated with a constant
s surface CHTC, finding a deviation of up to 9.1%. This high-
T turbulent flow lights the importance of correctly calculating the internal
t turbulence CHTC, especially when estimating the energy demand of
v vertical orientation buildings.
 turbulence parameter k– model Currently, there are three ways to estimate CHTCs:
empirical methods, numerical methods and correlations.
The empirical methods are obtained from experimental
1. Introduction
tests whose boundary conditions are limited, and there-
The current regulations requiring a reduction in energy fore their applicability is limited. On the other hand,
consumption in buildings mean that a more accu- numerical methods such as computational fluid dynam-
rate assessment of their thermal loads is necessary for ics (CFD) are reliable and accurate but are complicated
preventing the overestimation or underestimation of to use and have a high computational cost. The linking
their annual energy demand. Inaccurate calculations of CFD programs with BES programs to calculate the
can lead to oversizing of the conditioning and insula- annual demand of a whole building is currently unattain-
tion equipment in the envelope, thus causing the cost able due to decreases in the time steps, especially when
and energy consumption of buildings to increase (Obyn the conditioning systems are coupled (Zhai & Chen,
& Van Moeseke, 2015). At present, most heat-transfer 2003, 2005; Zhai, Chen, Haves, & Klems, 2002). The
mechanisms in the building envelope are determined method involving correlations, usually developed from
accurately; however, there is potential for improve- numerical or empirical results, is easy to use and to imple-
ment regarding the precise calculation of the convection ment in building thermal simulation programs. There-
mechanism (Peeters, Beausoleil-Morrison, & Novoselac, fore, the use of correlations could be the most appropriate
2011). Building energy performance simulation (BES) method for integrating the CHTC into BES programs.
program developers cannot find precise and simple cor- However, the correlations found in the literature, espe-
relations in the scientific literature to implement in BES cially in forced convection, have a limited application
code – consequently, the correlations used lead to errors because they do not contemplate either the dependence
in the calculation of energy demands. of all the geometric variables of 3D enclosures or the
The heat exchanged between a building and its envi- geometry of the inlet–outlet openings.
ronment depends on three heat-transfer mechanisms: Thermal simulation programs for buildings involve a
conduction, convection and radiation. Of these three variety of calculation methods, and Crawley, Hand, Kum-
mechanisms, convection presents the greatest degree mert, and Griffith (2008) recently performed a review
of uncertainty (Peeters et al., 2011). In the convection of the 20 most important programs of the last 50 years.
mechanism, the heat exchange between a wall and the CHTCs were among the parameters analyzed, and were
air is determined by the convective heat-transfer coef- found to differ in terms of temperature variation, air-
ficient (CHTC). Within this mechanism, natural con- flow variation, CFD use and CHTC user definitions. Most
vection, forced convection, and mixed convection are of the programs analyzed use empirical correlations or
distinguished when the air movement is caused by constant values for the CHTC. Only three programs use
buoyancy forces, a pressure difference, or both, respec- CHTC values derived from CFD: Energy Plus (2017),
tively (Beausoleil-Morrison, 2002). Natural convection in ESP-r (2015), and IES < VE > (2017). Energy Plus uses
buildings has been extensively studied. The most recent several algorithms for each interior surface of the build-
studies involve correlations that are oriented towards ing, the most important being the adaptive convection
building enclosures to be implemented in BES (Rincón- algorithm based on the work of Beausoleil-Morrison
Casado, Sánchez de la Flor, Chacón Vera, & Sánchez (2001), although it has been modified to adapt to new

designs and the appearance of new correlations. The developed methodology is applicable to 3D enclosures
algorithm has 45 different categories and 29 different with parallelepiped geometry whose inlet–outlet open-
options depending on the surface, floor, wall or window ings are located in opposing walls. The mechanism of
studied and its location. In general, the correlations used forced convection was studied. The purpose of this
by this algorithm come from experimental studies per- methodology is to obtain the CHTC of a 3D enclosure
formed by different authors; however, the correlations from the CHTC of two 2D planes, one with a vertical
used do not take into account all the geometric variables orientation and the other with a horizontal orientation.
of the enclosure or the geometry of the inlet–outlet open- In this way, the CHTC of each wall of the 3D enclosure
ings. Another important program is ESP-r, developed by is calculated in two steps: the first step develops a corre-
Clarke (1991, 2001), which implements empirical cor- lation to calculate the CHTCs of the 2D planes, and the
relations and a CFD module. This program allows for second step develops a correlation that relates the CHTCs
a bidirectional mode when the CHTC is transferred to of 3D geometry to the CHTCs of the 2D planes. The sec-
the thermal balance module and an iterative mode when tions below describe both the methodology to develop
there is iteration between the CFD and thermal balance the correlation that relates the 3D geometry to the 2D
modules. However, the computational cost of these cal- planes and the methodology that was followed to obtain
culation modes is high for small buildings. On the other the correlation of the 2D planes.
hand, it is possible to use the correlation developed by
Fisher and Pederson (1997), which depends on the air
2.1. Methodology for obtaining the correlation
changes per hour (ACH) – but these correlations only
between the 3D and 2D geometries
take into account the ACH, and not the 3D geome-
try or the position of the inlet–outlet openings of the In a 3D enclosure with inlet and outlet openings on its
room. walls, the air enters through the inlet opening at a cer-
The main objective of this study is to develop correla- tain velocity and temperature and then leaves in other
tions for the calculation of the interior CHTC in forced conditions through the outlet opening. The air exchanges
convection for the 3D geometry of rooms in buildings. heat with the walls as it follows the air path, the rate of
The dimensions of each room and the positions of the heat exchange being defined by the CHTC. The method-
inlet and outlet openings are incorporated into the devel- ology developed relates the CHTC of 3D geometries
oped correlation. The purpose of these correlations is to to the CHTC of two 2D planes (one with a horizontal
facilitate the calculation of CHTCs in building simulation orientation and one with a vertical orientation).
programs. The correlations of 3D geometric parameters Figure 1(a) shows a 3D enclosure with six walls, with
obtained from CFD are not accurate enough and are not a height H, a length L, and a width A. In addition there
valid for use in BES. For this reason, a new methodol- is one inlet opening and one outlet opening, which are
ogy is used based on 2D planes that allows for a more set in opposing walls. Figure 1(b) shows the vertical 2D
accurate prediction of the direction of the air flow and the plane and Figure 1(c) shows the horizontal 2D plane; in
interactions with the walls of the enclosure. This method- both cases, the orientation angle (α h , α v ) depends on
ology consists of solving the 3D enclosures from two 2D the misalignment of the inlet–outlet openings. The vari-
planes – one with a horizontal orientation and one with ables that define the vertical 2D plane (Figure 2(a)) are
a vertical orientation. A parametric study of 3D and 2D the height of the enclosure (H), the length influenced by
geometries is performed, and the resulting configurations the inclination angle (L/cos α v ), and the position and
that are formed as a result are subsequently solved using size of the inlet opening for the vertical orientation (W in ,
numerical CFD simulation tools. The results of this are W out , H in , H out ). The variables that define the horizon-
used to construct two correlations, the first of which cal- tal 2D plane (Figure 2(b)) are the width of the enclosure
culates the CHTCs of the 2D planes and the second of (A), the length influenced by the inclination angle (L/cos
which calculates the CHTCs of the 3D enclosure from the α h ), and the position and size of the inlet opening for the
results of the first correlation. horizontal orientation (X in , X out , Ain , Aout ).
The input variables for the 3D and 2D computer mod-
els are: the velocity and temperature of the inlet air; the
2. Materials and methods
wall temperature; the enclosure geometry; and the geom-
Buildings are generally made up of clustered, connected etry of the inlet and outlet openings. Table 1 shows the
3D enclosures that have air inlet and outlet openings. numerical values used for the study of the 3D model
This study was conducted on a 3D enclosure, but all and the 2D models. This methodology was used to find
the enclosures of the building can be grouped together the geometric relationships between the 3D model and
when the correlations are implemented in the BES. The the equivalent 2D model, and in the final correlation

Figure 2. The geometric parameters of: (a) the vertical 2D plane;

(b) the horizontal 2D plane.

Table 1. Boundary conditions of the vertical 2D, horizontal 2D,

and 3D simulations.
Variable 3D Vertical 2D Horizontal 2D
Figure 1. The geometric parameters of: (a) the 3D enclosure with V in (m/s) 0.5–1.0–1.5 0.5–1.0–1.5 0.5–1.0–1.5
inlet and outlet openings; (b) the vertical 2D plane; (c) the horizon- T in (°C) 20 20 20
T wall (°C) 30 30 30
tal 2D plane. H (m) 3 3 –
L (m) 5 5/cosα v 5/cosα h
A (m) 3 – 3
W in (m), W out (m) 0.42 0.42 –
X in (m), X out (m) 0.70 – 0.70
these dimensions vary and are defined by the user. As Hin (m), Hout (m) 2.59–1.40–0.21 2.59–1.40–0.21 –
demonstrated below, 25 3D configurations were obtained Ain (m), Aout (m) 2.59–1.40–0.21 – 2.59–1.40–0.21
from these values, and these were studied for three differ-
ent input Reynolds numbers. Following the methodology
of section 2.3, the mesh was generated, the turbulence The proposed methodology relates the CHTCs of the
model was selected, and the convergence criteria were 3D geometry to the CHTCs of the 2D planes through
set to perform the CFD simulations. In the various con- the inclination angles, so the dependence on the dimen-
figurations of the horizontal and vertical 2D planes, the sions is incorporated into the CHTC’s of the 2D planes.
positions of the inlet and outlet openings were com- To obtain results for 2D planes with different inclina-
bined and the symmetrical configurations were elimi- tion angles, the positions of the inlet and outlet openings
nated, resulting in 5 independent configurations for each were varied. The openings in the inlet–outlet walls can
2D plane. These configurations were then studied for be in 3 positions in the horizontal direction and 3 in
three velocities. As with the 3D configurations, follow- the vertical direction – thus, each opening can be in 9
ing the methodology of section 2.3, the CFD models were different positions, resulting in 81 configurations. How-
constructed and then simulated until convergence was ever, because the phenomenon under study is forced
reached. convection, the number of configurations is considerably

Figure 3. Symmetric and asymmetric configurations for the 3D model.

reduced due to some configurations being symmetrical.

The top part of Figure 3 shows the 9 possible positions
of the inlet opening; while the independent positions are
1.1, 1.2, 2.1, and 2.2, the rest can be obtained by sym-
metry. Likewise, the 9 possible positions of the outlet
opening include symmetrical positions, although these
depend on the position of the inlet opening. Combining
the non-symmetrical input and output positions, 25 inde-
pendent configurations were obtained (shaded in Figure
3). These 25 configurations of the 3D geometry and their
2D planes were solved using CFD tools. With the results
obtained, a correlation was sought to relate the CHTC Figure 4. General geometric parameters for the 2D models.
of the 3D geometry to the CHTCs of the 2D planes,
including the dependence on the positions of the open-
ings through the inclination angles of the 2D planes (as for the dimensionless value and must represent the typ-
shown in section 3.1 below). ical dimensions of a building (3 m). Consequently, the
remaining number of independent variables is 6. For the
construction of the correlation, it is necessary to obtain
2.2. Methodology for obtaining the correlation
3 values for each variable within the range of applicabil-
between the 2D geometries
ity. Combining all the values for the 6 variables studied, a
The previous section describes the methodology that was total of 729 (36 ) unique 2D configurations are obtained.
followed to develop a correlation between the CHTC of However, this number is reduced when the symmetri-
a 3D geometry and the CHTCs of two 2D planes. The cal configurations are eliminated because there is forced
next step is to correlate the CHTCs of a 2D plane with convection. The heights of the inlet and outlet openings
all the geometric variables involved. Figure 2(a,b) shows (H in , H out ) are affected by symmetry. Figure 5 shows
the variables involved in the vertical and horizontal 2D that Configurations 9 and 1 are symmetrical, exchanging
planes. It is possible to verify that these are the same vari- the results of Wall 2 for Wall 4. The same happens with
ables in both cases, meaning that a correlation obtained Configurations 5, 7 and 8, which are symmetrical to Con-
for the vertical plane can also be used for the horizontal figurations 4, 3 and 2, respectively. On the other hand,
plane. due to the convergence problems of the CFD tool, the
In order to develop the correlation between the outlet opening size (W out ) is limited to being greater than
CHTCs of the 2D planes, it is necessary to define the or equal to the inlet opening size (W in ). Applying the
variables on which the correlation depends. As Figure 4 previous restrictions, the total number of configurations
shows, the studied geometric variables are the enclosure is reduced to 270. Table 3 shows the dimensionless val-
height H, the enclosure length L, the input aperture width ues adopted for each input variable of the computational
W in , the output aperture width W out , the input opening model, wherein each variable is assigned three values:
height H in , the outlet opening height H out , and the air the minimum, the average and the maximum. However,
inlet velocity V in . The variable H is taken as a variable the CFD program uses dimensions that are typical for

Figure 5. 2D configurations for different inlet and outlet opening positions.

buildings (H = 3 m), and the air inlet velocities stud- One of the most important aspects to consider when
ied are 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 m/s. Once the geometry values using CFD tools is the construction of the mesh for
of each variable are defined, the geometry and meshing the computational environment. DESIGN MODEL was
for each configuration can be constructed according to used for the construction of the 2D and 3D geometries,
the methodology. and ICEM was used for the construction of the meshes,
both of which are part of the Ansys program package
(Ansys Fluent, 2017) The mesh used in the simulation
is built from rectangular elements and increases in size
2.3. The computational model
from the walls toward the center of the enclosure in a
The computational model presented here considers a uniform fashion (Figure 6). This type of mesh produces
steady flow, 2D and 3D geometry, and Newtonian fluid. a better convergence because there is a higher density
All of the fluid’s properties remain constant and it of elements within the thermal boundary layer where
behaves as an ideal gas. All of the properties are evalu- the CHTC is calculated. To ensure the correct solution
ated at the fluid’s average temperature within the enclo- within the boundary layer, nodes must be placed within
sure. The phenomenon under study is forced convection; the viscous sub-layer. Thus, the first element must be
therefore, the velocities are large enough for all buoy- located at a maximum distance of 1 mm from the wall,
ancy effects to be negligible and for gravity to be ignored. and the growth rate toward the center of the enclosure
For the radiation exchange between walls, all of their must be between 10% and 15%. The parameter that con-
temperatures are imposed as a boundary condition. The trols the correct solution of the viscous sub-layer is y+ .
CFD results were obtained by solving the Navier–Stokes This dimensionless parameter depends on the turbu-
equations and the energy equation via the finite-volume lence model. Thus, for standard k– turbulence models
method using the commercial software package Ansys with ‘enhanced wall treatment’, y+ must have a value of
Fluent (2017). The semi-implicit method for pressure- approximately 1 – and to control this, the mesh is refined
linked equations (SIMPLE) numerical algorithm devel- until this value is reached. This function is implemented
oped by Patankar and Spalding (1972) was also used. in Fluent code and is used to specify both  and the tur-
The equations for mass, momentum and energy were bulent viscosity in the near-wall cells. In this approach,
solved iteratively for the corresponding boundary con- the whole domain is subdivided into a viscosity-affected
ditions using numerical methods until convergence was region and a fully-turbulent region (Ansys Fluent, 2017).
reached for the variables of interest (velocity, tempera- Figure 6 shows an example of an enclosure represented by
ture, pressure and wall heat flow). a mesh with an aspect ratio of 1. According to sensitivity

Figure 6. Uniform-growth mesh for: (a) a 2D model; (b) a 3D model.

studies developed by Al-Sanea Sami, Zedan, and Al- crucial first step that is particularly important with fast-
Harbi (2012), CHTCs have low sensitivity to the inflow moving flows due to the steep gradients which occur
turbulence; therefore, the turbulence intensity (I in ) is set within the boundary layers. For this reason, the y+
at 5% and the scale length (or size swirl) is set at 10 cm criteria must be satisfied in order to accurately resolve
(Lin ). This value must never exceed the size of the inlet these steep gradients in the buoyancy-driven boundary
opening. layers.
Five grids were studied for the 3D geometry under

y+ = y (1) identical operating conditions, and it can be seen from
ν Figure 7 that the 300 × 300 × 300 grid offers the best
Once the geometric, meshing and boundary conditions balance between precision and computational cost.
have been defined, all the 3D and 2D configurations are
simulated with a CFD tool. Two convergence criteria are
2.4. Governing equations
adopted: first, the residues of the equations must be below
10−8 , and second, the heat flux on the walls is mon- To calculate the CHTCs, the velocity, temperature and
itored. Convergence is reached when a constant value pressure fields of the enclosure must be determined. This
remains for at least 1000 iterations. The number of itera- was accomplished by using the Navier–Stokes equations,
tions required for convergence is usually about 15,000 for which describe the fluid motion for a given set of bound-
3D models and 5000 for 2D models, resulting in a sim- ary conditions. These equations, along with the turbu-
ulation time of around 12 h for 3D models and 15 min lence model and the energy equation, are solved at each
for 2D models. The simulations were conducted on a PC node of the mesh.
with an Intel Core i7 3770 @ 3.4–3.9 GHz with 8 cores The turbulence model used here is the standard k–
and 16 GB of RAM, which used parallel computing (MPI) model, which obtains good results compared to experi-
and decomposed the domain into two parts. The total mental results (Fomichev, 2010). The equations for the
calculation time for all configurations was 7 days. 3D model are provided in tensor notation, where xi rep-
To obtain a mesh configuration that offers a good resents the variables X, Y, and Z, and ui represents the
trade-off between accuracy and computing costs it is corresponding averaged velocities components.
necessary to establish a mesh refinement process. The The continuity equation is as follows:
grid convergence index method chosen was developed
by Celik et al. (2008). This process involves selecting ∂ρ ∂(ρui )
three grids with different degrees of coarseness: a coarse + =0 (2)
∂t ∂xi
grid, a medium grid and a fine grid. The mesh is refined
near to the surface of the wall, where the velocity and The equation for the conservation of momentum is as
temperature gradient vary rapidly. The Nusselt numbers follows:
resulting from the CFD simulations are compared with
one another to justify the best compromise between accu- ∂(ρui ) ∂(ρui uj )
racy and computational cost. The convergence criterion +
∂t ∂xj
imposed on all of the residual equations was above 108 .   
∂p ∂ ∂ui ∂uj 2 ∂uk
In order to obtain an accurate and meaningful numer- =− + μ + − δij (3)
ical solution, meshing the computational domain is a ∂xi ∂xj ∂xj ∂xi 3 ∂xk

Grid dimensions

Figure 7. Grid sensitivity analysis for the 3D geometry case (where H = L = A = 3.00 m, W in = W out = X in = X out = 0.42 m,
Hin = 2.78 m, Ain = 0.22 m, Hout = 1.50 m, Aout = 1.50 m, Rein = 119,293, T walls = 30°C, T in = 10°C).

The energy equation is as follows: The transport equation for ε from the turbulence
   model is as follows:
∂(ρT) ∂(ρui T) ∂ μ μt ∂T   
+ = + (4) ∂(ε) ∂(ρεuj ) ∂ μT ∂ε
∂t ∂xi ∂xi Pr PrT ∂xi + = μ+ + ρC1 Sε
∂t ∂xj ∂xj σε ∂xj
The shear viscosity equation is as follows:
ε2 ε
− ρC2 √ + C1ε C3ε Gb + Sε
μt = ρCμ k2 /ε (5) λ + νε λ
The variable Cμ is calculated as follows:
where the source terms Sε can be defined for each config-
1 uration and are optional, and the coefficient C3ε is given
Cμ = (6) by
4.04 + As (kU ∗ /ε)
where: C3ε = tanh   (10)
 The constants used in the standard k– model are as
U∗ ≡ ˜ ij

Sij Sij +
˜ ij , ˜ ij =
ij − 2εijk ωk ,

√ 1 ∂uj ∂ui
As = 6 cos φ, and Sij = + σk = 1.00, σε = 1.30, C1ε = 1.44,
2 ∂xi ∂xj
C2ε = 1.92, C2 = 0.43, and C3ε = 1.90
The ‘k’ transport equation in the turbulence model is
The CHTC between the surface of the wall and the
as follows:
fluid in motion at different temperatures is provided by
   Newton’s law of cooling and depends on the total heat of
∂(ρk) ∂(ρkuj ) ∂ ∂k μT
+ = μ+ + Gk + Sk the wall, the transfer area and the temperature difference
∂t ∂xj ∂xj ∂xj σk
(7) between the surface and unperturbed fluid:
where the source terms Sk can be defined for each config- Qi
uration and are optional, and Gk represents the produc- h̄i = (11)
Ai (Tsi − T∞ )
tion of turbulent kinetic energy, which is common to all
k– turbulence models and is given by The total heat flow that is transferred between the fluid
and the wall is calculated from the temperature gradi-
∂uj ent produced inside the thermal boundary layer of the
Gk = −u i u j (8)
∂xi fluid through an integration of Fourier’s law at each wall.

Because the heat flow depends on the temperature gradi- with a horizontal orientation. The computational model
ent, it is solved using CFD. Thus, the heat flow at a wall is described in section 2.3 and the governing equations
is obtained by integrating the temperature gradient along are described in section 2.4. Using the input variables of
the wall and is affected by the conductivity of the fluid as the computational model, all configurations were simu-
follows: lated with CFD in order to obtain the results in terms
 z x  of the CHTCs. Subsequently, mathematical optimization
QCFD |yi = − λ dx dz (12) was used to obtain the correlations that relate the CHTCs
0 0 ∂y y=0 of the 3D models to the CHTCs of the 2D planes.
 The CFD program calculated the heat fluxes in each
 y z ∂T  wall using Eqs. (12) to (14), and the average Nusselt
QCFD |xi = − λ dz dy (13)
0 0 ∂x x=0
numbers were obtained using Eq. (17). For the 3D config-
urations, the characteristic length used was the hydraulic
 x y

∂T  diameter of the inlet opening (Eq. (18)), while W in was
QCFD |zi = − λ dy dx (14) used for the 2D vertical configurations and Ain was used
0 0 ∂z z=0
for the 2D horizontal configurations. Using the obtained
Therefore, at the fluid–solid interface, the heat transfer
Nusselt numbers, a correlation with the best fit was found
by conduction is equal to the heat transfer by convection,
by means of mathematical optimization. The resulting
and the average CHTCs are as follows:
correlation, which relates the Nusselt numbers of the
QCFD |i walls of the 3D enclosure as a function of the Nusselt
h̄i = (15) numbers of the 2D planes, is as follows:
Ai (Tsi − T∞ )
Nu2Dh Nu2Dv
i i
V T dV Nu3D
i = ai + b i (19)
T∞ = (16) cosni αh cosni αv

hi Lc Table 2 shows the coefficients of the correlation as a

Nui = (17) function of each wall. For example, Walls 1 and 3 of the
3D enclosure (Nu3D 1,3 ) depend on Walls 1 and 3 of the hor-
4Win Ain izontal 2D plane (Nu2Dh 2Dv
1,3 ), the 2D vertical plane (Nu1,3 ),
c = (18)
(2Win + 2Ain ) the horizontal inclination angle (α h ), and the vertical
Eq. (15) shows that the temperature difference inclination angle (α v ). According to Table 2, Walls 2 and
between the wall (Tsi ) and the free fluid (T ∞ ) is propor- 4 (the floor and the ceiling, respectively) only depend
tional to the temperature gradient of the thermal bound- on the Nusselt numbers of Walls 2 and 4 of the vertical
ary layer. Thus, increases in the temperature transferred 2D plane, and the inclination angle (α v ). Contrastingly,
between the wall and the fluid correspond to increases in Walls 5 and 6 of the 3D enclosure are a function of
the gradient within the boundary layer, which maintains Walls 4 and 5 of the horizontal 2D plane and its inclina-
a constant ratio, indicating that the CHTC is indepen- tion angle (α h ).
dent of the temperature. This finding is valid for flat Figure 8 compares the Nusselt numbers obtained by
plates where the fluid is not perturbed by other walls correlation and CFD simulation. Figure 8(a) shows the
and for enclosures with walls whose temperatures are all results for Walls 1 and 3, the former with an inlet opening
equal, but it is not valid for cases in which the walls have and the latter with an outlet opening. Figure 8(b) com-
different temperatures. pares the Nusselt numbers of Walls 2 and 4, which only
depend on the vertical 2D plane. Finally, in Figure 8(c),
the Nusselt numbers of Walls 5 and 6 obtained by simu-
3. Results and discussion lation are compared with those obtained by correlation.
3.1. Correlations between the 3D and 2D models
In this section, the methodology presented in section 2.1 Table 2. 3D correlation coefficients according to the 2D planes.
is implemented in order to obtain a correlation for the Wall ai bi ni R2
CHTCs of the 2D planes. To find the correlations, it was 1 .4352 .4352 1 .985
necessary to calculate the CHTCs of the 3D configura- 2 – .9124 1 .995
3 .5123 .5123 3 .987
tions proposed in Figure 3, where each configuration is 4 – .8112 1 .986
associated with two 2D planes – one with a vertical ori- 5 .4491 – 1 .979
6 .5512 – 1 .989
entation (Li, Wenping, Xu, & Mao, 2017) and the other

Table 3. Application range of the variables in the 2D models

Variable Minimum Average Maximum
W in /H 0.017 0.067 0.400
W out /H 0.017 0.067 0.400
Hin /H 0.025–0.083–0.217 0.500 0.975–0.917–0.783
Hout /H 0.025–0.083–0.217 0.500 0.975–0.917–0.783
L/H 0.5 1.0 2.0
Rein (W in , V in ) 1657–3314– 4971 6627–13,255– 39,764–79,529–
19,882 119,293

to X in , X out , Ain , Aout , and A in Figure 2(b). Therefore, the

correlation obtained for the vertical 2D plane is also valid
for the horizontal 2D plane. In order to obtain a wide
range of configurations, 3 values were assigned to each
variable, and by combining the values for the 6 variables
and then eliminating the symmetrical configurations, 270
unique configurations were obtained.
Table 3 shows the dimensionless values adopted for
each input variable of the computational model. Each
variable is assigned three values: the minimum, the aver-
age and the maximum. However, in the CFD program
typical building dimensions were used (H = 3 m) and
the air inlet velocities chosen were 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 m/s.
Once the geometric values of each variable had been
defined, the geometry and meshing for each configura-
tion were constructed according to the methodology in
section 2.3. Subsequently, the convergence criterion was
defined as 10−8 in the residuals of all the equations, and
the heat flows were monitored until they maintained a
constant value for at least 1000 iterations. The average
number of iterations needed to reach convergence was
15,000, yielding a mean simulation time of 120 min for
each configuration. The ability to calculate 8 simulations
in parallel reduced the simulation time from 67 days to
8.7 days.
All simulations were completed satisfactorily. The
mean Nusselt value for each wall was calculated from the
CFD heat fluxes using Eqs. (12) and (13). The character-
Figure 8. Comparison of the correlated and simulated 3D Nu
istic length used in the 2D configurations was the size of
values for: (a) Walls 1 and 3; (b) Walls 2 and 4; (c) Walls 5
and 6. the input opening W in (Ain in the horizontal 2D plane).
From all the Nusselt values for each wall and the values
These walls depend only on the horizontal 2D plane. The of the dimensionless variables, a search was conducted
adjustment coefficients R2 are shown in Table 2. for the correlation that best fits the simulation results.
The desired correlation should have a similar shape to the
flat plate correlation in forced convection (see Eq. (20)
3.2. Correlations for the 2D models
below), where the average Nusselt number depends on
In this section, the methodology presented in section 2.2 the Reynolds number at the input with an exponent n
is followed to obtain a correlation to calculate CHTCs and the Prandtl number, along with a coefficient C that
for 2D planes. To find the correlations, it is necessary depends on the dimensions of the enclosure (H, L), the
to obtain CFD results based on the variables that must dimensions of the inlet and outlet openings (W in , W out ),
appear in these correlations. Figure 2 shows the variables and their position (H in , H out ; see Figure 4):
of the 2D planes under examination, and it can be seen
that W in , W out , H in , H out , and H in Figure 2(a) are similar Nu = CRen Pr (20)

Table 4. Correlation coefficients for the 2D models. were compared with those obtained by correlation. The
Coefficient Wall 1 Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 test case consists of an enclosure that is 3 m high, 3
a .019512 .041169 .066311 .009220 m wide and 5 m long, with inlet and outlet openings
b −.006984 −.016679 −.027515 −.004926 defined as having the same dimensions (0.1 m), simu-
c −.005944 −.033410 .005247 −.002107
d .003044 −.024028 .005527 .006855
lated in several different positions. Figure 10 shows an
e −.005913 −.002876 −.003623 −.001066 example with 3D geometry and 2D planes, and Table 5
f .016337 .041022 .020702 .003956 presents the geometric variables used in the 3D and 2D
n .770041 .782311 .771561 .868345
R2 .987 .978 .988 .986 models, along with the CHTCs obtained from both sim-
ulation and correlation. The methodology proposed in
 this work was applied to obtain the 2D planes and the
Win Wout Hin inclination angles. Subsequently, the Nusselt numbers of
i = a +b +c
H H H the horizontal and vertical 2D planes were calculated
 using Eq. (21), while Eq. (19) was used to calculate the
Hout L
+d + e + f Renin Pr (21) Nusselt numbers of the 3D geometry using the Nus-
selt numbers of the 2D planes. Finally, the CHTCs were
The coefficients of the correlations a, b, c, d, e, f, and calculated from the hydraulic diameter of the inlet open-
n were obtained for the four walls of the two 2D enclo- ings of the 3D geometry using Eq. (17). The results
sures, using mathematical optimization to determine the show errors of less than 15% in 95% of the test cases;
values with the best correlation coefficient (R2 ) and the it is thus reasonable to draw the conclusion that the
least mean square error. Table 4 shows the correlation computed errors are overall less than 20%, consistent
coefficients for each wall, and Figure 9 shows the Nus- with the CFD results reported in other works (Mou,
selt numbers obtained by simulation versus correlation He, Zhao, & Chau, 2017; Obasaju, 1992; Zhao & He,
for the four walls of the two 2D enclosures. 2017).
In order to validate the numerical results, the CHTCs
were recalculated by applying the correlation devel-
3.3. Test cases and comparison with other authors oped by Fisher and Pederson (1997) for floors, ceilings
To validate the methodology and test the precision of and walls, and the correlation developed by Goldstein
the developed correlations, the results of CFD test cases and Novoselac (2010) for floors and walls. Figure 11

Figure 9. Comparison of the Nusselt numbers obtained by correlation and CFD simulation for: (a) Wall 1; (b) Wall 2; (c) Wall 3; (d) Wall 4.

Figure 10. Test case for validating the methodology: (a) the vertical 2D plane; (b) the horizontal 2D plane.

Table 5. Test case input parameters for the 3D and 2D models and the CHTCs for the six walls (h1 to h6 ) obtained by simulation and
Inputs 3D simulation 3D correlation
V in Ain Aout h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6
0.5 0.2 0.2 1.05 3.23 3.49 5.35 1.78 1.24 0.87 3.43 3.56 5.29 1.75 1.11
0.5 0.2 1.5 0.93 3.46 3.52 5.06 1.71 1.16 0.89 3.88 2.89 5.31 1.65 1.17
0.5 0.2 2.8 0.74 3.39 3.48 4.89 1.71 1.26 0.72 2.91 3.41 4.60 1.70 1.05
0.5 1.5 0.2 1.05 3.40 3.07 5.37 1.15 1.10 1.04 3.74 2.52 6.07 0.92 1.26
0.5 1.5 1.5 0.88 3.65 3.09 5.34 1.25 0.88 0.74 3.43 2.63 4.38 1.45 0.93
1.5 0.2 0.2 2.28 7.63 8.03 12.14 4.15 2.77 1.89 8.63 8.99 14.45 4.77 3.10
1.5 0.2 1.5 2.06 7.82 8.03 11.25 3.89 2.69 2.16 7.82 9.23 10.24 3.35 2.45
1.5 0.2 2.8 1.62 7.82 7.89 10.92 3.80 2.84 1.44 8.99 8.60 9.83 3.61 2.84
1.5 1.5 0.2 2.42 7.67 7.26 12.11 2.98 2.55 2.10 6.29 6.89 11.50 3.13 2.75
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.80 7.95 6.77 11.00 2.83 1.93 1.51 7.95 7.38 12.31 2.26 1.84
Note: V in (m/s), Ain (m), Aout (m), Hin = Hout = 0.1 m, L = 5 m, H = 3 m, A = 3 m, hi (W/m2 K), λ = 0.0264 W/mK, Pr = 0.72.

compares the results of all three correlation methodolo- walls and the positions and dimensions of the openings,
gies, although the correlation developed according to the as well as in the dimensions of the room.
position of the input–output openings is not featured,
as this parameter is not factored into the correlations
developed by these other authors. The correlations of 3.4. Applicability to BES tools
Fisher and Pederson and the correlations of Goldstein The correlations developed in this study have a range
and Novoselac are represented continuously according to of applications, as well as some limitations. They can
the ACH, and the correlations developed in the present be applied to typical buildings whose rooms have paral-
study are represented by the CHTCs for 4, 6, 8, 10 and lelepiped geometry and feature inlet and outlet openings
12 ACH. The average values are shown for the range of in opposite walls. Table 6 shows the minimum and maxi-
variation according to the position of the inlet and outlet mum values of the application range of the dimensionless
openings. The results show that neither Fisher and Ped- variables.
erson nor Goldstein and Novoselac distinguish between The focus of this study is on the mechanism of forced
vertical walls (Walls 1, 3, 5 and 6), although they do dif- rather than natural convection. The Richardson number
ferentiate between floors (Wall 2) and ceilings (Wall 4). is the parameter which denotes the predominant con-
All the CHTCs obtained in the present study are similar vection mechanism (Gr/Re2 ); a Richardson number of
to those obtained by these other authors, with a greater less than 1 indicates predominantly forced convection,
difference in the ceiling for the Fisher and Pederson cor- whereas a number much greater than 1 indicates pre-
relation, which is due to the fact that the tests were carried dominantly natural convection. For the calculation of
out for an enclosure that has an inlet opening near to CHTCs in natural convection, the correlations developed
the ceiling. The rest of the CHTCs are within the mar- by Beausoleil-Morrison (2002) and Rincón-Casado et al.
gins of the correlations proposed by these authors. The (2017) can be used. In cases of mixed convection, where
advantages of the methodology of the present study over both mechanisms are taken into account, Eq. (22) below
these two alternatives lie in the distinction between the – developed by Churchill (1977) – can be used, where n

Figure 11. Comparison of the CHTCs according to ACH with the correlations developed by other authors.

Table 6. Application range of the variables of the 3D models. 4. Conclusions

Variable Minimum Maximum
This study aimed to develop correlations from CFD that
H (m) 3.0 3.0 can be used to calculate the CHTCs for 3D geometric
L (m) 0.5 6.0
A (m) 0.5 6.0 enclosures which are subject to forced convection and
W in (m), W out (m) 0.05 2.10 which have inlet and outlet openings in opposing walls.
X in (m), X out (m) 0.05 2.10
Hin (m), Hout (m) 0.025 3.000 An additional aim was for the correlations to be easy to
Ain (m), Aout (m) 0.025 6.000 implement in BES and reduce the computational costs
Rein 1657 119,293
required by CFD techniques. The methodology is novel
and the results are satisfactory.
Two new correlations have been developed in this
takes the value of 3 (Beausoleil-Morrison, 2002):
study. The first can be used to relate 3D geometry to
two 2D planes, and is based on the CHTCs of the 2D
NunMC = NunNC ∓ NunFC (22) planes and the angles of the horizontal and vertical incli-
nation of the planes contained within the 3D enclosure.
The results of this study can be applied to BES pro- The comparison of the results for the first correlation and
grams in the following way. For each simulation time the CFD simulations reveals an error rate of less than
step, the BES program calculates the inlet and outlet air- 11%. The second correlation calculates the CHTCs of
flows in each of the rooms in the building through a 2D planes using the inlet and outlet openings in oppos-
mass and pressure balance. The inlet and outlet airflows ing walls, and is based on both the dimensions of the
in each room, the geometric description of the inlet and 2D planes and the dimensions and positions of the inlet
outlet and the positions of the openings are the entry and outlet openings. A parametric study was carried
data for the correlations that are used to calculate the out in order to develop a correlation which incorpo-
CHTC for each interior wall of each room in the building. rates all of the relevant geometric variables. The com-
Next, the BES program uses these CHTCs to calculate parison of the results of the second correlation and the
the surface energy balance in each interior wall of each CFD simulations reveals an error rate of less than 13%.
room in the building along with the volumetric balance The comparison of the combined results of both correla-
in the air, obtaining as a result the surface temperatures tions and the results of the CFD simulations for the test
and the air temperature. Finally, the BES program again cases reveals an error rate of less than 15% for 95% of
calculates the airflows exchanged between the rooms the cases. Therefore, the objective has been satisfactorily
due to the thermal coupling with the air temperature. achieved.
These steps are repeated until the convergence criteria The correlations developed in this study are easy to
are reached. use and to apply in BES programs, although they are

not as accurate as CFD simulations. Therefore, future ican Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning
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