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Rasamsonia argillacea species

Future Microbiology
complex: taxonomy, pathogenesis
and clinical relevance
Sandrine Giraud*1, Loïc Favennec2, Marie-Elisabeth Bougnoux3
& Jean-Philippe Bouchara1,4
LUNAM Université, Université d’Angers, Groupe d’Etude des Interactions Hôte–Pathogène, UPRES-EA 3142,
49933 Angers cédex 9, France
Université de Rouen, Laboratoire de Parasitologie-Mycologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Rouen,
Université Paris Descartes, AP-HP, Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades, Service de Microbiologie, Paris, France
Laboratoire de Parasitologie–Mycologie, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, Angers, France
*Author for correspondence: n Tel.: +33 2 44 68 83 64 n Fax: +33 2 41 22 67 09 n

Since 2010, colonizations/infections by Rasamsonia argillacea species complex,

previously known as Geosmithia argillacea, have been regularly reported in
literature. We reviewed all available cases focusing on pathogenesis and clinical
relevance. The number of cases may be underestimated, as these fungi are
frequently misidentified as Penicillium or Paecilomyces species. Major underlying
conditions that predispose for infections by the R. argillacea species complex
include cystic fibrosis (CF) and chronic granulomatous disease (CGD). While the
pathogenic role of the colonization of CF lungs is still under debate, these molds
are the causative agent of pneumonia and/or invasive infections in CGD patients.
Given their thermotolerance and their resistance to various antifungals, especially
the azole drugs, a special attention should be paid to the chronic colonization
of the airways by these fungi in CF and CGD patients.

Before the end of the 1990s, the Rasamsonia forms lineages in the Hypocreales and Eurotia-
argillacea species complex, previously known as les [3]. Geosmithia lavendula, the type species of
Geosmithia argillacea, was not reported in the Geosmithia, shows affiliation to the Hypocre-
medical literature, possibly owing to the dif- ales and is related to Acremonium alternatum,
ficulty in identifying it properly. Indeed, these the type species of Acremonium. Most species
thermotolerant molds are frequently misidenti- belonging to this lineage are associated with
fied as Penicillium or Paecilomyces species. Since the galleries of phloem-feeding bark beetles
2010, this fungus has been isolated regularly [4–7]. The Eurotiales lineage is divided into two
in sputum samples recovered from European subgroups based on their teleomorph species:
patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) and described the Talaromyces-producing Geosmithia species,
as the causative agent of disseminated infections which comprise G. argillacea (of which the
in patients with chronic granulomatous disease sexual state is Talaromyces eburneus [8]); and the
(CGD). This review will focus on taxonomic Chromocleista malachitea-producing Geosmithia
updates within the Geosmithia genus that led species, the Eupenicillium crustaceum-producing
to the creation of the new genus Rasamsonia. Penicillium species and the anamorph state of
The pathogenesis of these fungi and the clinical Talaromyces avellaneus, Merimbla ingelheimense.
relevance of their isolation will also be discussed. These molecular data were also supported by
differences in the major ubiquinone system, as
Taxonomy & identification well as in the polysaccharide composition of the Keywords
G. argillacea was initially described under the cell wall [9]. More recently, this taxonomy was n chronic granulomatous
name Penicillium argillaceum by Stolk et al. in revisited by Houbraken et al. [10]. In this study, disease n cystic fibrosis
1967 as a new thermotolerant Penicillium species molecular characterization of thermotolerant n filamentous fungi
n Geosmithia argillacea
[1]. In 1979, Pitt proposed the genus Geosmithia or thermophilic members of the family Tricho-
n German shepherd dog
to accommodate isolates previously known as comaceae including G. argillacea, Talaromyces n graft-versus-host disease
Penicillium species, but producing conidia that emersonii and Talaromyces byssochlamydoides n Rasamsonia argillacea

were not typically green [2]. Microscopically, was conducted using partial RPB2 (RNA poly- species complex
n thermotolerance
Geosmithia was also distinguished by rough- merase II gene), Tsr1 (putative ribosome bio-
walled metulae and phialides. Phylogenetic genesis protein) and Cct8 (putative chaperonin
analysis based on 18S ribosomal DNA sequences complex component TCP-1) gene sequences, and
demonstrated that this genus is polyphyletic and the results were combined with observations of part of

10.2217/FMB.13.63 © 2013 Future Medicine Ltd Future Microbiol. (2013) 8(8), 967–978 ISSN 1746-0913 967
Review Giraud, Favennec, Bougnoux & Bouchara

morphological and physiological features. The were obtained by MS identification. Among the
genus Rasamsonia was created in honor of RA ten G. argillacea isolates studied, nine showed
Samson for his 65th birthday and his 40 years concordant MT versus GT identification and
of service at the CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiver- seven showed concordant MS phenotyping ver-
sity Center (Utrecht, The Netherlands). In the sus GT identification. One isolate was misiden-
Nomenclature section of the 18th International tified by MT and three could not be identified
Botanical Congress in Melbourne in 2011, the by MS phenotyping. However, this study was
proposal to revise article 59 of the International performed on the basis of the old nomenclature,
Code of Botanical Nomenclature was accepted and a database extension is necessary in light of
and the principle of ‘one fungus: one name’ the recent taxonomic updates. Consequently, to
was established [11]. In light of this decision, a date, only internal transcribed spacer sequencing
single name was proposed for Rasamsonia. It allows the correct identification of species within
resembles Paecilomyces and comprises thermo- the Rasamsonia genus.
tolerant species with olive-brown conidia and
ascomata, but more regularly branched conid- Pathogenesis
iophores with distinctly rough-walled stipes. A computerized search of the literature was made
The Eurotialean species G. argillacea, Geosmi- for cases of infections caused by the R. argillacea
thia cyclindrospora and Geosmithia eburnea were species complex with the terms ‘G. argillacea’
transferred to this genus. New combinations and ‘T. eburneus’ on several databases (MED-
for T. byssochlamydoides and T. emersonii were LINE database, National Library of Medi-
made in this genus and a new species named cine, Bethesda, MD, USA; Web of knowledge
Rasamsonia brevistipitata was proposed. More- database, Thomson Reuters, NY, USA). Other
over, Su et al. characterized an additional species, search terms were added referring to prior or new
Rasamsonia composticola, isolated from compost nomenclatures, in other words ‘P. argillaceum’
in China and related to Rasamsonia emersonii or ‘Rasamsonia’.
and Rasamsonia byssochlamydoides [12]. Finally, The first reported case of infection due to
the diversity among a set of R. argillacea isolates the R. argillacea species complex was published
was studied using several gene sequences (inter- in 2009, concerning an infection in a German
nal transcribed spacer regions, partial b-tubulin shepherd dog [15]. Since that date, these fungi
and calmodulin genes) associated with morpho- have been identified regularly, and 80 cases were
logical characteristics and revealed four species reported in the literature [10,15–23] or in con-
into the R. argillacea complex, that is. R. argil- gresses [24–26]. However, records of isolation were
lacea sensu stricto, Rasamsonia eburnea and two available for only 59 of them (Figure 3). A total of
new species, Rasamsonia piperina and Rasamso- 86% of these isolations have been obtained since
nia aegroticola [13]. Figure 1 illustrates the various 2005. Prior misidentifications that are frequently
successive refinements in the taxonomy of the reported and corrected using molecular methods
R. argillacea species complex. clearly indicate that the number of cases may be
Currently the genus Rasamsonia comprises underestimated due to the culture-resemblance
nine species: R. argillacea (F igur es 2A & 2C), of species of the R. argillacea complex to Peni-
R. brevistipitata, R. byssochlamydoides, R. compos- cillium or Paecilomyces species. The increased
ticola, R. cyclindrospora, R. eburnea, R. emersonii, attention paid to fungal infections, together
R. piperina and R. aegroticola (Figures 2B & 2D), and with improvement of the detection methods
their phenotypic characteristics are summarized for fungi and a more frequent use of molecular-
in Table 1. Correct phenotypic identification by based techniques (especially DNA sequencing),
routine laboratories is difficult. Recently, Del undoubtedly accounts for part of this increasing
Chierico et al. designed a matrix-assisted laser occurrence. However, although the procedure
desorption/ionization-TOF mass spectrometry used for mycological examination of sputum
(MS)-based assay to identify filamentous fungi samples has not changed over the past 6 years
from clinical origins [14]. Twenty species were in our hospital laboratories (Angers and Rouen),
used, and specific MS fingerprints were provided we have observed a growing number of patients
for G. argillacea after 120 h of culture at 30°C with CF colonized by species of the R. argillacea
on Sabouraud agar medium. The analytical complex since 2006. Nevertheless, we cannot
performance of morphotyping (MT) and MS confirm a true emergence of these fungi because
phenotyping were compared by concordance changes in clinical practice (more aggressive
analysis against genotyping (GT; based mainly physical therapy and therapeutic intervention)
on 28S rDNA sequencing) and promising results may have head to a greater selection pressure.

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Rasamsonia argillacea species complex: taxonomy, pathogenesis & clinical relevance Review

Indeed, for some of the cases reported in the

literature, R. argillacea infection or colonization Penicillium argillaceum
occurred while patients were being treated with
azole antifungals [16,19,20].

Portal of entry
Geosmithia argillacea
Although in one case of atopic eczema a cutane- (sexual state: Talaromyces eburneus)
ous infection may be suspected, almost all the
R. argillacea sensu lato isolates reported in the
literature were recovered from sputum samples,
bronchial aspirates or lung biopsies. Because
of this frequency in respiratory specimens, it Rasamsonia argillacea
is most likely that the fungus enters the host
through inhalation of conidia. Bone or CNS
involvement occurs secondary to colonization
of the respiratory tract [19,20]. Rasamsonia argillacea
Rasamsonia eburnea
Predisposing factors & underlying Rasamsonia piperina
conditions Rasamsonia aegroticola
The most frequent underlying conditions that
have been reported are CF (70%) and CDG Figure 1. Taxonomic changes in the
(11%; Figure 4). The thickening of the bronchial Rasamsonia argillacea species complex.
mucus in the CF airways and the inability of Solid arrows indicate changes in genus name
CGD patients to generate microbicidal reactive and the dashed arrow indicates the
identification of novel species based on
oxygen species predispose CF and CGD patients
molecular analysis associated with
to infections due to filamentous fungi, especially morphological characteristics.
Aspergillus fumigatus, which is the major cause of
morbidity and mortality in both contexts. from two clinical samples [22]. The internal tran-
Approximately 10% of reported patients scribed spacer sequences deposited in Genbank
showed immunosuppressive conditions such were used for precise species identification. The
as bone marrow or solid organ transplantation. isolate recovered from a transtracheal aspirate
Moreover, two animal cases were reported, from a patient presenting with an acute lympho-
occurring in German shepherd dogs [10,15], ani- blastic leukemia and an influenza H1N1 infec-
mals that are highly suspected of a breed-related tion (Genbank accession number GU165726.1)
immunodeficiency, although study conducted contained R. argillacea sensu stricto and the other
by Day et al. failed to identify the specific recovered from a lung biopsy from a patient with
defect [27]. chronic cavitary aspergillosis (Genbank acces-
sion number HQ246728.1) was assigned to
Geographical distribution R. aegroticola. Similarly, results of the BLAST
Regarding geographical features, all reports in searches reported by Doyon et al. suggest that the
the CF context were from Europe (France, the only case of infection in an immunocompetent
UK, Italy, Germany and The Netherlands). patient is due to R. piperina [21]. Consequently,
The other cases were distributed similarly in reidentification was performed for 24 cases, and
Europe and USA, with occasional cases from the results are summarized in Table 2. Similar pat-
Asia (especially Korea). terns were found to be associated with CF and
CGD. In both clinical contexts, R. aegroticola
Pathogenesis according to the is the most frequent species of the complex, fol-
taxonomic update lowed by R. argillacea and R. piperina. R. ebur-
In the taxonomic study leading to revision of nea was not recovered in these contexts, but this
the Geosmithia genus and reassignment of some fungus was recovered from two other clinical
species to the new genus Rasamsonia, Houbraken samples. However, among all clinical reports
et al. conducted a retrospective analysis that until now, the number of cases that could be
identified, in several cases, the species involved analyzed limits the generalizability of these
within the R. argillacea complex [13]. A similar results. Further survey is required for a better
work was performed here on two additional pub- understanding of the epidemiology of species of
lished studies. Jang et al. isolated R. argillacea the R. argillacea complex.

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Figure 2. Morphological features of Rasamsonia argillacea and Rasamsonia aegroticola.

(A & C) Rasamsonia argillacea and (B & D) Rasamsonia aegroticola. (A & B) Seven‑day-old cultures
at 37°C on yeast extract–peptone–dextrose–agar medium. (C & D) Microscopic examination with
lactic blue stain.
Scale bars: 10 µm.

In vitro antifungal drug susceptibility which showed a high efficacy. This susceptibility
So far, no data have been made available regard- profile differs from that observed for Paecilomy-
ing the in vitro antifungal susceptibility of ces species, which exhibits variable susceptibility
R. composticola. The susceptibility profile for to echinocandins and a high susceptibility to
R. brevistipitata differs from that of the other posaconazole [13]. This demonstrates that correct
Rasamsonia species, with low minimum inhibitory species identification is required for an appropriate
or effective concentrations (<0.5 µg/ml) for all the antifungal therapy.
drugs tested, including amphotericin B, itracona- Moreover, in a recent study, the in vitro antifun-
zole, posaconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin gal activity of colistin was investigated as a single
[13]. However, only two isolates were tested for this agent or in combination therapy with voricon-
species, and further analysis using a larger set of azole, amphotericin B or caspofungin [28]. Colis-
isolates is required to confirm these results. tin is a cationic antibiotic that became available
Regarding the other Rasamsonia species, vori- for clinical use in the 1960s, but its use was dis-
conazole showed no efficacy since most of the continued in favor of less-toxic antibiotics in the
isolates were not inhibited at a concentration of 1970s due to the common occurrence of severe
16 µg/ml. Susceptibilities to amphotericin B, side effects (nephrotoxicity and neurotoxicity) [29].
posaconazole and itraconazole were variable. The increasing occurrence of multidrug resistance
Echinocandins were the most active antifungal in Gram-negative bacteria, especially P. aerugi-
class against R. argillacea sensu lato and the related nosa, Acinetobacter baumannii and Klebsiella pneu-
species R. cyclindrospora [16–21,23]. Data were moniae as well as the limited therapeutic options
reported mainly for caspofungin. However, when led physicians to reconsider the clinical use of
micafungin and anidulafungin were tested, their colistin [30–32]. Nowadays, colistin is an extremely
minimum effective concentration values always important antibiotic for the treatment of Pseudo-
were lower than those obtained for caspofungin. monas infections in CF patients [33,34]. Interest-
Few isolates were analyzed regarding terbinafine, ingly, a study from Schemuth et al. demonstrated

970 Future Microbiol. (2013) 8(8) future science group

Rasamsonia argillacea species complex: taxonomy, pathogenesis & clinical relevance Review

that colistin also exhibited an antifungal activ- of the NADPH oxidase system. This system
ity against R. argillacea sensu lato with indiffer- consists of several components: the cytochrome
ent effect when combined with voriconazole or b 558 heterodimer located in the membrane,
amphotericin B [28]. However, a combination of which comprises the gp91phox and p22phox units,
colistin with caspofungin exhibited nearly 90% and three other subunits (p67phox, p47phox and
antagonistic effects, indicating that a concomitant p40phox), which are cytosolic. Following cellu-
administration of these two drugs is less effective lar activation, these three soluble components,
in the treatment of R. argillacea infections [28]. together with the GTPase protein Rac, bind to
the cytochrome b558 heterodimer. This results in
Clinical relevance flavocytochrome activation, which catalyzes the
Given the limited number of cases in other con- transfer of electrons from NADPH to oxygen
texts (Figure 3), this review will focus on the two and induces the formation of superoxide anions
main predisposing factors, including CGD and in the phagolysosome. In this compartment,
CF, regarding the clinical relevance of coloni- reactions involving superoxide dismutase or
zations/infections caused by the R. argillacea catalase can produce H2O2 or H2O, respectively.
species complex. Various molecular subtypes of CGD exist based
on the mutated subunits of the NADPH oxidase
Chronic granulomatous disease involved. X-linked CGD arises due to mutations
CGD is a heterogenous group of inherited dis- in the gp91phox gene and is responsible for 65%
eases characterized by various genetic disorders of cases. The remaining 35% of cases result from

Table 1. Characteristics of Rasamsonia species.

Species Growth on CYA Shape and size of conidia† Ascomata/ Branching pattern Ref.
(7 days, 37°C) ascospores conidiophores
Rasamsonia 30–40 mm Cylindrical or ovoid, 3.5–4.5 Absent Regularly branched, [10]
argillacea sensu (minimum: 3.0; maximum: 5.0) predominantly bi- or ter-
stricto‡ × 1.5–2.0 (maximum: 2.3) µm verticillate, occasionally
Rasamsonia 30–40 mm Variable, predominantly ellipsoidal Occasionally Regularly branched, mono-, [10]
eburnea‡  or ovoid but also cylindrical, present, maturing bi- and ter-verticillate
2.5–3.5 (maximum: 4) slowly,
× 1.8–2.5 µm 4–5 × 4–4.5 µm
Rasamsonia 25–40 mm Variable; predominantly cylindrical Absent Often subterminally [13]
aegroticola‡ or ellipsoidal, 2.5–3.5 × 1.8–2.5 µm branched, biverticillate
Rasamsonia 15–25 mm Ellipsoidal or cyclindrical, Absent Often subterminally [13]
piperina‡ 2.0–3.5 × 1.7–2.5 µm branched, biverticillate
Rasamsonia 11–17 mm Ellipsoidal or ovoid, 2.5–3.0 Absent Regularly branched, [10]
brevistipitata (minimum: 2.0; maximum: 3.5) monoverticillate or
× 1.7–2.1 µm biverticillate
Rasamsonia 19–27 mm Cylindrical, 4–8 × 1–2.5 µm Present, usually Irregularly branched, ter- or [10]
byssochlamydoides maturing within quarter-verticillate
7 days,
3.7–4.5 × 3.5–4 µm
Rasamsonia 5–10 mm Cylindrical, 4.0–5.0 × 1.6–2.1 µm Absent Regularly brenched, [10]
cyclindrospora predominantly biverticillate,
occasionally terverticillate or
Rasamsonia 18–30 mm Cylindrical, 3.5–4.5 (maximum: 5.0) Present, usually Regularly branched, bi- or [10]
emersonii × 1.5–3.0 µm maturing within ter-verticillate
7 days,
3.5–4 × 4–4.5 µm
Rasamsonia 25–40 mm Cylindrical, hyaline, slightly larger at Present, 2–3.8 µm Regularly branched, bi- or [12]
composticola one end, 3–8.75 × 1.5–3.75 µm ter-verticillate
The numbers in brackets represent the minimum and/or maximum sizes that can sometimes be observed.

Species belonging to the Rasamsonia argillacea species complex.

CYA: Czapek yeast extract agar.

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Review Giraud, Favennec, Bougnoux & Bouchara

from severe protracted infections. The most

35 common clinical presentation was pneumo-
nia (eight out of nine). The last case corre-
30 sponded to an invasive infection in an alloge-
neic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation
using a matched unrelated donor, with acute
25 grade II graft-versus-host disease. For four of
21 these patients, R. argillacea infections occurred
20 while they were receiving long-term antifun-
Cases (n)

gal prophylaxis (mainly based on azole drugs).

Pulmonary infiltrations rapidly extended across
tissue planes from lungs to adjacent ribs and
chest wall in four patients and involved proven
10 (for one patient) or presumed (for two patients)
cerebral dissemination, despite antifungal ther-
4 apy. Surgery was required for five patients. Such
2 2 a clinical presentation with an aggressive dis-
ease pattern that was refractory to antifungal
0 therapy resembles that due to other filamentous
1990–1994 1995–1999 2000–2004 2005–2009 2010–2012 fungi in CGD. Indeed, A. nidulans or Neosar-
Date of first isolation torya udagawae were previously described as
being responsible for invasive aspergillosis in
Figure 3. Distribution of the cases of Rasamsonia argillacea CGD patients, and these infections spread in a
colonization/infection by 5-year periods. All the cases of Rasamsonia argillacea
contiguous manner and could result in invasion
colonizations/infections (80) reported in the medical literature or in congresses
were analyzed. Records of isolation were available for 59 of them and a of adjacent bone [48–50].
classification of these cases by 5-year periods was performed.
Cystic fibrosis
mutations in the other components of NADPH CF is the most common autosomal recessive
oxidase (mainly p22phox, and to a lesser extent disorder in the European Caucasian popula-
p67phox and p47phox) and represent the auto­somal tion [51]. In the respiratory tract of CF patients,
recessive CGD [35]. Indeed, the inability to gen- defects in mucociliary clearance and thickening
erate superoxide anions leads to the defective of the bronchial mucus resulting from muta-
killing of certain pathogenic microorganisms, tions in the gene encoding the CF transmem-
such as Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas, brane conductance regulator (CFTR) allow the
Nocardia or Aspergillus species [36,37]. There- entrapment of airborne bacteria and fungal
fore, the most common clinical manifestations spores and provide a suitable environment for
include life-threatening infections together with growth of microorganisms [52]. The respiratory
granulomatous complications and inflammatory tract of patients, therefore, is often colonized
bowel diseases. Ahlin et al. showed that patients by microorganisms. This colonization of the
with X-linked CGD had more infections than airways usually is not associated with signs of
their autosomal recessive counterparts [38]. clinical or functional deterioration, perhaps
Typical infections include purulent bacterial because of more aggressive therapeutic inter-
infections such as pneumonia and sinusitis, or vention keeping the patients asymptomatic or
necrotizing fungal infections of deep tissues or weakly symptomatic. Nevertheless, this airway
bone [35,39,40]. These invasive fungal infections colonization may sometimes lead to true respi-
occur in up to 43% of the patients over time ratory infections, which are the major cause of
[41]. Aspergillus species, especially A. fumigatus morbidity and mortality in CF patients [53]. The
and A. nidulans, are the most frequent fungi role of bacteria such as S. aureus or P. aerugi-
encountered in this context and the major cause nosa in acute pulmonary exacerbations and
of morbidity and mortality [42,43]. However, CF lung deterioration is well-established, but
other less-common fungi such as Pneumocys- fungal colonization of the airways and possible
tis jirovecii [44,45], Cryptococcus neoformans [46], subsequent respiratory infections are increas-
Trichosporon inkin [47] and Paecilomyces spe- ingly gaining attention [54]. Most studies have
cies are less frequently identified. Since 2000, focused on A. fumigatus and allergic broncho-
R. argillacea infections were reported in nine pulmonary aspergillosis, the prevalence of
CGD patients [19,20]. Eight of them suffered which is 1–15% [55]. However, the fungal biota

972 Future Microbiol. (2013) 8(8) future science group

Rasamsonia argillacea species complex: taxonomy, pathogenesis & clinical relevance Review

colonizing the CF lung is largely more complex or S. apiospermum, colonization of the respira-
and includes various non-Aspergillus filamen- tory tract by this fungus may contribute to the
tous fungi such as some species of the Scedo- exacerbation of the inflammatory reaction and
sporium genus or Exophiala dermatitidis [56,57]. therefore to the progressive deterioration of the
Nevertheless, the pathogenic role of these fungi lung function. It could also form mixed bio-
in progression of the CF lung disease remains films with bacteria. Indeed, most if not all bac-
poorly documented. teria and fungi are capable of forming biofilms,
In 1999, we reported the first case of airway which could be defined as structured consortia
colonization by R. argillacea sensu lato. Initially, of microorganisms embedded in a self-produced
the fungus was identified as Penicillium emer- polymer matrix. Biofilm formation is associated
sonii on the basis of its morphological features with a lowered susceptibility to anti-infective
[58], and it was later reassigned to the Rasamsonia drugs [62,63]. Gradients of nutrients and oxygen
genus by internal transcribed spacer sequenc- that occur from the top to the bottom of bio-
ing together with eight other cases diagnosed films and some secondary metabolites produced
between 1999 and 2009 in the CF context [16]. by microorganisms may affect the expression
At the same time, Barton et al. also reported of genes encoding some virulence factors [64].
eight cases in UK [17]. Since this date, this fun- Several studies demonstrate that P. aeruginosa
gus was isolated regularly from sputum samples influences C. albicans and A. fumigatus biofilm
from CF patients in several European countries formation in the CF context [65–67]. In addition,
including Germany, The Netherlands, Austria, recently, Marguet et al. [23] reported a case pro-
France and Italy. However, only few identifica- viding the first clue for the clinical relevance of
tions or reidentifications were performed taking the airway colonization by R. argillacea. In this
into account the recent taxonomic updates [13]. patient, R. argillacea was considered as the likely
The results of this are summarized on Table  2 cause of recurrent asthma-like symptoms. Each
and show that only three species of the complex, episode of isolation of the fungus was associ-
R. aegroticola, R. argillacea and R. piperina, were ated with a dramatic decrease in FEV-1 pre-
encountered as causal agents of airway coloniza- dicted value, and its normalization following
tion. To date, R. eburnea has not been found in antifungal therapy, together with unchanged
the CF context.
In our previous study, sequential isolates 80
(i.e., successive samples collected from the 70
same patient) were identical when submit-
ted to a multigene sequence typing analysis 60
[16]. This suggests that species of the R. argil-
Cases (%)

lacea complex may chronically colonize the

airways of CF patients. This result was con- 40
firmed, at least for R. aegroticola, in a Dutch
CF patient [13]. This is in agreement with
data on A. fumigatus and S. apiospermum spe- 20
cies complex, the most common filamentous
fungi encountered in CF [59–61]. The authors
have previously reported that colonization by 0
Clinical fibrosis

Chronic granulomatous disease

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Atopic eczema

Other causes of immunodeficiency

Immunocompetent hosts

Unspecified context

Animal cases

R. argillacea always occurred subsequently to

infections by various bacteria [16]. All but one
of our nine patients colonized by R. argillacea
were also chronically colonized by S. aureus [16].
However, for almost all the patients, no clear
relationships were established with clinical sta-
tus or lung deterioration. Never­t heless, the fact
that this fungus may cause invasive infections in
an immunocompetent host or in patients with
CGD or graft-versus-host disease suggests that
one may be cautious in patients undergoing Clinical context
lung transplantation. Additionally, R. argilla-
cea is not a commensal of the airways and, as Figure 4. Predisposing factors for Rasamsonia argillacea
with other filamentous fungi like A. fumigatus colonizations/infections.

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Table 2. Distribution of species of the Rasamsonia argillacea complex according to

the underlying disease.
Species Cystic fibrosis Chronic granulomatous Other underlying
disease diseases
Rasamsonia aegroticola 5 5 0
Rasamsonia argillacea 3 2 1
Rasamsonia eburnea 0 0 2
Rasamsonia piperina 2 1 3
Values correspond to the number of cases according to this review and [13].

bacteria colonization before and during the more appropriate antifungal therapy. Moreover,
period of colonization by R. argillacea, was given their thermotolerance and their capabil-
consistent with a pathogenic role of the fun- ity to disseminate, one should be cautious with
gus. The patient was successively treated with patients colonized by these fungi when lung
posaconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin, transplantation is required.
which resulted in short-term improvement of
the patient, albeit without eradication of the Research challenges & future
fungus. Finally, the patient was treated with perspective
prolonged high-dosage micafungin, which led As mentioned above, R. argillacea infec-
to both clinical and functional improvement of tions have been increasingly reported during
the patient and eradication of the fungus. Anal- the past decade. This may be the result of
ysis of the microbial community in the lungs of improved methods of detection and identifica-
CF patients in the future should allow elucida- tion of fungi. Nowadays, correct identification
tion of the role of R. argillacea and to clarify the based exclusively on morphological features is
epidemiological link with the CFTR genotype. becoming increasingly difficult and molecu-
Indeed, approximately 65% of all reported cases lar methods, especially DNA sequencing, are
with known CFTR genotype were diagnosed in frequently used for identification [68–70]. The
patients homozygous for the F508del mutation, resulting increase of available sequences in the
and all patients carried at least one allele with database accounts at least for part of this grow-
this mutation. Moreover, based on the cases ing occurrence. However, other parameters may
reported by the authors [16] and Barton et al. [17], be involved, since an increasing incidence of
the mean age of the patients at date of first iso- these fungi was also found in our CF centers
lation of the fungus was 18.11 years. However, over the past few years without any changes
two subgroups can be distinguished, since the in the procedures used for mycological exami-
mean age was 13.5 years for F508del-homozy- nation of sputum samples. Global warming
gous patients (range 6–24 years) and 27.2 years is likely to have impacts on human health via
for heterozygous patients (range 8–48 years). changes on aeroallergens and related diseases,
This is in agreement with the more aggressive including mold spores. Most works on the
pattern of the disease in patients homozygous impact of climate changes on aeroallergens have
for this mutation. been performed on plants and pollens [71–73].
Only a few studies have examined their poten-
Conclusion tial effects on the fungal community. Corden
Although uncommon in clinical practice, species and Millington investigated long-term trends
of the R. argillacea complex are being increas- in seasonal variations in Alternaria spores con-
ingly reported, mainly associated with CGD and centration and start dates in Derby (UK) from
CF. An early and comprehensive microbiology 1970 to 1998 [74]. They demonstrated a trend
workup is essential, especially in CGD patients, for a longer Alternaria season associated with
to correctly identify these pathogens. Species an earlier seasonal start (from late June at the
of the R. argillacea complex are frequently mis­ beginning of the study to early June at the end).
diagnosed. When Paecilomyces variotii and Peni- Moreover, the seasonal Alternaria spore con-
cillium emersonii are identified based on mor- centration showed a distinct upward trend over
phological features, molecular methods should this period (at first gradually and then mark-
be used to exclude species of the R. argillacea edly from 1992). Similarly, in a review about
complex, in order to guide clinicians in the use of disease risk linked to global warming, Harvell

974 Future Microbiol. (2013) 8(8) future science group

Rasamsonia argillacea species complex: taxonomy, pathogenesis & clinical relevance Review

et al. reported numerous climate/fungi rela- species complex through inhalation. An envi-
tionships of importance mainly in plants but ronmental study of the homes of patients with
also in wildlife and marine diseases [75]. The inherited disorders associated with R. argillacea
potential impacts of climate changes on devel- infections (CF or CGD) should be conducted to
opment and survival rates of thermotolerant identify the reservoirs of the fungus and to pro-
fungi such as the R. argillacea species complex, pose prophylactic measures aiming at reducing
remain to be investigated. Unfortunately, due the exposure of the patients and preventing their
to the recent description of these fungi, no prior contamination. Similar studies dealing with S.
data are available, and evolution of their geo- apiospermum in the CF context have led to the
graphic distribution in the environment should identification of potted plants in the homes of
be followed up over the next few years. the patients as a possible cause of contamination
Another important research challenge asso- [Bouchara J‑P, Unpublished Data]. Development of
ciated with R. argillacea infections is the ori- specific methods, such as selective or semi-selec-
gin of contamination of the patients. Indeed, tive culture media or PCR-based techniques, is
only few data about the ecology of species of a preliminary step for such an epidemiological
the R. argillacea complex are available. While study.
R. aegroticola has been isolated exclusively from Moreover, considering the hypocrealan Geo-
clinical samples to date [13], R. argillacea sensu smithia species, a close association with bark
stricto is a common species in the environment. beetles is well documented [4–6,77,78]. The dry-
It was isolated from mine tips and indoor air, spored fungi occur in galleries built by many
and was also described as a contaminating agent phloephagous bark beetles. A similar association
of pasteurized pineapple juice in the beverage between collembola, which also belongs to the
industry [8]. Rasamsonia eburnea was identified Arthropoda order, and Geosmithia namyslowskii
from Taiwanese soil [76] and R. piperina was iso- (belonging to the eurotialean Geosmithia spe-
lated from wood chips of Picea abies and Pinus cies) was suggested in a study that examined
sylvestris in Sweden, as well as from the air and the fungal biota in Lascaux cave in France
seeds of Piper nigrum in Spain [13]. Although the [79]. The potential association of species of the
precise environmental source is still unknown, R. argillacea complex with Arthropoda should
patients are thought to acquire the R. argillacea be investigated.

Executive summary
Taxonomy & identification
„„The genus Rasamsonia resulted from the recent taxonomic revision of the Geosmithia genus.

„„Currently, the genus Rasamsonia comprises nine species: R. brevistipitata, R. byssochlamydoides, R. composticola, R. cyclindrospora,

R. emersonii, R. argillacea, R. eburnea, R. aegroticola and R. piperina, the four last species forming the R. argillacea species complex.
„„Species of the Rasamsonia genus are thermotolerant and are frequently misidentified as Penicillium or Paecilomyces species.

„„An increased isolation of species of the R. argillacea complex in a clinical context has been observed since 2005.

„„The pulmonary involvement reported in almost all cases suggests the respiratory tract as the main portal of entry.

„„The most frequent underlying conditions were cystic fibrosis (CF; 70% of the cases) and chronic granulomatous disease (11%).

„„The four species of the R. argillacea complex have been reported in a clinical context.

„„In vitro, all species of the R. argillacea complex are resistant to voriconazole and susceptible to echinocandins.

Clinical relevance
„„The main clinical presentation in chronic granulomatous disease patients is pneumonia. Pulmonary infiltrations frequently extend in a

contiguous manner from lungs to adjacent bones.

„„All but one species of the R. argillacea complex (R. eburnea) have been reported as being capable of chronically colonizing the CF lung.

„„In one CF patient, R. argillacea was considered to be the likely cause of recurrent asthma-like symptoms.

„„Further analysis is necessary to evaluate a potential association between airway colonization by species of the R. argillacea complex and

the CFTR genotype F508del.

Research challenges & future perspective
„„The involvement of global warming in the increased occurrence of the R. argillacea species complex remains to be investigated.

„„Development of specific detection and direct identification methods is required to clarify the ecology of these fungi and to specify the

origin of contamination of the patients.

„„An association between some arthropods and Rasamsonia species should be investigated.

future science group 975

Review Giraud, Favennec, Bougnoux & Bouchara

10. Houbraken J, Spierenburg H, Frisvad JC. by fungi of the R. argillacea species

Financial & competing interests
Rasamsonia, a new genus comprising complex.
disclosure thermotolerant and thermophilic Talaromyces 20. Machouart M, Garcia-Hermoso D, Rivier A
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financial involvement with any organization or Leeuwenhoek 101(2), 403–421 (2012). due to Geosmithia argillacea in patients with
entity with a financial interest in or financial n Phylogenetics studies associated with chronic granulomatous disease receiving long-
conflict with the subject matter or materials dis- morphological and physiological studies led term azole antifungal prophylaxis. J. Clin.
cussed in the manuscript. This includes employ- to the creation of the new genus Microbiol. 49(4), 1681–1683 (2011).
ment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership Rasamsonia. 21. Doyon JB, Sutton DA, Theodore P et al.
or options, expert testimony, grants or patents 11. Norvell LL. Melbourne approves a new code. Rasamsonia argillacea pulmonary and aortic
received or pending, or royalties. Mycotaxon, 116, 481–490 (2011). graft infection in an immune competent
No writing assistance was utilized in the patient. J. Clin. Microbiol. 51(2), 719–722
12. Su Y, Cai L. Rasamsonia composticola, a new
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Yunnan, China. Mycol. Prog. 12(2) 213–221 n Reports the first case of R. argillacea
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