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Exam in: FYS620 X-ray physi s

Duration:4 hours (0900-1300) Date: 20th August 2015

Supporting material: Approved al ulator
Conta t: Helge Bøvik Larsen, E-527, ph. 51832174/41258133
The set ontains 1 problem distributed on 3 pages. On page 4 it is given
some expressions, natural onstants and onversion fa tors whi h may prove useful.

Problem 1
In this problem we are to study tin (Sn). Tin rystallizes in a tetragonal body entered
latti e, having ell parameters a = b = 5.82 Å, c = 3.18 Å, α = β = γ = 90◦ . In addition
to the positions ( 21 , 12 , 21 )+, given by the body entering, we also nd Sn-atoms in spe ial
positions of type (0, 0, 0), (0, 12 , 41 ) and ( 12 , 0, 43 ).
a) Make a sket h of the unit ell of tin and show the arrangement of atoms within it.
What is the number of atoms in the ell?
Draw a new unit ell where the lo ations of the planes having Miller-indi es (102̄)
and (01̄1) are shown.
b) Dene generally the basis ve tors (a∗ , b∗ , c∗ ) of the re ipro al spa e.
Show that Bragg's law may be derived from Ewald's onstru tion.
) Determine the interplanar distan es for planes of type (102̄) and (01̄1).
Cal ulate the angle between the planes (102̄) and (01̄1).
Find the s attering angle for the (01̄1)-ree tion when the in oming syn hrotron
radiation has a wavelength of λ = 0.620 Å.
The expression for the stru ture fa tor F (H) is generally given by:

F (H) = fn Tn e2πiH·rn

fn = fn0 + fn′ + ifn′′ (2)

2 (sin θ/λ)2 hu2 i
Tn = e−8π n

d) Explain the meaning of the symbols emerging in the equations (1)-(3). Derive an
expression for the stru ture fa tor of Sn. Whi h lasses of ree tions are systemati-
ally extin t, and what is the ondition for extin tion?
e) Use the information of the tables 1-3 below to ompute the stru ture fa tor amplitude
and phase-angle for the ree tion (non-extin t) having the smallest s attering angle.
The experimental onditions are syn hrotron radiation with λ = 0.620 Å and a
temperature of T = 25◦ C.
sin θ/λ [Å ] 0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.40
fSn 50.0 48.9 46.4 43.3 40.3 37.5 34.8 30.0
Tabell 1: fSn
as a fun tion of sin θ/λ. Linear variation between the entries in the table may
be assumed.

λ [Å] 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95 1.05 1.15 1.25

f ′
-1.182 -0.7917 -0.5352 -0.3352 -0.1786 -0.05283 0.04017 0.09969
f ′′
0.9013 1.218 1.572 1.961 2.384 2.837 3.320 3.832
Tabell 2: f ′ and f ′′ of tin for various wavelengths. Linear variation between the entries in
the table may be assumed.

T [K] 80 100 150 200 250 290 295 300

B [Å ] 0.3096 0.3870 0.5804 0.7737 0.9667 1.1210 1.1403 1.1596
Tabell 3: B as a fun tion of T for Sn. Linear variation between the entries in the table may
be assumed.
The a tual spa e group of Sn is I41 /amd.
f) Explain the meaning of the symbols appearing in the designation of the spa e group.
Also shortly explain what is meant by a point group. To whi h point group does Sn
We are now going to study 4-fold symmetry operations hara teristi for this point group.
g) Show that the rotation matrix for a 4-fold rotation about the z -axis in a tetragonal
rystal system may be written:
 
0 −1 0
 
R4 =  1

0 0 

 
0 0 1
Apply this to nd the equivalent positions generated by repeated use of the symmetry
operator 4̄ (about the z -axis).
h) Show that a 4-fold rotation axis lo ated normal to a mirror plane generates a enter
of symmetry.

Finally we are going to onsider absorption of X-rays in a foil of Sn.
X-rays may, as should be known, be generated either by using a onventional sealed tube,
or as syn hrotron radiation from large parti le a elerators.
i) Make a sket h of the intensity distribution as a fun tion of the wavelength for a
onventional X-ray tube. Also indi ate on the gure what happens when the high
voltage is in reased. State briey some advantages of syn hrotron radiation ompared
to this onventional X-ray setup.

In an experiment using syn hrotron radiation it is a prerequisite that the intensity of the
in oming radiation has to be redu ed by 35 % by using a homogeneous Sn-foil (lter).
The intensity redu tion of an X-ray beam through su h a foil may be written:
= −µ dx
The mass absorption oe ients of Sn at two dierent wavelengths are given in table 4. It
is assumed that it follows a relation of type
= C 1 + C 2 λ3 ,
where C1 and C2 are onstants with appropriate dimensions.
The density of Sn is 7.30 g/ m3 .

λ [ Å] 0.55 1.25
µ/ρ [ m2 /g] 14.18 137.0

Tabell 4: Mass absorption oe ients of Sn at two dierent wavelengths.

j) Determine a tual lter thi knesses that have to be hosen if the experiment is to be
arried out at wavelengths of 0.550 Å and 1.30 Å, respe tively. (We assume that the
intensity of the in oming beam is onstant over the wavelength interval in question.)

Some natural onstants and onversion fa tors:

h = 6.626 × 10−34 Js
k = 1.381 × 10−23 J/K
NA = 6.022 × 1023 mol−1
|e| = 1.602 × 10−19 C
1 Å = 10−10 m
0◦ C = 273.15 K
1 eV = 1.602 × 10−19 J

Some expressions that may prove useful:

f = |ψj (r)|2 e2πiK·r dV

Bn = 8π 2 hu2n i

= −µ dx
sin(x ± y) = sin x cos y ± cos x sin y

cos(x ± y) = cos x cos y ∓ sin x sin y

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