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● According to Eliopoulos (2017), families forget their older relatives. ● Therefore, gerontology is the study of aging and or the age, this
Most people become senile in old age. Social security provides includes the biopsychosocial of aging, while geriatrics related to the
every older person with a decent retirement income. Majority of medical care of the aged.
older people reside in nursing homes. Medicare covers all health-
care related costs for older people. These and other myths continue GERONTOLOGY
to be perpetuated about older people. Misinformation about the SUBFIELDS OF GERONTOLOGY
older population is an injustice not only to this age group but also to 1. Geriatrics
persons of all ages who need accurate information to prepare 2. Social gerontology
realistically for their own senior years. Gerontologic nurses must 3. Geropsychology
know the facts about the older population to effectively deliver 4. Geropharmacology
services and educate the general public. 5. Gerontological nursing
6. Gerontological rehabilitation nursing
● “The end of life deserves as much beauty, care, and respect as the ● It is a disciple of nursing and scope of nursing practice which
beginning.” involves nurses advocating for the health of the older adults at all
● The beauty of care means applying then principles of nursing not levels of prevention.
only as a science, but also as an art. Sister Simone Roach ● A nurse who has specialization in geriatrics or in the care of old
recommended that nursing as an art must compose of the 6 C’s: people is called a geriatric nurse or gerontological nurse.
compassion, competence, confidence, commitment, ● A gerontological nurse work with healthy elderly persons in their
conscience, and comportment. communities, acutely ill elders requiring hospitalization and
● End-of life is when an older adult faces a situation that require an treatment, and chronically ill or disabled elders in long term facilities,
immense amount of tender and focused care to treat their chronic skilled care, home care, and hospice. The scope is from the time of
illness which is incurable and or an advanced stage. old age until death.
● The nursing care provided to the patients from admission until the ● Geriatric care is related to the disease process of old age and it
critical moment should ensure that such patients are given proper aims at keeping old persons at a state of self-dependence as far as
care with due cooperation of the families and provide comfort and possible and to provide facilities to improve their quality of life.
● End of life care can either be palliative or hospice care. PERSPECTIVE ON AGING
● Allow the patients to feel that they will die with dignity and honor. ● Aging is the time-related deterioration of the physiological functions
necessary for survival and fertility.
INTRODUCTION ● It is a normal process of time related change which begins with birth
● A man’s life is normally divided into five main stages and these are: and is continuous through-out life.
1. Infancy ● Progeria (Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome) is a very rare genetic
2. Childhood disease that causes children to age rapidly. Children with progeria
3. Adolescence appear to be healthy at birth but usually start to show signs of rapid
4. Adulthood aging in the first two years of their life.
5. Old age ● Aging is the process of growing old or developing appearance and
● The old age is not without problems. characteristics of old age. It expresses the continuous pressure and
● With increasing age, we become old. Birth, development, decline effect of time on our body, senses, and skin.
and death are the laws of life.
● Aging is not merely the passage of time. CLASSIFICATIONS OF AGING
● It is important to recognize that people age differently. 1. Objectively, ageing is a universal process that begins at birth and
● As a general rule, slight or gradual changes are common and most is specified by the chronological age criterion.
of these are not problems to the person who experiences them. 2. Subjectively, aging is marked by changes in behavior and self-
Sudden or drastic changes may indicate serious health problems. perception and reaction to biological changes.
3. Functionally, aging refers to the capabilities of the individual to
DEFINITION OF TERMS function in society.
● Scientific and medical disciplines, respectively, concerned with all (1) CHRONOLOGIC AGING
aspects of health and disease in the elderly and with the normal ● Chronological age refers to the actual amount of time a person has
aging process been alive. In other words, this refers to the number of days, months,
● Gerontology: Concerned primarily with the changes that occur or years a person has been alive.
between maturity and death and with the factors that influence these CATEGORIES AGE IN YEARS
changes. It addressed the social and economic effects of an aging Young Old 65-74
population and the physiological and psychological aspects of aging Middle Old 75-84
to learn about the aging process and possibly minimize disabilities. Old Old 85-100
● Geriatrics: Deals with the prevention and treatment of diseases Elite Old Over 100
once assumed to be inevitable in the elderly.
● Hence, both deal with aging but geriatrics focuses on the care of (2) BIOLOGIC AGING
aging people while gerontology is the actual study of the aging ● Senescence or biological ageing is the gradual deterioration of
process. function and characteristics. This aging is also known as
● A geriatrician or geriatric physician and gerontology nurse physiologic aging.
works to promote health in the older adults while preventing and ● Furthermore, biological aging refers to the physical changes that
treating diseases prone to them. “slow us down” as humans get into middle and older years.

● For example, arteries might clog up or problems with lungs might ● The American Nurses Association (ANA) established the division of
make it more difficult for us to breathe. geriatric nursing practice in 1966 with a goal to create standards for
quality nursing care for the aged.
(3) PSYCHOLOGIC AGING ● The standards and scope of gerontological nursing practice were
● Psychological aging refers to the psychological changes, including developed in 1969 by ANA.
those involving mental functioning and personality that occur as ● The term gerontological nursing replaced the term geriatric nursing
humans age. in the 1970s.
● Some people who are 65 can look and act much younger than some ● Geriatric nursing is bound to be part of our professional future.
who are 50. ● Older adults are the core business of health care representing the
● Psychological ageing may be seen as continuous struggle for majority visits, hospital admissions, and long-term care residents.
identity like the sense of coherence and meaning in thoughts,
feelings and actions. THE AGING (GRAYING) POPULATION
● Success depends on a lucky synchronization of changes through WORLD POPULATION AGING
life in different parts of the personal self. ● The global population aged 60 years or over numbered 962 million
in 2017, more than twice as large as in 1980 when there were 382
(4) SOCIAL AGING million older persons worldwide. The number of older persons is
● Social aging refers to changes in a person’s roles and expected to double again by 2050, when it is projected to reach
relationships, both within their networks of relatives and friends and nearly 2.1 billion.
in formal organizations such as the workplace and houses of ● In 2030, older persons are expected to outnumber children under
worship. age 10 (1.41 billion vs. 1.35 billion); In 2050, projections indicate
● Social aging differ from one individual to another. that there will be more older persons aged 60 or over than
● It is also profoundly influenced by perception of aging that is part of adolescents and youth at ages 10-24 (2.1 billion vs. 2.0 billion).
a social culture. ● The number of persons aged 80 years or over is projected to
increase more than threefold between 2017 and 2050, rising from
(5) COGNITIVE AGING 137 million-425 million.
● Cognitive aging is the decline in cognitive processing that occurs ● Two-thirds (2/3) of the world’s older persons live in the developing
as people get older. regions, where their numbers are growing faster than in the
● Age-related impairments in reasoning, memory and processing developed regions. In 2050, it is expected that nearly 8 in 10 of the
speed can arise during adulthood and progress into the elder years. world’s older persons will be living in the regions.
● The concept of cognitive aging, a term that describes a process of ● Each of the 201 countries or areas with at least 90,000 inhabitants
gradual longitudinal changes in cognitive functions that accompany in 2017 is projected to see an increase in the proportion of persons
the aging process. aged 60 or over between 2017 and 2050.


● Refers to any Filipino citizen who is a resident of the Philippines and ● The country consists of approximately 103 million inhabitants, with
who is sixty (60) years old and above. It may apply to senior citizens less than 5% of the population 65 years and older. (Central
with “dual citizenship” status provided they prove their Filipino Intelligence Agency, 2016)
citizenship and have at least six (6) months residency in the ● The age structure of the Philippines resembles many other
Philippines. developing countries. There is a great number of young Filipinos, in
comparison to older Filipinos.
OLDER ADULT ● Despite the larger number of young Filipinos, the 60 years and older
● Most developed world countries have accepted the chronological population is expected to increase by 4.2%, whereas the 80 years
age of 65 years as a definition of “elderly” or older person. and older is expected to increase by 0.4% from 2010-2030. (Help
● While this definition is somewhat arbitrary, it is many times Age Global Network, 2017)
associated with the age at which one can begin to receive pension ● In contrast, the 60 years and older population of the United States
benefits. will increase 5.4% from 2010 to 2030. (Help Age, 2015)
● At the moment, there is no United Nations standard numerical ● The Philippines’ population increased by over 35% over the last two
criterion, but the UN agreed cutoff is 60+ years to refer the older decades with the older adult population (60 years and older)
population. expected to overtake those aged 0-14 years old by 2065. (Help Age
Global Network, 2017)
ATTITUDES TOWARD AGING ● Currently, life expectancy of Filipinos is 57.4 years for males and
● Attitudes toward aging may be affected by observations of family 63.2 years for females. Females are projected to expect an increase
members, friends, neighbors, and your own experience with older of 4.0 years in life and males have an increase of 4.7 years in life by
adults. 2030.
● It may be also affected by media like newspaper, film industry,
commercials in magazines and on television. CATEGORIES OF WORLD OR POPULATION AGING
● Ageism: Negative attitude toward aging or older adults. 1. Young: <7% of population is aged 65 or older.
● Examine to: 2. Aging: 7-13% of population is aged 65 or older
a. Take a look at the myths and realities 3. Aged: 14-20% of population is aged 65 or older
b. Separate fact from fiction 4. Super Aged: >21% of population is aged 65 or older
c. Gain a value for the wisdom of lifetime that older adults have to
offer Examples by stage of aging:
● As nurses, we are encouraged to examine our own thoughts, Young: Philippines
values, feelings and attitudes about aging and the elderly. We also Aging: China (11.72% are 65+ as of 2019)
have to build on our positive attitude and consider devoting your Aged: Republic of Korea (15% are 65+ as of 2019)
time and efforts to the field of gerontological nursing. Super Aged: Japan (27.9% are 65+ as of 2019)
● If we have negative thought on aging, we need to reexamine our
feelings thru arming ourselves with the facts and some positive ● Population ageing – the inevitable increase in the share of older
experiences with older adults as it may just change our mind. persons.
● By mid-21st century, old people will outnumber young for the first
time in history.
● It is a field of nursing that specializes in the care of the elderly.
● Florence Nightingale and Doreen Norton provided early insights
into the care of the aged.

REASONS FOR THE INCREASE OF OLDER ADULTS ● “Enrichment that comes with relationships between grandparents
1. Increasing Life Expectancy and grandchildren; increase opportunity to pass on stories and
● Due to advancement in medical care, disease control and health knowledge to younger generations; and the younger generations
technology and implementation of preventative health services. having a sense of being able to give back to parents and
● Due to lower infant and child mortality rates grandparents, resulting in a greater connection between family
● Due to improved sanitation members.”
● Due to better living conditions
2. Financial Effect
1. DECLINE FERTILITY ● Caring for aging parents often means extra costs related to home
● Baby boom after WW2 (1946-1964) health care, medical expenses not covered by insurance and extra
● From 2.4-3.5 children per household insurance premiums for services such as long-term care.
● Older population will explode between 2010-2030 when baby ● You also may need to take off extra time from work.
boomers reach age 65 starting 2011 ● Some families explore options for financial support that can make
● The anticipated increase has been called both a demographic tidal family life more enjoyable, emphasizing that “there is no shame in
wave (silver or gray tsunami or wave) and a pig in a python utilizing what support is out there.”


IMPACT OF THE BABY BOOMERS (1946-1964) ● When you live with your aging parents or assume a high amount of
● Impact is referred as a demographic tidal wave daily care for them, you experience a change in your family roles.
● Gerontological nurses must consider the realities of the baby ● Thomas and Segur describes this as a “shift in family structure and
boomers hierarchy related to matriarch or patriarch no longer being in their
● They are informed consumers of health care and desire a highly role.” When this occurs, “someone new has to take their place.”
active role in their care ● This shift can cause guilt and stress, as family members work to find
● Their blended families may need special assistance due to potential a place in the new family dynamic, but it can also result in more open
caregiving demands communication among family members.
● Communication tips when interacting with baby boomers: ● The family structure shifts to being less hierarchical and more
1. It is important that you have to ask their preferred style of cooperative.
communication (email, telephone, or traditional) when doing
procedures such as assessment. 4. Structural Effect
● Provision of and Payment for Services: ● Prioritizing parent’s care can ease their pain and worry, but might
- The government has become the source of payment for many of impact your health.
the services older adults need. ● The time and effort of keeping up with parents’ care means you may
- Baby boomers have higher rates of hospitalization, surgery, and visit your doctors less, resulting in undiagnosed problems or
physician visits conditions getting worse.
- Less than 5% of older adults is in a nursing home, assisted living ● Caregiving for a parent with dementia can cause chronic stress and
community or other institutions illness.
- Society will face an increasing demand for the provision and ● Time pressure might result in caregivers and their children skipping
payment for services for these growing population exercise and eating more convenience foods which contribute to
- Therefore, gerontological nurses must be actively involved in poor fitness and weight gain.
discussions and decisions pertaining to the rationing of services so
that the rights of older adults are expressed and protected. Likewise, 5. Positive Effect
gerontological nurses must assume leadership in developing cost- ● “Our thoughts frame our emotional state.”
effective methods of care delivery that do not compromise the ● This in turn affects your family life, creating an environment of
quality of services to older adults. bitterness and resulting in more criticism and complaining.
- Gerontological nurses need to be advocates in ensuring that cost- ● However, some families have the opposite experience by creating
containment efforts do not jeopardize the welfare of older adults. a positive “wiring” in their brains to produce more potentially positive
INCREASING EFFECTS ON HEALTH CARE ● These people reflect on what makes them feel good for caring for
● There will be an increase of incidences of cancer, dementia and their aging parents.
heart disease ● They consider what moments in their days make them smile.
● Increased number of falls
● Increased incidences of diabetes and obesity
● Increase prevalence of disability
● Resource needs will continue to increase across all healthcare
● The incidence of obesity will continue to increase
● A shortage of health care professionals is expected
● The diversity of caregiver lags behind the growing diversity of
● Care will be focus on a single disease versus addressing
● The sustainability and structure of federal programs in relation to the
increasing aging population are a concern
● Adapting and adjusting to the universal health care (UHC)


1. Emotional Effect
● Common emotions: “Guilt for not being able to do more for parents;
anger for having to set your own needs or shift your priorities; and
fear and anxiety, including anticipatory grief and fear of financial
● Caring for children and aging parents at the same time can make
you feel as if you do not have the emotional strength and resources
for everyone.

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