Who Is Responsible For Abdul Momen?: Editorial 8

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BHADRA 9, 1429 BS


Who is responsible for
Why can’t we do river
excavation right?
Abdul Momen? Golam Mortoza a country’s foreign minister would them to the polls.”
is the editor of The Daily speak like that during an official The general public understands that
Govt must revise Pashur Star Bangla. visit to another country without
understanding the implications
the incumbent government has India’s
support. Since Bangladesh helped
excavation project cannot be acceptable. If that is the India with the situation in the Seven
case, his qualifications, skills and Sisters states, the latter has a high level

HERE seems to be no end to instances of failed intellectual level come under question. of confidence in the Awami League.
or half-baked river excavation in the country. The It is expected that Bangladesh will
But if the second scenario is true,
newest report on this issue highlights the situation GOLAM MORTOZA then the Bangladeshi people were continue to have a good relation with
in Banishanta union of Khulna’s Dacope upazila, where
humiliated. Statements like this are India based on confidence and trust.

Mongla port authorities are planning to dump sand and HE government does not want to protocols there. He attended meetings
what damage the country’s “image,” But a perception has formed in the
soil (excavated from the Pashur River) onto over 300 acres take responsibility for his public and discussed issues with India’s which our government is concerned Bangladeshi people’s minds that India
of cropland. For authorities to even consider such a harmful statements. Nor does the ruling ruling party members, ministers, chief
move is reprehensible. This particular excavation project about, the most. plays a critical role in determining who
party. ministers and bureaucrats. All of these stays in power in Bangladesh. Momen’s
was approved by the Executive Committee of the National Let’s revisit some of Dr Momen’s
Yes, I am talking about our foreign were state-level meetings between the statement has made that perception
Economic Council (Ecnec) on January 28, 2020. Already, port past statements as Bangladesh’s
minister, Dr AK Abdul Momen. two countries. only stronger. It may not be comforting
authorities have taken over 700 acres of land in the Chila area Last week, during an event in foreign minister. He once compared
of Bagerhat district by dumping sand on it. And, according Abdul Momen did not visit India the relationship between Bangladesh for India either.
Chattogram, Dr Momen said he had as an individual. He did so as a Last year, the US imposed sanctions
to the chairman of Banishanta Union Parishad, Mongla port and India with that of a husband
“requested” India to do “whatever representative of the Bangladesh on the Rapid Action Battalion (Rab) and
police grounded red flags and signboards announcing their and wife. That a foreign minister of a
necessary in order to keep Sheikh some of its officers. It is only natural
illegal occupation of the area’s land on July 27. If this project government. The cost of his travels country would describe two nations’
is allowed to reach completion, it will ruin the livelihoods and Hasina in power.” that Bangladesh will try to have these
was entirely borne by Bangladeshi relationship in such away is probably
cause displacement of thousands of people. When asked about it, Awami League sanctions lifted. Bangladesh should
taxpayers. How, then, can this visit or unprecedented in history. This by no
The project’s original deadline was in June, but as is the case General Secretary and Road Transport have taken punitive action against the
what he did or say during this visit be means is diplomatic lingo, nor is it the
with most public projects, it is far from completion. Though in and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader allegations of human rights violation,
considered personal? language of politics in general.
this instance, this may be a positive, given that it will allow said, “It may be someone’s personal for which the sanctions were imposed.
We Bangladeshis have self-respect. India is Bangladesh’s neighbour
authorities to take the farmers’ protest into consideration view. It is neither the government’s We should have ensured that there are
view, nor the party’s.” Bangladesh is a small country, but and ally. We must maintain good
and rethink the project altogether. Although Mongla Port no more violations of human rights
Awami League Presidium Member it’s independent and sovereign. Our relations with India. But that doesn’t
authorities claim that the compensation from the government – that Rab is not involved in such
to affected locals – Tk 2 lakh per acre in 10 years – we have to Abdur Rahman said since the foreign freedom came at a very high cost. mean we have to ask them to ensure
agree with the farmers who say it is no match to the at least minister was “not a party member,” Instead, we saw the incidents of
Tk 5 lakh they earn just by selling the crops they grow on the there was no question of the party “crossfire” virtually stopping. The US
lands. This project is also concerning from an environmental being embarrassed by his statements. also brought allegations of enforced
perspective, as it would include filling up of land within 10km Interestingly, Dr Momen is an adviser disappearances and fraudulent cases.
of the Sundarbans, which is prohibited as per a court directive. to the Sylhet district unit of Awami There has been no visible change
Despite river excavation being a routine work in Bangladesh, League, and he is also a member of the regarding those either. The Bangladesh
our authorities often do it wrong. In June, we wrote about party’s Sylhet metropolitan unit. Still, government prioritised seeking India’s
the Bhadra river in Khulna’s Dumuria upazila, which was he is not a part of the ruling party?
re-excavated by the Water Development Board (WDB) with help in this regard over bringing in the
Whom, then, is the foreign minister much-needed fundamental changes.
a whopping Tk 46.25 crore only two years back, but became
affiliated with? Who will be held Foreign Minister Abdul Momen said
filled up again as the excavated earth fell from the river bank
responsible for his words and actions? Bangladesh had requested India to
back into the river. Last May, another report detailed how the
Are Obaidul Quader and Abdur help remove the sanctions, and India
Charalkantha River in Nilphamari shrunk to a mere channel
in many places, as the soil excavated from it in 2020 made it Rahman’s comments representing was lobbying the US for Bangladesh.
back to the river. the government and the ruling Awami The problem is Bangladesh’s, and
The government must investigate claims by locals that League, or are those their personal Momen is Bangladesh’s foreign minister.
the Mongla port authorities are planning to dump sand views too? But he requested India to help with
onto croplands in Banishanta union despite there being Discussing Bangladesh’s internal removing the US sanctions. Of course,
alternatives. Such protests by economically disadvantaged political situations with foreigners is we want the sanctions to be lifted.
citizens must be taken seriously, especially since it concerns nothing new. Both the Awami League However, in order to remove a US
the very source of income they depend on. River excavation and BNP have done it on several imposed restriction, he lobbied with
work, and any public project, must be conducted while occasions – usually when they were the India. We definitely want the removal
keeping in mind the betterment of citizens’ lives – not by opposition. of any restrictions on RAB. But first we
causing them suffering. Recently, UN High Commissioner for need to verify the allegations and see
Human Rights Michelle Bachelet paid if they are authentic. Then, following
an official visit to Bangladesh, during due action, we can negotiate with the
BCL has become a which she spoke to government high-
ups, civil society members, human
How can the sitting foreign minister
of that sovereign country make
such a “personal” request to another
the government’s or any individual’s
continuation in power.
Recently, the Swiss ambassador
US directly. Instead of that, we sought
India’s help.
rights workers, and the BNP too. At
total menace that time, Quader said, “Lobbying to
foreigners would not bear any fruit.
country’s leaders? Doesn’t it break
the oath he took when he was sworn
in Dhaka said Bangladesh had not
specifically asked about which of its
This tendency of seeking India’s
help in everything does not show an
iota of professionalism or diplomatic
citizens have deposits in Swiss banks.
Ruling party must take Foreigners or the UN cannot probe in as a minister of the Bangladesh
government? Doesn’t it hurt the
The next day, the foreign minister said etiquette, and it is humiliating for
our internal issues.” The information the ambassador had lied. Diplomacy the people of Bangladesh, as well as
responsibility for its student minister echoed him. self-respect of the people whom he
requires a certain tone, certain skills its government and the office of its
This is exactly when Momen came vowed to serve? Doesn’t it hurt the
activists’ degeneracy under the spotlight, by stating to the self-respect of Obaidul Quader, or the
and application of strategies. But
none of that exists in Abdul Momen’s
foreign minister.
Do we understand these issues? If

HE audacity shown by some Bangladesh Chhatra public what he’d done during his India government? dictionary. He directly called an we still don’t, that it is an unfortunate
League (BCL) activists to allegedly force a resident visit. There are two ways of seeing this: ambassador a liar. He has been situation for us as a nation.
student of Dhaka University’s Haji Mohammad Mohsin Why did Momen visit India? He either he didn’t realise the implications speaking like this for years. During his
Hall to leave his dormitory over a Facebook post criticising the went to India as the foreign minister of what he was saying, or he knew what visit to the US, he told his counterpart The article was translated from
recent fuel price hike is simply astonishing. But unfortunately, of Bangladesh to discuss certain it meant to make such a statement. Antony Blinken, “Bringing the BNP to Bangla by Mohammed Ishtiaque
cases like this have become a common phenomenon at our matters. He received due diplomatic If the first scenario is true, that the election is a challenge. Please bring Khan.
public universities, where ruling party activists have become
a menace. We are continually reminded by media reports how

Vanuatu emerges as global climate champion

BCL activists have all but taken over the functioning of public
universities, continually obstructing educational activities,
harassing, torturing and, in worst cases, murdering fellow
students over the most trivial of matters, such as expressing
an opinion that differs from the party line. And while all these POLITICS OF from human-induced climate change. at the COPs are also fossil-fuel-
happen, top-officials of the ruling party who are so eager CLIMATE CHANGE These cases are making their way up exporting countries. The argument
to admonish the public – that they are meant to serve – for the court systems in countries like the by civil society groups is that the fossil
criticising government policies, barely make a peep. Dr Saleemul Huq United States, Germany, Australia and fuel companies should be forced to
is director of the International Centre
But it is their silence that speaks volumes. Over the years, for Climate Change and Development the Netherlands. Some are making pay compensations to their victims.
the ruling party has provided immense leeway to its student (ICCCAD) at Independent University, good progress. Even though this is still a long shot,
activists, despite their repeated involvement in violent, Bangladesh (IUB).
The main reason for resorting it is worth using to frame the polluters
uncivilised, and criminal activities. And this leeway, as well to courts, both under national and as the villains who are causing the
as direct pressure sometimes, has led to a situation where SALEEMUL HUQ international jurisdictions, is that losses and damages.
university administrations, law enforcers, and others, are also the United Nations Framework Finally, it is worth mentioning
reluctant to pursue any action against BCL members involved
Convention on Climate Change that some efforts are also underway

in criminal behaviour – for fear of reprisal. HE tiny island nation of received strong pushback from some
Vanuatu, located in the Pacific of the polluting countries, was that (UNFCCC) has failed to adequately deal to provide finance to the victims
Only this week, a Rajshahi University student accused the
Ocean, is highly vulnerable the idea was first put forward by a with the issue of tackling liability and of human-induced climate change
BCL general sectary of the Matihar Hall unit of beating him up
after confining him to a room. Despite the national outrage to the adverse impacts of human- group of law students in the Pacific compensation for losses and damages through funds allocated by the
that followed after a similar incident led to the murder of Buet induced climate change. And along region, who prepared a brief on this suffered by the victims of pollution. governments of Scotland and
student Abrar Fahad, it seems that some BCL activists are the with other climate vulnerable island procedure of going to the General Thus, even though the vulnerable Belgium’s Wallonia, as well as a
only ones who did not get the memo that such behaviour is countries in the Pacific, it has been Assembly first and then to the ICJ developing countries have raised this number of foundations. At the same
not, in any way, acceptable in a civilised society. Earlier this leading the world on the issue of loss for an advisory opinion, and present issue at the annual climate change time, the Climate Vulnerable Forum
month, we saw how BCL members shut down educational and damage. it to the other island nations in the conferences (Conferences of Parties – (CVF), a platform of climate vulnerable
activities at Chattogram University for their own petty gains. Recently, Vanuatu prepared a Pacific. The government of Vanuatu COPs) of the UNFCCC for many years, countries across the world, and its
A few days later, we saw two BCL activists who were suspended resolution for the upcoming session of was the one who then took the lead they have not been able to get an finance ministers (collectively called
by the CU authorities on July 25 for one year for harassing the United Nations General Assembly in taking this forward formally, and agreement as the polluting countries the V20) have created a fund facility to
some female students on the campus, sit for the second-year (UNGA) in New York, US in September, is now seeking the support of all the have always blocked any discussion support the victims of climate change
semester final examination. seeking an advisory opinion from the vulnerable developing countries for on liability and compensation. Hence, in vulnerable countries to support
All these – and many more similar incidents – clearly show International Court of Justice (ICJ) the resolution at the upcoming UNGA while the struggle to take this issue them as quickly as possible.
that it is not that the BCL has “a few bad apples” problem. It on the topic of loss and damage from of finance for loss and damage is Vanuatu’s example as a global
session. If this resolution is passed,
has a “violence and criminal behaviour” problem. And that has still being pursued by the vulnerable champion of climate action and
human-induced climate change. Such then the ICJ can give an advisory
now reached its zenith due to the privileges that the ruling developing countries, other avenues against loss and damage can be
an advisory opinion by the ICJ would opinion on the legality of loss and
party has given it.
not necessarily name any particular damage claims between countries. of legal actions against the polluters followed by all countries, including
The ruling party may have given the BCL such leeway
polluting country; it would rather give This is not the only arena where need to be explored. Bangladesh. We hope the resolution
thinking that BCL’s thuggery may help the party maintain
its grasp on power. But BCL excesses have reached a point an opinion on whether or not a victim loss and damage court cases are There is also another movement, proposed by Vanuatu will pass with
where its activists are doing the party much more harm than country can bring a case against a taking place. There are by now dozens mainly by civil society actors, to target overwhelming support at the UNGA
whatever temporary gain it thinks it’s getting. Therefore, it is polluting country in the future. This of cases being taken forward under the fossil fuel companies who not only session next month. Also, we hope
time for the ruling party to have a serious reflection on how it would be a legal way to make polluters national law jurisdictions where have caused pollution for decades, that all the countries will agree to
will stop the nuisance that it has let loose. pay under international law if it goes citizens, in many cases youth, are but also profited from the losses and adopt loss and damage as a standing
We call on the DU authorities to immediately allow the into effect. suing their own governments for not damages they have been responsible agenda at every COP, starting with
student who was forced out by BCL activists to return to his An interesting feature of this doing enough to protect them from for. At the same time, a number of COP27 which is scheduled to be held
dormitory, and to seriously punish the offenders. bold action by Vanuatu, which has the incurring losses and damages countries who block discussions in Egypt in November this year.

The Daily Star thedailystar.net EDITOR & PUBLISHER: Mahfuz Anam Registered & Head Offices: The Daily Star Centre Newsroom: Fax- 58156306 Advertisement: 01711623910 Subscription:
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Tejgaon Industrial Area, editor@thedailystar.net Phone: 09610222222 GPO Box: 3257

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