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Table 3

for two
Speaking 1 . match the dishes with the picture.
Gulai Fatin Sate Rusa Ikan Asap Mie Sagu Laksamana Mengamuk Ice

2. work in pairs find out what your partner’s favourite meal is and
what soft of food he/ she never eats.

Vocabulary 3. put these words in the coorect groups. Use a dictionary to helf you.
Chicken beef fatinfish banana mango lettuce
Chili coconut goldfish parrotfish lamb

fish meat vegetables fruit

Now add more words to each list.

4. match these words with the pictures. Use a dictionary to help you.

Fry stuff roast boil grill bake

Reading 5 Look at the two menus. Where do you think they come from?
a) a warteg
b) business-class flight
c) a bakso store
d) a padang’s meal restaurant
1 2

Vocabulary Describing food

6. Match the verbs with the phrases. Use a dictionary to help you.
1. made with a) cook in an oven without using oil
or fat
2. range of b) list of ingredients in a dish
3. stuff with c) accompanies a main dish
4. roast d) fill with something
5. bake e) cook in oil or fat in an oven or
over a fire
6. served with f) number of similar things

7. Match the dishes with the ingredients.

1. Kue bangkit is made from a) Durian and sugar
2. Lempuk durian is made from b) the essence of pandan
3. Ikan selas asap usually c) dry pastry from tapioca
served with flour, eggs,sugar, and coconut
4. Mie sagu is made from d) chili pepper paste
5. Bolu kemojo flavor is from e) sago flour
8. Look at the menus again.what would you order to eat in each place?

Language Focus Countable and Uncoutable nouns

Look at the examples and underline the correct options below.
I'd like a portion of mie sagu. Please.
Would you like an egg with that?
• Countable nouns have a singular or plural form. You can / cannot count them.
• Uncountable nouns only have a singular form. You can / cannot count them.
• You can / cannot use a or an before an uncountable noun.
 For more information turn to page 126.

9 Put these words in the correct groups. Use a dictionary to help you.

Chocolate broccolili potato ricecoffejuicecatfish cincalok

milksugarsaltprawn fruitchickendodol kedongdong lettuce
gulai fatinmie lendirkeripik nanasmealfoodtomato curry

countable both uncoutable

broccoli chocolate rice

Pronunciation Word stress

10 Now listen to the words and put them in the correct groups below according
to their stress pattern.

▪ ▪▪ ▪ ▪▪ ▪
▪ ▪
rice coffe broccoli potato

Language focus Some and any

Look at the examples and complete the information below with some or
any. She made some sandwich He never eats any vegetables.
Can I have some juice? There isn't any bread
Would you like some fruit? Did you buy any milk?

• We use some in positive sentences and with offers and requests.

• We use.. . .in negative sentences and questions.
• We use both ...and....with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
practice 11 Complete the sentences with a / an, some or any.

1. Would you like some more bajigur, sir?

2. She doesn't of wedang
3. Could I have.......salt, please?
4. Are there.....tables free?
5. We've juice but we haven't got.........avocado juice.
6. She doesn't like....kind of cheese
7. Could I have.....clean knife,please?
8. Can I have .....fried egg and........fried rice for breakfast?

Vocabulary Recording vocabulary

12 Work in pairs. Look at the following tips for recording vocabulary.

Which do you think are the most useful?

1. Buy a good dictionary, such as the Longman

WordWise Dictionary, that shows the
pronunciation and the part of speech (noun,
verb, adjective, adverb).
2. Always remember to write down useful words.
Use small cards, lists, and diagrams to help
3. Write down the part of speech and check the
pronunciation, including the word stress
pattern, of any new words in your dictionary.
4. Draw a picture, write a definition or an
example sentence to heip you remember it.
5. It's a good idea to revise new words late at
night or first thing in the morning - use your
cards, lists and diagrams to help you.

13 Here is information of a traditional dish served in Pekanbaru

Asidah Cookies is one of special food from pekan baru.

It’s smooth texture and the sweet tasted made from
spicies like cinnamons, pkamun dan cloves. Its shapes
can be made as you desire. And the unique part this
cookies is eaten with fried onion.
14 Think of a traditional dish served in your town. Write a list of
ingredients and say how it is served

Language focus Much, many, a lot (of)

Look at the sentences and complete the information with much, many or a lot (of).
She doesn't eat much fruit. How many asidah cookie did you make?
How much coffee do you drink a day? You've made a lot of asidah cookies.
i didn't eat many cakes at the party. He always puts a lot of salt on his food
• We use much in questions and negative sentences with uncountable nouns.
• We use in questions and negative sentences with countable nouns.
• We use in positive sentences with both countable and uncountable nouns.
- For more information turn to page 126

Practice 15 Complete the dialogue with much, many or a lot (of).

Desi : l'll try laksamana mengamuk ice and cencaluk - it's a speciality of the
Mala : The menu says it's mashed shrimp covered in chilies and onion!
Desi : That's right. They use many chilies in pekan baru cooking.
Mala : I'l have something else. I don't eat seafood these days and there
aren’t meat dishes here.
Desi : yes, but they eat fish in pekan baru. Why don't you
have some mie sagu?
Mala : how mie sagu do I get?
Desi : If you don't want to eat, why not start with one portion?
Mala : You're right! I want to have a dessert too. I see there are
exotic fruits like watermelons and papaya to choose from.
Listening 16 Listen to three conversations in a restaurant. What are the
guests complaining about in each situation?

17 Listen again. Are these statements true or false? Correct any

false statements.

1. The first guest thinks there is a mistake on the bill.

2. The first guest had two bottles of water.
3. The cashier made a mistake.
4. Some of the group of twelve are late.
5. The waiter has served the drinks to the group.
6. The third guest complains the food is too cold.
7. The waiter returns with an overdone smoked fish.
Professional practice Dealing with complaints
The following phrases are useful when dealing with complaints
• apologise
I'm very sorry, sir /madam.
• give a reason for the problem
I thought you ordered two bottles of water.
There's been a mistake
*promise to take action (I’II...)
I’ll deal with it right away.

Vocabulary Complaining about food

18 Match the complaints with the pictures.

a) It's too hot. d) The service is too slow

b) It's too cold e) It's too expensive

c) They are overdone

Language focus Complaining about food

The following phrases are useful when complaining about food.

too + adjective It's too hot.
not + adjective + enough This water isn't cold enough.
there + be not + enough + noun There isn't enough ice.
over / under + past participle This smoked fish is under cooked.

speaking 19 Work in pairs. Student A, you are a guest at the Metropolis

restaurant. Student B, you are a waiter. Look at the pictures again and
role-play the conversations. Use some of these phrases.

I'm very sorry, sir / madam There's been a mistake.

I'll check the bill I'll deal with it right away.

I'll bring another one straightaway.I'll ask the chef to heat it up

We'll deduct it from the bil. I'll be with you in a minute.

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