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Rich kid experiencing poverty #Ep.

2 – Pinghe Interview winter Studio

Billionaire son’s Wavy Yang talking about what he have learnt
from experiencing poverty
Lately, the Netflix show rich kid experiencing poverty has made a great impact on the internet, this show has
became the recent ‘hot spot’ that everyone argus about. The show was about letting a rich kid who can access
anything he want and went to any place he wanted, transfer into a homeless man for a day. Moreover, when
the show began, he would be dropped at a random place that was far from home. The reason was to let him
experience poverty. Let us see what he has learnt from the show!

Our studio interviewed the Billionaire son Wavy Yang immediately after he has finish the show of rich kid
experiencing poverty. It was about ten o’clock at the morning, Mr. Wavy came in to our interview site, he
seemed really tired even though it's ten o 'clock in the morning. Under his eyelids there was heavy dark
circle, and he almost couldn’t open up his eyes under the sunlight, he looks as if he hasn't slept all night. He
looks exhausted , since he can’t even walk for a while. His voice turns from energetic and clear to husky. So
we immediately offered him a warm cup of water, after he drunk half the cup, his lips turns from cold white
to bright red.

When Mr. Wavy was prepared we started to ask him our first question: What has you learnt from being on
the show? He answered our question briefly but precisely with ‘The biggest things I’ve learned from
experiencing poverty is that how valuable is our food today.’ From this short sentence, we can clearly noticed
that Mr. Wavy has got aware of how important food was meant to people. Afterwards he came up with regret
and conclude of the real feeling by saying ‘When I was homeless, asking for food, on the street, alone; I was
so hungry that every single of my thought is just connected to the delicious tomato pasta I had yesterday
evening’. This has evidently shown that Mr. Wavy has learnt to cherish single piece of food instead of
wasting them. Indeed, this was a truth to everyone, also important to everyone.

When asking about how this experience has changed his life. he answered with sense of decisive and
reflection by saying ‘It has definitely changed my life significantly, especially in how I treat happiness. My
school is premium class school, we have the finest quality of education there. This made me a wise being;
but the biggest side effect of attending these school, or being rich; is that you become so picky at anything;
you become dissatisfied with your relationship with your family because they are not “fun” enough, you
become dissatisfied with your school friend because there grade are not “good” enough’. Mr. Wavy’s answer
have shown great consideration and determination of how his previous education situation was. Moreover,
He clearly knew how this situation negatively and positively affected him. When regarding positive side the
premium education have made him a ‘wise being’, but on the other hand the negative impact was having the
habit of ‘picky and capricious’. After he express about his reflection of his previous living situation, he said:
‘but when there is no way home, you starts missing everything in your life, you starts finding that happiness
can be concentrated on the lightest material in the world. That’s about it.’ Thus we can see he ultimately
learnt to cherish his previous living situation and became grateful.

Last but not least, we asked our last question, do you have any future plans on how to tackle poverty. He felt
this question was a tough one for him, he thinks for few minute, than says ‘So because poverty is such a huge
issue, I know that my impact will be tiny, but that can accumulate over time. I will start to save food and
water, perhaps donate them to charity when I got the chance. I am going to open up a club and find a
entertaining but also not meaning-loosing way, to teach this subject of poverty to those who have a warm
heart.’ He knows that he can’t help much in improving the situation of poverty, but he still have the
aspiration to help others in his own way. We are so glad seeking out he has learnt a lot from the show, and the
show really changed him positively on certain aspect! Being poverty is not a good experience, so let us do
our best to help fight against poverty. You can visit the link to donate to Pinghe Help + to contribute your

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