Heroes of Time - Introduction

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Credits                           Foreword
Designer: Pankratos
I was a ten-year old boy when the Legend of Zelda, Ocarina  
Editor: Pankratos
of Time was released on the Nintendo 64, all the way back in
Format: The Homebrewery December 1998. Never before had I experienced such a
wonderfully immersive fantasy game, in which I became the
Game Mechanics: DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5th edition, heroic protagonist of a magical land named Hyrule. Ocarina
property of Wizards of the Coast
of Time received widespread acclaim and won several
Story Creators: The Legend of Zelda video game franchise awards and accolades. It has been widely cited as one of the
has been created by Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi greatest video games of all time, with good reason. As fantasy
Tezuka, and published by Nintendo Co., Ltd. Some story gaming continued to develop, no other video game spurred
content in this adventure may have been altered or my imagination like Ocarina of Time did.
elaborated upon by Pankratos Ever since I started playing DUNGEONS & DRAGONS,
the idea of a Hyrulean setting within the D&D tabletop
Illustrators: Various artists. If your artwork is in this gaming system has appealed to me. Now, more than twenty
module and you wish to be credited or have its contents years after first setting foot in Hyrule, the early developments
removed, please contact Pankratos of my vision in this ambitious crossover are laid out for
Playtesters: everyone to see.
The tough choices when merging two separate systems are
which elements to leave in and which to add or adjust. A
direct conversion would have been the simplest approach.
I've seen this done with other video games many times
before, with a resulting experience that feels mechanical---the
limitations of the game being too noticable. This is one of the
reasons why so many movie adaptations of popular video
games fail to enthrall their audience. Despite how detailed
Ocarina of Time was in 1998, converting that version of
Hyrule into its own D&D setting quickly revealed limitations.
Therefore, to breathe proper life into Hyrule as a D&D
setting with sufficient detail and activity---to make the land
feel as organic as possible---I decided to use the more
    ON THE COVER comprehensive Hyrule overworld as presented in 2017's
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Though the main
storyline, items, locations, and characters will be based on
Ocarina of Time, you will find herein a Hyrule that functions
as a composite of different Zelda titles, combining the best of
each one to give your gaming group a lively and satisfying
As always, it's your game---run it however you see fit. May
the exploration of Hyrule bring boyish (or girlish) marvel to
you and your players, just like it brought me on my N64 all
those years ago. Let the legend begin!
                                                                                      July 2021

This is Beta Version 1.1

The material in this adventure module, currently in Beta
Version 1.1, is presented for playtesting and to spark your
imagination for running a campaign set in the Hyrule of the
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. The game mechanics are
usable in your campaign but not refined by final game design
and editing.
If this module proves to be sufficiently popular, it will be
      Locked in an eternal conflict that echoes through
refined based on your feedback, and then it will appear as the
       the ages, the wielders of the Triforce are pitted

     against each other to determine the fate of Hyrule. definite Heroes of Time adventure module.

Disclaimer: This is a fan-made Legend of Zelda adventure using DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS game mechanics. No copyright
infringement intented. Please support Nintendo and Wizards of the Coast by purchasing their official products. They're awesome.
Introduction..................................................................................... 4 Ch. 7: The Dark World....................................................................
Story Overview................................................................................. 4 Sheik......................................................................................................
Running the Adventure................................................................... 4 Dark Despair........................................................................................
Welcome to Hyrule.......................................................................... 7 Dread Locations..................................................................................
Ch. 1: Lost Woods............................................................................. Ch. 8: Forest Temple........................................................................
Starting the Adventure...................................................................... Minuet of Forest..................................................................................
Kokiri Village....................................................................................... Saria's Wind.........................................................................................
Sacred Forest Meadow...................................................................... Locations in the Temple....................................................................
Great Deku Tree's Grove...................................................................
Ch. 9: Fire Temple............................................................................
Ch. 2: Central Hyrule....................................................................... Bolero of Fire.......................................................................................
Exploration........................................................................................... Darunia's Fire......................................................................................
Lon Lon Ranch.................................................................................... Locations in the Temple....................................................................
Other Regions......................................................................................
Ch. 10: Water Temple......................................................................
Ch. 3: Hyrule Castle......................................................................... Serenade of Water..............................................................................
Hyrule Castle Town............................................................................ Ruto's Love...........................................................................................
Castle Grounds....................................................................................
Locations in the Temple....................................................................
Princess Zelda.....................................................................................
Ch. 11: Shadow Temple..................................................................
Ch. 4: Eldin Province....................................................................... Nocturne of Shadow...........................................................................
Death Mountain Trail..........................................................................
Impa's Stride........................................................................................
Goron City............................................................................................. Locations in the Temple....................................................................
Dodongo's Cavern...............................................................................
Ch. 12: Spirit Temple.......................................................................
Ch. 5: Lanayru Province................................................................. Requiem of Spirit................................................................................
Zora's River........................................................................................... Nabooru's Fury.....................................................................................
Zora's Domain...................................................................................... Locations in the Temple....................................................................
Zora's Fountain....................................................................................
Ch. 13: Ganon's Castle....................................................................
Ch. 6: Great Plateau........................................................................ Sage Sanctums...................................................................................
Zelda's Flight........................................................................................ Ascending Doom................................................................................
Temple of Time.................................................................................... The Great Cataclysm.........................................................................
The Sacred Realm.............................................................................. App. A: Character Options..............................................................
App. B: Magic Items..........................................................................
App. C: Monsters and NPCs...........................................................

bitter war has raged across Hyrule for gene- If Ganondorf becomes successful in obtaining the Triforce,
rations. Finally, that war is close to an end. his powers become godlike, and the entire realm will merge
Ganondorf, a gerudo warlord, is the last of the with the Dark World, succumbing to lifeless dread. In such a
rebel chiefs to pledge his allegiance to the king time, the only forces capable of stopping him lie dormant in
of Hyrule. This auspicious event would mark the prophecized Heroes of Time, Princess of Destiny, and Six
the official end of the war, in which Hyrule Sages---legendary figures who must each awaken to their
expands its territory yet again to include the divine powers and join together to oppose Ganondorf in an
gerudo lands. From all outward appearance, Ganondorf epic confrontation to save Hyrule.
seems compliant, yet in secret he is planting his seeds of
disruption within tactical places, ready to initiate Hyrule's Running the Adventure
ruin. If Ganondorf isn’t stopped, the kingdom will fall, and an
era of darkness and despair shall take its place. To run this adventure, you need the D&D fifth edition core
Heroes of Time is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventure rulebooks (Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and
within the Legend of Zelda series, detailing the events from Monster Manual). This adventure can also be paired with the
Ocarina of Time. It takes place in the kingdom of Hyrule---a options in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Tasha's Cauldron
large vale consisting of several settlements scattered between of Everything, and other D&D books.
stretches of grassland and ringed by mountains, canyons, a
desert, and the sea. Hidden among all this are remnants of a Text that appears in a box like this is meant to be read aloud or
much older civilization---ancient ruins, forgotten temples, and paraphrased for the players when their characters first arrive at
lost artifacts. Hyrule is a land that encourages marvelous a location or under a specific circumstance, as described in
exploration, as only few know all of its secrets.
This adventure is designed to begin with a party of three to the text.
six 1st-level characters, who should advance to 11th level by
the adventure’s conclusion. When a creature’s name appears in bold type, that’s a visual
cue pointing you to its stat block in the Monster Manual. If a
stat block appears in appendix C, the adventure’s text tells
Story Overview you so. Spells and equipment mentioned in the adventure are
The sorrows of history, the destiny of unlikely heroes. Great described in the Player’s Handbook. The Dungeon Master's
journeys into monster-infested wilds, and a mythic voyage Guide describes magic items, unless the adventure’s text
through the fabrics of time. These elements of adventure directs you to an item’s description in appendix B.
await the characters as they are drawn into the story by the
Great Deku Tree, guardian of the Lost Woods. The Great Abbreviations
Deku Tree has sensed a disturbance in the balance of the The following abbreviations are used throughout this
natural world, foreboding a great cataclysm. adventure:
The source of this disturbance is revealed to be Ganondorf,
whose ascendancy as the prophesized King of Evil has been hp = hit points CG = Chaotic good
plotted since his birth. A dark messiah foretold to merge the
Dark World with Hyrule, Ganondorf plans to use his fiendish AC = Armor Class NG = Neutral good
magic to subjugate the land to his will. Acting beneath a guise DC = Difficulty Class LN = Lawful neutral
of humility and goodwill, Ganondorf convinced the king of
Hyrule that his gerudo tribes will submit to Hyrule. Though XP = experience points N = Neutral
the king is wary, he holds on to the promise of peace, and is rp = rupee(s) CN = Chaotic neutral
thusfar deceived. The king's daughter, princess Zelda, is not PC = player character LE = Lawful evil
as easily fooled, though her warnings fall on deaf ears as her
youth and inexperience disallow her voice to be heard. NPC = nonplayer character CE = Chaotic evil
Ganondorf has sent his captains out as false emissaries, LG = Lawful good NE = Neutral evil
reaching out to Goron City, Zora's Domain, and the Great
Deku Tree's Grove. These locations are where the spiritual Adventure Summary
stones (see appendix B) are kept, three magic jewels with
which one can access the all-powerful Triforce (see appendix The adventure is likely to play out as follows.
B), a divine artifact that will grant its wielder the power to The characters find their way to the Great Deku Tree, who
fulfill any wish. So far, Ganondorf's minions have failed to tells them about Ganondorf and his unholy quest. They enter
retrieve the stones. He has therefore laid a curse on their a temple beneath the Tree and break its curse by defeating
guardians, pressurizing them in giving up their treasures. the armored arachnid queen dwelling within. The Great
The Great Deku Tree has become aware of Ganondorf's Deku Tree rewards them with the spiritual stone of forest
motives and reveals the gerudo thief's true nature to the (see appendix B), one of the three jewels required to enter the
player characters. The Great Deku Tree pleads the characters Sacred Realm, where the Triforce is kept. With his dying
to break his curse and embark upon a grand quest to prevent breath, the Great Deku Tree urges them to see princess
the stones from falling in Ganondorf's hands. Zelda in Hyrule Castle, who gives them instructions to
retrieve the other stones and meet back with her.

    The second and third stones will be given as rewards from
king Darunia and princess Ruto, in Goron City and Zora's
Domain respectively, after the adventurers prove their Who is Ganondorf?
trustworthiness by breaking the curses placed there. Following a dark prophecy, two scheming gerudo
Back at Hyrule Castle, the characters make it in time to see witches snatched Ganondorf at the moment of his
princess Zelda flee. Ganondorf has murdered the king and birth and raised him in the remoteness of their
taken command of the castle. The characters run into him temple in the Desert Colossus. Under their
and are questioned about Zelda's location. Ganondorf demanding tutelage, Ganondorf grew into a fierce
secretly follows the characters to the Temple of Time, where warrior and dangerous warlock.
he will attempt to intercept the spiritual stones, kill the The source of Ganondorf's power comes from
characters, and enter the Sacred Realm. an ancient demon lord known as Demise, whose
Whether or not the characters die, Ganondorf claims the essence reached him through the Book of Mudora.
This book imbued Ganondorf with esoteric know-
Triforce, which splits into three aspects. The characters ledge, compelling him to hunt for the Triforce.
awaken in the Sacred Realm and seven years have passed. Ganondorf was raised his entire life believing he
Rauru (see appendix C), the ancient sage of light, found their was destined to become the king of Hyrule. He was
spirits and brought them forth. The characters must awaken told the hylians ruthlessly expelled native gerudo
the other five sages in order to gain the divine powers tribes from the lands, exiling them into the harsh
required to defeat Ganondorf. They will also stay on the wastelands of the west. Ganondorf is intent to
lookout for princess Zelda, who has gone into hiding. exact revenge upon Hyrule and liberate his kin
Traversing the Dark World, the adventurers explore the five from their exile, sparing no cost to achieve this.
temples where the other sages reside. Once those sages have For more information on Ganondorf, including
been awoken, the characters enter Ganon’s Tower and face his statistics, see appendix C.
the great King of Evil. An epic battle ensues in which the
aspects of the Triforce are pitted against each other. Upon
Ganondorf's defeat, the land can slowly recover. If Ganondorf
proves the victor, Hyrule remains lost in darkness forever. Time Schisms
Another effective way to prevent players from abusing time
A Tale of Two Timelines travel is to introduce Time Schisms. Whenever the charac-
Heroes of Time takes place across two timelines, referred to ters travels back to the Child Timeline to deliberately (or
throughout the adventure as the Child Timeline and the Adult accidentally) cause an event that would alter the state of the
Timeline. The Child Timeline allows the player characters to Adult Timeline, a Time Schism occurs. Select an outcome on
begin play as children, taking them from level 1 to 5. This the Time Schism table or roll to determine a random effect.
timeline appropriately deals with themes of adventure and This table appears on the following page.
coming of age. When a Time Schism occurs, the characters are immedi-
The Adult Timeline takes place 7 years after the Child ately transported to Rauru in the Sacred Realm (see chapter
Timeline, taking the characters from level 5 to 11. This 6). Each of them must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving
timeline is darker, dealing with themes of sorrow, despair, throw or go mad (see Madness in chapter 8 of the Dungeon
and the triumph of good over evil. Once the characters enter Master's Guide). A character is affected by short-term
the Adult Timeline, they will be able to magically travel back madness when they fail this saving throw for the first time,
and forth between the two timelines. This will inevitably long-term madness the second time, and cumulative
cause time-travel theories to be voiced among your gaming indefinite madness for every failed saving throw after that.
group. To avoid lengthy debates on how time travel affects the
characters and the world they inhabit, consider applying one Multiverse
or several of the following possibilities: Each time the characters change the timeline, an alternate
universe of Hyrule springs into existence. The characters
Grandfather Paradox always enter the universe that aligns with the changes they
This default assumption will be the most difficult to monitor. made, though continued time travel may cause them to
In essence, everything the characters attempt to change in switch between universes, depending on their actions.
the Child Timeline will already play out in exactly the For every alternate universe the characters create, there is
intended way in the Adult Timeline. This means that they a 50% chance that the Ganondorf from the previous universe
cannot really change anything, as the outcome of their succeeds in obtaining the full Triforce, as the characters will
actions has already been determined in the Adult Timeline. not be present to stop him. That Ganondorf will use the
For example, in chapter 11, the characters meet a miller in Triforce's powers to erase all other alternate universes. If that
the Adult Timeline who teaches them the song of storms. He happens, the characters are instantly transported to the
insists that it was the characters themselves who taught him Ganon's Castle of that Ganondorf's universe (see chapter 13).
the song during the Child Timeline! When the characters go They will not be in possession of the Triforce of Courage, and
back to the Child Timeline to meet with the miller, he will not must face Ganondorf, who is in possession of the full
know the song yet, as they still have to teach it to him. If the Triforce. If the characters are defeated by this Ganondorf, you
characters would deliberately refrain from adhering to this could have them awaken in the Sacred Realm by Rauru. It is
paradox by not teaching the miller the song, a Time Schism up to you how to proceed from there.
may be applied at your discretion (see Time Schisms, below).

Time Schism
d6 Effect
1 Instead of the Sacred Realm, the characters appear in the Happy Mask Shop in Hyrule Castle Town during the Child
Timeline. The Happy Mask Salesman looks up and asks with a wry smile: "You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"
He then proceeds to act as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, ignoring any prompts to explain himself.
2 The characters who triggered the event die and are immediately restored to life through the raise dead spell.
3 The Master Sword becomes nonmagical for 7 days. During this time, it cannot be used to travel between timelines.
4 The location in which the schism occurred merges with the Dark World in the Child Timeline (see Dark Despair and
Dread Locations in chapter 7). This merge can only be perceived by the player characters. To everyone else, there is no
noticable change.
5 Each character who triggered the event is cloned. Clones appear within the space of their original characters. There is a
50% chance that a clone has all the original character's equipment, instead of the original character. A clone believes to
be the original character and immediately becomes hostile, attacking their original character with lethal intent.
6 The desired change to the timeline takes effect, but there's a catch. For example, if the characters change the timeline
in order to obtain a magic item, they obtain the item but it's cursed. Or if they change the timeline to prevent an NPC's
death, the NPC is still around, but is affected by indefinite madness, becomes an undead, or becomes hostile to the
characters, accusing the characters of attempting to kill them. The exact nature of the catch is up to you as DM.

No Going Back If you prefer that the characters advance by gaining XP,
The easiest solution is to prevent the characters from rather than using milestones you can add up all the XP
traveling back in time once they reach the Adult Timeline. earned for defeating monsters after each game session and
This means they effectively had a 7-year timeskip and are still distribute it evenly among the party members. With the
experiencing time in a linear fashion. The downside to this monsters presented per chapter, characters level progression
method will be that once the player characters leave the should roughly align with the level progression of the
Child Timeline, they will no longer have the possibility to go Milestones table.
back and explore more of that timeline. Hyrule is filled with fun distractions, alluring locations, and
opportunities for characters to explore. Consequently, it can
Character Advancement be hard to gauge what level the characters will have when
they arrive at adventure locations. Let the Milestones table
Heroes of Time is designed around the milestone system. guide you. If the characters fall behind on XP, add suitable
Rather than tracking specific experience awards, characters random encounters until they catch up. Conversely, if the
can level up during or after completing significant chapters of character level up too fast, remove enough encounters to
the adventure, as shown on the Milestones table below. At the slow their advancement appropriately.
start of the adventure, the characters are 1st level.
Starting at Higher Levels
    Chapter (Child Timeline) Level Although the adventure assumes that the characters begin at
1st level, you can start them off at 5th level instead.
1. Lost Woods 1-2
2. Central Hyrule 2 Starting at 5th Level
3. Hyrule Castle 2
For players who are looking for a shorter adventure filled
with dungeon crawls and a more gloomy atmosphere, you
4. Eldin Province 3 may allow the entire party to begin play at 5th level, with
5. Lanayru Province 4 Ganondorf already having conquered Hyrule.
The characters could be Hyruleans who have witnessed
6. Great Plateau 4 the rapid decline of Hyrule, beckoned by Rauru toward the
    Chapter (Adult Timeline) Temple of Time, or sought out by Sheik (see appendix C) to
7. The Dark World 5
embark upon a quest for the redemption of Hyrule. Or they
could be outsiders stumbling upon the Dark World, motivated
8. Forest Temple 5 by whatever reasons to purge it from its evil. Begin play in
9. Fire Temple 6 chapter 7 (Adult Timeline), and ensure the party is in
possession of the Master Sword and Ocarina of Time (see
10. Water Temple 7 appendix B), presented to them by either Rauru or Sheik. The
11. Shadow Temple 8 characters should not be able to use the Master Sword to
12. Spirit Temple 9
travel back to the Child Timeline.
In addition to their normal starting equipment, each of the
13. Ganon's Castle 10-11 players receives an extra 5,000 rp (see Currency, later in this
Introduction) plus 1d10 x 250 rp and may begin play with
two suitable uncommon magic items or one rare magic item
from the Dungeon Master's Guide or appendix B.

Welcome to Hyrule
The Kingdom of Hyrule, also simply known as Hyrule, is a Hyrulean Civil War
beautiful and prosperous land ruled by a long line of Ocarina of Time does not provide much detail on
monarchs known as the Royal Family of Hyrule. the events of the Hyrulean Civil War. As such, there
may be no need for this adventure to go into speci-
fics. If your players are eager to investigate details
Hyrule Historia of the war, you can come up with your own version
Hyrule's glorious past lies in half-forgotten ruin. Most of events, or use the (unofficial) example below:
scholars agree on the following events. Details of the War. According to hylian chronic-
lers, several sheikah clans defected from their
oaths and sought to obtain the Triforce for them-
Creation of the World selves. A fierce battle broke out in Hyrule Castle, in
Before time began, three Golden Goddesses descended upon which sheikah fought sheikah. The Knights of
the chaos that was Hyrule. Din, the goddess of power, created Hyrule could no longer tell the sheikah loyalists
the red earth. Nayru, the goddess of wisdom, bestowed order apart from the defectors, capturing or killing any
upon the world. Farore, the goddess of courage, created all they could get their hands on. The gerudos caught
life. Their labor complete, the goddesses departed for the wind of this turmoil. As Hyrule Castle was distrac-
heavens. They left behind the Triforce, to test their mortal ted by its incursion, Ganondorf attacked Hyrule
creations on their ability to govern their own fate. with all his gerudo forces. It is rumored that
considerable numbers of sheikahs and Zonai
Era of Chaos warriors were among Ganondorf's army.
A mythical era of untold millenia ago, during the Era of When the Royal Family called out for aid, the
Chaos it is said many demons arose from the Dark World in goron and zora monarchs remained silent. Hyrule
pursuit of the Triforce. Their leader, Demise, tried to take Castle was besieged. Only when the gerudo forces
over the world with his evil powers. Queen Hylia and her advanced to Death Mountain did the gorons march
fledgling tribes battled for their lives against this demon king. to war. The zoras, seeing the devastation caused as
the rivers ran red with blood, threatened to cut off
Hylia emerged victorious, sealing Demise away for all eter- the water supply if the other factions didn't stop
nity. She ascended into divinity, ending the Era of Chaos. their foolishness. Drought ensued, causing more
desperation among the armies for a swift victory.
Era of Prosperity Zora's Domain was under attack for their water,
The descendants of Hylia established the kingdom of Hyrule Goron City for its wealth. The factions continued
and became Hyrule's first line of monarchs. In order to invading and repelling each other as the conflict
protect the Triforce, Hyrule Castle was built in the center of raged on. The only race to avoid any bloodshed
Hyrule, guarding the vault in which the Triforce was kept. were the kokiris, whose sheltered lives kept them
Under the Royal Family of Hyrule's benign leadership, Hyrule ignorant of the war raging outside their forested
flourished, and a long Era of Prosperity followed. domains.
Toward the end of the war, Ganondorf's forces
Hyrulean Civil War were crushed when hylians, gorons, and zoras
Toward the end of the Era of Prosperity, distrust between the fought side by side in a new alliance. The surviving
Hyrulean races grew. Some resented the Royal Family, gerudos fled back to their desert. The goron and
zora monarchs renewed their oaths to the Royal
envying them for their supposed divine right to rule and Family, and the few surviving sheikahs went into
chafing under the restrictions imposed by hylian imperialism. hiding or faced execution for their alleged crimes.
A fierce war broke out that lasted for countless generations.
Hyrule Today
It is year 1 of the Harkinian II Dynasty. The Hyrulean Civil
War is informally over, with most chiefs and vassal kings of     In the aftermath of the war, much of Hyrule lies in ruins.
each region having renewed their oaths of allegiance to Abandoned farmsteads, ruined manors, and broken keeps
Harkinian II, the new king of Hyrule. The final chief to do so, litter the countryside. Bandits, wild animals, and monsters
Ganondorf, has been summoned to Hyrule Castle to kneel are known to roam the lands, threatening anyone who fares
before the king and submit to his rule. more than a few miles away from one of the surviving settle-
At war's end, each of the Hyrulean races withdrew to their ments. The Royal Family keeps most of them in check, but
own regions. Contact is generally limited to matters of diplo- their resources are spreading thin. While only a handful of
macy between the various peoples and the Royal Family, and settlements remain occupied, peace and relative stability will
cultural exchange is essentially nonexistent. Those who allow for the rebuilding and reclamation of land to begin.
venture out are mainly traveling merchants, patrols of In general, the lives of the people in this dynasty are
knights, and adventurers. nothing extravagant, leaning more toward a kind of pastoral
Most people are ignorant about the world outside their simplicity. Most keep meager possessions made from the
homes, aside from rumor. They no longer believe in goddes- natural materials they can source from the surrounding lands
ses, demons, the Triforce, and the Dark World, viewing them close to their homes. Despite such modest lifestyles, the
as a mythology with no credible historical evidence. Hyrulean people tend to be cheerful and optimistic, seeing
the opportunities peace has to offer will only grow through
collective kindness, cooperation, and diligence.

Hyrulean Deities
Greater Deities Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol
Din, goddess of power      CN Forge(+), Tempest, War Three opposing red flames
Nayru, goddess of wisdom      LN Arcana(+), Knowledge, Peace(+) Three blue stars within waves
Farore, goddess of courage    N Life, Nature, Twilight(+) Three green concentric rings

Lesser Deities Alignment Suggested Domains Symbol

Hylia, goddess of time      LG Grave(+), Light, Order(+) Golden lyre
Demise, god of demons      CE Death, Trickery, War Red-glowing greatsword

Divine Beings Planes of Existence

Few mortals remember the creation myths of Hyrule and The various planes of existence in the Legend of Zelda
Hylia's sacrifice from the long-forgotten Era of Chaos. Indivi- universe are realms of myth and mystery. They're not simply
dual names of deities are rarely on the lips of Hyruleans, other worlds, but dimensions formed and governed by
though the collective term 'Great Goddesses' or 'By the God- spiritual and elemental principles. Knowledge on the planes
desses' is sometimes used as an expression or exclamation. and their denizens goes beyond the comprehension of most
Hyruleans. Spells and other effects regarding planes of
Goddesses existence are bound by the following realms:
Worship of the goddesses is usually maintained by select
groups of people. The Royal Family are known as devout The Material Plane. Referred to simply as the world, this
worshipers, yet they don't force their beliefs on the general plane serves as the main setting for this adventure. It
populace in fear of another insurrection. Other worshipers includes Hyrule and all surrounding lands.

may be found among hermits, sages, and oracles, yet none of The Ethereal Plane. The Ethereal Plane is mostly feature-
them maintain a large following of fellow believers. less, serving primarily as a pathway to travel from one
Player characters, especially clerics or those with the plane to another.

Acolyte background, can select a deity from the Hyrulean The Lost Woods. Existing in Hyrule but not entirely part of
Deities table to serve. Clerics select one of the deity's sugges- it, these woods replace the Feywild as a sanctuary for syl-
ted domains for their class features. Domains marked with a van creatures, sheltering them from the dangers of Hyrule.

(+) come from official sourcebooks other than the Player's The Elemental Chaos. Surrounding the Material Plane on
Handbook and may be allowed with your permission. all sides is the Elemental Chaos, an amalgamation of raw,
Gerudos worship the nameless Goddess of the Sand, who untamed elemental substance from which the Material
shares Din's alignment and suggested domains. Her symbol Plane was made---comprised of Air, Earth, Fire , and Water.

is a king cobra's hood. Hylian scholars believe the Goddess of The Sacred Realm. Representing both the Astral Plane and
the Sand to be the gerudo counterpart or representation of the Positive Planes, the Sacred Realm is a starry void of
Din, though this of course is vehemently refuted by gerudos. infinite space, said to be the home of the goddesses.

The Dark World. A dark, twisted reflection of the Material

Nature Spirits Plane. This dreadful realm replaces the Shadowfell and
With the disappearance of worship, people have turned to the Negative Planes as the dark residue of the goddesses'
veneration of nature spirits. Most Hyruleans believe that such creation, and the abode of countless vile monsters.
spirits occupy trees, rocks, and rivers, and it is common for
small shrines to be erected as a means to pay tribute to these Weather
spirits. It is believed such spirits help to maintain a healthy Hyrule's seasons are not dependent on the time of the year, as
balance between nature and civilization. They can nurture there are no summers or winters in the typical sense. Rather,
the soul when respected or bring destruction and disharmony each region has its own climate, terrains, and weather
when disregarded. Greed and hatred are seen as pollution to patterns that stay fairly consistent throughout the year.
this natural balance, resulting in many of the Hyrulean races
professing good alignments. Another belief Hyruleans have is Currency
that upon death, souls with unsettled disputes in life become
ghosts---spirits of concentrated hatred. Precious metals such as gold and silver exist within Hyrule,
The collective spirits of a forest, lake, or even an entire though the minting of coins has never been invented. Such
mountain may take the form of an intelligent animal, fey metals are instead smelted into bars for storage or transport
creature, or dragon. Though such beings have a divine origin, and worked into jewelry and ornaments, retaining their
they can't grant spells to clerics or control aspects of mortal normal value.
life. They are still immensely powerful beings, and may For the everyday exchange of currency, rupees (rp) are
bestow a charm or blessing upon those they deem worthy. used, which are tiny oblong hexagonal crystals that weigh
twenty to a pound. Their value is determined by their color, as
listed on the Currency table on the following page. This table
also shows their equivalent in coinage from the Player’s
Handbook, for ease of reference.

Currency Exotic Languages of Hyrule
Rupee (rp) Value Equivalent Language       Typical Speakers Script
Green 1 rupee 1 silver piece Celestial Goddesses Celestial
Blue 5 rupees 5 silver pieces Infernal Demons Infernal
Red 20 rupees 2 gold pieces Draconic Dragons Draconic
Purple 50 rupees 5 gold pieces
Gold 200 rupees 20 gold pieces The Magic of Music
Any character that has the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class
feature and is proficient in a musical instrument may use that
instrument as a spellcasting focus, instead of the spellcasting
focus they normally use.
Music is pervasive in Hyrule, and there are songs that carry
echoes of primordial magic, mimicking certain spell effects.
Such songs are called spell songs (see appendix B). When a
character with a musical instrument as a spellcasting focus
hears or reads a complete spell song, they can spend 1
minute to attempt to learn that song. On a successful DC 10
The value of an item is always indicated by its total value in Intelligence (Musical Instrument) check, the song is learned,
rupees, and the color of rupees are rarely mentioned in any and the character can cast it as a ritual with a casting time of
exchange. A shortsword, for instance, is stated in the Player’s 1 minute, without expending any spell slots. On a failed
Handbook as costing 10 gold pieces. A weaponsmith selling check, the character must hear or read the complete song
such an item would not ask for 2 purple rupees or 100 green again before attempting another check.
rupees. Rather, he or she would just state it costs 100 rupees.
To calculate prices from gold pieces to rupees, simply Lands Beyond Hyrule
multiply the number of gold pieces x10 to get its value in
rupees, as 1 gold piece equals 10 rupees. Though Hyrule takes central stage in this adventure, it is far
Any prices listed in silver pieces retain the same value in from the only kingdom in the world. The lands beyond Hyrule
rupees, as 1 silver piece equals 1 rupee. can be divided into nearby regions and distant lands. None of
Since there is no equivalent to copper pieces, any prices the main storylines and side quests of this adventure take
that fall between rupees are rounded up to the next rupee. place there (except for the Gerudo Wasteland), though if you
For instance, a mug of ale in the Player's Handbook is listed and your players wish to explore these locales, a brief
as costing 4 copper pieces. This means that 1 rupee could get description of each is provided below.
you two mugs of ale, or 2 rupees could get you five mugs.
Nearby Regions
Languages Nearby regions are territories that have either remained
Hyrule is not the most cosmopolitan of kingdoms, and a independent from Hyrule or were once annexed and have
relatively small number of languages are used in its lands. since been neglected or reclaimed. Most lie within a few days
Common is the dominant trade language and the native travel from Hyrule and are usually too small or insignificant
tongue of hylians. Gorons speak the Terran dialect of to form a kingdom of their own.
Primordial, and zoras speak its Aquan dialect. Gerudos and Akkala. Wild and rugged highlands, Akkala lies north-east
sheikahs have their own languages, and kokiris speak a of Hyrule, beyond the Eldin region of the gorons. Long
distinct dialect of Sylvan. Infernal is spoken by demons and ignored due to the numerous bokoblin and moblin (see
other fell creatures. Hyrule's few remaining dragons have appendix C) tribes that scour its inner reaches, Akkala is also
their own language, which is also spoken by those who pay prone to strong ocean winds and flash floods. Despite these
them tribute. Celestial is a unique language spoken by the hardships, a few groups of daring goron and hylian settlers
Goddesses. It has left very little writing in Hyrule save for are trying to make it their home.
some symbols and ancient glyphs, and is a language that only Faron. Faron lies south of Hyrule, beyond Lake Hylia. It is
a handful of mortal sages and oracles can comprehend. comprised of dense woodlands, jungles, and high cliffs and
Exotic languages are rarely spoken among mortals of peaks---and full of dangerous monsters. Though much
Hyrule, requiring two language proficiency slots to learn. coveted by hylians for its abundance in natural resources, it is
a dangerous territory. Besides its plethora of monsters, it is
inhabited by the fierce Zonai Tribe---savage hylians who
Standard Languages of Hyrule distanced themselves from the clutches of civilization during
Language       Typical Speakers Script the dawn of the Era of Prosperity.
Common Hylians Common Gerudo Wasteland. Home to the gerudo tribes and south-
Gerudo Gerudos Draconic
west of Hyrule, the Gerudo Wasteland has little value to the
Royal Family. The gerudo tribes have been Hyrule's biggest
Primordial Gorons, zoras Common threat however, and with Ganondorf's imminent subjugation,
Sheikah Sheikahs Sheikah the Gerudo Wasteland will officially be part of the Hyrule
Sylvan Kokiris Elvish

    Gerudo Highlands. Slightly north of the Gerudo
Wasteland is a wide range of tall snowy mountains. A

single gerudo tribe guards the foothills to these treach-

erous slopes, and gerudos exiled from their homeland

are often sentenced here to die. There are no perma-

nent settlements in these highlands.

Hebra. North-west of Hyrule lies the sprawling Hebra
region, a barren and isolated mountain range even

colder than the Gerudo Highlands. Permanently frozen

tundras interspersed by sheer cliffs and staggering

peaks, some animals and monsters make it their home,

but the Hyrulean races have little interest in this

frigid territory.
Tabantha. West of Hyrule and wedged between the
Gerudo Highlands and Hebra lies a geographically iso-

lated region cut off from Hyrule by canyons and deep

rifts. A few hylian settlers call it home, connecting the

lands with rope bridges. Though the region offers

berries and wild game, the cold and steep grounds

make it ill-suited for agriculture. Rumors persist of

avian humanoids dwelling beyond the great chasm

west of Tabantha, but contact has yet to be make.

Distant Lands
Though certain realms exist in other planes of exist-

ence, such as Termina, Lorule, the Twilight Realm, the

Minish Realm, Koholint Island, and the World of the

Ocean King, this section describes the known lands of

the Material Plane that can be reached by physically

traveling there from Hyrule. Some of these lands are

inhabited by humans rather than hylians, taking weeks

or even months of travel to get there. Other lands can

be added at your discretion.

Hytopia. Hytopia is a human kingdom far to the north

of Hyrule. Due to the distance, Hytopia and Hyrule rare-

ly interact except for occasional trade. Hytopia is a

stable and colorful kingdom with a strong sense of

(constantly changing) fashion.
Holodrum. A vibrant landscape sparsely inhabited by
humans, gorons, and moblins, Holodrum has no central

form of governance. It is the only known land with four

seasons throughout the year, having an active effect on

the environment and its people.

Labrynna. Zoras speak of a land across the sea from

Hyrule abundant in beauty and resources. It is home to

humans, gorons, zoras, and other races, and is said to

have a long history. Little is known about this fabled

country other than the name of its capital: Lynna City.

Map of Hyrule
Different maps of Hyrule exist, though this adven-
ture assumes the map based on Breath of the Wild,
which is the most detailed depiction of Hyrule so
far. The destruction and ruins on this map are due
to the aftermath of the Hyrulean Civil War, rather
than caused by Calamity Ganon. If you decide to
use a map more faithful to Ocarina of Time, that's
up to you, though it will result in certain locations
in this adventure to be added or relocated.


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