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In this modern age of Science, there is nothing people could not invent already.

From creating
airplanes down to discovering new medicines, the possibilities are endless. What more could be

The answer may lie in understanding how the universe works and discovering its secrets. There
are many mysteries in the universe that have yet to be solved. And one thing to focus on is
health and medicine. This is why I have decided to invent something that could benefit the
health system of the whole world.

I have recently studied and created a prototype of an application that could detect a person's
disease only through entering and collecting information and scanning your body heat. Although
we already have telecommunication services, this application is much more convenient and
easy to use.

The application is called "UR Doctor." It has all the needed services like legit prescriptions from
real doctors who have partnered with the app. You need to talk to "Doc," the AI assistant, and it
will let you know what to do. You can also use the application if you feel like you need to go to
the hospital and have everything double-checked.

What's good about this application is that it is beneficial in times of pandemics or even a small
disease outbreak. With just a few clicks, you can be sure that you are safe and sound and that
you don't have the disease.

You can also use the app to check up on your family and friends whom you included as your
beneficiaries. They will get free perks without having to pay anything else, just like your shared
Netflix plan!

This application can give many benefits, not just to the users but also to the doctors and other
health care professionals. With this application, they can be more efficient in their jobs and help
save more lives. And this is different from a telemedicine application because you do not need
to make appointments with the doctors or queue in to talk to the physicians.

Again, you only need to enter some information and let "Doc" know. Wait for a few minutes, and
you get a temporary diagnosis. It will show how accurate the diagnosis is and will suggest if you
need to have a follow-up check-up from an affiliate clinic. With a single click, you can set an
appointment with the doctor it suggested, and you are already free from hassle.

This application is not only for sick people but also for those who want to stay healthy and be
updated on their current health status. It has a "Health Tips" section that gives tips on how to
live a healthier lifestyle. Overall, this application is designed to help people in their day-to-day
There are still a lot of improvements that need to be made, but I am confident that this
application will significantly help everyone. Again, this is just a prototype, and I am still working
on it. I hope to finish it soon and launch it on the market for everyone to use.

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