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Group Decision and Negotiation, 2:81-93 (1993)

9 1993 Kluwer Academic Publishers

Non-Numeric Multi-Criteria Multi-Person

Decision Making
Machine Intelligence Institute, lona College, New Rochelle, N Y 10801


We describe a decision making technique, ME-MCDM, for the evaluation and selection of alter-
natives using a non-numeric scale. Using this procedure each alternative is evaluated by an expert
for satisfaction to a multi-criteria selection function. Each criterion can have a different degree of
importance. The individual expert evaluations can then be aggregated to obtain an overall evalu-
ation function. We apply this technique tO the problem of proposal selection in the funding envi-
ronment. In this environment the technique is augmented by some textual information which can
also be used to help in the decision process.

1. Introduction

Decision making involving multiple experts is a very important and difficult class
of problems. These problems become more even complicated when each individ-
ual expert's decision is based upon the use of multiple criteria. We shall call these
M E - M C D M (Multi Expert-Multi Criteria Decision Making) problems. In many
cases an important aspect of the M E - M C D M solution process is the necessity to
aggregate ratings and preferences. A requirement for aggregation is that the infor-
mation provided, the preference ratings, be on a scale of sufficient sophistication
to allow appropriate aggregation operations to be performed. The A r r o w impos-
sibility theorem (Arrow 1951) is a reflection of this difficulty. One scale that has
the needed property is the numeric scale with its vast cornucopia of allowable
operations such as averaging. One problem with such a scale is that we b e c o m e
subject to an effect that I shall call the t y r a n n y o f n u m b e r s . The essential issue
there is that the numbers take a life and precision far in excess of the ability of
the evaluators in providing these scores.
In this note we suggest an approach that allows for the requisite aggregations
but that avoids the tyranny of numbers by using a scale that essentially only re-
quires a linear ordering. The procedure suggested here can be used on many dif-
ferent kinds of problems: pattern recognition and medical diagnosis, for example.
The problems are essentially characterized by a situation in which we must eval-
uate the quality of number of objects (alternatives). The M E - M C D M evaluation
process described in the following is a two-stage process. In the first stage, indi-
vidual experts are asked to provide an evaluation of the alternatives. This evalu-

ation consists of a rating for each alternative on each of the criteria. We note that
each of the criteria may have a different level of importance. The values to be
used for the evaluation of the ratings and importances will be drawn from a lin-
guistic scale which makes it easier for the evaluator to provide the information.
We use a methodology developed in Yager (1981) and discussed in Caudill (1990)
to provide a single value rating for each evaluator for each alternative. This rating
is again a linguistic value from the same scale. In the second stage, we use a
methodology introduced in Yager (1988) and extended in Yager (1992) to aggregate
the individual expert's evaluations to obtain an overall linguistic value for each
object. This overall evaluation can then be used by the decision maker as an aid
in the selection process. A goal of this work is to show how these two methodol-
ogies can be combined to provide an overall methodology for the solution of Multi
Expert-Mult i Criteria Decision Making problems.
During 1983-1984, I had the opportunity to serve at a government funding
agency as a program director in information sciences. In this capacity, I was re-
sponsible for selecting among proposals submitted those which were to be funded.
This experience provided me with firsthand knowledge of the decision-making
procedure used in the granting process. Recently, I had the opportunity to serve
on a panel of this agency as a reviewer to help provide information for the selec-
tion of proposals. This experience renewed my interest in the process used to
make this very important class of ME-MCDM decisions. In this note we shall use
this framework of proposal selection to describe our general procedure for aggre-
gation in ME-MCDM problems.
In the application specifically addressed in this article, proposal selection, we
suggest augmenting the ratings by some textual evaluation. While the need for
textual evaluation is not required for the implementation of the ME-MCDM pro-
cedure described, we feel that it provides useful additional information in the se-
lection process.

2. Problem formulation

The problem we are interested in addressing can be seen to consist of three com-
ponents. The first component is a collection

P = {P, . . . . C}

of proposals from among which we desire to select some to be funded.

The second component is a group of experts or panelists whose function is to
evaluate the proposals we denote this set of experts as A = {A1, 9 9 . A~}. Gener-
ally r is much smaller than p.
The third component of the system is the program officer or decision maker.
His or her function is to decide which of the proposals to fund. It should be noted
that while there is no exact restriction on the number of proposals to be funded,

there is the overriding consideration that there is some budgetary finiteness. In

making their selection there are a number of considerations that the decision
maker must take into account.
We note that there ate some proposals that should not be funded even if there
were unlimited money. Thus a first concern of the decision maker consists of
determining in some absolute sense which proposals are worthy of being funded.
This condition implies the necessity for some rating that makes this information
apparent. We emphasize here that we are not saying that a worthy proposal wilt
or should be fiJnded, but rather ff we did fund it, it would be reasonable. This
criterion requires some idea of being able to break the proposals into two cate-
gories--fundabte and not fundable. A second concern of the decision makeffs
requirements is a competitive aspect. Thus in selecting proposals to fund in ad-
dition to being worthy of being funded, the decision maker is faced with his or
her budgetary constraints and as such wants to select the "best" of those worthy
of being funded. The condition implies a desire to have some ordering on the
proposals. A third consideration is that the program director has some overall
programmatic agenda regarding the kinds of proposals he or she wants to fund.
This agenda refers to things like the direction he/she wants the program to take,
the mix of different classes of topics he/she wants to fund, the issues he/she con-
siders important, and so forth. The possession of such an agenda can be seen as
one of the expert qualities that a program officer brings to the job. A fourth con-
sideration is that the program officer has to justify his/her selection in some rea-
sonable manner. Among the most notable characteristics of reasonableness is
some consideration of fairness in the selection process.
In this environment, the function of the advisory panel of experts is to provide
information to help in this decision. The following procedure has been used to
accomplish this, Each panelist reads each proposal and is asked to fill out a form
(questionnaire) regarding each proposal. The form consists of questions relating
to that proposal, This questions are essentially the criteria by which we want to
judge the proposals. Was it technically sound? How competent is the investigator?
Is the project accomplishable? For our purposes, we shall assume there are seven
questions of this type. Each question requires a two-part answer. The first part
consists of a numeric score and the second part consists of a textual portion. The
purpose of the textual portion is twofold. The first is to help amplify and clarify
the numeric score; the second is to provide feedback to the proposer. Each ques-
tion has a different numeric score associated with it. Thus, for example, the first
question might be worth 20 points, which indicates the maximum attainable value.
The better the proposal satisfies this condition the closer to 20 they should get.
The value associated with each item is an indication of the importance associated
with that item. The total for the seven questions summed to 100. These forms are
then used by the decision maker to select the proposals to be funded. Given the
complicated criteria used in the selection process, no particular procedure can or
should be stipulated for making these choices based on the information. The pro-
cedure described above is a very reasonable and well-considered way of making

such decisions. One thing that becomes obvious is the central role that the nu-
meric scores play in this process. At the very least (and very best) they help make
the broad distinction between those proposals that are very bad and those that are
very good. They also help provide some ordering among the proposals. Most ra-
tional people would agree that given the highly subjective (and obviously nonre-
peatable) process used by the experts in providing these numeric scores the de-
cision maker shouldn't follow the numeric ratings too exactly; they should be
used as a guide tempered at the very least by the textual material. On the other
hand, spurned suitors for funding are rarely rational. In particular the process of
fairness would appear to be denied if someone with a lower total score was funded
and they were not. This situation can be seen to be a tyranny of numbers. We are
sometimes encouraged to follow numeric ratings more precisely than they merit.
In the following section, we shall suggest an alternative scoring system that pro-
vides at least some degree of respite from this tyranny. This system will allow for
some ordering without the artificial precision of numbers. It will essentially group
the proposals into categories based upon a linguistic scoring. The decision maker
can then use the textual material as welt as a more detailed study of the scores to
make his or her selection.

3. A non-numeric technique for rating proposals

As was discussed for each proposal, each expert is given a questionnaire. We shall
assume each questionnaire consists of n questions. As noted in the previous sec-
tion, each question is a manifestation of a criterion of concern in evaluating a
proposal, Each question--How good is this proposal on this criteria?--will be
given an answer from the following scale S:

Perfect (P) 5;7

Very High (VH) &
High (H) $5
Medium (M) $4
Low $3
Very Low S~
None S~

The use of such a scale provides, of course, a natural ordering, S; > S~ ff i > j.
Of primary significance is that the use of such a scale doesn't impose undue bur-
den on the evaluator in that it doesn't impose the meaningless precision of num-
bers. The scale is essentially a linear ordering and just implies that one score is
better then another. However, the use of linguistic terms associated with these
scores makes it easier for the evaluator to manipulate. The use of such a linguistic
scale also implicitly implies some concept of being satisfactory or not. The use of

such a seven-point scale appears also to be in line with Miller's (1969) observation
that human beings can reasonably manage to keep in mind seven or so items.
Implicit in this scale are two operators, the maximum and minimum of any two

Max(S~,Sj) = S~ if S~ >_ Sj
Min(Se,S~) = S~ if Sj -< S~.

We shall denote the max by V and the min by A.

Thus for any arbitrary proposal P~ each expert will provide a collection of n

[P~k(q,),P~k(q2), . . 9 Pik(q.)]

where Pik(q~) is the rating of the ith proposal on the jth criteria by the kth expert,
Each Pi~(q~) is an element in the set S of allowable scores.
Assuming n = 6, a typical scoring for proposal from one expert would be:

PJk: (high, medium, low, perfect, very high, perfect).

Independent of this evaluation procedure by the experts, the decision maker,

the program director, must assign a measure of importance to each of the items.
This information may or may not be available to the evaluators, it is not required
by the evatuator. These values generalize the idea of having different allowable
maximum scores for each criterion used in the current process.
The decision maker uses the same scale to provide the importance associated
with the criterion. It should be noted that there is no overall requirement on the
allocation of importances. J We shall use I(q;) to indicate the importance associ-
ated with the criterion. A possible realization for importances could be

I(q~) = P
l(qz) = VH
l(q3) = VH
I(q,) = M
l(qs) = L
I(q6) = L.

The next step in the process is to find the overall valuation for a proposal by a
given expert.
In order to accomplish this overall evaluation, we use a methodology suggested
by Yager (1981). This approach was recently discussed by Caudell (1990).
A crucial aspect of this approach is the taking of the negation of the impor-
tances. In Yager (1981), we introduced a technique for taking the negation on a

linear scale of the type we have used. In particular, it was suggested that ff we
have a scale o f q items of the kind we are using, then

Neg(S~) = Sq_ i + 1.

We note that this operation satisfies the desirable properties o f such a negation
as discussed by Dubois and Prade (1985).

I. Closure
For any s ~ S, Neg(s) e S
2. Order reversal
For Si > Ss, Neg(S;) <- Neg(Ss)
3. Involution
Neg(Neg(Si)) = S; for all i.

For the scale we are using, we see that the negation operation provides the

Neg(P) = N (Neg(S7) = SO
Neg(VH) = VL (Neg(St) = Sz)
Neg(H) = L (Neg(Ss) = $3)
Neg(M) = m (Neg(S4) = $4)
Neg(L) = H (Neg(S3) = $5)
Neg(VL) = 1/// (Neg(Sz) = $6)
Neg(N) = P (Neg(S0 = $7).

The methodology suggested by Yager (1981) that can be used to find the unit
score of each proposal by each expert, which we shall denote as P~k, is as follows:

P~k = Min~ [Neg(t(qj) k/P~k(q~)]- (1)

In the above V indicates the max operation. We first note that this formulation
can be implemented on elements drawn from a linear scale as it only involves
max, min, and negation.
Let us look at the operation suggested in equation (1). First we note that the
min operation selects the smallest of its arguments; generally, unless all arguments
are high, high values on the scale don't effect the min operation. This is a result
of the property that Min (ST,Si) = S~ for any i. Consider a criterion that has little
importance; it will get an importance rating Sk that is low on the scale. When we
take the negation of this score we get something high. When we take the max
o f the criteria importance with the satisfaction value to the criteria we still get
a high score. Thus we see that low-importance criteria have little effect on the overall

Example. We shall use the following evaluations to provide an example.

Criteria: CI C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
Importance: P VH VII M L L
Score: H M L P VII P.

In this case,

P;k = Min [Neg(P) L / H , Neg(VH) L/M, Neg(VH) k / L , Neg(M) L / P ,

Neg(L) V VH, Neg(L) V P]
P;k = Min IN V H, VL V M, VL V L, M V P, H V VII, H V P]
P~k = Min [H, M, L, P, VH, P]
P~k = L.

The essential reason for the low performance of this object is that it performed
low on the third criterion which has a very high importance. We note that if we
change the importance of the third criterion to low, then the proposal would eval-
uate to medium.
The formulation of equation (1) can be seen as a generalization of a weighted
averaging. Linguistically, this formulation is saying that ifa criterion is important,
then a proposal to be fundable should score well on it. This idea is in the same
spirit as that suggested by Roy in his outranking technique (1972, 1973).
Essentially this methodology starts off by assuming that each project has a per-
fect score and then reduces its evaluation by its scoring on each criterion. How-
ever, for each criterion the amount of this reduction is limited by the importance
of the criterion. This limitation is manifested by the fact that we use the negation
of the criteria importance.
In Arrow (1951), Luce and Raiffa (1967), and Yager (1980), a number of prop-
erties required of a multi-criteria decision function are discussed. Among this
properties are Pareto optimality, independence to irrelevant alternatives, positive
association of individual scores with overall score, nondictatorship, and symme-
try. It can be shown (Yager 1980, 1981) that the formulation suggested for the
aggregation of multi-criteria satisfies these conditions. A more detailed discussion
of this methodology can be found in Yager (1981).
An essential feature of this approach is that we have obtained a reasonable unit
evaluation of each proposal by each expert using an easily manageable linguistic
scale. We had no need to use numeric values and force undue precision on the
We note that in formulating the individual experts evaluation of an alternative
we are implicitly assuming a desire to satisfy all criteria that are important. More
formally we are requiring that for all criteria if the criterion is important, then it
has a good score.
The term Neg(I(qj) V P(qj)), which we shall denote as T(q~), indicates a value
for a given criteria to the statement if the criterion is important, then it has a good

score. Our requirement that we desire all criteria, universal quantifier, to satisfy
this imperative means that the connection between the individual T(qj) is an "and-
ing." It is well established in the literature (Dubois and Prade 1975) that the only
way to implement an anding with the kind of ordinal scale we are using is with a
rain operator. One characteristic of this all/and/min type of aggregation is that the
least score plays the central role in determining the combined score. In addition,
implicit in this desire to attain universal satisfaction is that no tradeoffs are al-
lowed; any number of good scores can't make up for a bad score. This desire for-
universal satisfaction means that one unhappy criterion can bring down the over-
all rating. This leads in some cases to what on the surface appears to be anti-
intuitive results. The problem is not with the min operation used but with the
imposition of the desire for universal satisfaction. A decision maker which is un-
happy with this conclusion must provide a softer aggregation imperative than re-
quiring that all criteria be satisfied.

4. Combining experts' opinions

As a result of the previous section, we have for each proposal, assuming there are
r experts, a collection of evaluations P;~, P,z . . . . Pi~ where P;k is the unit evalua-
tion of the ith proposal by the kth expert. If r is small, the decision maker may be
able to manage these values to make some overall decision. In this section, we
shall provide a technique for combining the expert's evaluation to obtain an over-
all evaluation for each proposal, which we shall denote as P;. We are implicitly
assuming that each of the experts has the same importance. Differing importances
can be, to some extent factored in when the textual material is included. We note
that, in the case of using numeric values, this operation usually corresponds to
taking an average. The technique we use is based on the ordered weighted aver-
aging (OWA) operators introduced by Yager (1988) and extended to the linear
environment in Yager (1992).
The first step in this process is for the decision maker (program director) to
provide an aggregation function which we shall denote as Q. This function can be
seen as a generalization of the idea of how many experts he or she feels need to
agree on a project for it to be acceptable. In particular for each number i, where
i runs from 1 to r, the decision maker must provide a value Q(i) indicating how
satisfied he/she would be in selecting a proposal with which i of the experts were
satisfied. The values for Q(i) should be drawn from the scale S = {Sj, $2. . . . S,,}
described above.
It should be noted that the selection of Q(i) is purely a subjective choice of the
decision maker reflecting the way he/she wants to make his/her decision. How-
ever, the function Q should have certain characteristics to make it rational:
1. As more experts agree, the decision maker's satisfaction or confidence
should increase:

Q(i) >_ Q(j) i > j.


2. If all the experts are satisfied, then his/her satisfaction should be the highest

Q(r) = perfect,

3. If no experts are satisfied then the satisfaction to Q should be lowest

Q(o) = none

A n u m b e r o f special forms for Q are worth noting (Yager 1992):

1. I f the decision maker requires all experts to support a proposal

Q(i) = none for i < r

Q(r) = p e r f e c t .

2. I f the support o f just one expert is enough to make a proposal worthy o f

consideration, then

Q(i) = perfect for all i.

3, If at least m experts' support is needed for consideration, then

Q(i) = none i < m

Q(i) = perfect i ~ m,

We note that although these examples only use the two extreme values of the
scale S, this is not at all necessary or preferred.
In the following we shall suggest a manifestation of Q that can be said to emu-
late the usual arithmetic averaging function. In Yager (1992) we provide a formal
justification of this relationship. In order to define this function, we introduce the
operation Int [a] as returning the integer value that is closest to the n u m b e r a. In
the following we let q be the n u m b e r o f points on the scale (the cardinatity o f S)
and r be the n u m b e r o f experts participating. This function which emulates the
average is denoted as QA and is defined for all i = 0, 1 , . . . r as

Qa(k) = S0(k)


b(k) b~t [l + (k * q - 1)]


W e n o t e t h a t w h a t e v e r t h e v a l u e s o f q a n d r, it is a l w a y s t h e c a s e t h a t

QA(O) = S1
Q a ( r ) = Sq.

A s an e x a m p l e o f this f u n c t i o n , if r = 3 a n d q = 7, t h e n

b ( k ) = I n t [1 + (k * ~)] = I n t [1 + 2k]


QA(O) = S 1
QA(1) = S 3
QA(2) ----- S 5
QA(3) = 87,

Ifr = 4andq = 7, t h e n

b ( k ) = I n t [1 + k * 1.5]


QA(O) = S I
QA(1) = 83
QA(2) = S4
Oz(3) = S6
QA(4) = S 7.

In t h e c a s e w h e r e r = 10 a n d q = 7, t h e n

b ( k ) = I n t [1 + k * 6 ] ;


QA(O) = S I
QA(1) = $2
Qa(2) = $2
QA(3) = $3
QA(4) = $3
QA(5) = S4
QA(6) = S5

QA(7) = $5
QA(8) = 5 6
QA(9) = $6
QA(IO) = ST.

Having appropriately selected Q, we are now in the position to use the ordered
weighted averaging (OWA) method (Yager 1988, 1992), for aggregating the expert
opinions. Assume that we have r experts, each of which has a unit evaluation for
the ith project denoted Pik. The first step in the OWA procedure is to order the
Pi, s in descending order; thus we shall denote Bj as the jth highest score among
the experts' unit scores for the project. To find the overall evaluation for the ith
project, denoted Pi, we calculate

P, = Maxj=, . . . . . [Q(~ A Bj].

In order to appreciate the workings of this formulation we must realize that Bj

can be seen as the worst of the j top scores. Furthermore Q(j) can be seen as an
indication of how important the decision maker feels that the support of at least j
experts is. The term Qfj)/~ Bj can be seen as a weighting of an object's j best
scores, Bj, and the decision maker's requirement t h a t j people support the project,
Q(j). The max operation plays a role akin to the summation in the usual numeric
averaging procedure. More details on this technique can be found in Yager (1988,
E x a m p l e . Assume we have four experts each providing a unit evaluation for proj-
ect i obtained by the methodology discussed in the previous section.

eil ~ M
P,: = H
Pi3 = L

Reordering these scores we get

B 1 = VH
B2 = H
B3 = M
B 4 = L.

Furthermore, we shall assume that our decision maker chooses as his or her
aggregation function the average like function, Qa. Then with r = 4 and scale
cardinality q = 7, we obtain

Qa(l) = L ($3)
Qa(2) = M ($4)
Qa(3) = VH ($6)
Qa(4) = P ($7),

We calculate the overall evaluation as


Pi = Max [L, M, M, L]
Pi= M.

Thus the overall evaluation of this proposal is medium.

Using the methodology suggested thus far we obtain for each proposal an over-
all rating Pi- These ratings allow us to obtain a comparative evaluation of all the
projects without resorting to a numeric scale. The decision maker is now in the
position to make a selection of projects to be supported. This decision should
combine these comparative linguistic overall ratings with the textual material pro-
vided. The process used to make this final decision is not subject to a stringent
objective procedure but allows for the introduction of implicit subjective criteria,
such as program agenda, held by the decision maker.
One possible way to implement this final decision is to divide the projects into
categories based upon the subject matter and then use the ratings to select the
best in each category.
The textual material provided should be used to provide a further distinction
among the projects.

5. Conclusion

We have described a methodology to be used in the evaluation of objects which

is based upon a non-numeric linguistic scale. The process allows for the multi-
criteria evaluation of each object by experts and then an aggregation of these
individual experts to obtain an overall object evaluation. This methodology has
been suggested as an approach to project funding evaluation where textual mate-
rial can be used to supplement the selection process. A number of other tech-
niques have been suggested for the problem project funding evaluation (Roy and
Bertier 1972; Roy 1973); a future direction of our research is to compare these


t. Froma pragmatic point of view we suggest that those most important be given the rating P.


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