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Ankck Plloy


o1 hich af dhe follo wing us no Cohoclly mal+hedd?

(a) Qense 2 (n)
(6) Besculed 2 t)
() Sub-DiVision 2 2(
nonhiation 2 (m)


2 hich al_follo wàq slalsment is un onu7

(a) Unden Secdon he_slala goubnmtnt_may,

a/l Lensul alion wilh_b High CoLnt; _alt
dmiE c nume af Sosio División & D,sbiice

Unden Sedion 11 in y cd1s aic dhone shall

he Lestalohshed as_many Count a JMFC
TM SC at_such places a dhe_atale bhovbnmen
may aflb Censalalion_wilh high tount bynoluhcalon
Llnden Sechon 9The wiale qouwomenk Shall.
Aslaush a lount of ASion /0n cdweny
SesSion divistoo a/ nsulalton oilh HioA c o
H Con sulalfion noEqued
None a_Uhem us unconhod- all ane cou
Date: -I

3 Yan a(Cursed un a ial onuIclod_o!

and puniahed wilh wo ollenses unden todeb
31Copc 1913
heumprusonmenE un ahstnte
duchon a/ cohE wllaun
aany pe
(6) (Onwhhenlls
(C) anueall aspe dorsdion oTail aath0rilies
Onie.Cull Yely apendouchion of aul adhonko
.4 Thhich a dht 4ollownq cast dhe
o w Canndk arnesE VoilhouF Poha
as Pen Sedion
a) any peAon Who has hetnphodaumed
(6) LK ws Jeas on auly s as ollender
hom anq ohmedonce
uspeind a lkeng a closlhlD
(e) ho olbuch a Public ounion'
chis duty no aehwanE
Police alicetuWhle un Cl 1on
I hose Boss esS1on
esDnably _apylhinq us
Swpecdeddo pundWhich mau
5 Tdonletaion
54 A can lee
o alvus ledpeuon
doed y Co unde Se
Se dion
n Jequs o
6) Any Polie olice
Oice n hqe
None ohe above

6 lnden
lue made
Capc sulsstrtute Senvice al tdummon Can

(a) 6y avung one ef dhe duphcadé opy a Summon

hadu! male_man letn

(6) By Kequslhtd Pos
6 aiang Summon lo some conpicious part af houe
n 65)
d) Wone af he above

he_ cowm usuino warhanF s docaled mone

dhan 30km from pace of rLulion af wahan
dhen dhe annealrd peson musE le phoduad
Sedion 3 )
(a) Bcfone the maqukale of h a Jwradifion
(6) be/ee 7he CTM of t h a Juvus didion
(c) Blore Eceuhive n aqtsthate Supehdandent af oliu
(d) He shoJd le boudhE Lelone dhe cownt Lhich
Uwwd wainan

8 A procdlamalion unden Se ction 82-o Copc can

e uucd aqains a
(a) Accused
(61 Swulu
(d) All 1he above


Seiied under Sedion 102 Can
conwnunlly rans polid Jo (owhL

(a) sh all Secuwre propeh a(Amnoda

The police olli c o
o dhe Cubdy o phopenl
he poice offcw may handoven dhe propely
UD any personOn ute ulng Bond

do ge hdt
( h e poht olhw s eopoud
nom uhe cowiE

(d) All o Jhe above

hene a 'case ualales Jo dwo m0ne olense

ofWhich a doas one s coqnizable dhe dhal

shall doemtd do le cognizale olhwilth aland1ng

non cognua ble
dhe olhen oHfenSe _dre
This 9ven und en Which sedion o lopc

Secion155 (3)
(b) Se dion (4)
Sedion155 A)

#learnthesmarter way
11 he
Ihe bon conlancd wdc Sodon1 62 of l»pc
nof appl1table do

eviodence Ac 212-
(0) Se dion32 of T dion
lndan evidemo Ac
6) ovsion of sedhon 2t ol
(C) Bolh(a) (6)

None of he above

12 A AA Bail qnanled undc sedon 16t(2)
o lopc
(oipc hos Same unudenls as Barl Go.anled undo
Chaptin XxuL of Code

slale ment B: Bail hanled under Sedion 167(2)

Canno be can colded un de Se dion 43 7(5):

(a) lalemen A 0rod

(6) slalanen b US
Both slolimern: ane r0vud
(d) 6oth talen enF ane n oUi ec

an ok 11 The
bon conlántd unden Sedton
applicable do
162 s of l»pc

evicdence A cE 1872
(a) Sedion 32 af (L)noFan
T di32
o Tdian evidenco Rck
rrovISion of sedibn 2 t

Bolh (a) 2 (6)

(c None o Jhe above

12 stalimenEA: A Bail gnated und en sedion 167(2)

o lopehas same unudenls as Bail Goanled undor
Chapt XXxlIL o Code

lale ment B: Bail ghanled unden Sedion 67(2)

Cannobe canceled un der Sedion 43+(5)
Can Can O

(a) alalamenF_ A us r o
(6) Lslalonent 6 us (oad
Both stalimtnE ane
(dl Both sfalem enE ane un LDU ect

rlernt"iesmiarter uey

Q16 T/ut appeam dsmagis.brate Jhaf- ollnse he
a tuable Lrdiswely y conta a/ SesSIon,
undern secdion 202 (pc poklponing he ussue a
Process aqans Jhe accussed

(a) Shall commiJhe case J6 Cown o session

6) Shal oulwn Jhe cenplaint dor proLentalion helore

Cowt s/Session
(O May dorect an unsstigalion to le made by lohce

Shall call upon he complaunank do produc all
his wless _and Lraminehem aalh_

Aman us chahgsd uls 242 a IPC with havng

l2en in poxion o counlbyleit ton havng Knowh a
dunt hin_he ae Lame possessed thal- süch cO
was cBunti/eit_the w ord raudrl laung Bmmltad
un change Applying Seion 215

) u appean s Uhat Aman was un a t musload

ly 8mmuSion, The Lnon Shall la dagandd as malnial

(6) fapp0ahs fhat Aman was clelileratdy, miscod

lhis emnusSion, The enon sholl lue. eragan ded as m alen %7
nless u agptas lhat Rman was un ack mus led
Snmubslon1on, dhe dnon shall nok e drag andud as maluia
(d) None
dhe above

Q16 u f ap tn db magisbiale Jhal- ellense ssion, he
ualle chively y cowmt of Se
unden Sedion 202 (opc poltponing Ahe us5ue a
Process agansF Jhe a ccuined

(a) Shall commitfhe case Jo cown of session

6) Shall vulwn he Complaint dor proLenlalion kefore

Cowt o/ session

made lolhce
(C) MMay
May doec- an n uufigalion lo e by

d) Shall call upon he complanank lo produce all

his wfness and wcamine Uhem oalh

Aman us changed uls 242 eTPC with hasng

eon in poseion of conlnfeik (on, havng n0h at
dume hen he be cane poss essed dtha- shh con
was ounb/eit the w od raudrrl hung mmiltad
un change Applying Ledion 215
a) Tit app1 ans dhat Aman was in f a t msload
luy 6mnusSion, dhe n o n Shall la dag dad as malial

(6 Tl- appsahs hat Aman was clalilsehatdy mislcod by

Uhis ommusion, Jhe emon Shall le vaqnArd Qs m alen KI

c) Unless uF
appeans dhat Aman un
ac msled
yonmubS1 on , dhe nnan Shall nok le drag and1d as malbio
( None o dhe above
rfie.n!' marer vway

Q18 Unden hdcion 243 un hich a dhe ollow

ulluslhalTon mannen muat u se ouFT

(a) A u a ccused ohelt of Cenloun anlide at

Certan une Placa

6 A Ju acuused omdu oB pubshe

vtan underehange af kis nckion-ak_a
a guven Plaa& fhe

() A us accused o choatn B_aagiven

plata & dune

None afuhe above

echian 21
19 fon ony duslnc offense o Which pouon
atcumeld dlhoe chall loe SePhale chànge
hone s dhe eLpfion elo Jhs

218, 219120 22
a) Socron
Sehon221 222 223 224
(6) Secdhon 219220 221
Secdon 219, 220


.20 1 an acussed as chamged af a mayo buton

aonse buron
fac 4lal/ashed hcan not- he hold qully ef
maon offtnse At Same timo Jhe fac ealaklshed
Lundicales mnon ofense has acen commdled, Jhe peuon
So bucd fo majon altense Can be CBnwiclod fo
Such min0m alense unde

(a) Sedion 2 2.0

(6) Sedion 223
Cc) Se cion 221
Se chon 222

Q 21 Which Se clion af (opc empoutms h1gh cowt Jo

Conlnm a senlence odoath pamed by Cont ol Session

) Sedon 366 D n alon

(6) Secion 369
( Sedhon 368 faut
(d) Secdion 331

.22 An der pa» ed y m aqubale un do. Selion 446 of

(opc us applalable. lo

( Disbud- magulouali a per selion 448

(6) High cowrF Q po de ctron 449
(C) ession Judge as Rv Sedion 448
d es on Judge per sedion 449

23 Which o Jhe olowng pdi cul ans ned

Conlauned un a hhqe? no

Astalmen ol s ense. usilh Which arcussed is
(6) Ihcdas and sedion aqains hib ofense u
Said do have beCn comitfed

Parliclar a mann en n Which olnse wa

(d The facthat Jhe chanqe
made is awalenl do
slalemen Jhale ewy legal Condilion Jsauwied by
Jaw lo ensfilide of/hse nged was
ful, led un
he panlilaon cases

Q.24 Which of dhe sfakment 9wen low u ane

1 A cownt has n0 powen Jo Jellose a wom en on

bail dhe ense u punshable wlh doath
0 umpusOn menE 0% lile
2 An accused shall no e vreleased on boil
a Couni/ he had heen conurclad phavounly, d
an dwo m0ne octassion o non CogrulZab/g olense
punishalble wilh unprusOnmen n 3 Yeans o
mone butnot Jeis dhan yrans Togn ab
Ne cosil o udinlh alon wilness dwun
3 uualugtalion shall not lbe
ul!iuent uo un
d no ue

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