Dokumen Serah Terima

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Today is Thursday the twenty-first of July in the year two thousand and twenty-two. We, the
undersigned :

1. Name :
2. Position :
3. Address :
4. ID Number :

Hereinafter referred to as the first party

1. Name :
2. Position :
3. Address :
4. ID Number :

Hereinafter referred to as the SECOND PARTY

The FIRST PARTY delivers the goods to the SECOND PARTY, and the SECOND PARTY
declares that it has received the goods from the FIRST PARTY in the form of the attached
No Goods Name Total

Thus the minutes of the handover of these goods were carried out by both parties, as for the
goods in good and sufficient condition, since the signing of this minutes. then the goods,
become the responsibility of the SECOND PARTY, to maintain / care properly and used for
purposes (where the goods are needed).

_________________________ ________________________
Who Receives : Who Submit,
The Second Party The First Party

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