PSY - Philosophy and Psychology

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Maria Arianna Corazon L.

1 - BS Biology YC

Psychology 1- Understanding the Self

Philosophy and Psychology

1. Fill out the following table with the required content. In your own words, how would the
concepts of the self from the 3 philosophers explain the creation of one of your signature

Signature Strength (choose one from your list) e.g.

Rene Descartes The concept of self by Rene Descartes implies the ‘self’ as a
thinking being and a being who doubts. This explains one of
my signature strengths which is under the virtue of wisdom,
love of learning. This strength is what drives me to pursue
knowledge and skills since we are capable of thinking itself.
Thus, having this desire to do and learn things.
David Hume David Hume’s concept of self suggests that the concept of
‘self’ is absurd and meaningless, but the source of this
knowledge and wisdom is being collected through direct
experience. This entails the creation of the love of learning of
mine. I am curious, and at the same time I want to deepen
my skills and knowledge, then I would have this urge to
experience it firsthand – whether I feel joy, happiness, pain,
or pleasure.
Immanuel Kant In the concept of self, Immanuel Kant infers that we
construct the ‘self’, which can be understood in two ways;
the Homo noumenon, which refers to the thinking and willing
self; and the Homo phenomenon, which is the tangible self.
This created my love of learning wherein I am thinking and
willing to comprehend and learn ideas, concepts, etc. and be
able to synthesize it into an intelligible experience.

2. Answer the following questions in 200 words.

2.1 Which philosophy of the self would best explain Leni Robredo’s ways of thinking about
herself? Why do you think so?
The concept of ‘self’ from Immanuel Kant is what I think best suits the way Leni
Robredo is thinking about herself. The general of Kant’s philosophy of self is that each one
of us constructs the ‘self’. We build and learn these pearls of wisdom and knowledge. To
gather, apply and synthesize into a profound whole, like threads that make up a piece of
fabric, our own kind of fabric. Collective experiences have made Leni Robredo who she is
right now. She elaborated on some of the highlights of her life that have slowly helped her
flourish. These events gave significance and preparation for her as the current vice
2.2 Who do you think has the most influence in Leni Robredo’s becoming a politician? Using
the theories in Sociology, defend your answer as a team.

Leni Robredo emphasized a lot of people in her life which she shared in the video,
including her parents, husband, daughters, and the people she worked with. I think that her
husband has the most influence on Leni in becoming a politician. She has seen and
developed herself through her interactions and relations with other people, most especially
her husband. She said, “I had to be there for the children, parang my husband left
responsibilities that I had to fulfill”, when her husband died which I believe signifies that
she tapped into her social self and self-concept which is supported by GH Mead’s concept
of sociology. This indicates the multiple roles she had to take as a person, and eventually
become a politician.

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