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My School Canteen

By: Ali Bin Ahmad

My School Canteen

Written by: Ali Bin Ahmad

Ideas – on school canteen


 School canteens serve students and members of the staff in schools, with light
refreshment in hygienic condition. The food should be cooked under strict supervision
and every effort should be made to ensure that students get the best food at the cheapest
 A school canteen is a place where meals are served to the people who work or study
there. It should provide an environment that supports healthy food practices among
school people consisting of students, teachers, and school civil servants/ workers as well
as canteen workers.
 A school canteen has many stalls offering a variety of foods. One can choose Malay,
Chinese, Indian or even Western food. The canteen operator and workers serve meals
during recess and the food is usually inexpensive.
- Give opinion/idea/suggestion
- Provide reasons
PARAGRAPH 2 - Give examples or evidence if relevant

What types of food would you like to be served?


 In my opinion, other types of food which are healthier can be served at the canteen. |
suggest that more vegetables and fresh fruits like bananas, oranges, or dry fruits should
also be sold, instead of junk food. Junk food or fast food such as burgers, fries,
doughnuts, cakes, cookies, chocolates and savouries are not good for our health. Junk
food contains harmful additives and colourings. Thus, school canteens should not stock
these types of food. Instead, canteen operators should be allowed only to sell rice,
noodles, pasta, bread, fresh salad and other vegetables as well as fruits and juices. The
link between eating nutritious food and performance in examinations has been well
established. Junk food only makes a student’s lethargic as they are deprived of essential
 In my opinion, the canteen does not sell junk food, this is because junk food contains
harmful additives and colourings. The canteen operators should serve only to sell rice,
noodles, pasta, bread, fresh salad and other raw vegetables as well as fruits and juices.
Meanwhile, vending machine selling soft drinks also should be stocked with health drinks
such as soybean milk, yoghurt drink, herbal teas and others.
- Give opinion/idea/suggestion
- Provide reasons
PARAGRAPH 3 - Give examples or evidence if relevant

What special facilities should your canteen have?


 The school canteen has many facilities, but the food is served in disposable containers
which contributes to more pollution. The plastic bags or polystyrene containers are non-
biodegradable which means they could remain on earth for hundreds of years,
contaminating the soil and sea. Therefore, these containers should be replaced with plastic
or steel trays that can be washed daily. In addition, the usage of plastic straws should be
banned, and students must be encouraged to bring their own spoon, fork as well as steel
straws. I also suggest putting different bins for students to put their leftover food. Waste
should not be discarded in general waste bin or down the drains. There should be three
bins; blue bin for recyclable waste. brown bin for garden waste, green or grey bin for non-
recyclable and food waste.
 The special facilities my canteen should have been more chairs and tables so that the
students need not stand near the smelly drains while having their food. The small area
could be a problem, therefore foldable tables and chairs might solve this problem. In
addition, proper lanes for queueing up during recess can also improve the service at the
canteen and prevent fights or arguments when someone cut the queues.
- Give opinion/idea/suggestion
- Provide reasons
PARAGRAPH 3 - Give examples or evidence if relevant

How can you improve your canteen?


 There are several ways to improve the school canteen. During the interval, there is a great
rush, but some boys do not behave themselves and the service becomes a problem. The
teachers should work out a better system for supervising pupils with the prefects on duty
to maintain good discipline amongst the students. Furthermore, the canteen operator
ought to prepare a duty roster of the workers who clean the canteen after school hours.
Weekly inspections should also be carried out by the canteen committee members and the
school management to maintain the cleanliness of the canteen, evaluate types of food
served and control the prices.
 To improve my school canteen, first, we need to improve the discipline of the students
during recess. They should be reminded to line-up properly and to put their leftover food,
spoons and forks in proper bins instead of throwing it on the floor or into the drains.
Moreover, the cleanliness of the canteen should be given more attention. The drains are
often clogged with waste and give off a stink. Therefore, workers should clean and mop
the place daily.
 There are several improvements that can be done at the canteen, Firstly, the food service
area, food display areas and equipment must always be clean and tidy. This will reassure
students and their parents that the canteen items are fresh and safe to eat. Next, a
welcoming environment can be created by keeping the area and furniture around the
canteen clean, tidy, and inviting. Classes or student groups can help decorate the canteen
area with art works, posters, and signs.
PARAGRAPH 4 - Sum up
- Restate opinion
Closing - Share feelings/hopes


 All in all, students stay in the school almost every day for five or six hours continuously,
with little break during the time. Hence, to have something better and healthy to fill their
hungry stomach in between is not a luxury but a necessity.
 To sum up, a school canteen is an essential part of the school. It is a great place to
promote an enjoyment of healthy eating. For students who use the canteen regularly, the
food purchased makes a significant contribution to their total food intake and nutrition.
Therefore, it makes sense to ensure the best food possible is available to enhance their
ability to learn and take in the information presented to them in class.
 To conclude, every school has a canteen, and it makes it easy for students to get food
from these canteens. It is great to have a clean canteen with good facilities and to get
good and tasty food, when we want.

My School Canteen

By: Robert Han

The school canteen serves students and members of the staff, with light refreshment in
hygienic condition. The food should be cooked under strict supervision. Every effort should
be made to ensure that students get the best food at the cheapest rate.

I suggest that more fresh fruits like bananas, oranges, and dry fruits should also be
sold, instead of junk food. Junk food or fast food such as burgers, fries, donuts, cakes,
cookies, chocolates, and savouries are not good for our health. Junk food contains harmful
additives and colourings. Thus, school canteens should not stock this food. Instead, canteen
operators should be allowed only to sell rice, noodles, pasta, bread, fresh salad, and other raw
vegetables as well as fruits and juices. The link between eating nutritious food and
performance in examinations has been well established. Junk food only makes a student
lethargic as he or she is deprived of essential vitamins.

Although the food is always fresh and clean, it is served in disposable containers
which contributes to more pollution. The plastic bags or polystyrene containers are non-
biodegradable which means they could remain on earth for hundreds of years, contaminating
the soil and sea. These containers should be replaced with trays that are washed daily. In
addition, the usage of plastic straws should be banned, and students must be encouraged to
bring their own spoon, fork as well as steel straws.

The school also should remove the vending machines which sell soft drinks. Soft
drinks are spiked with sugar and have no nutritional content. The main ingredients of these
carbonated drinks are water, sugar and colourings which are harmful to us over the long term.
excessive sugar consumption contributes to diabetes which is life threatening. those who
consume too much sugar too are at risk of becoming obese which can lead to medical
complications. Thus, schools should only allow the presence of vending machines that stock
health drinks such as soybean milk, yoghurt drink, herbal teas and others. The latter has low
sugar content but rich in protein and carbohydrate.
During the interval, there is a great rush, but some boys do not behave themselves and
the service becomes a problem. As a prefect, I should work out a better system for
supervising pupils with the other prefects on duty to maintain good discipline amongst the

Students stay in the school almost every day for five or six hours continuously, with
little break during the time. Hence to have something to fill their hungry stomach in between
is not a luxury but a necessity.

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