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CONSENT ACTIONS OF TH E DIRECTOR or LOVINDALE ESTATES CORP. THE UNDERSIGNED, being the sole member of the Board of (directors of LOVINDALE, ESTATES CORP, (“the Company”), a Company formerly orpanised as an [ntemational Business Company under the laws of the British Virgin Islands and iulomatically re-registered as a Business Company under the laws of the British Virgin Islands on January 1, 2007, hereby consents to the adoption of the following resolutions taken without! # meeting, this instrument to have the same force and effect as if tho actions herein referred w hed been taken at a timely called and duly held meeting of the Board of Directors of the Company and directs that this written consent to such actions be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Boar! of Directors of the Company: Tr {8 HERRRVY RESOLVED, to appoint David Lawrence Stone, Jonathan Gerson Stone an as dditional Dircelors of the Company with imimediste effec auto wyot Weanchs —...2013. ‘This Consent shall be effestive QQ pillow. To: Trident Trust Company (B.V.1.) Limited Trident Chambers P.O. Box 146 Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands do hereby consent to my appointment as additional Director of ‘Lovingdale Estates Corp. The Dated theZ day of March, 2013, LO By: To: Trident Trust Company (B.¥.1) Limited ‘Tildent Chambers P.O. Box 146 Rond Town, Tortola Betis Virgin Intends I, David Lewrenes Stone, do hereby cansent to my appointment as additional Director of ‘Lovingdale Ktntes Corp. Dated the _day of February, 2013, By: David ZAvecoe) Sone Bioar Tes LOMINDALE ESTATES coer Tridese Chambery P.O: Box 145 wiaasow Cay Rad Peters Terabe Teak. Winge Ialgedie 1 Bonnhom Ener toe, de hewhy comand ony Hipoleinelt eS roi JOVINUALE ESTATE CORE, Dated 03 tt ARPBIL.. mn

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