PE and Health 12

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PE and Health 12

• It is an outdoor activity which consists of walking

in natural environment, often on hiking trails.
• It is such a popular activity that there are
numerous hiking organizations worldwide.
• It refers to cross country walking of a longer
duration than a simple walk and usually over
terrain where hiking boots required.
• Day Hike – a hike that can be completed in a single
• Backpacking – a hike that requires an overnight camp.
• Bushwhacking – specifically refers to difficult walking
through dense forest, undergrowth or bushes,
sometimes vegetation is so dense that a human
passage is impeded.
• Trekking – multi day hiking in mountainous regions.
10 Benefits of Hiking
• Hiking is an excellent way to get outdoors
and get some exercise. Hiking offers a
wealth of overall health benefits and may
help prolong your life. Moderate-intensity
aerobic exercise, including hiking at your
own level, is safe for most people,
according to the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.
• Take a hike to help keep your
cardiovascular system in tip-top shape.
Regular exercise, such as hiking, helps
elevate your high-density lipoprotein
levels and lower your triglyceride levels.
This reduces your risk of heart disease,
high blood pressure and stroke.
• Regular hiking helps you to control, or
even prevent, diabetes by lowering your
blood sugar levels. Hiking gives your
muscles a workout, which moves glucose
from your bloodstream for energy. Talk to
your doctor first because you may need
your diabetes medications adjusted when
hiking regularly.
• Aerobic activities such as hiking bring
extra oxygen and fuel to your muscles,
organs and other body tissues. This extra
oxygen and fuel provides a boost that
strengthens your muscles and lungs, while
increasing your endurance, alertness and
energy level.
• Keep your weight under control with a regular
hiking regimen. Hiking burns calories; Diabetic
Lifestyle states at a slow pace of 2 miles per
hour, a 150-pound person burns approximately
240 calories per hour. Start slowly and work up
to 30 minutes to 60 minutes daily.
• Fight osteoporosis and arthritis by taking hikes.
Regular hiking helps develop strong bones and
slow bone loss. If you have arthritis, the CDC
says 150 minutes of hiking per week keeps your
joints flexible and helps stave off the joint
stiffness associated with osteoarthritis.
• Hiking helps decrease your chances of
developing some cancers. There is a lower
risk of breast cancer and colon cancer
associated with regular physical exercise,
and it may also decrease your risk of lung
cancer and endometrial cancer.
• A hike through a beautiful wooded area
can calm your nerves and lift your spirits.
Take a scenic hike to relieve stress and
forget your worries for a while. Hiking with
a group provides an excellent opportunity
to socialize and exchange ideas with
• If you have trouble sleeping, you may find
you sleep better after taking an
invigorating hike. Hike regularly to reduce
insomnia, get to sleep faster and enjoy a
more refreshing sleep.
• Vitamin D is an essential nutrient needed
to keep your muscles and bones strong.
Although vitamin D is available in many
fortified foods, the best source is the sun.
A mere 10 minutes of direct sunshine daily
are all you need to maintain your vitamin
D levels, so get out there and take a hike
for better health.
Reasons why you should
• Whether you live in the suburbs or the city, nothing
beats the indescribable feeling when breathing in
crisp, fresh mountain air. It’s so clean and refreshing,
just like sipping on ice-cold water on a hot sunny day.
With the rate of pollution rising and exhaust in the air,
those chemicals inhaled can be carcinogenic and
dangerous for your health. By taking the time to go on
a hike and soak in the fresh air Mother Nature has to
offer will be refreshing and also good for your overall
• Lets face it, the outdoors are extremely
beautiful in a variety of unique, special ways;
trees, lakes, mountains, waterfalls, rivers, peaks,
you name it. You can hike to almost any
destination as long as you are prepared with
the right gear and proper resources. Though the
“hike” may be grueling and maybe even
painful at first, the views are always worth it!
• Spending time outdoors gives you a sense of peace
and contentment while allowing you to step away from
your day-to-day life. In today’s world, we are often
bombarded by busy schedules, technology, social
class, traffic and so much more. Hiking, and especially
camping, gives you the chance to let it all go, and live
in the moment. You get a small window of time to
ponder on what is most important to you in your life
and think about making some of the most crucial
decisions that are placed in front of you.
• Spending time in the sunshine is not only going
to help get you a golden tan, but will also
provide you with an adequate amount of
Vitamin D necessary for good health. Vitamin D
promotes happiness, regulates cell growth,
plays an important roll in immunity and helps
deposit minerals in bones and teeth. Soaking up
the sunshine is overall beneficial in a variety or
ways and will make you a happier person!
• Hiking offers a sense of competition without
competing with anyone else, only yourself. It’s
not a meant to be a race with the person hiking
next to you, but rather an interpersonal
challenge set to your own capabilities. It may
not be a physical challenge for some, but also a
mental, and spiritual challenge. Hiking allows
you to learn more about yourself and grow into
a better person because of it, try it, you’ll see.
• You’ll be impressed what you find you are
capable of and the places you will see. You’ll
gain a sense of deeper value for yourself, for
Mother Nature, and become a more confident
person. That’s what Ten Tree is all about. You
will learn to live in the moment, and gain a
deeper appreciation for the planet we all call
• Hiking offers a different kind of high.
Hiking offers a surreal sense of
accomplishment and an adrenaline rush. It
increases your dopamine and serotonin
levels (happy hormones) in a healthy way.
Not only that, but there is no better
feeling that feeling like you are on top of
the world, literally.

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