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--------------, Maria Mithi and Hossain Sadril found out logo is very unique and would be used to promote

the product and the company itself. They decided to that trademark both the logo and the company
name ‘Recho’. The team comes to a conclusion that two forms are required to be filled in to trademark
it. They both needed the form ----------- in order to trade mark the logo & the company name. the other
form that is required to publish the project and to use the logo in their flyers, brochures and at the
booth, is the ---------- form.

Next Maria Mithi and Hossain Sadril trade market the companies name that very day, since the company
has already started to work with Malaysia government. They wanted to generate a great amount of
revenue and to ensure the reputation of the company. --------- is the only document that is needed to be
filled in for this case.

The logo that our team came up with consist of a power button
inside house. The color is blue. Blue symbolizes stability, inspiration, serenity and also reliability. The
logo represents the technology, and the power bottom to describe that our technology or robot can
control the whole house. The smart home robot ‘Recho’ does not need to take break or ever gets
distracted. Robots don’t need to divide their attention between a multitude of things. the logo is meant
to display assurance in safety and a wish and compassion to help people in any possible way.

However, there are some changes for a trademark application. The total amount is RM. 1200. One ‘-----’
form for each class cost RM 1100 and the trademark cost RM 100.

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